COLONISERS: Season 4!!! (Colonisers of Turmoil)



  • Oh. That part just happened.
  • @Lujikul at least it’s not stan- oh no standards been turned into a 3/3 elk......
  • Without those silly sphere’s stopping us, we are primed for true power. To victory?
  • @ThatOneCat How should I know? I'm not even meant to be here any more.
  • Caisade followed along the path, in front of her a group of Nel deep scouts navigated thier way through the forest and behind her Baldur truged Ethodurn slung in a scabbard on his back.

    "You're sure that this is real?" Baldur cut through the current silence, "Sometimes dreams are just dreams, Last night I dreamed that I was riding on a war boar fighting a sawrm of flaming bees and I doubt thats going to happen"

    "Yes for the 50th time i'm sure" Caisade had been having the dreams for a week, each night they had gotten stronger. She dreamed of an overgrown temple in the middle of the jungle a glowing verdant light shone from it's center and yesterday she had awoken from it with a location in mind and she and Baldur had set out.

    "Well then what do you think it is? The Webfolk mentioned finding Tyrome, this could be it.",

    "Maybe, but it feels different this whole jungle does", Caisade stopped for and turned to the tree line, she could feel a presence hear something was watching, or feeling, or what ever it was.

    "Well then, let's hope we get luckier than the Webfolk themselves" Baldur stopped as he finished that sentence he reached for his sword, before he could unsheathe it a large form came barreling out of the under brush smashing into him.

    Caisade turned to face their attacker a large boar covered in horns and spines stood over Baldur pinning him to the ground she held her hand forward closing her eyes she focused on her connection to the world around her and took in a breathe vines shot up out of the ground wrapping around the boar lifting it of the ground she turned to the scouts "We better go now the vines are a temporary solution!" Baldur got up of the ground and followed.

    Baldur breathed in silently he could hear the monster rampage in the distance searching for them he turned to Caisade "Should I just burn it?"

    "No, we can't risk another fire. Just follow and be silent",

    He nodded, Baldur didn't want a fire either especially after the last one he just hung low to the ground and followed behind the navigators. It was another hour of sneaking before the navigators turned to them.

    "There's something ahead, should we approach?",

    Caisade turned to Baldur and smiled "Let's see what it is" she looked at the guides and nodded and the group approached the temple. In front of them was a stone structure buried in the ground, a temple was resting in the ground overgrown by vines and trees.
    Caisade looked over to Baldur "Told you".

    "Alright, alright", he wasn't surprised by the truth, the druidess had proven to be powerful and he had learned not to underestimate her. The party moved toward the temple Baldur could now see it in detail, vines covered up ancient carvings and architecture. They approached an old wooden door hanging off it's hinges. Baldur pulled out his sword and stepped forward, he slowly pushed the door open, in front of him he saw an empty stone room streams of light shone in through the roof illuminating the far back wall where an old stone pillar stood.

    "Recognize any of this from the dreams?",

    "The outside yes but I've never seen the inside before",

    Caisade pushed Baldur out of the way and moved into the room toward the pillar he followed behind her, it was a simple design the only decoration was a single stone ring around the base, but he swore he could hear something, a pulsing heart beat. Caisade put her hand onto it and froze her eyes lit up in a green and blue light.


    She could feel everything, every tree every animal all of the life in this forest was shooting into her. It was trapped inside the prison, trapped and suffering a single name flowed through the druid's head "Eaqera" the jungle had been trample and burned, it had been disrespected by these other invaders and needed to be freed so it could restore balance. Caisade pulled herself away from the pillar and looked at it. In a single motion she held her hand out towards it and all the vines in the room lashed out wrapping around the pillar.

    "What are you doing!" Baldur yelled over to her but she couldn't hear him she felt the life of the jungle surge into the pillar the vines wrapped around it tearing through the stone until nothing was left. For a moment everything was silent, then the temple started shaking the vines starting moving the trees uprooted and the druidess felt a surge of life all around her.


    (Hopefully this is magical enough)
  • edited November 2019
    Gnash's end goal is to awaken the plane and to turn it to her side—or rather, to bring it to its knees, and force its submission. For now, however, she will accomplish small feats over the plane, building her control over it bit by bit. Eventually, she will awaken the plane in all its glory, granting her a vast empire over which to rule. No longer will she be a powerful sorceress, the Herald of Death, or just a horse with a superiority complex. Rather, she will be dominant over an entire plane. And next, the multiverse.

    (This is a lore card until I have some more time to write more. She's not doing this, as it would exhaust her current resources, but rather is working toward it, hence affinity for legendary permanents.)

  • *dramatic music*
  • When the Astral Peoples wish for magic, they look to those they use to know. Those who used to be their friends, who were “recruited” to become the great stars that light our sky. One in particular, a recent addition, is particularly potent.


  • edited November 2019
    Over our grand time on Turmoil,
    With our scholars great and loyal,
    We have written a grand scroll,
    One understood by even a troll.

    High loremagic sourced from it
    Keeps our Tales from expiring their bit,
    A tale of tales. A scroll of scrolls,
    Power of ages breaking the tolls.

  • After the rush of flames had settled, and the smoke cleared, the crew of the Red Giant looked upon where their ship had been, expecting a smouldering wreck. But there stood their mighty vessel, strong and true, even in the face of the sun's flames. But as for Chulane and the beast he'd taken on, they were nowhere to be seen. Though the sun shone brighter than ever, it was a dark day for the Stargazers.

    It took only a couple days for the crew to recover and make necessary repairs for the ship, but it would take longer to repair the loss to morale. Chulane's most trusted stood in the late captain's quarters, assembled around the desk in mournful silence. Among them stood Hector along with Marigold, one of the apprentices.

    "We had Serise for years, and Chulane for less than a week. But now, we have no one." The group sighs collectively. "We ought to prepare for yet another funeral." They file out of the room, one by one. But one of them stays behind, just a few moments. Marigold grabs the last journal Chulane had been reading through before his departure, and follows the others out.

    It was several nights later, and Chulane's funeral was about to go underway, and the apprentices had been ordered to stay indoors as to not be distracted from their studies. Though his body was never found, pallbearers still carried a coffin in honor of him. Hector and the aging scrawny man, Duke, stood atop the ship over the crowd.

    "He's really gone. I can hardly believe it."

    "On the bright side he's a record setter. Leader for only three days."

    "Duke! You shouldn't talk about him like that, he gave his life for us."

    The old man chuckles. "I know, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. In all seriousness, his short reign will create a legacy that'll last a lifetime. We won't be forgetting his courage anytime soon." The two men and the Stargazer Society wait in silence as the empty coffin is taken to be buried. But as the first shovelful of dirt is tossed upon it, an orange flame streaks from the ground into the sky.

    The crowd immediately stops to watch this strange apparition's frenetic flight, and the flame is followed by three others, one green, and two blue. After soaring high into the sky, the orange flame explodes in a massive burst with the roar of thunder, scattering smaller flames that quickly flicker out. The other flames follow suit, bringing the sound of lightning and their own smaller embers. The flames continue to soar into the sky from the ground, showing no signs of stopping.

    Hector turns to face the old man, who simply has a wry smile. "Duke! What is the meaning of this? Who dares to disrupt Chulane's final honor?" The old man shrugs.

    "See for yourself." He points to the beach, where someone was seated out of view from all but the highest vantage points, casting spells that produce the skyward flames. "There's your culprit." Hector wastes no time, rushing down stairs and climbing down ladders to get to the source. When he finally gets close enough, he yells.

    "Halt! And cease this disruptive manner immediately... Marigold?" His voice drifts off, surprised to find the young apprentice to be the one causing this. She was seated with her legs crossed, and a book open in her lap. She hangs her head in a regretful manner.

    "My apologies, I just... I just wanted to make things seem not so dim. Chulane wouldn't have wanted us to be sad. Not now, of all times."

    "You can't know that."

    "You can't know it, either. What leader would want their people to mourn their loss? A selfish one. One that wouldn't sacrifice themselves."

    Hector is silent for several moments, at a loss of what to say. Finally, he sighs and shakes his head. If she had good intentions, it wasn't worth punishing her. "Just... Just go back to your room, Marigold. Go back there, and we'll pretend I never found you up here." The girl stands and nods, giving him a small bow before dashing back to the Red Giant with the book she'd had cradled in her arms.

    Afterwards the colored flames began to streak to the sky once more, though this time, from the window of a room on the ship.

  • @Lujikul This... does bring us a smile to my face.

    And a tear to my eye
  • @HeroKP doesn’t @Sammysammyson also need to submit? (The card above is a lore card)
  • @IzItTru

    They obviously plan to, but as long as we have at least one card, we can judge it.
  • @HeroKP cards are done, working on story.
  • Here are the cards:

    (Lore card)

    (My entry)

    (Lore card)

    The flavor text on the lore cards is the story for now, though I'll probably come in later and add stuff in.
  • ALRIGHT! While the results are very interesting, seeing some high-tier entries from everyone, no changes have been made to the map, too much jelly in our jam!

    So this week's challenge is GET OUR JAM UNJELLIED!

    Fireworks are amazing and all, but we still have to have a leader. If it is Trevor, then please make a card for him, and if it is not, WHOMST'D?

    @Lujikul @ThatOneCat @IzItTru @SammySammyson
    What is the consensus on the northern war? Who is even fighting who at this point? The foreign powers getting tangled up is the main reason why the battles are stalemating.

    @AxNoodle @IzItTru
    So... um... this is awkward

    Now that your main foe is vanquished, what would your relationship with everyone else be?

    You are only required to make a card answering one of these issues, but I'd like your opinion on as many of them (that you are involved in) as possible! :)
  • @HeroKP Best description of a task to date.
  • edited November 2019
    @HeroKP thanks for using that card! My plan was that if I didn't get to it, you'd have something to use haha

    Update: I...had a card ready and forgot about it. Oh well, I'll use it...later.
  • 48 HOURS!
  • Unless anyone objects, henceforth the Astral Peoples are a neutral alliance. We simply would like to give happiness and peace to all of Turmoil. We sin for the plane to be absent of its namesake.
  • @ThatOneCat

    From the back of the stands, a quiet “Objection!” rings out, followed swiftly by the sounds of muffled person removal.
  • Dawn rose on the armies of Nelthoren the invasion had gone well, Vsi-Tharah stood overlooking the scout's map of the continent. Kadir stood across from her, He was next in line for Reyhar's place as Chief of clan Tho and had taken the role after the old chief's death. Kadir motioned toward the map,

    "We are holding the line along the forest but the swamp has put up resistance", he pointed toward the swamp along the southern side of the continent, "It's been difficult to navigate and the horrors have no issue with it"

    "What about the Deep Scouts, this is what they train for!" Vsi-Tharah was tired of this place, ever since the clans had arrived it had been one trial after another and they had lost so many to this new plane and the leader of the Nelthoren was becoming tired of it.

    "The scouts are the only troops we've been able to send in, and they've done what they could but Gnash's Drones are more adept to it"

    "Do you have any kind of plan?"

    "For now no but we've got some of the scouts working on finding an easier way for the troops to enter the swamps"

    "Then we'll continue with this stalemate and just hope that whatever scouts you sent in can find a way"

    (This a lore card)

    Crev pulled his cloak over his shoulder and sighed it had only been a week but he was already sick of the swamps, they were humid, wet, and almost impossible to traverse.

    (This is a lore card.)

    The hunter had gone into the swamp in looking for new prey and to escape the clans. So far he had only run into one of the scouting parties and barely avoided a horde of drones. Crev had only managed to hunt a few beasts so the trip had not been as successful as he hoped, "Mrrg" the hunter paused in his resting place a something sounded out "Mrrrrrg" a low chirping sounded out again. He lifted his head from the tree he was in to scan the area "Mrrrrg" another chirp he turned quickly to where the sound came from and he saw it a small creature was crawling through the swamp. It was a small scaled creature holding itself low to the ground he pulled an axe from his side and prepared to pounce onto it. “Mrrrrrg” the creature looked up to him and he saw what it was

    (lore card)

    He put his axe away and climbed down the tree approaching the baby drake it reminded him of the ones he had found on the other continent. Crew reached into his bag and hold out some dried meat holding it out for the creature.

    “Mrrrrg” it chirped and approached him slowly considering the food in his hand, “Mrrrg!” It let out a happy sound and snapped toward his hand snatching the food out of it and nearly taking Crev’s hand of with it.

    “Woah there boy” he reached his hand out placing it on the dragon’s forehead. Even though it was clearly young the dragon was twice Crev’s size and could probably kill him in a bite but it still nuzzled it’s head into his hand like a lost dog.“What are you doing out here all alone?” Crev scanned the area looking for a parent but didn’t see any movement the dragon pushed itself closer into him and that’s when he noticed it was limping. “What happened to you?” He looked at its hind leg and saw a cut across it bleeding out slowly. “Huh, ran into some trouble? Don’t worry I’ll patch you up”

    "Hold up Merg" Crev held his hand out in front of the dragonling, I see tracks. Crev had decided to name the baby after it had refused to leave his side the name "Merg" sounded appropriate for the drake. "Mrrrrrg" the drake let out a low growl sniffing the tracks in the ground and turned to Crev "Mrrrrrrrrg". "Yeah that doesn't look good does it" the hunter looked over the trail again it looked like a horde of somethings dragged a large animal across the swamp "Better check what it is".

    After another hour of tracking Crev and Merg overlooked their prey, a group of zombies were tearing into the flesh of a large beast "Doesn't look like Gnash's, they don't usually have to eat". "Mrrrrrrrrg" the drake let another low growl lose and Crev turned to him "What is it?" the dragon pointed it's nose over to a bush were Crev now saw a group of people huddled close to the ground hidden from the zombies "Good catch". Crev stopped to watch the scouts. The first of them a female in hide armor wielding an axe looked to her two companions and gave them a signal the second one a hooded male in pulled a bow from his back and cocked an arrow as the third a stockier male in plate pulled a sword and shield from his belt.

    "Now!" the female one called out rushing into the clearing axe in hand she ran to the closets zombie and planted the axe in it's head. The archer behind her let an arrow lose it sunk into one of the zombies chest before a second flung through it's head, the big man in plate rushed a third making quick work of it with his blade.

    "Good to see they can handle themselves" Crev thought to himself as he turned to leave before hearing a roar. The dead beast had arisen Gnash's power bringing it back to life it lumbered up and Crev could see it's full form now, that of a house sized dragon with black scales and dead eyes, He turned to Merg "Now we get involved" he pulled an axe from his side and charged toward the clearing. With a thud he landed on the ground next to the archer who turned over with a surprised look, the undead dragon had already made ripped up the zombies and turned to the swordsmen. Crev flung his axe toward the beast's head and pulled out his second, it turned to face him and charged. Crev put his fingers to his lips and let out a high pitched whistle, from the shadows Merg pounced landing on the dragon's ack and biting into it's flesh Crev jump to the side as the dragons claw scraped past him he landed a blow with his axe on the dragons side ripping out a piece of decaying flesh. "Wumph" an arrow landed in the dragons eye the archer pulled a second and let it lose into the other,

    "No aim for the limbs they don't see with their eyes" Crev yelled he threw his axe toward the front leg and pulled out his third. The axperson landed a blow into it's side and pulled it out with a squelch. The dragon roared and reared up shaking Merg of it's back he landed into a tree cracking it, Merg crawled up onto his feet and pounced again this time landing on it's neck snapping it in half. The swordsmen planted the blade into it's leg slicing threw it's flesh and chopping it of. "Good! Now let's finish this" Crev ran over to the beast as Merg tackled it to the ground he lifted his axe above his head and smashed his axe into it's throat. With a low gurgle the dragon died.

    "Thanks for the save!" The female pulled her axe out of it's side "We'd probably be dragon food if you wanted come along!" she reached over and helped the archer to his feet.

    "No problem" Crev turned towards Merg "We
    should probably leave",

    "No wait! You know a lot about hunting, we could use some help!” She slung the axe over
    her shoulder and held out her hand “I’m Radya”

    Crev thought for a moment and shook her hand “I guess it couldn’t hurt to stay for a while, right Merg?, I'm Feiln"


    (this is my entry for the first challenge I'll try to get one in for the second)
  • edited November 2019

    Gnash's...odd...tentacle...antennae...glowy things vibrate rather loudly. Just a few days ago, she rose from her slumber, and tonight, she truly felt that she was ready to take the challenges of Turmoil on once more. As her...glowy things begin to shake violently, Gnash takes a moment to listen to the reports from the swamps, the messages layered over one another as her focus shifts from drone to drone, almost like she is running through channels on a radio.

    "Unclear advances...strong female human...unable to defeat...swingy axe."

    The Herald of Death sighs, and ceases listening to the combat. For a moment, she allows for her ears to relax from the outcry of noises from alarmed drones. What to do about her?

    Slowly, Gnash turns toward Leviathina. "Swamp?"

    The whale nods rather excitedly from her open pool, splashing water behind her. After performing the Ritual of Binding, Leviathina was unsure that Gnash would ever make a reasonable request again. "I will prepare myself," she declares, turning to re-enter the sea.

    Leviathina knows this operation like the back of her...flipper. Gnash need not instruct her on the matter. If the Drone's can't push through the warrior, then certainly a whale can. Psychic attacks mixed with the likely surprise of an entire whale throwing herself out of the sky will be enough. Well, at least in the eyes of Gnash and Leviathina.

    Whether to attempt to create an alliance or to crush her enemies is a decision that Gnash is wrestling with. A genuine attempt at partnership may prove useful, but domination of others is her specialty and almost the only way she feels fulfilled.

    (If the image isn't large enough, just click it or tap it!)


    Some drones, untainted, yet still enslaved by Gnash, lurk beneath the swamps. A handful of them rise, their presence different than the others. They are not evil or dark. They simply are.

    Turning living or undead flesh into a mindslave and having it keep its original state of being is a difficult task to accomplish, and as such, the "neutral" drones are far and few, but their seeming lack of magical color renders them untouched by color-based magic. Only sheer force will take off these ones' heads.

    As the battle rages on in the Darkland Swamps, the drones begin to retreat back. The Nelthoren is free to push into the darkest parts of the swamp as the drones begin to run, already aware of their fate.

    The pitch black clouds part, making way for a blinding beam of sun. Turmoil's Darklands fall into a peaceful silence for what seems like hours, but maybe spans sixty seconds. Drones that had been specialized for the swamps melt in the sun, and the Nelthoren, eyes unable to adjust, are visionless for that time.

    With the emergence of Leviathina, the multiverse etches some simple words onto the surface of Turmoil's history. As if by writing, the following is inscribed into the world, and the message echoes without sound throughout the ears of all who witness.

    “And the drones stared up, their view blinded and flesh melted by the emerging sun.”

    (Linked to its Cardsmith equivalent. This is the entry card.)


    (An additional lore card for the event. It is outside of Gnash's colors due to representing an event rather than her magic. This is also linked to its Cardsmith equivalent.)

  • 12 HOURS!
This discussion has been closed.