You come across an intricate maze of enchanted mirrors, each reflecting a different challenge. Your task is to navigate through the maze, countering each challenge with your cards to unveil the path to victory.
There are four enchanted mirrors on the battlefield. Each mirror has a unique ability and reflects a different challenge.
Your objective is to successfully counter the challenges and shatter the mirrors.
Mirror Challenges:
?Mirror of Flames ? This mirror reflects a wall of fire that engulfs the battlefield.
?Mirror of Illusions ? The mirror casts illusions that confuse your creatures.
?Mirror of Reflection ✨ The mirror reflects your own creatures against you.
?Mirror of Enchantment ? This mirror enchants your creatures with a mind-controlling aura.
Your Objective:
Analyze each mirror's challenge and come up with a strategic card submission for each one.
Create cards that directly counter the mirror's effects.
Once you believe you've solved the puzzle, submit your card solutions.
Puzzle Master Badge ? awarded to participants who presented the optimal solutions.
Additional favorites and 〽️ given for creative and effective puzzle-solving strategies.
@Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains: - Grog Gobbler ? Target pirate's targets are random this deadline and their mystery challenges become stranger. - A Mystery Challenge: Create a counter spell with a multikicker.
Mirage Malakai would ye care to try the Puzzle box - i heard from a noble pal that it serves the soul wonders that cannot be fathomed? Least I think that's what he said. Anyways you measly rat, here's yer scurvy dog pirate box full o' blunderous wonderous ... things:
A Mystery Challenge for a Scally Wag: Matey Macaw ? Choose any challenge from any in the same posts as your box for the remainder of the deadline.
A Grub-filled Tankard full of mediocre prizes for me lad: Create a card that references a Plane card from the Kamigawa plane.
Fer the record, I'm pretty positive that this here treasure chest comes straight from the filthy hands of Davy Jones himself. Ye best take yer time with it. Wouldn't want to upset the calm currents on these usually untreacherous seas.
My idea was that the enchantment aspect probably represented gaining control or using stuff like Control Magic or Mind Control to steal your stuff. Unwavering loyalty protects you from it all.
Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with a cyberpunk theme. Mystery Challenge: Create a mono-red Shapeshifter that's rare. Mystery Challenge: Create a rare blue noncreature spell with a dragon in the artwork.
Milestone Rewards: ? x3 ~ Please put 15 favorites on whichever of my cards strike your fancy. ❓ ~ I'd like Prize 31 please. ? ~ I'll pass on the sticker.
?Puzzle Box? Solve by Thursday for Prizes.
Mirror Challenges:
Your Objective:
Prize List (42/50)
Prize List (42/50)A Mystery Challenge: Create a rare creature card with total power and toughness less than its mana value, without using 0 or *.
Can I get another mystery box with two challenges?
Another box please.
@Jadefire - Milestone 50 & 570
- ??❓? (10 favorites + 20 〽️ + 2 prizes or 1 of choice + Featured Card)
@TheDarkKnight1234567 - Milestone 30The deadline has arrived. Hope this was enough time to recover from the Explosions!
Another box please.
A Mystery Challenge: Create a Beast with Landfall.
Might I have another one of ye old Mystery Boxes.
Also - Milestone 20 ? 〔same as before〕
@jpastor, @cadstar369
I am writing this in large because my requests for another box have been ignored twice.Another box please.
Your mystery box contains:
your mystery box contains:
- Grog Gobbler ? Target pirate's targets are random this deadline and their mystery challenges become stranger.
- A Mystery Challenge: Create a counter spell with a multikicker.
Another box please.
Another box please.
would ye care to try the Puzzle box - i heard from a noble pal that it serves the soul wonders that cannot be fathomed? Least I think that's what he said. Anyways you measly rat, here's yer scurvy dog pirate box full o' blunderous wonderous ... things:
- A Mystery Challenge for a Scally Wag: Matey Macaw ? Choose any challenge from any in the same posts as your box for the remainder of the deadline.
- A Grub-filled Tankard full of mediocre prizes for me lad: Create a card that references a Plane card from the Kamigawa plane.
Fer the record, I'm pretty positive that this here treasure chest comes straight from the filthy hands of Davy Jones himself. Ye best take yer time with it. Wouldn't want to upset the calm currents on these usually untreacherous seas.Might as well take a stab at this week's puzzle box.
For the Mirror of Flames:
My idea was that the flames probably represented damage based board wipes, which Senate Peacekeeper protects you from.
For the Mirror of Illusions:
My idea was that the confusion aspect probably represented controlling how your creatures attack, which Amulet of Certainty protects you from.
For the Mirror of Reflection:
My idea was that reflection represented copying/creating token copies of your stuff, which Echo of Silence protects you from.
For the Mirror of Enchantment:
My idea was that the enchantment aspect probably represented gaining control or using stuff like Control Magic or Mind Control to steal your stuff. Unwavering loyalty protects you from it all.
i’d like another box please!
Mystery Challenge: Create a mono-red Shapeshifter that's rare.
Mystery Challenge: Create a rare blue noncreature spell with a dragon in the artwork.
Milestone Rewards:
? x3 ~ Please put 15 favorites on whichever of my cards strike your fancy.
❓ ~ I'd like Prize 31 please.
? ~ I'll pass on the sticker.
Maze of Mirrors entries:
Another Mystery Box with two challenges please.