Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • @FireOfGolden
    Heju's Battlefield:
    x1 7/6 Half-Bone Ghoul + Xarxendrothian Flameskull. {First strike}
    x2 [+1/+1] 2/2 Zombie tokens {Last strike}
    The corpse walkers unsummoned because of an unknown cause.
  • Okay, thanks. That means mana resets back to 6/6. Note that; creatures with indestructible can't be killed by damage, but it WILL dies regardless once its toughness reaches 0.

    You must remove these from the battlefield, because you are only person who can do so.


    Heju will summon two Corpse Walkers, then he sends all of them toward Disciples of Xarxendroth 

  • edited January 22
    Welp, with no framework to work with regarding Flanking Advantage, the cursemonger will just do the usual: Curseblight + Searing Malice or a second Curseblight as appropriate. (Four -1/-1 counters on all enemies & they each discard a card.)
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Oh my, you two are an OP pair if no one K.O's you. You didn't even need the elves except as a distraction. Anyway, as you continue down the hallway, you manage to reach the inner bailey, after the elves end a brief scuffle with some Disciples. As you head toward the massive keep, you see these (Getting within 100 feet of the keep summons Xarxendrothian Guardtowers to the fight. You are 300 ft away.):




    A dark shape flies overhead. It looks somewhat dragonlike and radiates an aura of dark yet beautiful power. It isn't part of the fight... yet. Some of the enemies have levels. If you can scale the battlements of the inner bailey or keep, you get the benefit of this enchantment (Most likely you need to procure a ladder from the elves.):

    If you manage to get to the side or back of an enemy and strike there, you get the benefit of this for the strike:

    It is possible to get the benefit of both if you climb the keep and backstab the defenders with a spell or attack.
    You go first.
  • edited January 22
    Assuming seeking high ground puts the Guardtowers in play, the cursemonger will attempt to climb the keep, flank the Zealots, then cast Curseblight + Searing Malice/Curseblight as appropriate like last time, leaving just the Guardtowers at 0/1. (He keeps using the same tactic since he can't really afford to try anything else.)
  • Heju will summon two more Corpse Walkers then sends all of them to Discples of Xarxendroth. 4 mana left.
  • edited January 22
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden ;
    There are eight 0/1 guardtowers. The dark shape joins the fight, casting this:

    Slaying an elf and putting two +1/+1 counters on itself.
    It is this (With +2/+2):

    You could try to catch it, but it likely has a low catch rate. It will K.O. if reduced to 0 toughness. The guardtowers slay eight more elves, leaving eight.
  • @kaoz42
    Woah there. Before the spell resolves, Xarxendrothian Flameskull's ability triggers; I rolls D20.

    Here's the result. (I rolled once.)

    Since I got 17, that's over 11, I will change target of Obilivion Wing from the elf to Yveltal. This way killing it before any +1/+1 counters are even put onto it.
  • edited January 23
    [REDACTED] Will type more later.
  • Wasn't expecting that?
  • I just realized I've been forgetting my damage bonus for playing a Sorcerer; the cursemonger should have dealt an additional 2 damage to everything last turn.
  • edited January 27
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you destroy the last enemy, huge amounts of Xarxendroth-affiliated enemies swarm towards you, only as a whirlpool opens in the ground and Enchelei leap out into the fight. Meanwhile, more elves arrive to the fight. As you head into the main keep, you manage to get into Xarxendroth's domain fairly easily. A huge beholder floats above a grotesque altar, saying "You have finally arrived, but I am in no hurry to end this fight. Do please take your time." It is this:

    Xarxendroth probably has at least as many levels as you. You don't have to fight. You could try to get aid, or do whatever.
  • It would be strange if the boss encounter wasn't higher level than the pair of fledgling PCs that wandered in. It'd also be fairly anticlimactic and out of character to not fight at this point (not that the PCs really have any other options anyway), so…time to do the only thing the cursemonger can really do: Curseblight + Corrode, choosing to not grant the cost reduction both times and leave the rest to Heju.
  • Heju will attempt to send Half-Bone Ghoul after Xarxendroth and see what happens.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Xarxendroth is reduced to a 5/1 with five -1/-1 counters by the cursemonger, discarding this:

    (If Xarxendroth had cast it, milling would function as discarding cards. May reduce milling power later.)
    Xarxendroth responds to the Half-Bone Ghoul with:

    Leaving Heju at 0/11. He then attacks Heju, leaving Heju at a 0/6. He will hold his other action. (This should indicate that he is higher level than you.) Your turn. The cursemonger is at 1 mana, Heju at 6.
  • edited January 28
    How does Xarxendroth have 5 power? They should be a 0/1 since they have 5 -1/-1 counters on them. Btw, why are Heju's actions getting skipped?
  • edited January 28
    Okay, Xarxendroth is a 0/1. (Unless lifegain [+0/+X] cancels out -1/-1 counters in real MTG, in which case he is a 0/6.) Heju's actions were not skipped; FireofGolden can try to make Heju do something before your second turn.
  • @kaoz42
    I have a response during same turn before Xarxendroth attacks;

    Heju is now at 0/11 and mana is 6/6 with two actions at max; he will summon Corpse Walker then casts Fulminate the Corpse that exiles Corspe Walker to deal 2 damage to Xarxendroth. His mana is now 2 left.

    @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    P.S., that ability is somewhat hard to read, but if I read it correctly. Heju will give 'Spells you control costs {1} less to cast" until at beginning of his next turn when he casts Corpse Walker. However, before he casts Fulminate the Corpse, will Heju be under control by Xarxendroth, if he refuses to give another one less to cast to Xarxendroth? (Corpse Walker will be exiled before ability been triggered again.)
  • edited January 28
    Considering the cursemonger was not controlled, Heji should be fine even if you choose to not grant cost reduction both times (the first time there won’t be any creature to steal since it hasn’t resolved yet, and the second time there won’t be any creature to steal since it was exiled as a cost).
  • @cadstar369
    Oh, Corpse Walker can't be stolen because it was resolving when ability triggered?
  • edited January 29
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Cadstar is correct. I won't have players getting controlled because of being a "player" they don't count as creatures under a player's control. Xarxendroth responds to Fulminate the Corpse with:

    Leaving Xarxendroth at a 2/3 with indestructible.
    Then it's your turn (Turn counts as round. He loses indestructible and +2/+2 on his turn.) It seems Xarxendroth has taken full advantage of the white magic arsenal he has, giving him an edge over most other villains. Cursemonger is at 1 mana, Heju at 2. (Btw sorry for the constant countering like effects, trying to make the boss battle seem "bossy.")
  • So…to clarify, Xarxendroth buffs himself in response to Heju dealing 2 damage (becoming 2/1), then presumably attacks during his turn (becoming 2/3), then reverts to being a 0/1 at the beginning of the PCs' second turn?
  • edited January 29
    He reverts during his second turn. It's your second turn now. He reverts at next turn of his. (Turn after this one.) I used this to calculate that.
  • Okay, then Heju will summon another Corpse Walker then have it attack Xarxendroth, and it finally killing Xarxendroth before they even do anything. (Xarxendroth gets -1/-1 when "blocking' Corpse Walker)
  • My confusion stems from that time frame being more than one round by any measure, since Adamant Will was cast during the PCs’ first turn. Either way, the only thing the cursemonger can do at this point is be ready to ping Xarxendroth to death in response to any tricks they might have left.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Xarxendroth doesn't die; he gets K.O.ed. Xarxendroth laughs cruelly and vanishes suddenly before anything can happen, but you hear him chanting in a grotesque language. (He seems to be trying to do magic.) What would you like to do? He  is an invalid target due to invisibility and you might be able to locate him and trap him, or something else.
  • Welp, the PCs appear to have no remaining options and there’s no mechanics in play, so it seems they can do nothing but await either their demise or the impending deus ex machina.
  • Heju will take this time and try to build an army of Zombies of corpses Heju and Autumn fought and killed to trap Xarxendroth.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Xarxendroth is encircled and trapped by zombies, and you manage to subdue him before he unleashes one last, final font of magic, which is this (You two count as legendary for the purpose of this spell, though you discarded all your spells.):

    Boss Battle Complete! Level up!

    You gained a level up! See below.

    Required Challenge Level Up:

    - Your character may now have total power and toughness 7, divided as you choose.
    - Your character must be legendary now and have a name, and can have up to three colors.
    - Create a four mana common spell within your character's colors.
    - Create a one mana uncommon spell within your character's colors.

  • @kaoz42
    Can I change class during level up? If so, please give me a list to select.

    I aims to change Heju from a Figure to Inkling.
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