Mystery Box World



  • Challenge: Create a creature that's subterranean.
    Going to admit, I'm not very smart. "Reckless Pilot" is my secondary card if it fits the brief. Another box please!

  • @kcauQkcauQ just one entry will do. I will not count the other. Your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 139 - Time Distortion Catalyst ⏳ Alter the deadline's duration to span 1-5 days from now.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Zombie Nobles are a thing. Create one.
  • @kcauQkcauQ ;〽️ (10 Zib) - Milestone 10
  • edited December 2023
    Challenge: Zombie Nobles are a thing. Create one.
    @jpastor It was for the item. I'm bad with wording and I thought it meant that you could submit a card you created elsewhere for the big event when the fireworks go off. Thank you for being polite in my stupidity! Now for the Time Distortion Catalyst... 2 days is more than enough. Another box please!

  • Challenge: Create a Skeleton Warrior that looks like a badass, talks like a badass, is a badass.
    Master of the Black Night
    Don't think there's anything to repair.

    Another box please!


    I'd like to use the alchemist's keys to open my next box. (Oh, and I forgot to say, prize guaranteed by luxurious baubles.)
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a card that lets you look at a number of cards from the top of your library and reveal a card from among them that doesn't go into your hand.
    Vibrant Genesis

    Another mystery box please. ?
  • edited December 2023
    @kcauQkcauQ your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Tel-Jilad card.
    @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 101 ? Infinity Prism ? - Allows the user to duplicate any mystery challenge from this post for double rewards upon completion.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a green-colored artifact.
    @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 105 ? Quantum Displacer ? Swap two Mortals challenges at your discretion.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a colorless artifact with the Izzet, Rakdos, or Dimir watermark (alchemist key) and with the 5 mtg colors in the artwork.
    @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone 320 〽️??
    • Prize 135 ? Astral Nexus Keystone ? - Allows the user to merge the effects of two different challenges into a single, personalized challenge.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a hellbent animal spirit.
  • It looks like the deadline's going to end before I'll be able to get many entries in, so I'll use my Prize 53 – Mendicant Sustentation Apparatus ? to bring back:

  • I'd like to swap @kcauQkcauQ's challenge with @cadstar369's challenge.
  • Challenge: Create a hellbent animal spirit.
    I believe @kaoz42 has set me up with this challenge, which I found much more fun than I was expecting. Thank you. Another box if you don't mind.

    (It started with the name and the reference grew from there.)


    I'd like to use the amber key to open my next box. (Prize guaranteed by luxurious baubles unless it only does that once.)
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a Tel-Jilad card.
    Tel-Jilad Edict

    Another mystery box please. ?
  • edited December 2023
    @kcauQkcauQ your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with the parade mechanic.
    @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Choose one of your first 20 cards in your collection. Restore it with a newer version that adds red to the mana cost. (Amber Key)
    @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone 720 〽️?
    • Milestone 325 ❓❓
    • Prize 150 ? Conflux Device ? Combine any 2-5 challenges from this deadline to give to target Mortal as a single challenge.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with an activated ability that interrupts another action.
  • Challenge: Create a card with the parade mechanic.
    Where did you get this challenge??? Regardless, neat pick. Another box please.

  • @kcauQkcauQ your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a black and green spell that can't be countered.

    New Years Day Drop Box (First come, first serve draft. Choose one only when you've completed your ongoing mystery box. Choose only one. Maximum of one per cardsmith.)

    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a black/red hybrid legendary creature with fireworks in the artwork. Prize 102 ?
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a white/blue hybrid legendary creature that's dancing or partying (responsibly.) Prize 106 ?
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a hybrid legendary artifact that's in the grixis color triangle and has flavor text mentioning an annual celebration. Prize 129 ?

    ?And a Happy New Year?

  • @jpastor

    I'll spend my very last 10 Zib to reshuffle my last prompt from an eternity ago.
  • ... and the deadline has arrived ...

  • Challenge: Create a green-colored artifact.

    I'll use my Infinity Prism ? to duplicate my own challenge.
    The Poisoned Throne
    Jade Serpent

    Ill take the Mystery Challenge: Create a hybrid legendary artifact that's in the grixis color triangle and has flavor text mentioning an annual celebration. Prize 129 ?
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a non-snow monoblack card with lots of snow in the artwork.

    I'll take A Mystery Challenge: Create a white/blue hybrid legendary creature that's dancing or partying (responsibly.)

  • Challenge: Create a hybrid legendary artifact that's in the grixis color triangle and has flavor text mentioning an annual celebration.
    Advaugs Alter

    Another box please!
  • Lost in the Hotel

    Plunderin' Banjo ? - You may create a card themed for the song/clip/lyric challenge in this box instead of your normal mystery challenge.
    • Lyrics: "Last thing I remember, I was running for the door. I had to find the passage back to the place I was before."

    Could I get another box?
  • @Thedarkknight1234567 your mystery challenge: Create a human performer creature card.

    Deadline results
    1. @Robo_Kitty +5 (Milestone 190 〽️)
    2. @kaoz42 +4
    3. @Robo_Kitty +3
    4. @kcauQcauQ +2
    5. @kcauQkcauQ +1

    @Robo_Kitty - Prize 129 - Interdimensional Disturbance Device ? - Nullify all entries posted within the last hour. (upon usage, nullify means they won't be counted for the deadline)

    @Jadefire - Prize 106 - Cataclysmic Instigator ? Invalidate all entries from target Mortal, rendering them useless this deadline. (To invalidate an entry, announce everything wrong with the card to destroy it, or announce everything right with the card to steal it.)

    @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 43 - Drowsy Sphere ? Until end of deadline, use this to counter a target.
    • Milestone 200 〽️〽️??❓? ? (Gain a perk.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card which seeks a quantity that varies based on the state of the game.
    @SpellPiper2213 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 102 - Blood of an Immortal ? Favorite a creation, and it will receive an additional two favorites.
    • Milestone 30 〽️ 
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact creature that's a canine species.
  • @jpastor what are the perks?
  • Challenge: Create a black and green spell that can't be countered.
    Sorry for taking so long, weird week. Might as well grab the black/red fireworks challenge. Another box please!

  • Challenge: Create a card which seeks a quantity that varies based on the state of the game.
    Sphinx of Storms Light
    The favs can go to any of my cards.
    For the ❓, I'll take Prize 66 - Subcutaneous Dynamo Optics ?
    For the ? I'd like to add Otherworldly patron.
    For the ? I'll take ? Create mystery boxes and fulfill requests.

    Another box please!
  • @Robo_Kitty

    That card feels eerily reminiscent of Aetherflux Reservoir...
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 That and Felidar Sovereign were my main inspiration for the card.
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with an activated ability that interrupts another action.
    Hushmage Advocate

    I'll use my ❓❓ to pick up a Lantern ? and an Infinity Prism ?. I'd also like to set my ? perk to the Lantern ?.

    One mystery box with two challenges please. ???
This discussion has been closed.