
  • @jadefire
    The foe is impatient with this back-and-forth jibber jabber of card drawing and spell countering. It activates a special weapon with the following card.

    Gravity Well
    Gravity Well by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Now it's your turn to make a move, community!
  • If we're doing enchantment battles, then let's go.

  • The curious giant snail returns. As it seems it wasnt uninterested in the starcruiser at all and snailing away was only a trick!
    But this time the snail is riding into battle on this:

  • Well, if we are going to fight, let us at least have a strategy.

  • In response to all these cards, the foe will counter Primeval Light.
    Cosmic Manipulation
  • You've fallen into my trap. Cosmic manipulation targets Ricochet Trap instead.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Lets show them aliens, that staying on our planet has a a price. Which is 2 colorless mana!
  • Well if we are going to make them pay for their artifacts, why not make them pay for their enchantments as well!

  • Enough of this back-and-forth. It's time we take the fight to them!

  • Since this encounter's likely nowhere near over, I'll leave the frontlines to the others and continue researching our adversaries.

  • The explorers catch a glimpse of the Foe before it unleashes a plasma discarge against the Troop Transport.
    Plasma Discharge
    Plasma Discharge by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    The Foe recognizes its strategy of read and react is outmatched by the explorers ability to read and react. With half its deck played, the Foe, still unknown to the explorers, resumes hiding and observing, planning its next moves carefully. The community has the upper hand, but they still have no idea what they're up against and have no real agenda in place. They begin to regroup and plan their own moves. Knowing there is a creature on board this starcruiser that can harness a plasma energy. They begin to research and discuss, trying to determine what they are up against, but can't quite pinpoint it. More about the starcruiser must be determined, and they must tread cautiously to avoid another surprise encounter with an unknown entity. 

    Meanwhile, the foe starts to reorder its deck. The foe has confidence that it overtook the original lifeforms that resided on this starcruiser; it can certainly overcome these explorers who unexpectedly stumbled upon its new home. Or can it?

    It is now the community's turn.
  • During my turn i wont play anything, but at the beginning of the opponents upkeep, i'll cast this:

  • Okay great - i'll just sit here until someone plays another card then and pretend I don't have free time to play one now.
  • edited June 2023
    I think I’ve managed to reverse engineer some of their tech; let’s see how well it holds while I continue my previous action.

  • Galactic Reconnaissance by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    The foe plays their 11th card of 18. 
    The foe plans its denouement. 
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Since the foe didnt counter mana short on its upkeep, his lands were tapped and his mana pool was emptied. Since it didnt remove energy flux he had to pay 2 mana for its starcruiser which is an artifact. But because of mana short, he cant. So he had to sacrifice the starcruiser during its upkeep.
    Byebye to all artifacts of the player whos turn it is.
    Seems like the Starcruiser ran out of energy and is now crashing ... ummm .. into ... us. Damn.
  • Well with the ship gone - i guess so are all the explorers. RIP everyone. Game Over?
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Wait, did i just accidentally kill everyone? :(
    i suppose my explorer was kinda new to the exploring business xD
  • Quick, everyone don your space suit!

  • While typically it won't be that easy to end an encounter with the play of a card, we are deep into this Foe's deck, and the foe will remain unknown to the explorers before all perish. 

    Alien Starcruiser Encounter - Complete

  • edited June 2023

    Encounter - Emigur, Whispers of the Void


    Player roles:

    @Jadefire - No role
    @cadstar369The Trickster
    @Korora12 - No role
    @LvBThe Crypt

    Note: Watch out for the trickster's cards, since they will look like cards the foe plays.
    • The trickster fights fire with fire, trying to defeat the foe with cards similar to what the foe plays (ie. same colors/subtypes/strategy/archetype). 
    • The participant playing the role of the crypt becomes an actual crypt and plays only cards that are the afterlife/aftermath versions of creatures or spells previously played by other participants, including the hero. (Look for "Crypt Hints" in posts made by me throughout the encounter for card ideas.)

    The setting for our next encounter:

    Vault of Whispers


    The foe for our next encounter:

    Emigur Whispers of the Abyss
    Emigur, Whispers of the Abyss by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith


    As the heretics delved into forbidden depths, they awakened the slumbering horrors of the void, whispering secrets that shattered their minds.

    Intrusive Possession
    Intrusive Possession by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Let's see how the community responds to the foe's abilities and first play.

    Crypt hint - no available plays yet
  • I'll target Intrusive Possession with Aura Mutation.

  • Before we begin our explorations, allow me to perform a blessing

  • Quick question: does the Hero’s ability regarding legendary and mythic rare cards mean nobody can submit those even when there is no Hero, or does that only apply when the Hero is in play?
  • Only hero does legendary or mythic. If no hero, no mythic or legendary
  • The crypt remains cryptic and waits patiently.
  • In response, Emigur plays:
    Mindweavers Intrusion
    Mindweaver's Intrusion by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Crypt hint: discarded creature card, zombified, blood tokens
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    The discarded creature was a 

    So the crypt plays:

  • In response to Mindweaver's Intrusion, I'll play Gilded Light.

  • i suppose the crypt didnt play anything then
This discussion has been closed.