COLONISERS: Season 4!!! (Colonisers of Turmoil)



  • edited November 2019
    @HeroKP There would still be 1 death. EDIT: Oh, that’s not what I meant.
  • Hey hey, cut me some slack; maybe they were asleep in the ground or something. You didn't describe their entrance :P
  • @ThatOneCat

    Good idea, but...*gestures to Gnash's...entire personality*

    Good luck getting her on board. It would take a WHOLE LOT of convincing.
  • Bump??????????????.
  • @KorandAngels people spend a lot of time on their entries. There isn't need to keep bumping the thread.
  • Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Wrapping up my entry now :D
  • edited December 2019
    An Eldrazi brood makes its descent onto the plane of Turmoil, angry and hungry. Gnash stares in disbelief as the most powerful of beings in the multiverse dig into the plane of Turmoil. Soon, that disbelief shifts into bubbling rage. This plane is hers, not theirs.

    Gnash gallops out of her half-constructed palace to find her very own drones staring up into the sky.

    They aren't listening to her.

    Gnash's bubbling rage erupts in an outcry of violence. She goes full-force, kicking her drones down and ignoring the looming presence of the world-eaters. Drones knocked prone continue their view upward. Those on their stomachs desperately try to stare upward. Finally, as her anger starts to subside, she picks up on an eerie whisper that seems to come from each drone, but also from nowhere.

    "Gods are coming."

    That's what they think the Eldrazi are? Gods?!

    Gnash's fit starts up again as she grinds her teeth together. "They want a god? I'll show them one," she declares, heading back into her palace, the building of which is halted thanks to the gods. Not even her construction drones are continuing their work.

    The Herald of Death paces across the Turmoil-marble floor until an idea hits her. She doesn't need to fight the Eldrazi.

    She needs to control them.

    (Need to read the cards better? Click on 'em! I had difficulty deciding which card to enter, but I ultimately decided upon...drum roll please...As Gods Ascend.)


    The Eldrazi flood the plane, their presence rejecting the existence of Turmoil and everything on it. Gnash's drones refuse her commands, and soon long for the Eldrazi as they move across Turmoil.

    Gnash continues conspiring as the rain of Eldrazi continues. Scouts ascend into the sky, and her drones follow. Nothing is left to do but to bend their world-ending power to her will. There is no need to make an Eldrazi Titan. She will become one.

  • @HeroKP Does my entry work or nah? It doesn't directly tell them to shoo or inherently make a titan, but the idea (as mentioned in my post) is that Gnash is working to basically become one herself, and that's demonstrated on both cards as her manipulation of their presence. Thanks BB
  • @SammySammyson

    Sure! It works. I had something different in mind, but this is fine as well. :)
  • @HeroKP

    C r e a t i v i t y .
  • @SammySammyson

    While I can't really tell you about the process I will say that this is really interesting

    (Turn control and UB-Eldrazi cooperation!)
  • edited December 2019
    @EnvyReaper Yeeaahhhh, the turn control was originally intended to be one of Gnash's ultimate goals, but I had made the card as supplementary and posted it in case I wouldn't have time to make another -- which worked out well because I didn't.

    I wouldn't...necessarily call it...cooperation. Just manipulation. I mean, she basically just lost her ENTIRE army because the drones are convinced that the Eldrazi are gods...but hey, who needs an army of drones when you can start to manipulate things that...don't actually exist.
  • I would have posted today for I have made a card, but need to work on the entry. But a time extension is always welcome.
  • G-good boy Sammy? :')
  • I thought it was already on sunday. Whoops.
  • Whenever an Astral does anything, some essence is emanated from their presence. When the eldrazi arrived, one came to their kingdom, and looked down at the tub of essence created by the population. Never had it had a use or meaning, but it wanted it. The Astrals knew what it wanted, so they began turning into a steam of essence. In return, the titan blessed them with knowledge and power. Yet still they wish to remain neutral, as war leads to death, and death is tragic. See, humans go the afterworld, but astrals are completely removed from existence. All they wanted was safety.

  • yes
    I wait for my moment
    still waiting
    going to be a while here
  • When the next leader of the Stargazers was being determined, Duke had been very hesitant to take on work as a steward, and now Marigold was beginning to see why. As if the burden of the studies as an apprentice weren't bad enough, now she was expected to take double duty, meaning even more classes to attend, books to read, and minor spells to practice. And as if that wasn't enough, as future leader, she also had to start sitting in on the weekly (sometimes more often) meetings.

    These meetings were often boring and a review of the state of the Stargazer Society and their tense relations with the other nations. It was very hard to avoid trying to work on her studies during these meetings or read the massive tome she now possessed properly. She often fell asleep, even. All this politics and adult talk was dreadfully boring. But this week... This week was different.

    It started the same, with everyone gathered around the large table that had been moved into the map room. As always, Duke started with "Let us review the minutes of last week's meeting." But this time, before he could take off in his dull monotone that seemed to exist purely in these meetings, the door was kicked down. Not open, but down, right off the hinges.

    Everyone turns to look at the intruder. Unsurprisingly, it was Hector, who was proving to have a flair for the dramatic. "Beasts!" Of course it was some word without context. He did this once a month, it was honestly a miracle the door hadn't been permanently broken yet. "Beasts!" he declares again.

    "Hector, calm down. What, are bears at the shores again?" Duke replies tiredly. Between his voice and the dark circles under his eyes, it seems he wasn't getting much sleep during his times teaching Marigold. Hector frantically shakes his head.

    "No, nothing so silly as that. I've received reports about real beasts, unbelievable monsters across the land. Masses of writhing tentacles and limbs descending from the skies and rising from the deeps! It's like something out of a horror story!"

    Unsurprisingly, every single boring old person here suddenly filled with energy to discuss the matter. Instead of, you know, actually doing anything about it. "We should incinerate them." Marigold couldn't believe it. 'What if we can enslave one with our cosmic might?" If these things were true, how could anyone just talk calmly about it? They had to be stopped.

    "ENOUGH!" Marigold shouts to the room, bolting up in her seat and slamming her hands onto the table. Her outburst brought the others to silence. This was the first time she'd done anything of her leadership status. "Why should we do anything with them? With all the power you lot like to claim we have, jut get rid of them. They threaten all the others, so just... Just... I dunno, send them back where they came from or something!" She gathers her books and papers and, somewhat awkwardly, storms out of the room.

    Duke sighs and rubs his eyes. "Well, I suppose we can't really tell our proper leader no, so... We better get right on that. Even if she is a child."

    (Long story short, I don't have premium currently and hit the 750 limit a while back. until I get it reinstated I'll be posting with MSE created cards.)
  • @Lujikul

    No worries!
    As long as they are cards, we don't care where they were forged! :)
  • We hereby summon a great creature,
    One of great and terrible feature,
    Assasin of the great. Leader to the small.
    Ats Bedoni, the best Eldrazi of them all.
  • (To clarify, Ats Bedoni is a titan made to kill other titans.)
  • @AxNoodle

    So... You're exterminating the eldrazi?


    I can extend by 24 hours, but NO MORE!
  • edited December 2019
    @HeroKP The idea was to do both, in a kind of way in destroying the other titans to keep the brood to my own titan. Do I need to choose one?
  • @AxNoodle

    No, that's fine. I will formally mark you down under destroyment, but you can pick both in a philosophical sort of way. :)
  • @SteampunkDragon

    If you don't submit you risk getting eliminated!
This discussion has been closed.