Cardsmith League (Official)



  • @jpastor, I’m in this next tournament. Either C or D, your choice. I feel I am fit for both.
  • Am I in? I haven't been on forums in ages, and I see I'm listed in C? B? league as invite pending. I'm more than happy to accept that invite assuming it's still going, or at least join in the next one.
  • Yay. I’m in. Good luck to my opponents and everyone else.
  • division A week 5

  • B Division - Week 5

  • Oooh I think I’m next🤗
  • Oh yeah I'm in still

  • C-League Week 5

    just fyi, i don't have every single mtg card memorized, but if i happen to catch one during cardsmith league judging, it gets an automatic 0 lol
  • You don't have every single MTG card memorized?  You're clearly not trying hard enough. ;)
  • Here's that D-League for Week 5

    oof the party continues!
  • edited July 2024
    Just about halfway through the season, wanted to share the big picture so far.

    Competitive Ratings (determines divisions each season)

  • A _ League _ Week _ 6

    a sad day for @TheKeefMan
  • My perfect win ratio is dead
  • we still winning tho
  • welcome back @theirintheattic - let's add you to B-league!
  • @TheKeefMan - I feel you were robbed... we should protest!
  • I love the enthusiasm, but I believe my opponent is just as entitled to this win as I was to my others. 
  • G'day leaguers, just a reminder that this season started 1 month early, so we have a 4-month season instead of 3-month.. now we are entering the final month of regular season (3 matches left or so) and then September will be Playoffs! I made a quick amendment to premium users who are inactive.. it's now the 7 most recent cards instead of 7 random cards.. That is all! Keep rocking!

  • Not to rush anyone or anything, but, as there have been a couple seasons lately that never actually finished, I'm curious if this latest season is expected to ever resume, or whether we're just going to start fresh?
  • That's only happened once before.  With a mid-season complete reset of player ratings, match records, and a format changeup to single-card matches that never made any difference to helping the season to actually finish, we don't speak of Season X.  I wouldn't complain if this season was put down either.  With scores for the same cards fluctuating wildly at times from week to week, I'm assuming we've gone back to a rotating focus on mystery criteria for each round, rather than judging whole cards for overall quality.
  • Hey guys today’s been pretty rough, and I’m feeling particularly depressed. I chose this discussion because it probably gets the most traffic. I just want some kind words to lighten my day.
  • @LHunter we all have rough days and weeks and months and years. Don't beat yourself up for any failures or doubt your future's light. Never fear shadows, they only means there's a light nearby.

    If you want a fun challenge to take your mind off things, create a two-sided, transform, or split name card for your Negative emotion and a Positive emotion.

    This is always a fun exercise that might help!

  • @StuffnSuch and @Jadefire - firstly... f*** i've been so busy outside of this website. secondly, yes, we never speak of Season X. thirdly, this season is set to conclude by September 30. fourthly, on the note of judging, i have not been rotating criteria, however, I have been rejudging each card in comparison to the card it's up against: as a matter of perspective, if two cards are nice and neat and seem like solid cards, they may get an 85.. but next week one goes up against another card that seems like an 85 to me, but your card is better or worse than that, so the new card rating goes up or down... 

    My criteria is simple this season: I only hope it works for everyone...

    0 - 100 based on how likely it is to be an actual magic card

    With all things considered, a few factors have slowed my role... where to encourage participation... where to recruit... judging all these new full frame cards evenly... artwork... what prizes do we get... am i doing the divisions right... how do i bring new people in mid-season...

    i mean top to bottom, there's a lot of distractions right now that are keeping me from focusing on just judging... or getting around to it...

    judging also takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour each day, which lately, i haven't been devoting the time to doing...

    rather than contract multiple cardsmiths to help... i've retained sole duties over this...

    this season was a month longer for a reason... i knew it would be a headache to get back into things smoothly... so i gave myself some extra time to finish all 10 weeks, and get back to the basics of judging, the process of scoring, etc.

    Next season is still set for October - December.
  • @jpastor and @Mila Y’all made me cry… thanks so much…
  • @LHunter I just want to say (though I'm a little late to the game), it truly speaks to the power of this community that you came here for a kind word.  I know we all can be critical and defensive and argumentative and such from time to time, but I'm glad you know that we are all, at the end of the day, here for each other.
    I've spent a lot of time with my daughter lately trying to help her recognize that a bad thing doesn't mean a bad day, and a bad day doesn't mean a bad week, and a bad week doesn't mean a bad life.  She's been too hard on herself, and focusing a lot on the negative.  She's just 7, but I've felt like we've been learning together as much as anything.
    I hope you've made it past your bad moment, or day, or week, or whatever it was, but, if not, just know I, and all of us, have those days, too, and that there are plenty of bad times ahead, but there are also a ton of good times ahead.  Here's to as many good days as you can handle.
  • @LHunter ;

    I just want to say, as everyone else is sharing their wisdom and words, I might as well share mine:

    Someone told me once that life is like a small river on a beach leading to an ocean. Overtime, people around it will erode the sand barriers, and cause the stream to divert, or even stop. But, in time, the river will find a new way back out to sea, no matter the obstacles in it's path.

    What I'm trying to say is that life in general has ups and downs just like the stream in my analogy. Whatever life throws at you, there will always be someone, or something to get you back on your feet.

    Now, i don't know about you, but I am still young and have many years to live life and go through something maybe similar to how you were feeling, but it's important to know that whatever the problem is, find something that makes you happy and go to sleep feeling like "Damn i wanna get up and do that no matter what." Because it helped me in that situation as well. 

    Life didn't feel great and at times I just didn't want to try anymore, but I found something I enjoyed a lot and knuckled down on my interest/new hobby. Eventually overtime everything got better and I overcame my rough days to a point at which i was content with everything going on around me in my life. All I'm saying is, find what makes you happy, think about that and do it, and eventually you will see change.

    And always just remember, however dark, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

  • You guys don’t need to do this… you’re putting too much time into this stuff, all of you.
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