Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited August 2023
    Raulus's level 5 cards:

    Raulus starts collecting every bit of scrap metal in sight and wanders around to collect even more.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    And so, as the majority of the group decided, you just wander the streets and look for interesting stuff, but beside the more or less monstruous creatures you see on the streets, there is not much of interest here.
    Unless you are approached by a small and shady figure, maybe a goblin, maybe something else.
    "Hey you there! Yes, you ugly lizards and human who doesnt belong here! Yes, you! You seem to be a bit lost. But as it happens im here to help you. My boss would like to speak with you, but not here. Come with me to the Monstercave Inn! Now dont look scared, thats just the name of an Inn. Hurry, hurry!"
    And then he heads towards "The Monstercave", not really caring if you follow or not.

    New Quest:
    Create "The Monstercave" as a card. It has to be a land, but beside that you can create it however you want. This quest is for all of you and everyone can create his own "Monstercave".
  • edited August 2023
    Please post your Monstercave so the campaign can progress.
  • Sorry for inactivity, here is my monstercave inn:

  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    The little creature leads you to the Monstercave inn and tells you to wait there for his boss who would like to speak with you. And while you wait you can order some drinks and food. But he recommends, to better dont drink anything that has "ogre" in its name, like Ogrebeer. After a while of eating and drinking and waiting a woman enters the inn, who instantly gets the attention of everyone in the inn.

    @Raulus: You see the most beautiful lizard woman you have ever seen. You are sure her skin is covered in little scales and the claws and reptile eyes are fitting perfectly to that appearance.
    @Duucxejial: You see the most beautifil draconic woman you have ever seen. Her horns and wings and claws clearly speak of a draconic heritage and you are sure that she really likes fire, like all dragons.
    @Rarg: You see the most beautiful human woman you have ever seen. And her horns and wings and the long fingernails only make her more exotic looking. Also youre totally sure that she likes fire as much you do.

    And she even approaches you.
    "Hi there, you must be the ones my boss meant. You can call me Monica. But lets go over to that table in the corner where we can talk undisturbed, hmm." And so you do.
    "My Boss is very sorry, but he couldnt come here. Business and stuff, i'm sure you understand. But he send me. As it seems, you have a little problem considering your stolen, or lets say, "confiscated" weapons. Now, as it happens, the organisation of my boss has the same problem as you. The Elves and Dwarfes confiscate all the weapons they can find, which makes life uneasy for a lot of people who really need their weapons, for ... self defense ... and other things. Now my boss would like to help you get your weapons back, if you help him, get some of his confiscated property back. We can show you were the Elves and Dwarfes are storing the weapons, and we can even show you a secret way how to get there, but you would have to go there yourself to get your stuff. And while youre there, bring back some of our confiscated stuff too. Now, what do you say, hmm? Interested or not?"
    A. - Of course, go on.
    B. - That sounds shady. We dont want to do anything illegal.
    C. - Hmm, .....
  • edited August 2023
    Duucxejial's eyes narrow for a moment as she approaches. There's no way someone like that would be waltzing around in a place like this. Something's up, but we have no better alternatives at the moment; best play along for now.

    The dragonspeaker relaxes somewhat as he listens to the request. That explains a lot. Raulus will surely jump at the opportunity to get his sword back, so let's at least try to make sure this isn't a suicide quest. "Any details about what we're looking for and what kind of opposition might be in there before we go traipsing deep into enemy territory?"
  • edited August 2023
    Raulus remains unmoved by Demonica's illusory appearance. What kind of creature would just suggest something very helpful, while looking crazily attractive to everyone? Lizards clearly don't live here, the goblin called us "ugly" and "don't belong here". He wonders, but he says "Hmmm. Sounds good, but just what kind of property does your boss want back?" to Demonica.
  • Of course, let’s go. But I would like to get some extra stuff for mysel… I mean my team.
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Eldric, who cant stop looking at Demonica and is even drooling a bit, seems to suddenly have some problems with speaking and can only get out a "Yes, mam", which in response gets him a "oh, you're cute" and a smile from Demonica that causes Eldrics head to turn red instantly.
    Then turning back to you, Demonica explains: "The Dwarfs and Elves use the old city guards fortress to store everything that they have confiscated. Your items should be in the fortresses dungeons. From all the information i have gathered, theres Elves and Dwarves and Golems guarding it. But i know of a secret way in through the sewers where you can avoid most of the guardians. Once, you are in the fortresses dungeons, find the room where the magical items are stored, get your weapons and bring as many of the other magical items back as you can. Oh, and we better wait until its day. During the night the Elves and Dwarfes are more careful, thats why we should wait until day. In the meantime i suggest you get a safe hideout. Lets meet at the sewers entrance in the morning. So what do you say? I show you the secret entrance and in return you bring back as many magical items as you can. Do we have a deal?"

    A. - Sounds like a plan. Agreed. Lets meet in the morning at the sewers. Eldric do your squirejob, and find us a safe place as hideout!
    B. - That sounds way too illegal. We will find another way to get our things back.
    C. - Hmm, ....

    New Quest:
    One of you has to create a card that represents the sewers, next one has to create a card that represents the old city guards fortress and the last one has to create a card that represents the adventurers hideout.
  • Looks fun! Is there a room for me to join, or nah?
  • edited August 2023
    @smax765 @kaoz42 any preferences as to which card you get to make? I’m fine with doing any of them.
  • I have no preferences, you can choose what you want
  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Yeah sure.
    Heres how it works:
    The Characters are already level 5, so you have to create a level 5 character too.
    Character has to have a name, a race and a class.
    A level 5 character has 8 statpoints, divided however you want to power and toughness.
    Then you have to chose a path:
    One of these:

    Each path gets you a bonus to your stats and to the things you can do, but you can only choose one path.

    Then you have to create spells for your character. At the moment you only know common and uncommon spells. While creating spells try making the common spells not as powerful as uncommon spells. And later you will get rare/mythic rare/legendary spells, so keep that in mind too. The spells level is equal to its mana cost.

    A level 5 character knows:
    One common spell of levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    One uncommon spell of levels 1, 2, 3

    Usually you would have equip, but since that got stolen, or better "confiscated" you dont have equip at the moment.

    And then, last create a character sheet that sums up the things your character can do and the stats he has with everything equipped:
    Here is an example how that could look.
    Character Sheet:
    Oh and your character has five coins at the moment. They are used as currency if you want to buy stuff.
  • edited August 2023
    @FireOfGolden examples of level 5 characters and their cards can be found in the spoilers of this post and the one below it. The linked post also includes a link to all cards that character has access to (including lower level versions of the same character), ordered by collector number.
  • Does Figure count toward race..?
  • Well i guess so. And in the city luxeria creatures from all races and dimensions can be found.
  • @LvB Okay, I prepared the stuff to make character sheet. Does this rough draft looks good?
    Name: Wenkman
    Race: Figure
    Class: Wizard
    Stats points: 8

    Way of The Mind
    Mana: 15 (lv5 x 3)

    Level 1: Silence
    Level 2: Illusionman
    Level 3: IllusionGhost
    Level 4: Illuspider
    Level 5: Illinkling
  • That looks good.
    Considering the Spells, you have level 1-5 common spells
    And you have level 1-3 uncommon spells
    A Spells mana cost is equal to its level.
  • Raulus gives Eldric a murderous glare. "If you're manipulated by beauties so easily, then you aren't a good adventurer. If you show any more signs of attraction, I will officially kick you out."
  • edited August 2023

    Does it look good?

  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Oh, i forgot, your character has 3 actions. You can use them for attacking, casting spells, using abilities and so on. You can safe 1 action for the enemy turn and with way of the mind cast 2 spells instead of 1 per tun.
    And your character can have a passive ability and an ability that requires tapping it.

    Check this post:
    Its for level 4, but level 5 just gives more spells and 1 statpoint

  • Oh I didn't know that! Let me update it.
  • @LvB
    What about that?

  • LvBLvB
    edited August 2023
    Looks fine, but you still have to create uncommons spells of level 1,2 and 3
    And your character can have more abilities. 1x passive ability. 1x ability that requires tapping. 1x ability that requires spending mana, but not tapping.

    Here is Raulus in comparison and as example.
    first strike=passive ability
    hexproof= ability that requires spending mana but not tapping
    destroy artifact or enchantment=ability that requires tapping.
  • And you need to create the uncommon cards: with mana value of 1, 2 and 3.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Yes, and you have 8 points to spend on power/toughness, so Wenkman can be anything between 7/1 and 0/8. And path of the mind gives another +0/+1 on level 5 as bonus.

    Hint: If you read the first pages of this thread theres information everywhere as to how to create a character and what happens on level up. That might be helpful.

    Or maybe when the party gets their next level up i will make a guide and link it somewhere if its to complicated.
  • Quiet Hideout

    Here's the party's hideout.
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