Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • edited January 29
    No, not for now. Maybe at next tier (A tier is three levels, tier 1 is lvl 1-3, tier 2 is level 4-7, and so on.) But yes, you can change Heju to an inkling. Also do you mean race, not class?
  • Quick question: what qualifies as a "damage spell" for the Sorcerer class?
  • @cadstar369
    Any instant or sorcery that deals damage. An enchantment also counts if it has a damage dealing ETB.
  • edited January 29
    To clarify regarding enchantments, does any damage source from an enchantment count as a "damage spell" so long as it has a damaging ETB, or do only the ETB triggers count?
  • @kaoz42
    So I can only change class next tier?

    Let's say I want to change from Necromancer to Rogue for different bonus.
  • @cadstar369
    The former of what you guessed is correct.

    If I ever introduce class changes, but yes.
  • Great! I will rework Heju, but his lore remains same.
  • @kaoz42

    Looks good here?
  • edited January 30
    Fine. So you're a rogue now. But how about your zombies? Should we count them as Inklings until we find a solution? (Pls don't delete them from mtgcardsmith.)
  • edited January 30
    Nope, Zombies doesn't count toward Inklings.

    Edit: I am reworking on rest of spells and have them do something with Inklings while Inklings still acting like Zombies but with hivemind.
  • edited January 30

  • @cadstar369
    Could you give me a revise on these cards and see if they are balanced and didn't break color pie?
  • @FireOfGolden I'll review them in increasing order:

    Tinted by Inklings ~ Is this meant to give the controller of the target creature the inkling? Assuming it's not, this is very weak considering similar existing spells are instants with additional effects. I'd suggest revising it to something along these lines:
    Tinted by Inklings {b}

    Target creature gets -1/-0 until end of turn. When it dies this turn, create a tapped black 2/2 Inkling creature token with "Inklings get +1/+1."

    Bitten by an Inkling ~ Restricting this to only target tapped creatures is probably a bit much, but I suppose that depends on how strong Inklings tend to get.

    Rend Body ~ This seems fine for a kill spell; nothing particularly notable here.

    Parasitized Corpse Walker ~ This can get sketchy if Heju gets any cards that allow him to turn things into Inklings, but for now this is probably fine within the scope of this campaign.

    Corpse Seeker ~  This is definitely undercosted. Inklings seem vaguely reminiscent of Slivers in their swarm playstyle, and Slivers that give +1/+1 cost 2 mana and have no other effects. To put it another way, imagine Heju spamming just Corpse Seeker; things would rapidly spiral out of control with how large they'd get if the GM didn't focus all their attention on dealing with them every turn. (This may become an issue with Inklings as a whole, but that remains to be seen.)
  • Level up submissions. [Full gallery]

    Hanqiu Autumn CursemongerRupturing RancorSmoldering Malice
  • edited January 31
    I updated Corspe Seeker and Tinted by Inklings.

    Looks good?

  • edited January 31
    Tinted by Inklings looks fine (if a bit strange), but Corpse Seeker still has the same problems I mentioned last time. Perhaps a more concrete example will help: Imagine Heju casts Corpse Seeker x2. That's two 2/2s (with upside!) for 2 mana, which is very strong. Furthermore, if the GM doesn't kill them, and Heju casts another Corpse Seeker x2, that's four 4/4s (with upside!) for 4 mana, which is well into absurd territory. Let’s compare this to cards like Muscle Sliver. With that card, you get one vanilla 2/2 for 2 mana, two vanilla 3/3s for 4 mana, etc. Notice how both the number and size of the Slivers grow much slower relative to the amount of mana invested, and they have no other abilities. 

    If you want Corpse Seeker to have "Inklings get +1/+1," it needs to have a downside to justify putting such a powerful ability on a 1-drop creature.
  • @cadstar369
    Here's updated, that way makes it slower progressing, but becomes strong once reached goal.

    I don't think I would have an issue about keeping "food" available for this inkling. What do you think?
  • Honestly, I have no idea how powerful this version will be, mostly because it's heavily dependent on the GM. ??‍♂️
  • Okay, I am ready now.
  • @everyonewhosplaying
    Sry didn't have time to post an update today, will likely have it up by about 22 hours after this.

  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Looks fine to me. I do need a good explanation for Heju's sudden inkling transformation though. Anyway, as you walk out of Xarxendroth's domain with a truly trussed up unconscious beholder, the Enchelei and elves meet with you to discuss matters, as a mega gyarados binds Xarxendroth in a Twister attack, which looks like a tornado of water. The Enchelei say "We've managed to take out the nearby minions, but thousands still lurk in the fortress's depths. We'd better escape stealthily and come back with our own army. Thanks for defeating the Great Fisher, now known to us as Xarxendroth, heroes. Two of us told of your pact of help to us." What do you say? Or do you do something else?
  • @kaoz42
    The best explanation to this is Heju has enough mana to become an inkling AND in lore by you, Heju's power was suppressed.

    Now back to in character;
    As Heju and Autumn defeated the monster, Heju then scream in pain as ink-like would moisting out of his skin as if he is sweating these at high rate. Within two seconds, he is covered with slime, then he falls onto the ground as he would splat his own slime. Now it's just a puddle then a figure would reforms (Hehe, pun.) as something terriblying then it opens mouth - instead of shadow inside - it would give white light away as it would brights its faceless a little. "Oh, these... Power... Are running through my veins once again. I missed it badly, but somehow it came back." The figure said lowly, rusty. It then turns its head toward The Enchelei in confusion as they spoke to slimy figure about pact; "Pact? Since I made a pact with you? I cannot recall that, but it seems... I can be of a help. How? That is the one you don't have to know. All you need is to know that I would create a distraction for you to get away." 

  • Hanqiu shrugs. "I know not what this one is rambling about, but we did indeed make such a pact a handful of days ago. What of it?"
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The Enchelei say "Oh wait, you've been turned to an inkling. Don't get anywhere near us, you'll pollute our waters. As for your distraction idea," they say with disgust "Xarxendrothian forces can slay inklings easily. I wouldn't recommend it." The Sylstari elves suddenly join the conversation "Perhaps we can escape through the dungeon. Our human allies have cleared the dungeon, and they're waiting for us. Why don't we go down there?" The Enchelei then turn to Hanqiu "What on the Thousand Thunderstorms happened to your companion? He's an inkling now. We still recognize him though. As for your pact, we are grateful." What would both of you like to do now?
  • With nothing better to do and nothing to add, Hanqiu merely shrugs again without reply, intending to follow the Enchelei.
  • The inkling would mumbled to itself "Since I am Hanqiu's companion? I am no one's companion." 

    Heju will follow Hanqiu toward Enchelei. He asks The Enchelei this question;

    "So, you and Xarxendroth encountered the inklings before? May you tell me what do you know of inklings? I don't think my kind - and the figures - were here before."
  • Sorry for the hiatus. Will try yo get back to this either later today or in a week.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you head down through the dungeon, a sudden bright flare occurs, and the whole dungeon is illuminated. Out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn that you saw something like this before the lights went back to the dim brazier light. What would you like to do?

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