We, the royal kingliness, hearby announce, that from henceforth that unseen menace shall be crushed by the Rust Goliath we provided earlier, to protect the beloved citizens of this town and our realm.
We also announce that desperate times call for desperate messures, so we decided to activate one of our secret weapons. It may look frightening and like a monster, but rest assured, it is on our side.
The Unseen Horror stands tall against the Titanoth Rex... but cowars in fear as the dinosaur beast lashes with its tail. In one blow, the Unseen Horror is mutilated. Godzilla lets out a roar.
The smoke rising from the harbor where the Horror has rampaged. Godzilla sniffs the air. With a grin, it turns around to face the city, where it beholds the presence of the foe, atop a skyscraper... Nearly eye to eye with Godzilla, the foe clutches the building top with pure hate in its heart. It slowly raises its head to reveal its horrid face with fangs and red eyes.
The Aetherbound Behemoth sizes up Godzilla. Then spreads its wings, all while remaining motionless and expressionless. It's red eyes and wings the only indication it's alive. A glow of electricity surounds the Behemoth. It hunches over and emits a bolt of electricity into the ground of a nearby park. The ground catches fire with an explosion and turns to a sludgy molten mud. Godzilla keeps its eyes dead focused on the Behemoth atop the skyscraper, but shifts its eyes at the sound of a shriek.
Looking over to the molten park, Godzilla spots a monstrosity emerge from the fiery mud. The foe has summoned a creature:
In a side room of an undisclosed location, the woman in the red dress oversees the performance of a painful ritual. Soon, a new player arrives on the battlefield. Is this the true face of the Entity, or simply its most trusted pawn?
“If our foe dares reveal itself at this juncture, perhaps it’s certain of its victory,” the librarian murmurs. “Either way, I suppose there’s no reason as of yet to avoid striking at it directly. Let’s see how many of these old spells still have practical uses.”
Muttering an short incantation, the librarian conjures a blast of light upon the Aetherbound Behemoth, testing its defenses.
Btw, @Robo_Kitty@Korora12 only the Hero can submit legendary and/or mythic rare cards.
We, our royal highness, king and protector of the realm, command our Rust Goliath who is still on the Battlefield but seems to be ignored xD, to crush and maim everything that endangers the city.
And as support we will release another of our secret royal weapons:
The Aetherbound Behemoth, facing the formidable forces of the community, responds with a powerful card. With a spread of its wings, a cackle of static electricity, the Behemoth ascends into the clouds and out of sight. Then a bolt of lightning strikes the Devouring Shadow. It combusts and explodes:
The Aetherbound Behemoth unleashes a cataclysmic event, wiping out all creatures and planeswalkers on the battlefield, including the Rust Goliath, Abngoth, Devouring Shadow, and Archetype of Endurance. The community's forces are decimated, and each player suffers the consequences of the devastating blow.
It is now the community's turn to recover and respond to this overwhelming setback. How will they rally their strength and face the Aetherbound Behemoth once again?
FYI - Godzilla was only accepted because ... i love godzilla... the other legendary creatures were ignored... and I apologize for posting a legendary creature myself in response to godzilla (even though I forgot to put the legendary supterype on it.)
@jpastor Godzilla [Titanoth Rex] is fine anyway because it’s an uncommon and isn’t legendary, correct? (Only three of the other six Godzillas are legendary. Most of the 19 Godzilla series cards aren’t legendary, even though they sound like they should be.)
Things are looking grim. We are not going to be able to take this thing out with brute force. Let’s regroup and think of a plan. In the meantime, let’s get everyone healed up.
The Behemoth's blast originates from within the clouds. The gargoyle's ugly face unseen as it cowers in the skies out of sight. Its final play. The community has one play left. Will they be able to hunt down the behemoth before it retreats? Or will this be the first foe to escape defeat?
The trickster fights fire with fire, trying to defeat the foe with cards similar to what the foe plays (ie. same colors/subtypes). Watch out for the trickster's cards, since they will look like cards the foe plays.
The bomber can destroy a permanent or exile a spell played by the foe, forcing the foe to deplete their deck quicker by playing another card. (3 bombs) When a bomber is in the encounter, the community cannot play counter or removal spells.
The Community in the New Phyrexian town of "Detera" is up in arms. A once great sheriff has turned desperado with the power of phyrexian mana at his finger tips. A new twist to the Phyrexian theme with this gunslinger as the foe! Here we go, y'all!
Marshall Thorne taps into the power of white phyrexian mana, bringing forth the Phyrexian Enforcer to aid him in the upcoming battle. The enforcer's ability to tap creatures will prove useful in controlling the battlefield.
Returning the law to this place will be a slow process; who knows how many others will follow in the desperado’s footsteps or assist them from the shadows. Let us be thorough and begin with the lackey.
Marshall Thorne assesses the situation and decides to use his [+1] ability to bolster his own defenses and prepare for the upcoming challenges. He targets Phyrexian Enforcer and adds two +1/+1 counters.
Marshall Thorne's Loyalty: 4
Marshall Thorne's turn comes to an end as he prepares to face the Gelid Shackles and the Glass Golem on the battlefield.
How rude. Cease this foolishness, so that we might restore the peace in a timely manner.
Casting this to protect Gelid Shackles. Since it will be in a graveyard, the Crypt can use it as material, yes? Or does it have to be creatures? (Edit: I suppose I should explicitly mention that I intend to keep defender up on the Phyrexian Enforcer during each of the Foe’s turns.)
In response to the Community's play of Bless Radiance, Marshall Thorne contemplates his next move. He decides to respond with a creature that can make use of the counters on his Phyrexian Enforcer.
Raving Brute emerges onto the battlefield, its mind filled with a frenzied determination. As it enters, it gains a +1/+1 counter for each creature card in Marshall Thorne's graveyard, ready to unleash its savage strength. (= one +1/+1 counter)
With Marshall Thorne, Phyrexian Absorber, and Raving Brute, the Phyrexian forces stand united and prepared to face their adversaries.
The smoke rising from the harbor where the Horror has rampaged. Godzilla sniffs the air. With a grin, it turns around to face the city, where it beholds the presence of the foe, atop a skyscraper... Nearly eye to eye with Godzilla, the foe clutches the building top with pure hate in its heart. It slowly raises its head to reveal its horrid face with fangs and red eyes.
Aetherbound Behemoth by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
The Aetherbound Behemoth sizes up Godzilla. Then spreads its wings, all while remaining motionless and expressionless. It's red eyes and wings the only indication it's alive. A glow of electricity surounds the Behemoth. It hunches over and emits a bolt of electricity into the ground of a nearby park. The ground catches fire with an explosion and turns to a sludgy molten mud. Godzilla keeps its eyes dead focused on the Behemoth atop the skyscraper, but shifts its eyes at the sound of a shriek.
Looking over to the molten park, Godzilla spots a monstrosity emerge from the fiery mud. The foe has summoned a creature:
Abnagoth, Devouring Shadow by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
The Aetherbound Behemoth uses the shadows to strike back, unleashing a destructive force to eliminate Godzilla, Primeval Champion.
Godzilla takes one final look at the Behemoth, its sinister red-eyes staring into Godzilla's soul. Then Titanoth Rex turns to fight Abnagoth.
Soon, a new player arrives on the battlefield. Is this the true face of the Entity, or simply its most trusted pawn?
Muttering an short incantation, the librarian conjures a blast of light upon the Aetherbound Behemoth, testing its defenses.
The Aetherbound Behemoth unleashes a cataclysmic event, wiping out all creatures and planeswalkers on the battlefield, including the Rust Goliath, Abngoth, Devouring Shadow, and Archetype of Endurance. The community's forces are decimated, and each player suffers the consequences of the devastating blow.
It is now the community's turn to recover and respond to this overwhelming setback. How will they rally their strength and face the Aetherbound Behemoth once again?
FYI - Godzilla was only accepted because ... i love godzilla... the other legendary creatures were ignored... and I apologize for posting a legendary creature myself in response to godzilla (even though I forgot to put the legendary supterype on it.)
EDIT: I guess with Memory Overflow, the shield of undeath will remain until the Foe's next action.
Obtaining this and returning the archetype to the battlefield more powerfully
Sundering Blast by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
The Behemoth's blast originates from within the clouds. The gargoyle's ugly face unseen as it cowers in the skies out of sight. Its final play. The community has one play left. Will they be able to hunt down the behemoth before it retreats? Or will this be the first foe to escape defeat?
You have 2 cards left to play.
that wolf can't fly - so there's no hope... the Aetherbound Behemoth has escaped, and will return...
Encounter - Aetherbound (Complete)
Encounter - Marshall Thorne, the Desperado
Roles@LvB =
- The trickster fights fire with fire, trying to defeat the foe with cards similar to what the foe plays (ie. same colors/subtypes). Watch out for the trickster's cards, since they will look like cards the foe plays.
@Robo_Kitty =- The bomber can destroy a permanent or exile a spell played by the foe, forcing the foe to deplete their deck quicker by playing another card. (3 bombs) When a bomber is in the encounter, the community cannot play counter or removal spells.
@Jadefire =- The participant playing the role of the crypt will receive Crypt Hints for what cards they can play.
@Korora12 = Mystery Prize: Whenever you play a card that the foe directly responds to, that card gets a favorite.@cadstar369 =
- The queen can only play cards with mana value 1 or less for the duration of the encounter.
@smax765 = no roleThe Bomber is in this encounter. This means the community cannot play counter or removal cards. You must find another way! The Bomber has some bombs!
Marshal Thorne, Desperado by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
The Community in the New Phyrexian town of "Detera" is up in arms. A once great sheriff has turned desperado with the power of phyrexian mana at his finger tips. A new twist to the Phyrexian theme with this gunslinger as the foe! Here we go, y'all!
Marshall Thorne, the Desperado, makes his first move by summoning a loyal ally from New Phyrexia:
Phyrexian Enforcer by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
Marshall Thorne taps into the power of white phyrexian mana, bringing forth the Phyrexian Enforcer to aid him in the upcoming battle. The enforcer's ability to tap creatures will prove useful in controlling the battlefield.
btw thank you for the inspiration from the entity... i went with a vigilante kind of guy myself... just not so Tieflingy
Marshall Thorne assesses the situation and decides to use his [+1] ability to bolster his own defenses and prepare for the upcoming challenges. He targets Phyrexian Enforcer and adds two +1/+1 counters.
Marshall Thorne's Loyalty: 4
Marshall Thorne's turn comes to an end as he prepares to face the Gelid Shackles and the Glass Golem on the battlefield.
Marshall Thorne will use his [+1] ability to put a +1/+1 counter on the Enforcer, increasing his loyalty to 5.
Marshall Thorne's Loyalty: 5
Marshall Thorne plays
Dispelling Lamp by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
[targeting the Gelid Shackles]
There is no attack. The turn is over.
(Edit: I suppose I should explicitly mention that I intend to keep defender up on the Phyrexian Enforcer during each of the Foe’s turns.)
Phyrexian Absorber by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
Marshall Thorne casts Phyrexian Absorber, targeting his Phyrexian Enforcer. It enters with 5 +1/+1 counters, making it a formidable creature.
Marshall will activate its -2, destroying Phyrexian Enforcer, sending the Aura and Enforcer to their graveyard. Bringing him to 3 loyalty.
Marshall summons another fierce Phyrexian soldier to join the battle.
Raving Brute by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
Raving Brute emerges onto the battlefield, its mind filled with a frenzied determination. As it enters, it gains a +1/+1 counter for each creature card in Marshall Thorne's graveyard, ready to unleash its savage strength. (= one +1/+1 counter)
With Marshall Thorne, Phyrexian Absorber, and Raving Brute, the Phyrexian forces stand united and prepared to face their adversaries.
Crypt hint: a snowy spell, a blessed aura