Planar Bang



  • So, let me get this straight, this is a cooperative plane building contest?
  • edited April 2020
    yep @EnvyReaper

    tho there still is some competition on who gets to win each stage haha
  • Honorable Mentions

    (I had the idea of sending this yesterday but stuff came up and then had to sleep haha)

    There were a lot of good entires for this and I couldnt do all of them justice without moving my lazy ass more than I wanted and also dragging it more than I should haha, so I restricted myself to 4:

    @Shadaar's Aetheres: A simple idea with a lot of open space for design, flavor, and story, with enough threads to give an idea of what to make, I really liked it.

    @Hergusbergus's Kithindrantil: Is a very complex idea with a lot of cards made for it wich intimidated me a little at first haha, the idea was very well thought and made for a clear story to follow while some flavor and most mechanics were open for developement.

    @KorandAngels's Jeht-Usk: Is an idea that was also very open for flavor, story, and mechanics, however the structure of the world led to very different possibilities from Shadarr's Aetheres, and had more guide for a story while having about as much on flavor.

    And finally:

    @Epok's Elodan: A very interesting idea for a hybrid plane in natural conflict, with a developed story to drive the narrative and flavor and just a bit of mechanics it was very well thought out and I like that they polished it as much as they could before submitting the final version.

    god I need to put less honorable mentions on the first stage next time this is very long haha

    Stage Two will be posted soon!

    (This honorable mentions arent cannon)
  • Thanks for the Honorable mention.
  • edited April 2020
    Stage Two - The Landscape

    This part will be an interesting one.

    In this stage we will define some of the landmarks of our plane, primarely the natural ones; we likelly wont make every bit of land that exists in the plane, only some of them.

    Although physical location isnt the only thing that helps define a landmark, it's enviorment does as well, this includes many things, climate, the creatures within the land, etc.

    However, this plane's nature has some unique effects on it's lands and those that inhabit them; this is a plane of dreams, where things can sprout from nothing and disspate from thin air.

    While places and creatures with staying power are bound to exist it's likelly that many of these are still changing ever so slightly internally, perhaps there exists a forest that shifts arround, trees swapping places once you stop looking at them, perhaps there exist beings who if left alone change in nature in an unperceptible way. 

    Though perhaps there are also some places and creatures that remain unchanging, either from being essential to the plane and/or it's nature, or cause of their own separate nature, perhaps as artifical creations within the plane or held together by the wills of others; or perhaps just creatures that are formed from very strong ideas that are bound to leave strong impressions on people's minds.

    Those are the challenges of this stage:

    Make cards that represent landmarks/enviorments of the plane and/or help define the enviorments withing the plane.
    (Animals, powers of any kind that influence an enviorment, and atributes of said enviorments qualify for the latter)

    Deadline is April 22nd, number of winners will vary, likelly multiple winners.

    Deadline may be moved if more people wanna enter or not enough entries are made.

  • Dropping in with a map I had lying around in my disk drive, would this be ok @Xero0?
  • I got the biomes and temperature

  • edited April 2020
    I can use map makers and was planning to use em later when I got somewhat of an idea of what the world would look like haha

    though considering the nature of the plane standard maps might not be the best fits haha

    if you wanna make a map you can do so, just make sure you can justify it, it has to be fitting for the plane of course

    and you can make maps for individual areas btw

    also noice @KorandAngels, what would be the lore/flavor behind that?
  • It's the spiky bit in the middle of the plane.
  • that seems very powerful and I can see the sleep flavor haha
  • edited April 2020
    Changeful Seas Towering Dreampiercer Magnetic Dreamcatcher

    I tried to make some cards that played into the dream-based nature of the plane.
  • very noice, I like em

    so far we've only had lands, cant wait to see what comes next haha
  • @Xero0 just to clarify we can make creature cards. I would assume the focus would be on the flora and fauna and not human creatures?
  • edited April 2020
    @Epok exactly

    you could even make enchantments, instants, sorceries, even artifacts if you can justify em

    a precious egg or mineral for example could be artifacts that fit this stage's goal

    a fitting enchantment could be one that represents a quality of a place

    a fitting creature could be some creature that lives within a place in the plane
  • edited April 2020
    Immutable Unicorn Dreamfish School

     Some creatures
  • ooooh 

    very noice, I like em
  • @Hergusbergus may I ask what are you using to make those cards for Kithindrantil?
  • edited April 2020
    @pjbear2005 Hergusbergus is using a program called Magic Set Editor, typically referred to as MSE.
  • Cool, thanks
  • I was not here for part 1, so I hope this entry is still valid.

    Amiila is an area of floating island where peoples dreams are animated into real creatures, with powers that weren't even imagined in the dreamers mind.

    Around the islands there are these flying jellyfish things that disperse the newly animated dreams to different parts of the plane. But, for every dream, there is a nightmare, and most of them are born in Hathmet, a series of dark caves within the parts of the plane that are attached to the ground.

    Many have tried to venture within the caves but have never returned, and for the few who come back, they are permanently scarred. Amiila has been protected from these nightmares as they could not fly, but recently the alpha nightmare, the biggest of them all has emerged from Hathmet.

    This new nightmare has been ruining the minds of many of the planes inhabitants, but is now attempting to get to Amiila to destroy the dreams and the dreamer himself.

  • very noice, really like the idea

    and yes your entires are valid, you can participate in any stage, doesnt matter if you didnt in a previous one
  • Every plane has a special place where everything and everyone has left to waste. Draumdrasil is no exception, as even the Dreamer sometimes loses memory of what it has created.

    The only way to access this "Forgotten Realm" is to find the Door. The Door disappears and reappears according to the Dreamer's mind state. Whenever someone passes through, the Door will invert its behavior, appearing when it should be disappearing and disappearing when it should be appearing. This makes it impossible to travel with more than one person at a time. Once you go in, you will need patience until you can go back.

    Inside the Forgotten Realm, it is mostly barren. Things that the Dreamer subconsciously places in the Forgotten Realm don't tend to exist for long. Except for one, Ma'adi. Ma'adi was the first God the Dreamer created, and kept by its side for a time. Once the Dreamer entered its eternal slumber, Ma'adi disappeared. He reappeared here, in the Forgotten Realm, stuck for eternity.

  • edited April 2020

    Draumdrasil’s appearance matches its surreal nature in many aspects.

    A rolling fog covers large swathes of the plane for days, weeks on end. Initial travels to the plane are sure to disorient newcomers easily.

    However, every now and again, the fog lifts. When it does, the viewer is blessed by an amazing view, with formations very few have seen elsewhere.

    But what creates these beautiful formations, one may ask? Well, most of them were made by the Dreamer itself, existing from the very start. Others have since been from experiments in sculpting the land. However, some were from the work of its disciples. They’ve learned from the Dreamer, and, originally the caretakers of the plane, seek to preserve its creation from the likes of the Dreamer’s Doom and those who wish to have the plane destroyed. Should you feel the ground shift beneath you, be proud that you’re in the audience of a near-god, but it’s best to get out of the way.

  • very noice ideas

    also from what skye said the dreamer's doom is an avatar from the dreamer that seeks to protect the plane, the name is a reference to the dreamer falling into endless slumber and ye it can be confusing haha
  • edited April 2020
    @Xero0 I assume you're referring to my submission. I've edited the text explaining the Disciple so it works better, but, as a direct quote from @SkyeSeraph: "the Doom was subject to change, and and the eons past, it fell into madness. Now it haunts the plane, hunting down the heart of the tree..."
    Doesn't seem that confusing to me.
  • oooh ye, had forgotten and didnt see it last time I checked haha
  • @Xero0 It's all good.
This discussion has been closed.