LHunter’s Mechanics Tournament
This is a small scale tournament for custom mechanics. Competitors will create a set called Mechanics Challenge and fill it with 3 cards. One card is an artifact or enchantment that uses your mechanic, one card is an instant or sorcery that uses your mechanic, and one is a creature that uses your mechanic. There will be a bracket and a winner. There will be rounds of mechanics. For example: if you win the first round matchup, you will move on to the second round matchup where you will make 3 new cards. You are welcome to keep your first mechanic and make the 3 new ones with it, but you may also make a new mechanic for the 3. Have fun and be nice. This is a friendly competition.
And if you guys want to know more about my life on a desert planet, check out my discussion for that. I’m glad to answer your questions.
p.s. sorry if I come through unenthusiastic. I’m enthusiastic, just not excited. I don’t really get excited.
Cards with the Mentality ability word have effects based on the top card of your library that also make sure that card doesn't stay on top of your library. (This is intended to represent whatever the player happens to be thinking about during that fleeting moment.) Other cards with this mechanic can be found here.
I’m very sorry to anyone who is looking forward to the tournament results, but it still stands that the tournament will continue in 2… weeks? Is that what you call the 7 day period on earth? I you are confused about my limited knowledge of earth, please check my profile or leave a question in my discussion about Q&A. Thanks.
Shifting Sands by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
Temporal Warden by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
This mechanic was a bit too radical for my Chrono Clash set, but in a nutshell, it opens up tons of strategy. Here are some of the things this opens the door for:
Overall, I really like it, and where it can be OP, it can also be easy for an opponent to adjust to.
One down, two to go.
I'm submitting an older mechanic of mine, Forerunner Roles, inspired from the mechanic of Role tokens that was introduced in Wilds of Eldraine.
I might need a little more time to make an instant/sorcery, but I'll be sure to finish it soon! Let my brain settle and I'll make a cool card lol