Any Ideas?

Sup guys! It’s me, LHunter. Please follow. Anyways, does anyone have some ideas for a next set? I’m getting bored with A Sagittarius Saga/Cyberknights. Any ideas? I like to do things in sets, so no individual cards pls. Thanks!


  • I would like some feedback, please. 
  • You probably won't get a lot of feedback, because this is such an open question.  If you give a little more clarification on what you'd like, the community would be able to be creative within your space.  As it stands, however, you're just asking for us to give you all our good ideas, essentially, which, if they're really good ideas, we'll probably jsut use them ourselves.

    Here are some things you could provide to help direct our feedback:

    Are you more inclined to build around certain mechanics or is the world building and flavor more of your driving point?

    What sorts of things have you enjoyed designing around in the past?  What has been unpleasant for you?

    Are there specific themes that you really enjoy working with, like certain tribes, graveyards, artifacts, counters, etc.?

    Does the story of your set matter more, or the game play?

    Do you want your set to work well with what you've done before, or is it it's own thing?  If you want them to work together, what are some key concepts from your other sets?

    Are there specific cards, characters, stories, planes, etc. that really speak to you in the actual game?
  • Consider the places, themes, movies, and games that Magic has gone to for past sets and try to predict the next one or see what's missing.  So far I can think of the Middle East, Africa, Japan, Greece, Egypt, cyberpunk, hardboiled detective, fairy tales, the wild west, Infinty War, Twilight, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Clue, and Dungeons & Dragons.  They turned Battleship into a movie, you could do worse than to make a Vehicle-themed set or a Settlers of Catan set based around lands and building structures.
  • Thank you two very much for your opinions! I’m honored to be an uprising cardsmith getting a reply from Jadefire! 
  • Glad to help, hopefully you get inspired for your next set.
  • here are ones i drafted out before maxing out my account... feel free to ponder away

    1. Mythical Realms

    Theme: global mythology, deities, heroes, and mythical creatures from various cultures.


    • Pantheon: Cards that become stronger based on the number of different deities you control.
    • Rituals: Spells that require specific conditions or sacrifices to cast, offering powerful effects.
    • Legendary Synergy: Cards that provide bonuses when you control multiple legendary permanents.

    2. Chrono Clash

    Theme: time travel, factions from different eras battling for control over the timeline.


    • Temporal Rift: Cards with delayed effects that trigger after a certain number of turns.
    • Era Shift: Transform cards that change forms as the game progresses, representing evolution through time......
    • Echo: A mechanic that allows players to replay certain spells from their graveyard.

    3. Underwater Empires

    Theme: ocean world with underwater civilizations, sea monsters, and ancient treasures.


    • Submerge: Creatures and spells that gain bonuses or new abilities if you control an Island.
    • Tide: A mechanic that represents the ebb and flow of power, with effects that change based on a turn cycle.
    • Sunken Treasures: Artifact cards that provide powerful effects but have conditions for their discovery and use.

    4. Arcane Renaissance

    Theme: magical renaissance, old arcane traditions meet new, innovative sorcery.


    • Innovation: A mechanic where players can combine cards or abilities to create new effects.
    • Spellcraft: Spells that grow in power based on the number of spells cast in a turn.
    • Artifacts Matter: Strong focus on artifacts, with cards gaining bonuses based on the number of artifacts you control.

    5. Celestial Conquest

    Theme: cosmic battle among celestial beings and spacefaring civilizations.


    • Stellar: Cards that represent stars, planets, and other celestial bodies with unique interactions.
    • Constellation: A mechanic where cards gain effects based on the number of enchantments control.
    • Space Warp: Abilities that manipulate the battlefield, like phasing out cards or altering attack phases.

    6. Elemental Kingdoms

    Theme: elemental forces, fire, water, earth, and air factions vie for dominance.


    • Elemental Fusion: Combining different elemental creatures or spells to create hybrid effects.
    • Cycle of Elements: A rotating mechanic where the dominance of one element impacts the game (e.g., Fire cycle boosts red spells).
    • Elemental Bonds: Craetures that become stronger when paired with other creatures of the same or complementary elements.

    7. Urban Uprising

    Theme: urban magic, street gangs, and hidden sorcerers in a sprawling metropolis.


    • Urban Warfare: spells and abilities that have enhanced effects in specific zones (e.g., rooftops, sewers).
    • Conspiracy: Cards that represent hidden plots and have delayed, secret effects.
    • Allegiance: Factions with unique bonuses when controlling certain types of permanents (e.g., gang members, magical artifacts).

    8. Wasteland Survival

    Theme: post-apocalyptic world where survivors fight for resources and survival amidst the ruins.


    • Scavenge: Abilities that allow players to gain advantages by sacrificing resources or permanents.
    • Survival:Cards that become more powerful the fewer cards you have in hand.
    • Ruins: Land cards that provide unique benefits but come with drawbacks
  • I just remembered that Magic also covered Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Kaladesh has a very world's fair feel.  Jpastor's elemental kingdoms idea could be expressed as a take on The Last Airbender or you could do a Mad Max/The Fast and the Furious set with legendary vehicles and pilots.

  • Wow! Thank you so much! I might go with the apocalypse from jpastor but I will change it up as to not plagiarize. I really thank you all for your opinions. I especially appreciate getting opinions from 2 of the most known and liked Cardsmiths!
    Thanks again,
  • White-aligned faction of skeletons
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