Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Or you take one of the many items that are in the room. Feel free to create a new weapon.
    Oh, i forgot to mention: Since the weapons you create are connected to your character they are able to regenerate themself after combat. So if in combat one of them gets destroyed or exiled, it will be there again once combat is over.
  • Duucxejial cast Sundering Sonata between Rarg's first strike damage and regular combat damage, so Rarg didn't get hit during the last fight.

  • I am done with protections, so I created this.
  • Lore:
    As Wenkman picked a purple crystal up, the purple crystal would shakes then it goes flies onto the Energy Drainer. It seems crystal is absorbed through the staff, the orb on it turns from blue into purple that gives strange energy off to Wenkman. The staff itself is somewhat distorted in the reality which gives Wenkman a shiver upon it. " I hope I don't get to use it often. " He said in fearful voice.
  • After Wenkman picked up a Corrupted Crystal, he looks for any more items such as armors he can use.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    "T: put two -2/-2 counters and a devoid counter on target creature."
    Thats already two effects.
    "You gain 2 colorless mana and 2 life"
    Thats two more effects.

    Please recreate that item so that tapping the equipped creature only does ONE thing.

    Tap equipped creature: put a -4/-4 counter on target creature.
    Tap equipped creature: Put a devoid counter on target creature.
    Tap equipped creature: Gain 2 mana
    Tap equipped creature: Gain 2 life.

    And "piercing" is not a regular ability so replace that as well.

    Example how a weapon/equipment could be like without violating the requirements.

  • Why did you allowed me to use Energy Drainer, if it has a single abiltiy contains two effects? What is rule for creating an ability?

    Furthermore the weapons have an ability that requires spending mana and an ability that requires tapping the equipped character. The mana ability can be used only once per turn.
    While I did forget to limit it to only use once.

    You said I may add an one-word ability, you never said it had to be regular ability. Did I missed something?
    The equipped creature gets a one-word ability that a creature can have (for example: haste, bushido, devoid etc.)

  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    I didnt assume people would use custom creature abilities, but use those that already exist in magic.

  • @LvB
    Is custom keywords banned?
  • Upgraded Blazetongue (Cascade means whenever Raulus starts combat, summon random lizard or dragon creature less powerful than Raulus of LvB's discretion, I guess.)

  • @LvB
    You didn't answered my question;
    Why did you allowed me to use Energy Drainer, if it has a single abiltiy contains two effects? What is rule for creating an ability?
    Why did you allowed me to create an Energy Drainer that has an ability does two thing rather one? And why I can't improve that?

    I will limit that abilty to only two effects as it remains similar as Energy Drainer. However, I would like to know why I couldn't have more than one effect for a single ability.
  • Updated Corrupted Life Drainer

  • I'll submit this piece for Duucxejial:
    Dragonspeakers Chakram
  • Now we're only waiting for @smax765 to create Rarg's Everburning Torch.
  • Phasing rule:
    If a creature doesn't have phasing and it phases out. Then that creature is removed from the game without the way to recover it back. @cadstar369, is there way to bring permanents back, if they don't have phasing? I don't think it's possible to target out-phased creature to have it phases in as game treats it as if it never existed.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Phasing works like:
    "At the beginning of your turn this creature phases out.
    At the beginning of your turn this creature phases in, if it is phased out."

    Beginning Turn 1: Phase out
    Beginning Turn 2: Phase in
    Beginning Turn 3: Phase out
    Beginning Turn 4: Phase in

    Phasing makes that the creature is in play only every 2nd turn.

    A creature that is phased out automatically phases in at the beginning of its controllers next turn. If it werent like that you could phase out creatures who dont have phasing and have the same effect then as if you exiled them.

    And the ruling is:
    BB,Tap: Target creature phases out. (While it’s phased out, it’s treated as though it doesn’t exist. It phases in before its controller untaps during their next untap step.)

    Phasing as an ability on a card, by itself is a bad ability , so wizards didnt use it much. But in contrast, Phasing out something with another card can be quite strong. Best example for this is

    Which is superstrong.
  • Smax765 can create his torch later.

    "Now, that you have accomplished what you came for, its time to leave. Unless you want to do something else, like get killed by dwarfs or so."
    A. - Lets go to the secret entrance and leave
    B. - Lets do something else
  • Raulus definitely votes for option A. "Let's get out of this wound up slaughterhouse of dwarf and party killing each other." He whispers.
  • A for sure. Wenkman rather to escape than wiping an enite race out.
  • "You think we even have the power to commit Genocide, Figure Mage?" Raulus says to Wenkman.
  • Wenkman paused. "No, I don't know if we truly have power to wipe out entire race, but I rather to not try that out." Wenkman said, "However, there are a few people would love to attempt that such." Wenkman finished his thoughts.
  • Duucxejial voted for A a long time ago; away we [attempt to] go!
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    "After looting the vault, you move back south towards the exit. The chest with items and weapons that you carry with you is heavy and so you cant move as fast as you want. But as you get closer to the southern corridor, you hear talking, the sound of steps and some really heavy steps that are more like a stomping, and more noises that a group would make while moving. And this noise is coming from around the corner where the stairs are that lead down to floor 5, the caves, where you havent been yet. You stop and listen, but whoever is there must've stopped too. They probably have heard you, too!"
    A. - Lets try to Ambush them! You jump around that corner with drawn weapons and ready to fight. "DIE DWARFES!"
    B. - Maybe they havent heard us yet and are stopping for some other reason. Retreat and hide, then find another way to the exit.
    C. - Lets do something else ...

  • That should be the two golems from earlier… If they aren't in any rush, are they transporting a group of gnomes?

    Duucxejial casts Gladewalker's Shroud on himself, then peeks around the corner while camouflaged. If the situation is as he suspects (it's the two Antifighter Golems escorting a group of noncombatants), he'll cast Offer to the Ancients on both golems.
  • edited November 2023
    "I've had enough of combat." Raulus says, then waits for Duucxejial's report. (Essentially voting for B.) Also @cadstar369 don't forget to proliferate and/or populate if the situation is as described.
  • @cadstar369
    "Duucxejial, I would like to try this staff out on one of them, I need to see what the purple crystal have done to this staff." Wenkman said, after all, Golems are robots and cannot feel the pain.
  • "No, Wenkman, we don't know what they are yet. Don't blow our cover." Raulus growls at Wenkman.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    As Duucxejial is trying to look around the corner while being camouflaged your vision suddenly blurs as if you were looking through water or a blurry window and you feel that something had the same idea as you. And that something is only barely visible. It must have some type of camouflage as well, maybe shadow or shroud, or maybe both. That something quickly retreats behind its corner and so do you. But it must have detected you. You hear silent whispering from around the corner but cant understand it.
    A. - We will then ...
  • @LvB
    Wenkman, while hidden behind corner, would opens the Ancient Tome of Prediction, using 4 mana, Wenkman whispers to this book; "Tell me what do you know about this entity and what is their intention?"

    Targeting the entity that goes into the shadow when it sees Duucxejial.
  • Wenkman doesn’t have the Tome of Prediction, since our equipment got disintegrated by the saga in the earlier fight.
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