Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    The Zombie Abomination taking 2 damage from Duucxejial, 3 damage from the summoned Dragon and 2 damage from Raulus, is now down to 8 Hitpoints/Toughness.
    But as Raulus hits it, the Zombie Abomination hits Raulus back for 2 and because of infect Raulus gets two -1/-1 counters and is now down to 0/1.

    (If you summon a creature you control it and decide what the creature does.)
  • Raulus retreats to the healer and asks for help, then casts Exploding Blade and targets the Abomination for 3 damage. Raulus now has 2 mana left.
    [Out of character]
    @cadstar369 thanks. @LvB Are -1/-1 counters permanent, or will Raulus recover eventually?
  • @kaoz42 as it’s still the party’s turn, we currently have to both wait for Rarg to go & subsequently survive the enemy turn before you can throw that Exploding Blade out.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    As level 3 character you have 3 diffrent actions. You can cast a spell and attack on the adventurers turn, so that works. But considering the exploding blade, you must chose a target for the 1 damage. Since it says "Deal 3 damage to target creature and 1 damage to another target creature" and there are no other enemy creatures, you must select the healer or a party member to take that 1 damage.
    The Healer already made his move this turn and cant do anything right now.
    The -1/-1 counters are gone once the fight is over.
    The Zombie Abomination is down to 5.
  • edited August 2023
    @LvB we can cast multiple spells in a turn? (I thought Raulus couldn’t cast Exploding Blade because they already summoned a dragon this turn.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Oh, right, sorry, i forgot that because the dragon was a creature, but was summoned by a spell.
    No, of course then its not possible to cast the exploding blade. That would be the 2nd spell this turn.
    Right now its 3 actions per turn, but diffrent ones.
    Attacking, casting a spell, using abilities.
    So no exploding blade this turn.
    Zombie Abomination is at 8 then.
    But what would work, would be as 3rd action to activate Blazetongues ability to deal 1 damage. Then Raulus wouldve attacked, cast a spell and used an ability.
  • Ok, my go. I’ll cast storm strike, pay for the healing pot and then attack (for the pot I choose the “prevent damage” effect.
  • Then the abomination will drop to 2 toughness and I will still be a 3/4
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Using the healing potion isnt necessary cause the abomination already hit Raulus during the adventurers turn, so it cant hit you, too. Remember, the adventurers attack simultaneously if you all chose to attack. And the healer is in posession of the potion, so only he can use it. But he wouldve used it if it was needed.

    Monsters Turn:
    At first the effect of the Blast of Negativity runs out and the power of the adventurers is restored. Eldric shakes of his unconsciousness and is back in combat.

    Zombie Abomination is down to 2 toughness. Low as it is, it shakes its body and some of the zombies fall on the ground where they position themself in front of the zombie Abomination to protect it.
    And then the Abomination casts:
    You dont know if the Abomination has chosen A, B or C, although B isnt very likely.
    Since its down to 2 toughness, the Abomination doesnt attack and ends its turn.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Adventurers turn.
    Squire Eldric uses his +2/+2 ability to buff himself up. But he's somewhat scared of the zombies and just threatens them "Come and my axehammer will make short work of you!"
    The Village Healer taps himself and uses his first ability on Eldric, preventing the next 2 damage that would be dealt to Eldric saying "We wont lose that boy to the zombies."
  • Now it is the moment to attack! I sacrifice my storm token, dealing 1 damage to the boss zombie. @kaoz42 I recommend to use now storm of blades!
  • Sharp beats echo into the darkness as Duucxejial continues the Sundering Sonata, dealing 2 damage to one of the the zombies. If it doesn't explode (i.e. the Abomination didn't pick C), he will whirl forward into the fray, attacking a second zombie.


    Welp, given the way 'until end of turn' effects work in this game and assuming the enemy will try its best to kill us, our actions this turn are largely irrelevant if the Abomination picked A and the healing potion becomes the only thing that matters if the Abomination picked C, so might as well just pop the enchantment and see what happens.
  • edited August 2023
    Raulus casts Shroud of Blades (counterspell), countering unholy magic, then casts Bladestorm, leaving Raulus at 0 mana and dealing 1 damage to each enemy. @smax765, I originally cast Exploding Blade, but edited for Bladestorm when I saw how it would be more effective.
    Sidenote: I might not respond for a day or two, but don't let that stop you, I'll rejoin as soon as I can.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    You cant counter unholy magic. It was cast during the enemy turn on which you cant cast spells at the moment.

    The Storm token of Rarg reduces the abominations toughness to 1.
    Then the Sundering Sonata of Duucxejialkills a Zombie and Unholy Magic triggers.

    "Where once the Zombie was, now there is only a dark shape that looks like Mist and Smoke and Shadow, and then it becomes one with the surrounding darkness and is then gone. As Duucxejial sees this he whirls towards the Zombie Abomination who throws the remaining three Zombies at him, but his Ringblade slices them into pieces before the Zombies can do anything. But instead of falling to the ground the Zombiese disappear and become one with the shadows, too.
    As Raulus sees this he casts Bladestorm and as the Zombie Abomination gets hit by the Bladestorm it slowly sinks on its knees. But where its wounds should be, there is only darkness now, spreading all over the Zombie Abomination, that is covered in a smoke-like shadowy mist now, then becomes transparent and for a very short time you can still see its shape but then its gone.
    The Zombie Abomination and its Zombie Minions have been banished into the world of shadow. They are still out there, but in their shadowy state they cant actually do anything to harm you. But will they stay there? Will the Zombification magic wear off so they can never return? No one knows."

    Congratulations! You beat the Zombie Abomination!
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    You earned a new Title: Zombieslayer!
    You may use the title "Zombieslayer" now for your character.
    And you got a:
    You have gathered enough experience that your character has become level 4, which makes him an uncommon creature now.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    As you characters became level 4 and uncommon, now there are some special things.
    1. Create the uncommon version of your character. It must cost 4 mana and it may use the legendary frame now, though it isnt a legend, yet. You may also use the Title of "Snailbasher" or "Zombieslayer" but you dont have to.
    2. Spend 7 Points total on power and toughness, divided any way you want.
    3. Give your Character a passive ability that has something to do with its class
    4. Give your Character an ability that requires tapping it, that has something to do with its class
    5. Give your Character an ability that requires spending mana, but not tapping it, that has something to do with its class
    6. Create a common level 4 spell for your character that costs 4 mana.
    7. Create an uncommon level 2 spell for your character that costs 2 mana. This spell must have as one of its effects: Gain 2 life OR prevent 2 damage OR increase toughness by 2 in addition to one other thing it does.
    A level 4 character may now also use one action during the enemies turn for anything except attacking, if he didnt use all actions during his turn. Example: You cast a spell and attack during your turn. On the enemies turn you could then cast an instant, use an ability or use an item.
    8. And finally: Characters no longer become unconscious if they drop to 0 or lower toughness, but into "downstate". In downstate you cant attack, but you can still use spells and abilities, but only those that help you get out of downstate. Everything that increases your toughness works.

    Chose a path:
    Your Character must chose a path now that he follows.

    And theres 2 things i have:
    @Rarg: Lifelink is too strong and makes it really hard to create enemies in fights that arent too strong or too weak. So pls remove it from your character.
    @Raulus: Shroud of Blades is too strong. Please rework it so that it can counter only spells that cost 2 mana or less or replace it with another level 2 spell.

    Heres an example how a level 4 character could look like:
    And while youre at it, create a character sheet for your character to keep track of everything. It could look like this, but doesnt have to. Make it so, thats its best for you and everyone else to get a fast overview of your character.
    Power/Toughness in this example here is with every equipment equipped and with the chosen paths bonusses. The Additional +3/+4 here in this example comes from equipment.
  • edited August 2023
    Thanks for adding the example; I totally misinterpreted points 2-5 as ‘add this to your character’s existing stats/text’ instead of ‘the final result must include this, so add what isn’t there’.

    Edit — Quick question: how do regenerate & trample function in this game?
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Regenerate probably only on spells. If a character has it, it would be way too powerful. Because Regenerate works like: "prevent death and fully restore toughness" that would be very powerful and could make your character immortal.
    Or it would force me to create only monsters with infect or spells with "this damage cant be prevented and creatures hit by it cant regenerate."
    Better use something like damage prevention or shield counters or aura enchantments that increase toughness. But please do not create spells or abilities that are overpowered. If you know that whatever happens, you will always win the fight, because of too strong abilities or spells, that takes away a lot of fun.

    Trample is no problem. It would be good vs boss monsters that have minions who can block attackers that attack the boss monster. With trample you could kill the blocking minion and rest of the damage goes onto the boss monster. And the really strong enemies will all have the Boss Monster ability.

    Oh, and i just had an idea. How about: "The players characters can use their summoned creatures to block attackers if the summoned creature is untapped and didnt attack on the characters turn." It might get out of control fast if everyone then suddenly starts only summoning creatures. But what do you think about this?
  • A gallery of all Dragonspeaker cards can be found here.

    Here’s his level 4 cards:
    Dragonspeaker Duucxejial LV4Offer to the AncientsDenkeepers Boon

    Duucxejial's character sheet:
    Char Sheet

    Allowing the PC's to block with our creature tokens would make Rarg's Burn the Path functional. I intend to improve Duucxejial's summoning soon, so let me know if the dragons start causing problems now that he has leeway to call them. :sweat_smile:
  • edited August 2023
    This are my cards:

    The lifelink ability that Rarg had firstly is now transformed into a restricted tapping ability. The ability to create elementals show his fire mastery that now he dominates. He has got first strike to change the lifelink.

    EDIT: Sorry, I don’t know how to make the card images smaller.
  • With Versatility chosen you have 4 Actions ^^
  • True, I’ll update that on my next character sheet
  • Sorry, but I can't rejoin until a lot later. I temporarily quit because I won't have time to make cards for a while.
  • @kaoz42 @LvB would it be alright if I gave Raulus filler cards until you have time to rejoin? Perhaps we could have them temporarily function similarly to Eldric.
  • Sure we can do that.
  • Nice! Then the problem is solved.
  • edited August 2023
    A gallery of all Bladebonder cards can be found here.

    Here’s their level 4 filler cards:
    Raulus of the Eldritch Blade LV4Erupting BladesFrigid Bladesoul

    Raulus's character sheet:
    Char Sheet

    Maybe I went a little too hard on the themed names… :sweat_smile:
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    After beating the Zombie Abomination and resting for a while after the fight, you decide to search the village thoroughly to make sure no other unpleaseant surprises are waiting. But you dont find any more monsters here.
    As you gather in the middle of the village again, Eldric excitedly runs towards you, wearing a bucket as helmet. "Hey, look what i found! It's almost as good as a real helmet! And did you know that the wooden pickaxe you made for me can be thrown too?"

    Seems like Eldric got a level up too.
    "So what we gonna do now? The villagers and the peaseants and the monsters are gone. And did you see, the zombies left our ox cart and the ox alone. Thats strange, or not?"
    "Nono, child", the Healer says "You see, the zombies must've been ordered to attack humanoids, but leave animals alone. Thats why they didnt care about the ox cart. It would also explain why the Tutorisnail could get away without being attacked."
    "Hmmhmm, interesting", says a very uninterested sounding Eldric. "But what we gonna do now?"
    New Quest: What now?
    - A. Let's loot the village. Theres no one here anymore who could use the things left in the houses. Then head for the city and deliver the wood.
    - B. Let's leave the village and bar the village gate. Then place a warning sign in front of the gate that somewhere around here still lurks a shadow zombie abomination. Then head for the city and deliver the wood.
    - C. Let's search for the unknown threat creature. It surely is responsible for this here and must be punished.
    - D. Let's follow the trail of the Tutorisnail. Maybe this will lead somewhere.
    - E. Eldric, you dont really seem to care about the villagers? Why is that so?
    - F. We should ... (Do whatever you want)
  • Duucxejial snorts, one claw idly drawing a shapeless dirge from his ring blade. "Do what you will, but we should finish what we started sooner than later." The dragonspeaker returns to the cart, considering how best to spin this little excursion into a suitable tale for their employer. (Voting for option A or B, preferably B.)
  • Hey guys, we can’t leave this village like this. We should find the unknown threat and defeat it. Sure that it has a great treasure. Or at least, we could find out where the tutorsnail is.(voting for options C and D).
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