Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    "No Discussions! The Golem is never wrong and we only follow our orders. And we dont care about that boy, either. This city has been unlawful for too long. But our council will change this now! Hand over your magical items or we take them by force and you will end up in jail or worse." Replies a dwarf, wearing the badge of a city guard captain.
    "HmmK, HmK, hu han hav hy hmmr!" you hear from Eldric.
    -A. Alright, we will follow the law. Here are our magical items.
    -B. ...
  • Thoughtless minions and questionable policies…looks like we're not going to get rewarded for our quest; what a waste.

    Nonplussed, Duucxejial shrugs, offering his ring blade to whichever guard comes to take it, stifling a chuckle at the prospect of the fool cutting themselves (or someone else) with the unusual item.


    OOC ~ How many of us are actually carrying magic items? At the moment it looks like Blazetongue is the only magic item between the party.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    (The golems magical detector makes all your equipment shine in a light blue. Torch, Sword, Ringblade and Pickaxe. Every equipment item is highlighted by it as magical, even Eldrics wooden pickaxe).

  • edited August 2023
    Yes, I saw that the first time; that's why Duucxejial is skeptical of the proceedings and I'm honestly confused. If you want us to figure out what's going on later, that's fine, I was just hoping to obtain some additional understanding outside the encounter text (though perhaps I should take your refusal to elaborate as a sufficient response).
  • (The Elves, Dwarves and Golems dont explain anything. You will have to find out whats going on later.)
  • Raulus stuffs more roots into Eldric's mouth, then shoves him towards the guards. "Take this one and use him for whatever you want. Farewell." Raulus says to the guards. Then he turns toward Duucxejial "I believe we should be getting out of here. Rarg can do whatever he wants, but at least we reptiles should get out of this jam and decide what to do next." Then he runs off into the night, fire sword drawn for light.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    But before Raulus can get very far, one of the Golems paralyzes him.
    As Raulus is lying on the ground, an elf approaches him and takes away the sword. "Very stupid. But we didnt expect anything smart from a creature of a lower race such as you. Let this be a lesson for you, that elves and dwarfes are the superior races."
    Then he turns towards you. "Now hand over your weapons before we have to paralyze you too. And untie that boy. And take that lizard with you and begone on your way through our new securitization device we built into the city gates. And if you cause any more trouble you will find out that the golems have real weapons too."
    As Eldric is untied he hands over his wooden pickaxe without saying anything, but he looks at Raulus as only a teenager can look, a mixture of angry, insulted, contempt and hidden rage.
    A dwarf meanwhile takes Duucxejial Ringblade and another confiscates Rargs torch.
    "Oh, before i forget, we are ordered to compensate everyone for their losses. After all, the law is just and we are no robbers. For your four items, you will be compensated with eight gold coins. But because your Reptile comrade caused trouble, theres a fine of four coins. Here's your remaining four coins. And now move on!"
    (Everyone of you got a COIN. Coins are used in the city as currency when you buy or sell stuff.)
  • After that unpleasant experience you move on towards the city gate. But as soon as youre in the gateway all your clothes are gone, no not gone, they just became transparent.
    "Umm, whats that?" you wonder.
    "Something strange is going on here!"
    "Eeh, everyone can see my little Eldric. Eh, i mean my big Eldric!"

    A bored dwarf, standing in the city gateway, observing you, responds.
    "Thats our new securitization device. We dont have to search people anymore. While youre in the city gateway your clothings are invisible so we can easily spot anything dangerous you carry with you. Now since theres nothing dangerous, move on."

    As fast as you can you move on, leaving the City Gates and their guards behind you. But what now?
    -A. At first we should deliver the wood to the woodlords manour.
    -B. We should find out whats going on here. Dwarfes and Elves are ruling now?
    -C. We should tell someone about the dead inhabitants of Lastwood Village.
    -D. We ...
  • We should get paid and then search for a new job. I don’t want to stay here a lot of time. And I have to find a new torch.
  • If those 'light crystals' they spoke of are any indication, I don't think we're getting paid at all. No sense in splitting the party though, so investigating will have to wait.

    Duucxejial shrugs, following Rarg without comment.
  • edited August 2023
    As Raulus wakes up from paralysis, he grumbles:  "Now what do I do. My sword is sentient.  I need to get it back, but I suppose that's not possible." He casts Summon the Wyrm, not for combat purposes, but to consult the advice of the dragon who gave him the sentient sword. "Lord Kaestrasz, what shall I do, the sentient sword you have given me has been kidnapped." (Voting for option D.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Lord Kaestrasz himself doesnt appear, but you youre quite sure that you can hear his voice in your head. "You ask me what you should do? When someone steals your precious items, you get them back and punish the thieves. Thats what real dragons do. And if you dont, youre weak and deserve the loss."

    But first you go to the woodlords manour to deliver the wood. And maybe you will find out more there. As you arive there, you already see Igar who looks kinda surprised as he sees you.
    "Oh, youre back. And youre still as many as when you left! How fortunate! The last groups didnt return at all or were decimated by forest monsters. And thats some pretty fine wood you brought back. It will make this city safer for at least one or two more nights! But, the most important thing first, here is your reward."
    He goes to a chest where the money seems to be stored and then gives everyone of you a pouch with money in it, that is worth about 4 coins.
    (Everyone now has a total of 5 coins.)
    Then he orders some servants to store the wood and after that is done, he turns back to you.
    "Unfortunately i dont have any more work for you. Since the Elves and Dwarfes took over this city it is only a matter of time until their light crystals will replace all other sources of light. I guess in the future we wont need any more wood. Ah well, its not that bad after all, since i can enjoy my old days now without having to care that this city will be destroyed cause we didnt had enough wood for the fires. All i have to do now is take care of the forests here and they grow more or less by themself. Now is there anything else?"

    -A. Whats going on here? When we left, this city was ruled by a council of nobles from all races, but now Elves and Dwarfes are the rulers?
    -B. We are sorry, but we must tell you that the inhabitants of Lastwood Village were killed. We found out that probably a dark creature with glowing eyes is responsible.
    -C. The CIty Guards confiscated our weapons, claiming that they were magical. Is there any chance that we can get them back?
    -D. Is there anyone in the city that needs a group of brave adventurers?
    -E. ...
  • "If I may, our armaments were confiscated under false pretense as we entered the city. Do you know of any way we might recover them? Aside from that, could you inform us of what's transpired since our departure? There seem to be a number of radical changes to the city, and we'd rather find stimulating work than unfortunate trouble if we can."
  • Raulus growls "My sword is sentient. Couldn't the elves and dwarves sense its displeasure being taken. It will surely give a few of them burns and scars." Then he dresses in a dark cloak and hood covering his face and body, and walks onto the street searching for his sentient sword.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    "Wait, wait", Igar says. "Maybe i know of someone who might be able to help you." He suspiciously looks to the left and right. "But not here, come with me".
    He leads you into the Woodlords Manor into a room that looks a bit like a mix of office and dining room.
    "Alright, here's the thing. Oh, but have a seat first. When the Elves declared themself the superior race, the Dwarfes declared themself the superior subterranian race, it all began. Supportet by their Golems they quickly invaded the nobles district and arrested the council of nobles, claiming that the nobles were incompetent and would endanger everyone in the city. Since every noble had their own small private army, or lets say, bouncers, guards and security, they had no chance and surrendered. They threw the council into jail and declared that the nobles disctrict is now for Elves and Dwarfes only. Then they startet razing the houses there and are rebuilding the district now. In the middle they planted a tree that is surrounded by a circle of light crystals. I guess one day when its large enough that will be the tree where they plan to hang their light crystals into.
    But then they began to replace all city guardians with Elves and Dwarfes and they startet to confiscate every weapon they could find, claiming that it was magical. But i think there is another reason. They are afraid of a revolt and dont want the citizens to be armed, so theyre taking away all the weapons they can find or everything that could be used as a weapon.
    However not everyone likes this situation. The Elves and Dwarves have done another thing too. They reordered the Districts in this City. Nobles District is for Elves and Dwarfes only now. Merchant District is still for everyone, but then they made one District for "lesser races" where now humans, gnomes, halflings, kobolds, half orcs and so must live and they renamed the Slums to "Monsters District" where now everything else has to live. You know Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Draconoids, Trolls. Everything thats not a "lesser Race" is now labeled as Monster.
    And thats where you should look for help. I could imagine that some of the "monsters" are already planning something.
    Now is there something else, you want to know?"

    -A. ...
  • Duucxejial has no further questions, as it seems the party's course has been set.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    "Umm, Mister Woodlord, Sir, ahem, theres another thing", Eldric says. "There's this little Village named Lastwood. And all the people there got killed by a strange dark creature with glowing eyes and only the Village Healer survived."
    "That is dire news indeed. Please tell me everything you know about that."
    And so you do. You maybe exaggerate a bit, but having fought a at least 15 foot high zombie abomination sounds about right. After you told Igar everything you know of Lastwood Village, he thinks for a while.
    "Hmmhmm, technically that village belonged into my responsibility. And since the Dwarfes and Elves havent released me from my duties, yet, i can maybe use this to help you a bit. Now listen carefully. I hereby name you all "Protectors of Lastwood", which is not only a title, but also makes you part of this cities nobility. It's a very low title, but it might still help you. A Protectors responsibility is obviously to protect something, in this case Lastwood. Since actually there is not much to protect your job would be to help Lastwood rebuild itself and find new people who want to live there. But being noble now and a protector maybe convinces the Elves and Dwarfes to allow you to have weapons."
    And so after everything is settled, you thank Igar for his support and leave the Woodlords Manor. But what now?
    -A. Head straight into the slums / monsters district to maybe find help in getting back your weapons.
    -B. Go to the nearby Market. Maybe you will find some interesting equip there
    -C. Rent a house for as long as youre in the city. You could send Eldric to do that for you. It would also be a good lesson for him that as your squire he has some duties and one of them is to work for you. He could also clean up the house while you do important other stuff.
    -D. Do your level up to level 5 and create a common level 5 spell and an uncommon level 3 spell. You finished the Mainquest (Wood) and found out more about whats going on here, so a level up is well deserved.
    -E. In this big City im sure we can do ....
  • Duucxejial wants to head to the market; depending on what the others decide to do, he's willing to excuse himself and head over alone. One never knows what hidden gems might appear, and there might be time to put on a quick street show and/or level up before heading to the slums.
  • edited August 2023
    I suggest mandating the level up cards for all players after they do whatever else they want to, so the party remains at the same level.
    I will post my level up cards later, but in the meantime, Raulus heads to the slums to try and get the weapons back, dressed in a white cloak that obscures the face and body, with the official Protector of Lastwood title signed by Igar on the cloak's chest.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    (Everyone got that level up. You are all level 5 now. But if you want to do other stuff first, sure we can postpone it.)
  • I want to go to the market. Torches are easy to find.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    As usual, Squire Eldric just follows the majority of the group and so you go to the market. Unfortunately the market is heavily guarded by Elves, Dwarfes and Golems and there's signs everywhere saying "Weapon sale strictly forbidden!".

    However, maybe you find some tools that could serve as an improvised weapon.
    And, as youre looking around, you also see something interesting. A somewhat crazy and rugged looking old Gnome is selling potions. Maybe he might have something interesting. As you approach him, he smiles at you. "Ah customers. Very good, come look at my fine wares. You look like brave adventurers and you came to the right place. Here have a look at my potions. If there's anything of interest, ill make you a good price!"
    He's selling:
    - Lesser Healing Potion. Gain 2 life or prevent 2 damage. - 1 Coin
    - Healing Potion. Gain 4 life or prevent 4 damage. - 2 Coins
    - Mana Potion. Gain 3 Mana of any color. - 2 Coins
    - Potion of Restoration. Gain 3 life or prevent 3 damage and gain 2 mana. - 3 Coins
    - Potion of shadow. Until end of combat your character can not be attacked. - 4 Coins
    - Potion of Strength. Put threee +1/+1 counters on your character. - 3 Coins
    - Potion of great Strength. Put five +1/+1 counters on your character. - 4 Coins
    - Liquid Dragonfire. Deal 4 damage to one target and 1 damage to each other enemy. - 3 Coins.
    - Liquid Holy Fire. Deal 1 damage to each enemy and 5 damage to each undead enemy. - 3 coins.
    - Acid. Deal 2 damage to target enemy. That damage can not be prevented and the enemy cant regenerate until end of turn. - 2 coins.

    All these Potions are artifacts that cost 0 mana and require tapping and sacrificing them for their effect. If you buy any of these potions create it as a card for your character. The potions effect is not permanent and wears off when combat is over.

    Explore the market:
    -A. That was interesting. Now lets see if the market has ...
  • Hmm…it appears the market has grown dull; nothing much to see and hardly anyone to perform for. Let's see if the quieter spots have any odd curios. Mayhap I'll find an instrument or two to add to my collection.

    Duucxejial would like to see if anyone has instruments, bells, chimes, crystals, or unusual trinkets for sale.

    Not quite settled on the card names, but here's Duucxejial's new spells as well:
    A gallery of all Dragonspeaker cards can be found here.

    Level 5 cards:
    Dragonspeaker Duucxejial LV5Rekkas CallAutumns Wrath

    Duucxejial's character sheet:
    Char Sheet

  • Let’s find some basic equipment like TORCHES, rope, and so. It will be always helpful.

    This are the new spells of Rarg

  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    (Dont forget the level up bonus you get from Way of the Body / Mind / Versatility). It stacks with the usual +1/+0 or +0/+1. Mind gives an additional +0/+1 at level 5. Versatility gives an additional +0/+1 at level 4.)

    As the Potion Vendor seems of no interest to you, you further explore the market and find a kobold sitting there in front of some piles that look a bit like trash. As the kobold sees you he waves towards you "Hey you there, have a look at my wares. They are a bit used but i sell many fine things! And its cheap. Three items of whatever you want for only 1 coin!"
    Kobolds Wares:
    - Worn and torn clothes
    - Some broomsticks without the broom part
    - rusty chains in all lenghts and sizes
    - rusty screws and nails and metal parts
    - candles and oil lamps
    - a large and rusty "Bread Knife once used by a giant", that is instantly bought by Eldric as soon as he hears the word "Giant"
    - Some flasks and bottles with unknown content, but the kobold says you better dont drink that.
    - a metal cooking pot with a lot of holes
    - a heavy 2 foot long wooden spoon
    - some metal pipes and poles
    - some old chairs
    - wooden mugs
    - shoes and boots in a really bad condition
    - a birds cage
    "Found anything for you?" the Kobold asks.

    New Quest: Did you find anything?
    Maybe some of this stuff here can be used to improvise a weapon. If you think you can improvise a weapon out of this crap, create a common equipment card that costs 1 mana and is really bad for a weapon, but still a weapon.
  • edited August 2023
    I didn't realize we still get +1/+0 or +0/+1 per level; will adjust momentarily.

    Edit: Adjusted; may take awhile for the images to update, but the version that appears when clicked will be accurate.

    Edit 2: Since the quest requires us to improvise a weapon, Duucxejial will pass on purchasing anything.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Quest updated: Maybe some of this stuff here can be used to improvise a weapon-like equipment card. If you think you can improvise something out of this crap, create a common equipment card that costs 1 mana and is really bad but can still be used as a weapon.
  • Duucxejial wants to obtain/create equipment that can't be misinterpreted as a weapon (i.e. won't trigger the golems), so he'll hold on to his coin for now. There might be something interesting in the 'monster' district; best not be hasty about this.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    As it seems the market doesnt have what youre looking for. So you head for the Slums, or as they are called now, the Monsters District.
    As you arrive there, you see that the streets are filled with all kinds of creatures. Some more monstruous than others, but everyone scary in their own way. Some small funghus like creatures seem to live on the walls of the houses and sometime a tentacle reaches out of the sewers. Theres even moving plants and flying eyes with batlike wings around here. But all seem to get along and its more or less peaceful here, probably because of the golems that patrol the streets, but theres only some golems here and no dwarfes or elves. But what now?
    -A. ask a random stranger if the slums have a boss.
    -B. wander the streets and look for anything that might be helpful.
    -C. ask a golem if he can tell you anything about the monsters district.
    -D. Search for a tavern. Theres always information to be found there.
    -E. ...
  • Duucxejial doesn't want to offend anyone, so he'll keep his ears open for any interesting tidbits while avoiding initiating anything. He intends to wander the area, getting the lay of the land while keeping an eye out for interesting items/encounters and noting places like plazas and taverns where he might be able to perform or otherwise gather information.
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