COLONISERS: Season 4!!! (Colonisers of Turmoil)



  • edited November 2019
    To Nelthoren we offer a peace,
    An offer for tension to cease.
    An envoy we send,
    And tales we lend,
    For tension we hope to release.
    (limerick again, maybe more to come)

  • @AxNoodle
    Nelthoren accepts the poets offer of peace. (I don’t have access to a computer right now so I’ll make a card for this later)
  • I am sorry to say I will probably have to drop from this run of Colonisers. IRL stuff is suddenly stacking up, and I'm having to make choices about where to prioritize my time.

    I'm truly sorry. Good luck to the rest of you, I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this, even if I'm not participating.
  • @Lujikul

    Oh noes ! :(
    We've come so far!
    For this challenge, I will extend the deadline by 24 hours, ping us when you take the final decision.
  • @AxNoodle
    Nelthoren accepts your offering,
    and the clans have something else to bring.
    A mage who knows our history,
    he can bring to life many a story.

    (Wow, making a poem from scratch is alot harder than I expected)

    (This is my entry for the second challenge)
  • @Korandangels Nelthoren is able to forgive the Poets for the fires, while it did cause a loss of life amongst our troops we understand that survival is essential on this new plane so as long as they do not repeat the past we can co-exist.
  • Well, Luna has a new incarnation to represent her new, peaceful nature.

  • After thinking it over, I have decided not to drop out, though I should also definitely take less time to brainstorm entries. (Every single story I've written in this saga has been within the last 12 hours before deadline.) I'll be posting an entry shortly.
  • edited November 2019
    It'd been a week since the funeral was held, and the Stargazer Society trudged on, though the northern war was taking its toll on the populace, and lowering morale as a whole. The Society hadn't even chosen a new leader yet.

    The late/missing Chulane's most trusted were assembled once more. This time though, they were debating on who should be next to lead the Stargazers. For the most part, they were each arguing in favor of themselves, with the exceptions of Duke, who claimed that ruling was a "young man's game" and Hector, who had simply remained silent. An hour, then two hours, passed, with no conclusion approaching. Eventually, Hector interjected. "Why shouldn't it be Duke? Just because he retired doesn't mean we couldn't reinstate him." This was met with hostility from the others, who insisted that Duke didn't want to lead.

    Finally, Duke himself had to cut into the argument. "Alright, e'rryone shut up for a sec. It's a tradition that whoe'er leads us has the Tome of Stars, no? And I don't see it on the cap'ain's desk. So it stands to reason that whoe'er has it should be our leader. So, come on, fess up."

    The room is silent, and finally, the burly man who had lead the runners speaks up. "I have it, it sits in my room right now."

    "Prove it. What's the inscribed phrase on the cover say?" The burly man stuttered, with no response. "That's what I thought. Anyone else?" The question went around the circle to each member who claimed to have the tome, with Duke shutting down each of them. "Well, if yer all done lyin', I guess I should tell you. It goes a li'l something like this: With the light as-"

    "With the light as my wind and knowledge as my sails, I shall travel the sky as though it were the sea."

    ". . .Well, tha's right, but how do you know that?" Duke turns around to see who had cut him off as the others look to the doorway to the study. And there stood the young apprentice Marigold, clutching the oversized Tome of Stars in her arms.

    "Sorry for interrupting. I was just going to return this, I... borrowed it the other day." She holds the book out.

    "Well, well, well, I think we have our winner, ladies and gents." The old man can't help but crack a smile. "Marigold 'ere will be our new leader."

    "You're kidding, she's just a child!" Hector immediately felt regret with his statement, but continued on. "She's inexperienced, she's not ready. Even if she has the right to lead us, she shouldn't yet." The young girl hangs her head. Duke ponders Hector's statement.

    "Well, yer right that she's a bit of young lass, but she does have the right." The old man sighs. "I s'ppose I can come out of retirement for the time being. but only until she's ready." He turns his head to address Marigold. "If that's fine with you, my lady."

    Her eyes widen and, clearly not used to being addressed as such, she simply nods her head without a word. "So be it," declares Duke. "With my first act as steward of the Stargazer Society, we shall be taking a neutral position in the northern war, and will respond only if we are acted against, so our leader may focus on her studies." No one challenged this.

    (Since he is currently acting leader, Duke is my entry for this week.)
  • @Lujikul

    Thank the stars! :D
  • @SammySammyson @ThatOneCat

    I won't fire since two player's haven't posted, but please do hurry
  • @HeroKP I posted! Look further up.
  • @ThatOneCat the image doesn't show up.
  • @ThatOneCat

    Oh, sorry! I see it now. But I also need sleep, so we'll give @SammySammyson the promised time.
  • Incase it didn’t post: image
  • Funny thing @HeroKP, I actually saw this early due to some weird glitch with Design that put this card in my Ungrouped Cards page
  • Get me back in!!!! I want season five soon!!!! I have newer ideas!!!! Including some weird crap that will captivate and mesmerize!!!!
  • @DrakeGladis

    Patience, and your time will surely come. We won't forget to ping you. :)
  • edited November 2019
    SORRY EVERYONE! @SammySammyson has already posted. I are have the stupid. Now I JUDGE!
  • That's exactly the opposite of Irony.
  • WAIT! @SteampunkDragon! 14 HOURS!

    I'm sorry for delaying this, but now we are getting into the endgame, I want to make sure everyone contributes
  • edited November 2019
    I found some card artwork that I'm VERY EXCITED to use for this next challenge if I can make it's GORGEOUS and by the o n e a n d o n l y Noah Bradley
  • edited November 2019
    Okay, TIME UP!

    @IzItTru... I am sorry. Watching your faction grow has been an honour, but your time has come. You have made it into the better half of the roster, but at these gates, your empire is not let through. Finish up the viking pancakes with blood sauce, kiss your dragons goodbye, and HEAD HOME!

    Everyone else, congratulations on top 5!!!
    It gets intense from here on.

    Time for the outside intervention challenge! This one will be a little weird.
    Guess who is here? The ELDRAZI! What don't they have? LEADERS! Yes! This is a brood without a titan. And they are angry!
    Y'all have two choices. You can either make a card that tells the eldrazi to *SHOO* (A giant explosion cannon or something idk), or you can embrace the swarm and MAKE AN ELDRAZI TITAN!

    There are two outcomes of this.

    If at least two people pick each option:
    One person from each choice group will be eliminated.

    If only one or no people pick an option:
    Only one person will be eliminated.

    HAPPY SMITHING! Map will be available soon. Deadline is next Wednesday.

    EDIT: Fixed a logical loophole
  • edited November 2019

    Also, I just re-read the bit were people were submitting for Edgerim. Nostalgia?
  • edited November 2019


    May I ask...did the Eldrazi...descend from the sky...or, rather, can least assume some of them did?
  • @HeroKP no worries! It was really fun to compete and I made it farther than I expected!
  • @SammySammyson

    That is how they usually go about their business, yes
  • Everyone, serious idea. I don’t want to die, you don’t want to die, let’s unify and all choose one option.
  • @ThatOneCat


    Someone has to die! >:D
This discussion has been closed.