Want To Be Part Of The Wasteland?

edited June 9 in Custom Card Sets
If anyone would like to have a character/card of yourself in my new set, Wasteland, notify me here. Please specify:

1. Color (split colors are okay and I would prefer colorless to be in the cost but that is not required)
2. Would you like to be a Survivor or a Construct? (Or specify if you wouldn’t like to be a creature)
3. Rarity (common, uncommon, rare, mythic rare)
4. High or low casting cost?
5. Do you want the card to be built around power/toughness or abilities?
6. Please tell me about the gist of the card. (Tokens, artifacts, counters, lands)

After 7 days, the card making shall begin. I might be busy, so it’ll start around then, hopefully. I will not take entries after June 20th.
I value everyone’s opinion.
-LHunter out


  • edited June 9
    Oh, and motives/quotes.
    Thank you all.
  • edited June 4
    Not me per se, but once again, I think it would be cool for there to be white-aligned, good-guy-type skeleton people. Maybe they were mutilated by the cataclysmic event in such a way that all their skin, flesh and organs were destroyed but their bones remained alive and able to move, see, etc. They'd primarily be White but probably with elements of Black and/or Red. 
    Obv this isn't what the thread is about, but this is just a thing I wanted to suggest idk
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 4
    A mutated Wasteland creature that slowly moves through the Wasteland. A green/blue Giant Snail with people living on it who have made it their home.
  • edited June 9
    Ok thank you guys. @KorandAngels, I will make the skeleton king named Kaa. (Standing for Kor and Angels) I assume by Rakdos themed, you want it to be about sacrifice/removal/burn?
  • edited June 9
    Oh, and @LvB, (by the way, thank you for the art.) should I make it a legendary creature? And what rarity? To anyone reading this, the requirements are optional, but if you want it to be more specific, tell me everything.
  • Throw a kaiju into the mix in my honor, feel free to make it your own but give it a green blue identity...if you make it seem like it can't make up its mind, then you've basically made jpastor into a card
  • edited June 6
    Damn @jpastor I wouldn’t take that comment from yourself if I were you. Sounds good. How about “Jpastor, Confused Kaiju” it’s a rng based, dice rolling 14/9. Have any changes?
  • edited June 6
    And for @LvB, I present: “LvB, Slimy Citadel” it’s a medium cost 3/16 snail based around non token humans/artifacts/ramping. 
  • edited June 8
    And last but certainly not least, we have “Kaa, Kindly King” a token and removal based card who’s removal effects depend on the number of tokens. Kaa is a 3/6. (I’m making the skeleton race low power high toughness) I hope you like my concept, @KorandAngels. And remember, everyone, critique me as much as possible. The more the better.
    -LHunter out
  • @LHunter
    you wouldnt even need my name on the card - it could just be in the flavor

    Jpastor does really work well for magic cards unless you turn me into an old wizard guy or something
  • Or as a pasta Elemental ! xD
  • edited June 9
    @LvB Hahahaha I have that favorited but that would be plagiarism… not trying to rain on the parade. I did laugh out loud seeing this.
  • By the way… there is a sandstorm coming on my desert planet. I will be offline for a while hunkering down.
  • 2 days till the card making begins. So far, we have 3 entries: @KorandAngels, @jpastor and @LvB. And if you want to ask me about my life on a desert planet, I have a discussion for that. If you comment there, I will try to answer.
  • edited June 12
    @KorandAngels, @LvB and @jpastor: Pssst… how do you close a discussion?
  • Oh, and @jpastor, your card is raising his eyebrow. The art is a bunch of small scale editing of your pfp.
  • @LHunter
    never close a discussion - i learned the hard way
  • The hard way? 😬😬😬
  • @jpastor: Why not? If you mind me asking?
  • edited June 13
    @Lhunter - there's no point - unless you're running a timed contest with an end date - most threads can remain open - 
  • Oh. Ok. 
  • edited June 19
    How about an immortal blue greatwyrm arch-magic user that lives in a floating citadel in the middle of a permanent spatial rift and that eventually hopes to transcend mortal bonds and attain true godhood? Thanks. (Doesn't necessarily have to be monoblue, in fact it would be great for it to be multicolor.)
  • edited June 19
    @kaoz42 How about that but it slowly accumulates some sort of counters and when it hits enough, it transforms into an overpowered, five color god that can’t be cast without the original blue one in your graveyard.
    good or evil?
    Theme of card?
  • @kaoz42 And nice job on the confusing language👏👏👏
  • edited June 20
    Yeah, I figured it was a bit too convoluted. Anyway, sounds good, but I hope that the original one is bigger than a 4/4 by at least 1 point. And neutral, if that's fine with you. Theme: semi-big dragon that cares about instants/sorceries and has triggered abilities.
  • edited June 20
    @kaoz42 Sooooo… 7/7 and god mode is a 10/10? Everything else is great.
  • You can turn that snail into anything you want. Be creative ^^
  • edited June 23
    @LvB, @kaoz42, @KorandAngels and @jpastor: If you check my account, it is done. Kaoz, please don’t mind the black space under the art. Electric storm was messing with the Wi-Fi in my bunker.
  • edited July 17
    Deleted Comment
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