Delaxis: Legend of Power (RPG Campaign)
Delaxis is a plane in the same multiverse with the planes Yrzelnos, Rathalat, and Iridrion, which was the setting for my previous campaign, and other planes. This campaign is set in the continent of Arastra. This is a map of Arastra:

To participate in this campaign, you must create a character. To do so, first create a mana value 1 common legendary creature to represent your character. It should be one of the following races:
- Human
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Orc
- Goblin
- Construct (Sentient kind. These are rare.)
- Spirit
- Cat (Humanoid.)
- Wolf/Dog (Humanoid.)
- Merfolk
- Lizardfolk (Creature type Lizard.)
- Dragonkin (Creature type Drake. They are humanoid dragons.)
- Werecreature (Creature type Werewolf, Wererat, Weretiger, Werebear, Wereboar, Werefox, or Werebadger. Must also include another creature type of the races to symbolize their non-were form.)
- Vampire (Minor vampire; no vampire lord or anything like that.)
- Centaur
- Faerie
- Kobold (Like D&D kobold.)
- Kappa (Creature type frog.)
- Otterfolk (Creature type Otter.)
- Birdfolk (Creature type Bird.)
- Mousefolk/Ratfolk (Creature type Mouse/Rat.)
- Snakefolk (Creature type Snake. Humanoid.)
- Dryad
- Hellspawn (Creature type Devil. They are humanoid demons/devils.)
Then you should write a sizeable backstory for your character and decide which of the countries they come from, and which one they start in (Information on the countries will be included later in the post.). They cannot come from another plane, but if you believe your case is truly special, DM me and include a description of the plane.
Wisalia (Elves, Humans, Cats, Mousefolk/Ratfolk.) A kingdom dedicated to the cause of maintaining order throughout the land. Breaking the law here is most vigorously enforced by tradition; committing a crime can result in shaming one's entire family.
Sonkad (Kappas, Birdfolk, Otterfolk, Mousefolk/Ratfolk, Lizardfolk, Snakefolk.) A kingdom for all the animalfolk to conduct their business. Large swaths are relatively uncivilized. Mostly a culture that does agriculture and foraging.
Ryvada (Faeries, Dryads, Centaurs, Merfolk, Elves.) A kingdom completely comprised of pristine wilderness. They build their homes to fit into their surroundings, and viciously defend against those who would destroy their kingdom for natural resources.
Hemussau (Spirits, Vampires, Werecreatures, Constructs.) A kingdom full of the undead and other related abominations. Those who are neither an abomination nor undead will be transformed into either of those upon setting foot here.
Fwensidt (Dwarves, Constructs, Wolves/Dogs, Goblins.) A kingdom dedicated to artisanship and craftwork. They take pride in their work, and destroying an individual's masterpiece can be punished with the same punishment for a murder.
Yagrieh (Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Cats.) An anarchy of warring tribes vying for territory, Yagrieh is mostly desert, with tribal centers situated at scattered oases. They are currently united under a particularly strong tribe of Cats, though their government is still pretty loose.
Nidaska (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Spirits, Vampires.) Nidaska is a kingdom filled with many diverse races, and is ruled by a council which has one representative from each of the major races dwelling here. The folk of Nidaska are generally used to odd individuals and overlook most of those who don't belong as normalcy.
Thvenarud (Humans, Constructs, Spirits, Cats, Birdfolk.) A kingdom dedicated to divine worship of the gods, particularly those relating to the cosmos, such as the gods of the Sun and Moon. They construct large temples and other impressive religious structures.
Aeyinas (Dragonkin, Birdfolk, Merfolk, Wolves/Dogs, Lizardfolk.) A kingdom that venerates magical prowess and arcane knowledge. It is a rare sight to see an adult native here who does not know any magic or does not possess magical knowledge.
Qamon (Constructs, Snakefolk, Kobolds, Faeries.) A small kingdom that venerates the idea of balance. They strive to maintain the same amount of wilds as the amount of civilized places they construct, though they are straying a little far into civilization, and they are working to correct that.
Dretigo (Centaurs, Wolves/Dogs, Humans, Werecreatures, Mousefolk/Ratfolk.) The government of Dretigo is highly hierarchical and almost the entire nation is civilized and filled with bustling cities. Even the roads are crowded with roadside inns and have transparent roofs arching over them.
Bjensida (Dwarves, Humans, Elves, Dryads.) Bjensida contains many of the folk who appreciate the open air and serene beauty of the outdoors, though are not as fiercely protective of them.
Zerocia (Spirits, Constructs, Faeries.) Zerocia is a twisted kingdom where everything is always changing and warping to some degree. No beings without a magical or unliving origin can survive here for long, as their body will fatally mutate, hence the rarity of visitors.
Veraldra (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Constructs.) Inhabited by what they call the "Three Great Races," Veraldra is ruled by Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, who look upon other races as underlings and treat them as unimportant. The constructs here hate their masters, but all rebellions have failed due to a disadvantage in numbers.
Varlun (Otterfolk, Merfolk.) Varlun is a kingdom heavily bent on the sea and the ocean. They keep their waters clean and drinkable, and do not permit visitors who would destroy their waters, intentionally or not.
Rmhlan Archipelago (Hellspawn.) Named after the largest island, this cluster of islands is the closest to Hell on Earth as ever can exist. Full of hellspawn and other demonic monstrosities, non demonic visitors will be corrupted or destroyed.
Svendalian Islands (Dwarves, Humans, Wolves/Dogs.) These islands harbor a cold, harsh environment and house their own small glacier. Blizzards rage often here.
Valendil Islands (Elves.) These islands are full of high elves, and have been their ancestral home for centuries. Those who are not elf and set foot here are viewed as trespassers.

To participate in this campaign, you must create a character. To do so, first create a mana value 1 common legendary creature to represent your character. It should be one of the following races:
- Human
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Orc
- Goblin
- Construct (Sentient kind. These are rare.)
- Spirit
- Cat (Humanoid.)
- Wolf/Dog (Humanoid.)
- Merfolk
- Lizardfolk (Creature type Lizard.)
- Dragonkin (Creature type Drake. They are humanoid dragons.)
- Werecreature (Creature type Werewolf, Wererat, Weretiger, Werebear, Wereboar, Werefox, or Werebadger. Must also include another creature type of the races to symbolize their non-were form.)
- Vampire (Minor vampire; no vampire lord or anything like that.)
- Centaur
- Faerie
- Kobold (Like D&D kobold.)
- Kappa (Creature type frog.)
- Otterfolk (Creature type Otter.)
- Birdfolk (Creature type Bird.)
- Mousefolk/Ratfolk (Creature type Mouse/Rat.)
- Snakefolk (Creature type Snake. Humanoid.)
- Dryad
- Hellspawn (Creature type Devil. They are humanoid demons/devils.)
Then you should write a sizeable backstory for your character and decide which of the countries they come from, and which one they start in (Information on the countries will be included later in the post.). They cannot come from another plane, but if you believe your case is truly special, DM me and include a description of the plane.
Combat & the RPG
This is an individual RPG, so everyone has their own story happening to them and do not start in a single organization, though players can form them. As for combat, you must also either create a one mana common spell (nonartifact, except for artifact creature) in your character's color identity, so no dual-colored spells, to represent their magic ability, or a one mana common artifact equipment to represent their combat gear that also fits in their color identity. Combat is heavily RP-based, and is also turn-based. During your turn you may RP an action of using a spell a weapon to attack, or some other significant activity like breaking a door or disabling a trap once. You may eventually level up, increasing your overall power after engaging in certain activities.Countries
These are the 17 countries and their population majority of playable races and descriptions:Wisalia (Elves, Humans, Cats, Mousefolk/Ratfolk.) A kingdom dedicated to the cause of maintaining order throughout the land. Breaking the law here is most vigorously enforced by tradition; committing a crime can result in shaming one's entire family.
Sonkad (Kappas, Birdfolk, Otterfolk, Mousefolk/Ratfolk, Lizardfolk, Snakefolk.) A kingdom for all the animalfolk to conduct their business. Large swaths are relatively uncivilized. Mostly a culture that does agriculture and foraging.
Ryvada (Faeries, Dryads, Centaurs, Merfolk, Elves.) A kingdom completely comprised of pristine wilderness. They build their homes to fit into their surroundings, and viciously defend against those who would destroy their kingdom for natural resources.
Hemussau (Spirits, Vampires, Werecreatures, Constructs.) A kingdom full of the undead and other related abominations. Those who are neither an abomination nor undead will be transformed into either of those upon setting foot here.
Fwensidt (Dwarves, Constructs, Wolves/Dogs, Goblins.) A kingdom dedicated to artisanship and craftwork. They take pride in their work, and destroying an individual's masterpiece can be punished with the same punishment for a murder.
Yagrieh (Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Cats.) An anarchy of warring tribes vying for territory, Yagrieh is mostly desert, with tribal centers situated at scattered oases. They are currently united under a particularly strong tribe of Cats, though their government is still pretty loose.
Nidaska (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Spirits, Vampires.) Nidaska is a kingdom filled with many diverse races, and is ruled by a council which has one representative from each of the major races dwelling here. The folk of Nidaska are generally used to odd individuals and overlook most of those who don't belong as normalcy.
Thvenarud (Humans, Constructs, Spirits, Cats, Birdfolk.) A kingdom dedicated to divine worship of the gods, particularly those relating to the cosmos, such as the gods of the Sun and Moon. They construct large temples and other impressive religious structures.
Aeyinas (Dragonkin, Birdfolk, Merfolk, Wolves/Dogs, Lizardfolk.) A kingdom that venerates magical prowess and arcane knowledge. It is a rare sight to see an adult native here who does not know any magic or does not possess magical knowledge.
Qamon (Constructs, Snakefolk, Kobolds, Faeries.) A small kingdom that venerates the idea of balance. They strive to maintain the same amount of wilds as the amount of civilized places they construct, though they are straying a little far into civilization, and they are working to correct that.
Dretigo (Centaurs, Wolves/Dogs, Humans, Werecreatures, Mousefolk/Ratfolk.) The government of Dretigo is highly hierarchical and almost the entire nation is civilized and filled with bustling cities. Even the roads are crowded with roadside inns and have transparent roofs arching over them.
Bjensida (Dwarves, Humans, Elves, Dryads.) Bjensida contains many of the folk who appreciate the open air and serene beauty of the outdoors, though are not as fiercely protective of them.
Zerocia (Spirits, Constructs, Faeries.) Zerocia is a twisted kingdom where everything is always changing and warping to some degree. No beings without a magical or unliving origin can survive here for long, as their body will fatally mutate, hence the rarity of visitors.
Veraldra (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Constructs.) Inhabited by what they call the "Three Great Races," Veraldra is ruled by Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, who look upon other races as underlings and treat them as unimportant. The constructs here hate their masters, but all rebellions have failed due to a disadvantage in numbers.
Varlun (Otterfolk, Merfolk.) Varlun is a kingdom heavily bent on the sea and the ocean. They keep their waters clean and drinkable, and do not permit visitors who would destroy their waters, intentionally or not.
Rmhlan Archipelago (Hellspawn.) Named after the largest island, this cluster of islands is the closest to Hell on Earth as ever can exist. Full of hellspawn and other demonic monstrosities, non demonic visitors will be corrupted or destroyed.
Svendalian Islands (Dwarves, Humans, Wolves/Dogs.) These islands harbor a cold, harsh environment and house their own small glacier. Blizzards rage often here.
Valendil Islands (Elves.) These islands are full of high elves, and have been their ancestral home for centuries. Those who are not elf and set foot here are viewed as trespassers.
For once I actually think it is balanced. Don't forget to eventually also say which country K-234 is from and which country he is currently in and will start the campaign in, and make his equipment/spell card.
As K-234 wandered the strange open world, they came across a similarly minded construct- model Z-675. The two grew close- well as close as robots can get- and eventually came a cross a town. In that town, they were given wide berths, but they found a place, made for lost constructs, and settled there, hoping for a better life.
Nice! Though hopefully you can clarify if K-234 is still in Fwensidt or another country. If another country, please say what it is. And again, don't forget to eventually do the other stuff.
Will you accept foxfolks?
I beileve that foxfolks should be viewed as dishonest and clever. They are usually rogues and comes from the most poor country.
Archie? Ok, I'll make an exception for only you, but it has to be a very obscure subrace of wolves/dogs. But this version of Archie has to be from Delaxis, and his backstory should reflect that. Forgive me if it is not Archie.
While he's traveled to a handful of other countries before, he prefers to perform in his homeland (i.e. I'd like to start in Aeyinas).
Sorry, it took me a while to come up with Selene.
From the Dretigo, being a fox makes herself an unwanted person among the dogs and wolves, they often see her as a mutant person who shouldn't deserve to live. While spared, she became a thief to survive and she is expectation at lying and being a fox gives her cat-like agility making it harder for guards to catch her.
Being a thief allows her to see something an original person cannot with her intelligent. She is able to avoid the incoming attack and find a weak spot in a few seconds then use it to her advantage against her enemies
This is an intriguing and expansive setup! To participate in the campaign, here’s my character:
Character: Kailan, Spirit Wanderer
Kailan, Spirit Wanderer by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
In life, Kailan was a humble herbalist in the bustling kingdom of Nidaska. Known for her kind heart and gentle demeanor, she often aided the sick and the poor with her knowledge of healing plants. However, during an unfortunate expedition to the wilderness, she succumbed to a mysterious illness. Her spirit, bound by her desire to continue helping others, lingered in the mortal realm.
As a wandering spirit, Kailan discovered she could interact with the living through dreams and visions, offering guidance or warnings. This ability has made her both revered and feared in the rural outskirts of Nidaska. Over time, her influence expanded to other lands, and she began searching for a greater purpose—perhaps a way to fully restore balance to the world or find eternal peace.
Kailan starts her journey in Wisalia, as she seeks to uncover the mystery behind a strange imbalance in the spirit world that has begun to affect the mortal plane.
Magic Ability Card:
Ethereal Touch by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
How does that look for joining the campaign? Let me know if any adjustments are needed!
Huge thunderstorms are raging across the countries that have a coast. The two countries that do not have a coast are filled with thick fog that allows the denizens to see no more than 5 feet in front of them. In addition, some of the abominations of the Rmhlan archipelago have been "washed ashore" on the mainland. Strangest of all, many claim to see a huge silhouette hidden in the clouds. The danger seems to have found you as if guided by an unseen force to test you.
Art by Perena on DeviantArt
The strange events have definitely affected you in a negative way. Create a card to represent how you fight back against the threats guided to attack you, and provide a story section to go with it. The card must not have an enemy color to your color identity, cannot be mythic rare, and must not cost more than 4 mana total. The threats you are responding to will be detailed after a mention of you. Your entry will be judged based on multiple criteria, listed below, and will receive a rating from 1-50. It must score 26 or higher to win you the encounter. (If you wish to use the spell/equipment you have instead, just make it clear and accompany it with a story section. It will be rated normally.)Criteria:
- Balance (Up to +10 to rating.)
- Effectiveness relative to situation (Up to +15 to rating.)
- Overall power (Up to +10 to rating.)
- Connection to character's abilities (Up to +10 to rating.)
As you roam the streets with Z-675, a group of ravenous werewolves bursts into your town and begins attacking the townsfolk. They even manage to kill several constructs. Soon enough, they turn their attention to you and Z-675. They howl, then charge.
Your most recent performance is interrupted abruptly as a group of birdfolk in your audience get up and start heading toward you, their eyes not their own, pushing other audience members out of their way as they slog relentlessly onward. They begin to cast offensive spells at you as they move within range.
Having just finished listening to a vampire play the violin expertly, you disperse with the other listeners. As you make your way back to your inn, a group of burly orcs and kobolds blocks your way. The leader, a particularly scarred orc, says "You're coming with us." Then him and his band rush toward you, weapons drawn.
As you finish robbing your latest victim, procuring a purse full of silver coins, several wolf-folk make their way toward you, teeth bared menacingly. They wield wicked spiked maces and don't seem to lose track of you as you try to dodge away from them through a crowd, despite the deep fog hindering their vision as well.
You are warning a family of elves about approaching sleepwalking guards with malevolent intent through dreams, when a sharp mind cuts through your dream-vision and begins to attack your own mind. To your horror, you recognize the mind as that of a powerful undead, though you cannot distinguish which type.
How long I have time to submit card? It's quite hard to find a right art to match my idea and story.