Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • That tome was destroyed by the dwarfs spell.
  • Oh right. Forget what I said.
  • edited November 2023
    Raulus concentrates hard, devoting all his attention to his mind. Harder and harder he concentrates on a vision of the party being teleported to the exit. He concentrates on that, using all his brainpower to try and teleport the party there.
  • "If you're moving stealthily here, I doubt we are foes," Duuucxejial mutters, just loud enough that whoever is beyond the corner should be able to hear. "I'm on my way out if you'd like to join me."
  • Raulus, concentrating as hard as he can, and sweating like crazy, opens a small portal above his head, but it instantly closes. Seems like Raulus porting away ability is more or less random.

    As Duuucxejial says this, the whispering intensifies but you can hear some words "... surely .... golems .... trick ... hehe ...trap ..." and then whoever is beyond that corner answers.
    "Alright, show yourself. We assure you that we are NO dwarfes and that we will NOT harm you if you arent dwarfes!"

    A. - Alright, Party, we will now ...
    (Final decision what the party does in this situation. So you better agree an something.)
  • "Hmm. Sounds tricky to me. They could be elves. Let's wait a little." "One of us should go check it out first." Raulus says.
  • Without hesitation, Wenkman would steps out of the corner, as he would removes dwarf's illusion mask."Aight, I will check em out first, wish me a luck." Wenkman said quietly, he would approach to the corner, "Since you said you are not dwarves, I may prove you that we are certainly not dwarves. As you can see, I am merely a stickman who knows some magic. Will you come out as well? We have no intention to harm you as well, we are attempting to escape this inkling's place--" Wenkman paused, then corrects himself this, "No, I meant the hell. If you see what am I saying from, you would understand as well. Don't you?"
  • Since smax is not here, I will control Rarg. Rarg extinguishes his Everburning Torch and prepares to summon an Enchanted-Blessed Elemental if needed.
  • As Wenkman steps around the corner he sees a strange group. First thing he sees is a large creature that seems to be made of magma or lava. A lavagolem maybe ? But theres no dwarfes around. Instead you see this group of creatures and behind them a group of gnomes.
    The Ducklike creature looks at you, then starts to speak.
    "Hmm, indeed, you are no dwarf. To be honest, i have no idea what exactly you are. But wheres my manners, allow us to introduce ourselfes. This here is Graxx the Molten, a Magmaelemental with a magical Flamethrower."
    Graxx starts to speak: " Graxx like fire!"
    The Ducklike creature continues speaking: "And this here is Reptilos, a mighty serpentine warrior. But pls dont mention his little problem. Being transfered into this Dimension wasnt easy for him and from time to time he phases out of existence, but so far he has always come back.
    Reptilos wants to say something, but *poof* hes gone, only to appear some seconds later again, grumbling something.
    "Ahem, yes, and this here is the Shapeless One. He is a really powerful mage who, can manipulate the minds of others, so that they see and hear and even feel things that arent there. And the little furry creature here is Squirrelica, our apprentice. Im sure one day she will make a great adventurer. But now to myself. Im Ser Duckington, a Historian and Archeologist and purveyor of dungeons where i ghater knowledge to share it with others.
    We were transferred here when Reality suddenly shifted and a magical wave crushed through our dimension.
    And once here, we found out that this plane of existence is very similar to ours. As we are adventurers and heard that Gnomes are being kept as prisoners here, we decided that we must free them. We came in here through a secret passage, lured the evil dwarfen overseer into a hidden cave with an ancient mimic that had disguised himself as a pile of treasures...
    Squirrelica interrupts him: "That fight was so epic!"
    "Ahem... yes, indeed. Ah well, to make it short, the mimic ate him and we stole his key meanwhile and then freed the Gnomes. And now we are here to lead them to freedom and safety."

    A. - Ahem, ....

  • Hey, I’m back! I ended up with some stuff more fast than expected…
    Anyway, my torch-sword:

  • edited November 2023
    @smax765 non-activated abilities aren't allowed for this iteration of equipment. It's also missing two requirements. Recall the quest:
    They are now Legendary Rare items that give +2/+2. The equipped creature gets a one-word ability that a creature can have (for example: haste, bushido, devoid etc.)

    Furthermore the weapons have an ability that requires spending mana and an ability that requires tapping the equipped character. The mana ability can be used only once per turn.


    Nonplussed by the current turn of events, which might be best described as so absurd one can only accept it at face value, Duucxejial will keep his interactions with this new group to a minimum beyond what is polite. In particular, he will not tell them anything the party doesn't also already know.
  • @LvB
    "My name is Wenkman, Sir Ducklington. The person you seen pervious who happened to have a difficult trying to being invisible. It's quite strange for his skill to fail this time. That is Duucxejial. Next person who attempted to manipulate a portal is Rulus, was it? I believe that a human with torch is called Rarg. It's pleasure to meet you, but what surprises me is that you managed to free Gnomes from their chains. Do you care to explain to us how did you do such? We were unable to destroy it to liberate him." Wenkman puts his handless arm onto his chin, thinking. "Oh, right, shouldn't we leave right now before these racists catches us?" Wenkman asked his party.
  • @cadstar369
    LvB doesn’t say that the ability must be activated, just that the ability needs to spend mana and one that requires tapping. The sword has both. And remember that when a card transforms, the transforming ability can’t be re-activated (it will be countered). Look at this (from the shadows over innistrad mechanics):

    3. No flippy-floppy

    I've saved our most technical change for last. Here's the new rule: if a DFC has an activated or triggered ability that transforms it, that permanent transforms only if it hasn't since that ability was put on the stack.

  • @cadstar369
    He's not wrong. LvB said ability needs a spending mana to do something.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    I dont think that creating additional combat steps is a good idea because the characters are limited by the number of actions they have. If we strictly follow the rules for the action-based system, a character can attack once, cast 1 spell and do something else per tun. Getting another combat step in that system would be useless cause you can attack only once. Unless you have chosen path of the body, but with that you already get an extra attack per turn. With Mind you are still limited to 1 attack per turn and with versatility, you have 4 actions, but are still limited to only 1 attack per turn.
    Also additional combat step would count for everyone which is too strong. If you want extra attacks, change the equipped weapon too: "Equipped character may attack twice per tun." But remember this will cost you 2 actions then, one for each attack.
  • The extra combat step is only for untapped creatures. Unlike the warleader’s torch, this equipment only untaps equipped creature. That way only Rarg will be able to get that extra combat step.
  • Is Shapeless One an illusion mage, yes?
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    yes, but he cant use it, cause he's still limited to 1 attack per turn.

    Shapeless one is able to manipulate the mind of others so that they can see, hear and feel things that arent there. Technically he does exactly the same as an illusion mage, but in a totally diffrent way.
  • Raulus turns to the group. "Well we just got rid of the paladin. So we each got rid of one of the two bosses. Now let's get out of here before the whole fortress attacks us. We know the way to the exit. " Then he and the rest of the party, if they agree, will lead them to the secret exit.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Ser Duckington thinks for a moment, then looks at Wenkman.
    "So, you are adventurers, too? It is a bit hard to understand what you are saying, but its probably us, because we are new to this plane of existence. All we want is to leave this place together with the gnomes. As i understand you were to leave this place too, so lets do this and maybe we can even assist each other.
    What do you say?"

    A. - That sounds good, lets move on to the secret escape and help each other.
    B. - Hmm, they are adventurers like us. They probably have good equipment. Lets kill them and take their equipment. Then kill the gnomes, cause we dont need witnesses and then we leave!
    C. - Same as B, but lets take the Gnomes with us so they can reward us for their freedom.
    D. - Something else ...
  • Wenkman would turns his head toward his own party "We can trust them, what do you think, Duucxejial? Can you trust em as well?"
  • edited November 2023
    Duucxejial sighs, shifting his chakram across one shoulder. And here I had hope for that one. Well, having someone like that around can be useful at times like this.

    "We don't exactly have time for this. Shouldn't we be focusing on leaving?"
    (Duucxejial votes for A.)

    Edit: While we’re still here, what did Bragrack take from the vault (if anything)?
  • edited November 2023
    Raulus also votes for A, but might consider C if the gnomes prove to be exceedingly helpful in getting to the exit faster.
  • Wenkman chosen A as well.
  • Rarg will also vote for A
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Bragrack picked the largest two-handed-axe he could find in the vault.

    So it is decided, you head for the secret exit, but as you are at the door of storage room 3, where the exit ist, you hear noise coming from the stairs that lead up to the officers quarter. The dwarves are pouring into this floor down the stairs. And this time its not a small unsuspecting group but a real dwarven unit.
    "Hurry!", you shout, but getting two adventurer groups and a group of gnomes into a secret tunnel take some time.
    "Run!", Ser Duckington shouts at the gnomes. "We will cover you and delay the dwarfes!"
    The Gnomes move as fast as they can but being imprisoned has weakened them and they are not as fast as you wish.
    Meanwhile the dwarfes are advancing. You must delay the dwarfes now for at least three turns! If you all get killed you lose. If at least 1one the adventurers is alive the whole party is able to escape.

    Heres how it works:
    The "D"s represent the Dwarfs. Each turn the dwarfs advance 1 field. You must delay their advance for 3 turns. You can do that by attacking and killing them using spells or plausible RP actions.
    Heres how the Dwarves formation actually looks like:

    The Dwarven Legion also has spawned a 2/2 Dwarven army.
    Above the dwarves are flying three
    The Officer and the Cleric are in the Storage room. They cant attack you and you cant attack them (you dont see them), but they are able to buff and dispell the dwarves.

    As Graxx sees the dwarfs he grumbles a "Buuuuuurn!" and shoots a blob of liquid fire with his flamethrower at Field 1 which instantly starts to burn.
    Reptilos summons three
    And sends them into the middle room wheres they disappear through the northern door. They will attack the enemy from the northern flank in 1-2 turns.
    The shapeless one seems to be in some form of mental battle with the inquisitor and at the moment it looks like no one is winning.
    Squirrelica and Ser Ducktington are busy with helping the Gnomes.

    And now its your turn. Fight the dwarves! Delay the dwarves. RP the dwarves! Use your spells and the Environment to slow down the dwarfs as best as you can.
    With Melee attacks you can only attack the dwarfen Legion, but with spells and abilities you can target every dwarf (except cleric and officer). And you can use RP to fight them, for example if you have a spell that creates smoke, that smoke could fill the corridor so non one can see anything or something like that.

    For your information: The storage rooms are still filled with dusty trash, crates boxes and at least 20 year old barrels of ogrebeer. The middle room has chairs and a table in it.
  • @cadstar369 @LvB
    Can I do anything before the untap step? Otherwise, Wenkman will slip through time for this turn.
  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden you cannot do anything, as phasing happens before the untap step. (Players can't take actions until the upkeep step.)
  • Aight, Wenkman phases out this turn.
  • *raises hand*
    • Under the current ruleset, we win the scenario if one of us simply leaves the battle. I take it this is unintentional?
    • If the lose condition is a TPK, then why are we bothering to delay the dwarves at all? (Even if you were to add "the dwarves reach zone 3" as a lose condition, there's still no reason to delay beyond the first turn, nor any apparent value in doing so.)
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