Mystery Box Conquerors



  • cough (plz no) cough
  • Reading over the rules and responses so far I'm unsure if I'm allowed to put another entry for the same box if my previous entry was destroyed, but if it doesn't then I'm happy to have created this tribute to my fallen hatchling anyway.

    The Marksman Box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a red spell with more flavor text than rules text (and in honour of the fallen Terror of Hammerheim Hold).

    Now, to move onto a new box and not dwell further on the past *sniffle*
  • I think you can remake a card in the box, but doesn't it have to be more flavor text than rules text?
  • I went off word count, 26 in rules text (including mana symbol), 32 in flavour. No idea if our fearless leader is happy with that, but I'll be fine to concede my entry to it's glorious destruction. It was a little tricky balancing the poem and the rules and I didn't just want to cut it down to flying/flash.

    Moving along- 
    The Sinister Concoction Box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with "Defender" in its name that does not have Defender as an ability.

  • You're a very good cardsmith, @TheRacingTurtle!
  • edited January 2021
    Thanks @AboveAndAbout, you're pretty darn good yourself. I've only joined up recently, I moved away from my regular commander group and have barely played since then, this has been both an awesome creative outlet and way to still feel into the weird commander interactions. The community is all lovely as well...

    Which won't stop my quest to conquer the boxes!

    The Avocados Rule Box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with an ability that starts with "Each other" and a second ability that starts with "Each".

  • The Combustible Box contains:
    - [NEW!] A Prismatic Orb: Choose a color. A random challenge in the next batch in this discussion will also be to create a card of the chosen color.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a red Aura card that can enchant any creature.

    Combustible eh?...

    If I manage to lay claim to the prismatic orb, I shall declare green to be among the next batch! Haven't made nearly enough green cards in my time.
  • edited January 2021
    Here's one for the Avocados Rule box. This card is clearly very confusing, but the play style was meant to be for battlebond, as a way to rearrange the teams.
    Zarilia Wingspan Summoner
  • Staking claim to the final box in the batch.

    The Indestructible Box contains:
    - Prophet's Glasses: When you submit your entry for this discussion, you may have jpastor (favorite -or- destroy) all active multi-colored entries.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a spell that makes certain other spells cost more.

    jpastor, if you would be so kind as to wield the prophet's glasses in an act of favouritism for all of the active multi-coloured entries, that would be grand. 
  • edited January 2021
    @AboveAndAbout, Zarilia is sweet, I love that you're playing with the team dynamic, Battlebond rocked!
  • Izzet Devils
    ok for the Indestructible Box bamity bam
  • Hey @TheRacingTurtle, i think you have to win the box before you can use the prize.
  • Hey lads... check out the conquered boxes in the :smile:
  • Congrats @TheRacingTurtle! You won three boxes! 
  • ok cool i got one
  • Woo, well battled all! I had a blast with these challenges :smile: Looking forward to seeing ya’ll in the next round.
  • edited January 2021

    Mystery Box Conquerors

    Mode 14: Come And Take It!

    The Sweet & Swirly Box contains: (Conquered by @TheRacingTurtle)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact creature that can gain flying.
    The Average Joe Box contains: (Conquered by @TheRacingTurtle)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Innistrad's darkness is filled with vampires and ghouls... Create one of the two in the form of a creature living in Innistrad.
    The Knights' Templar Box contains: (Conquered by @TheRacingTurtle)
    • Favorites: You'll get 1 favorite for each cardsmith who submitted an entry this batch.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Assembly-Worker artifact creature card or create a card that creates Assembly-Worker artifact creature card tokens.
  • Please post all entries here.
  • I will attempt to claim the Knights' Templar Box!
  • @Aggroman15 sweet. Post your card here
This discussion has been closed.