Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • I am also voting for A
  • edited December 2023
    Welp, I guess we’re off to our hideout then. ??‍♂️
  • @FireOfGolden
    No need to. I am back. Raulus votes for A.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    You leave the inn and move towards your hideout. Demonica sends her group of rogues ahead to see what happens, but the elves that are guarding the cities cossroads apparently dont care about the people on the streets, as long as they dont cause any trouble. Maybe the elves think its just not worth it, to interfere into the affairs of others,  or maybe they have orders to leave the citizens alone, who knows.
    It still feels somewhat strange, moving unhindered through the streets with your illustrous group and the chest full of loot, without any trouble, but maybe its your lucky day today.
    Still, you have the feeling that the elves are fully aware of your group and are keeping an eye on you. After a while you reach your hideout, and as you just want to knock on the door, the door opens and instead of the Gnome that lives here, a young Elf opens the door.
    Not unfriendly, he looks at your group and then speaks: "There you are. Follow me. There is someone who wants to speak with you." And then he goes upstairs, apparently not caring if you follow him or not.
    But as you look left and right up and down the street you can now see that on each end of the street, suddenly there are a lot more Elves. Maybe about 20. And they are watching you. Most of them as if they dont care, but some are wearing a kind of arrogant smile. And as you look up you can see elves armed with bows on the roofs of the houses nearby.
    A. - Seems like we walked into a trap. But they want to talk, so lets find out what they want.
    B. - Damn, a trap! Lets find the one who wants to talk to us, surprise attack him and then flee through the windows into another street.
  • I will vote for A.
  • Archie will choose A
  • Raulus starts chanting and doing draconic gestures, attempting to cast the draconic Elder Sorcery of Total Annihilation.
  • Duucxejial will smack Raulus upside his head in an attempt to stop this recurring idiocy, then continue into the house without breaking stride as if nothing happened. (Voting for A)
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus roars "I will not accept any negotiations with a race that in one of the most bloody wars in history, slew at least nine-tenths of my race.  And I will certainly not accept any assault from you." At Duucxejial, then unsheathes his sword and calls this with cascade (Considering equipping as "casting"):

  • Duucxejial snorts. "You're free to commit suicide, but don't drag the rest of us down with you."
  • Raulus glares at Duucxejial and says "Fine. Intelligence comes first." Then wallops Duucxejial with the flat of his sword for 0 damage, turning to the elves: "So what do you want?"
  • Duucxejial will attempt to sidestep the blade, biting back a sigh. Looks like someone wasn't paying attention, but what did I expect?
  • Raulus wallops Duucxejial again.
  • Sensing that this farce is likely to escalate, Duucxejial will allow the blow to land.
  • Seeing that Raulus refused to talk the elves and he might cause turmoil. Archie whispered in different language that alters the reality around Raulus. Raulus seems calmier than usually now.

    Archie casted 
    On Raulus. An illusion been created this time, but disappears when enchantment been sealed on the lizard.

    "Just let's keep move on, Duucxejial." He whispered, "Raulus will not bother us and elves for short time."
  • @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    Before you guys can do anything, Archie casted Twist the Reality on Raulus to calm him down and cooperates with elves.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    The elves on the street and the roofs look with amusement at the adventurers, but since the adventurers only seem to want to hit each other, the elves dont interfere. And youre quite sure you can hear them saying something about lesser races.
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus already agreed to negotiate, so you don't need to cast that. Raulus suddenly got convinced to cooperated by his dragon lord. Raulus turns to the elves: "You think we are lesser races? Well we apparently are for this time, but get to the point of what you want."
  • Right, I void that.
  • As that is decided now, you step into the house and go upstairs, where the elves have "renovated" a room while you were away. The room is empty except for some couches that are placed at the walls. In the middle of the room is a small table filled with food and drinks. And on one of the couches sits an older elf. He doesnt really look old, but his white hair and the grey eyes somehow have an effect, that makes you think that he's old.
    With a very calm voice, a minimum amount of movement and just a look at the other empty couches he starts to speak:
    "Have a seat. And allow me to be your guest for a while. I brought some food and drinks as a present for you. Im sure you could use it after your visit at the dwarven fortress. But, first, let me tell you something about myself, so you know where everyone is standing. I am Dalerrion Yosalfar and i work for the Elvish Intelligence Agency. Its purpose is to maintain peace and watch out for dangers.
    We've been watching you for some time now and you have been most interesting so far. But before i continue let me tell you this. I am not here for a fight or to force you to do something for us. I come with an offer and its up to you what you make of it. Know, that whatever you decide to do, it will be of no disadvantage for you."
    A. - We have heard enough. We dont work for elves. Good bye.
    B. - Ok, we are in, whatever it is you want, as long as we get paid.
    C. - First tell us more.
    D. - There is something else we want to know first ...
  • Archie looked the party. "You guys visited dwarven fortress? How did you managed to enter the fortress? Elves said they are vicious and racist! They never let anyone wander the fortress unless it's for business reason."

    Archie, has positive attitude toward Elves because he never had a problem with elves, YET. He will chooss C.
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus turns to Dalerrion. "Tell us more first. Even though we reptiles have fought your race in many bloody wars that ended with grudges on both sides, you elves are indeed more reliable than dwarfes." (Also voting for C.) Meanwhile, the Loch Dragon starts eating some of the food and glugging some soda.
  • Nonplussed, Duucxejial will keep silent for now, remaining standing out of habit. (Voting for C)
  • The Loch Dragon is totally ignoring the conversation.
  • I'll also vote for C
  • Dalerrion continues speaking: "Some day we found out that the Council of Luxeria and the "Nobles" that were part of it, no longer were interested in keeping this city safe. They invested less and less money into things that could produce light and kept the money for themself. And the city's reserves of wood, oil and such were running low. We looked into this and found out that their plan was to only illuminate their own Mansions and Castles and leave the rest of the people to the monsters that would roam the night then. The largest creatures would still be driven away by the light, but the smaller nightmonsters would roam the dark corners and streets and kill the people in the streets at night.
    But only we, superior as we are, could see this. The rest of the people just didnt care what would be in the future. Therefore we decided to act. But we couldnt do so alone. So we told the dwarves about this problem. They understood what was going on, but greedy and stubborn as they are, they demanded a reward. So we told them that we and everyone else would acknowledge them as superior subterranian race and that we would share power with them.
    Now our intention was to care for the lesser races like a shepherd would do for his herd, while the dwarves wanted to rule and have others serve them. And once they had the power they also used it to increase their wealth. Thats why they enslaved the Gnomes and forced them to build Golems for thems. We didnt approve of such behaviour, but we need the alliance with the dwarves to secure the city and provide enough light for this city. So, we cant act against the dwarves, when they behave cruel or when their religious zealousy causes problems.
    Now, YOU, however, are allied to no one. You can do anything you want without thinking about political consequences. If you act against the dwarves, you dont do so because you work for us, but because you are adventurers and have your own motives. And should you get caught, we have nothing to do with you. And thats why i am here. From time to time i would have some tasks to do for you. You would of course get paid, but you wouldnt get any other support from us. Most Elves wont even know that you would work for us. These tasks would vary, but the purpose behind them would always be to keep this city safe."
    A. - We are not interested to do your dirty work. Begone.
    B. - We get paid? Thats all that matters.
    C. - Alright, we are in. Not for money, but to help the people.
    D. - Something else ...
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus says "That sounds about right and the dwarfes are indeed stubborn and greedy, but as you elves are intelligent, how could we trust what you said is true? It does seem correct except when you mentioned the ignorance of the other races, and you also forced many races into the slums, so why should we trust you, you aren't that much smarter than the other races, others like draconians and my subspecies of the reptile race also have magic detection." (Option D.)
  • Archie tilted his head, "You are treating us as if we were thugs. Can I ask why?" He wonder why elves wouldn't help him and the party. (Archie is naive toward Elves, so don't mind me there.)
  • Duucxejial, remaining vigilant and attentive despite swiftly losing interest, continues to keep silent, affecting boredom as he takes a brief moment during the lull to arrange his thoughts. I wonder if they find it 'elegant' to point one thorn at another. Accepting almost certainly leads to our execution down the line, but they know we can't reasonably refuse after their little show of force. While I'd rather skip town than play expendable black ops, I'll keep watching the others bumble their way through this for now. Virtually everything he's said is either a lie or meaningless, and he's even practically spelled it out for us already. At any rate, perhaps this "Dalerrion Yosalfar" will slip and say something interesting; it can't hurt to stick around a little longer if I can spin a half-decent story out of this mess.

    (It appears that's three votes for D again.)
  • The Loch Dragon roars and starts to get angry. "Elves tried to trick dragons too many times. We don't trust you, and I'll make sure neither does my reptilian summoner over there."
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