Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • As an illusion mage, Archie - while find Demonica to be beautiful - remains uncharmed as he doesn't know anything about the demon lady.
  • "I'm looking for someone. I know not if you can help though, as the only information I have about them is that they carry a previous acquaintance's equipment. It was rather unique gear though, so I'm sure it will become apparent who it is after some time. For now, perhaps a soda would do some good after the nonsense I've been through today…"

    After obtaining a soda, Duucxejial takes a seat at an open table, considering a brief bout of busking as he casually observes the patrons.
  • @cadstar369
    When Duucxejial mentions unqiue gears, the fox seems interested about that after he was distracted for a moment by Demonica. "Hmm, what does it look like?" The fox asked as he handed a soda to Duucxejial.

    (Targeting Duucxejial to receive Soda token)
  • "A staff and shield. Already an odd pairing, but these were made of unusual materials as well," the dragonspeaker says quietly. It's not exactly safe for either of us if I say any more, so I'll have to leave it at that and wait.
  • Fox would leans toward Duucxejial to get close his ear then he whispers this, "Are you looking for a shield with strange language on it and another staff with glowing purple orb?"
  • (The shield youre referring to was destroyed while you fought the dwarves)
  • So a random cleric can casually cause two indestructible masterworks to crumble to dust, but we can’t deal with a mere chain…sure, whatever. ??‍♂️
  • Hmm, yes, sir. Why do you know that.
  • @cadstar369
    Well, your logic is flawless, but... The shield been exiled.
  • The fox would look at the lizard, "Well, I just happened to get a staff after a strange creature came out of portal and..." Fox hesitated as he would be confused by a message, "Gave me a staff and said something about Wenkman? I never see a stickman coming to life before, but could that be your friend?" Fox then looked at Duucxejial.
  • Duucxejial sighs. Loose lips all around… “We weren’t anything close to friends yet, but it seems you might be the one we’re looking for.”

    @FireOfGolden I’m fairly certain “exiling” it only worked because an enemy did it, ‘cause that’s definitely not what would have happened had the party tried something similar, and I doubt it would have gone like that for any other character we’ve met so far either.
  • Fox tilted his head toward Duucxejial "Is it because I have the staff? Or it's more than that?"
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Meanwhile Demonica and her rogues are trying to hide the chest with the loot under a large table where its not visible to everyone. Then a silent whispering starts among them.
  • "A guy told us to go here to find a guy with that staff..."
  • "Well. I am here now. What is your intention with me? Are you here to kidnap me or kill me for a reason?" Fox seems became sketchy as he would step back once. Fox noticed the chest as the rogues would put these under table. "And did you stole something?" Fox added.
  • "Why would we do that? You don't look like the type to have a bounty on their head. Personally, I'm satisfied with confirming your existence, but the one that sent us this way probably wants us to invite you along for the ride."

    Duucxejial looks down at his nearly-empty soda. Perhaps I really should work through a set or two…
  • @cadstar369
    Does that mean Duucxejial would like one more soda?

    The fox seems relieved, "Oh, my bad then. I thought you would be one of these bad guys that elves warned us about. My name is Archie and I am owner of this inn. Lizard and lady demon, would you like a soda? It's on the house. While I am here, what are your names, mates?"
  • "I'll take a non-alcoholic soda if possible, please. I never drink alcohol. My name is Raulus." Raulus says to Archie. 
  • @kaoz42
    "Well, Raulus. We don't have alcoholic soda, so you don't have to worry. However, there's a catch: sodas can give you extra energy as if you drank a coffee without dehydrating you. Intake too much and you would be buzzed so much, it's as if you are high on something." Archie said as he brings a soda to Raulus. "Interesting substance, right?" 

  • Should I skip this scene all way to when Archie joins the party?
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    It's your character introduction. You can handle this however you want. I'll just sit back with Demonica and her Rogues at the table and watch. So feel free to do Dungeonmaster/Gamemaster stuff while introducing Archie.
  • Well, people here aren't that interested try to roleplay when I introducing Archie. So, Imma just... Skip this scene all way to when Archie joins the party. Any objections, others than LvB?
  • No objections for me. 
  • Duucxejial is indifferent on the matter, so I have no objection to skipping the scene.
  • Man. I guess I am bad at being a gamemaster for this scene.

    We would like to skip this scene and Archie joined the party.
  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden it's not really you, but rather the other people here: The GM is apparently indifferent to the event, at least one player's character has no investment in getting Archie to join the party, and two players have a history of vanishing without warning, making it unlikely that anyone will continue the RP until Archie joins the party.
  • And so the brave adventurers leave the mysterious inn together with their new party member, Archie, after that somewhat shocking turn of events. Who would have thought, that ... but you swore that what happened in the inn will remain a secret.
    You can hear demonicas rogues whisper "Who would have thought, that ...", "I never imagined such a thing might even exist!", "Can you imagine the consequences?", "Maybe this shouldve been kept hidden", and more like that.
    As you step out of the inn and on the street you can see that on every crossroad there's now at least two elves who guard it. Theres also some people on the streets who are curious about whats going on, but most seem to have decided that its better to stay at home.
    A. - We should go to our hideout now, keep a low profile for a few days and look after Eldric.
    B. - We want to do something else.
  • Archie chooses A.
  • Is it possible to continue RPG alone?
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