Tournament of Champions 7 - The Age After the Dying Stars (Open)

edited November 2024 in Sagas

Welcome to Tournament of Champions 7!

- (Due to popular demand, and at the behest of our host @Jonteman93)

After the glorious victory of the heroes of the previous dawn, a time of peace was heralded upon the lands. The prince, long buried in selfless sacrifice alongside the abyssal sword, had staved off the forces of the abyss for a time and a period. But now without the previous champions to stave off the darkness, and with the light of the stones of heaven (the stars) dimmed, the night threatens to engulf the lands once more. So, Champion - Will you rise for the fight? to defend a foreign land you have never known? To defend your home? To claim glory? or perhaps to attempt to seize the unseizable? 

You have been invited to participate in a tournament, a tournament like this was once held deep in the history of Avelaide's past for ancient stones. While the hosts of this tournament promise a harmless tournament of glory, honor, and fortune. It seems more has been going on in the background. But as far as you are concerned Champion - whether to prove might, earn coin, earn glory, or simply test yourself; one thing is for sure, you are here and you are here to win.

This contest has been done 7 times before.
Earlier tournaments:

This is a contest of card creation, story telling and roleplay. You will both make cards and write/play the role of the characters you make.



  • edited November 2024

    - Each cardsmith creates a legendary creature with a mana value of 3 or less that will represent them as hero in the tournament. (Heroes can be all alignments between god/evil and order/chaos or anything else).
    - Each cardsmith writes a short story to give their hero character, personality and background or purpose.
    - Each cardsmith also creates one signature or companion card with converted mana cost of 3 or less. (The same limit as the hero card.)
    - After each victory, the cardsmith can choose to improve their hero by making a new stronger card for them with new artwork, or add an additional signature/companion card. To emphasize growth of the hero.

    - Cards must at best ability be made balanced and reasonable. This is also true for the story of the characters. 
    - Cards can be changed or replaced before the deadline of the active stage. 
    - Old cards and characters may be used as long as they have not appeared in any of the earlier Tournament of Champions. But they should be your own creations.  

    - Questions, discussions and other things not directly contributing to the contest should be kept in the ToC7 discussion room to reduce the "unnecessary noise" in this thread. Cards, stories and some important information/questions should be posted here however.

    Hero, signature and companion cards:
    - Signature cards represents the heroes' abilities, spells, equipment, or other utilities. This can also be the hero's memories, experiences and knowledge. They are sorceries, instants, artifacts and enchantments. 
    - Companion cards are the companions which help the hero. They are the assistants, healers, squires, mentors, friends, or even partner heroes. They are normal or legendary creatures.
    - Like in the previous tournament, you can create multiple legendary creatures that will fight for you as heroes if one of them is assigned as companion.
    - You can also bring multiple heroes within the same card. This will allow you to bring even more than two heroes. The limit of this is one of logic, so you can't bring an entire army just because it fits on a card. (It's a character contest after all.) 
    - The signature cards and the companion cards are limited to the same mana value as the hero, but they can be changed anytime you want while the hero card can only be changed after each victorious match and only if you choose to do so.
    In these cases, change means to replace the card with another card. You may edit cards whenever you want.

    Here's an example of what you can use this for:
    At the start you can create a two-character fighter card plus a mentor or servant as a companion card. 
    Then if you win the first stage you make a new fighter card with only one of the characters while you change the companion card to become the other character.

    So to enter the contest you should post the following:
    Hero card + companion or signature card + story describing or presenting your hero + What stone(s) you want to pursue.

    These does not have to be posted at the same time. You can choose to skip both companion/signature card and story but that will harm your chances of victory. Desired stones is completely optional. 


    Draft period:
    The first two weeks is where you create and submit your heroes, signature/companion cards and story. This draft time might be lengthened if we have less than 16 submissions. (This is also the best time to ask questions if you have any!)
    You may begin writing your stories here already

    Winners are determined through two main factors, card value and story value.

    Card value is based on the quality of the card(s): Balance, usage, flavor, creativity and so on. 
    Character value is all about the character: Background, actions, motivations, personality, reactions to events and so on. (This will be generally more important the longer the contest goes on.)

    Post-draft stage:
    The winners will be given a minimum of one week to upgrade their hero and/or make or change their signature/companion cards. Extra time may be given if the need is justified. This will continue in a similar pattern until the last two heroes remain. Some special rules will occur then but more about that then.

    Maximum mana value at each stage: 

    1st stage: 3

    2nd stage: 5

    3rd stage: 7 (An additional signature/companion card will be allowed.)

    The mana limits are both for the heroes and the companion/signature cards, so signature cards and companion cards can be of higher mana cost than the hero card as the game goes on.
  • edited November 2024

    Example hero and signature cards (made by @shadow123)



    Last Champion by your host (@Tonysparks)



    Point system:

    To explain it simply: The winners will be determined by the one that have received the most points.
    You get points from both the card values and the character values as well as eventual modification points.
    Both of these are assigned a value from 1 to 5 .
    The character value is based on the character and the stories related to that character as a whole while the card value is the average of each card. (Where the heroes have twice the impact of the value, they counts as two averages.)
    The modification points is not related to the card or the character but you, the cardsmith. (So be nice!)
    In the early stages the card values are most likely to be the determining factor while later in the contest it will be the stories which carry the most weight. (but focus should still be to submit quality cards. Stories can be carried both by quality or quantity.)

    Rules and important notes:

    - Firstly the obvious. Don't break the rules of the forum. 

    - Don't spam messages.

    Respect the larger story, the world and its rules or at least leave it alone. It is quite difficult and very time consuming to make a story for this kind of contest. So i would like you all to keep yourself within the box of the grand story while playing with the smaller stories. Don't try to take over the world or start a war. The story will be separated into three parts, individual, small story and grand story. 

    * The individual story is the characters' background, ambitions and character. (That does not affect anyone else's character from the established story)

    * The small story is the tournament, challenges for stones and your playground with schemes, fights, rivalries, friendships and the like. This is the  main story for your characters to show their alignments, motivations and such.  
    I might sometimes write your characters into my own story-chapters as they are good catalysts and mediums for the grand stories. 
    Sometimes I will let you write how your character deals with certain challenges related to the stones that you pursue. (This is most likely if you win the fight against your rival but not necessary).

    * The grand story is the world and national and international politics and events which will affect the tournament. This will be controlled by me and happens outside of the tournament. However pieces of events and things in the grand story will be brought into the small story and thus you may affect them.

    By joining this tournament, you agree to let me take control over your characters and do with them as I see fitting to their character and the story. I will also control how the fights are played and how larger parts of the story take part. So it is important that you give me instruction about your hero's character, Personality, motivations, abilities and such. This makes it easier for me to keep your characters true to their intended image.

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. We are here to have fun after all.

  • Avelaide is a world that @Jonteman93 uses on a book project of theirs. It is also used as the setting for the tournament of champions, and with some liberites will be used by I @Tonysparks .

    Avelaide is a world with dragons, beasts, kingdoms, knights, wizards and godlike guides (caretakers), but there is also abyssal monsters and a godlike destroyer covered in mystery - Septhis.  

    The abyss is a realm of the endless depth, locked away behind a gate to the afterlife and guarded by a godlike caretaker of death. But there are supposedly other entrances into the endless darkness of the abyss.  

    Souls which are sent to the abyss are believed to be doomed for an eternal torment. As they suffered in life they will suffer in the abyss where time does not heal wounds or ease the suffering of hatred. If anything the emotions of those trapped in the abyss is magnified over the centuries that they are trapped there. Neither living nor dead, these souls sometimes overflow and tear a rift to the world of mortals. Sometimes these tears are caused by  external forces.

    Souls enter the world through these rifts as frenzied dark creatures. If the rift is open by an external force these souls might turn up as undead; skeletons, zombies, spirits. But  sometimes or if the rift are caused by the abyss itself then souls that have absorbed an enormous amount of the abyss's energy for a long time become horrifying monsters that have shed all resemblance to any living thing on Avelaide escape. These monsters are sometimes powerful enough to decay the land and corrupt creatures around them with mere presence alone. There are some groups and armies around the world whose sole purpose is to seek out rifts of the abyss, heal them, and slay any monsters that have escaped.

    But that is a story for another time.

    There are few things that can bring terror enough to rival that of the abyssal monsters, and then there are those few that even surpasses it.
  • edited November 2024

    Welcome to Asol(lun)amun!

    Asolamun - known that way until it lost its sun (the stone) is the southern continent just beneath Dormania, once a land of sun, sand, and water - now its rivers slowly wound, and the lands slowly deterioate due to some force.

    This continent is home to many cultures and 3 super cultures, where 2 of them in one way or another bow to the authority of the great Shambakin, a holy deity like a pope, with seat in Monastir, the greatest capital of the greatest Empire / Kralaar in the continent. Yet since the lose of the stones of heaven (and mainly the stone of the sun), they have had to resort to force to keep their empire from crumbling.

    In the north east are the kingdoms of Viserus, Opala, Decedonia, Pussur and parts of Nicosia, Lachania and the Qaran Republic which fall under the banner of a Hellenic culture (Ancient Greek). These people are heroic hardened soldiers, philosophic artists and corrupt politicians. Under the words of the Shambakin these people go to war with spear and shield forming the greatest hoplites and cavalry in the continent.

    In the south beyond the great border (thick black on the map) is the "heretic kingdoms" of the Zumbala (Central/south African) super culture. Though these people are as diverse as they deaf to the words of the Shambakin. These people can hardly be summarized in other things than their black and dark brown skin, their hatred towards the followers of the people north of the border, and their respect for the holy elephants. Some of these people live on the plains, other live in jungles but many live in proper cities with standing armies armed with iron armor and polearms. Though they are as likely to rage war against each others as towards the "weak northerners". These lands is also home to the giants whom Medirna of Dormania would turn a huge interest towards (more about this later in the story)

    Last but not least is the "golden people", "children of the sun" or the Asulamani (North African, Middle eastern, Arabian) super culture. These people inhabit most of the remaining land (except the 3 desert nomadic kingdoms: Voghol, The desert horde (who due to a recent string of events are in conflict with the later mentioned) and riders of the rose (who have become more aggressive in the wake of mysterious forces, in the abscense of the stone of the sun) which are a mix of Mongol/Turkish. Where once inclined to obey the Shambakin, even the little they had is now gone in the face of the force corrupting the lands) These people might not be strong warriors, great magicians or have noteworthy beasts of war. What they do have however is fire and water - guns, cannons and steam engines, and great political systems. From Monastir and Kralaar of Lun Arelia almost the entire continent is authorized making it indirectly the greatest empire in all of Avelaide - and enemy to Dormania   
  • edited November 2024
    - Flames Quenched & The Eternal Night

    “So, you would like to hear a story? Well then come sit next to this fire so we may speak. This is a story about dragons and knights, kings and queens, automatons and monks, magic and technology, feuds and alliances, and a brave prince who made a selfless sacrifice. And as for happily ever afters……well lets just say they are often short lived, sometimes shorter than the lives of those who fought for it. In order to understand the history of today, we must first look to the past. Long ago…” The Northern Continent of Dormania lived in a time of great peace, alliances thrived, the trades and the arts like grape-fruits on healthy vines. Until the kingdoms of the continent of Asolamun (Alunamon informally at the present) due to festering disputes with the kingdoms and nations of Dormania committed a great transgression against them. Behind the curtains tensions brewed. Through decades the economy in Asolamun had dwindled because of over-trade with Dormania which caused the Shambakin to issue tariffs onto the Dormanian goods while preserving the trade with Lisakdonia-Vasenia. In turn, Dormania began blocking certain routes for the Asolamani. And as nations rose and to dust they returned the two sides continued to strain the tension further and further, until one day when it snapped.

    A prince within Asolamun wanting trophies where none were to be found felled a dragon during a time where great dwindling was found among them. “Not just any dragon, mind you a black dragon…now where was I?” With the killing of this Dormanian Royal black dragon rife and rage festered among the people of Dormania, and with the demands of their people not met, the kingdoms of Dormania (the Northern Neighbor) declared war - and like an ocean torrent within less than a week, the Dormanians entered Alsomamun and took the northern great city of Stellastir, and with it the stone of the stars. The news was met with fury from both the Shambakin and the people of both Asolamani and the Hellenic groups and soon the greatest war in the history of Avelaide began.

    This conflict would span into multiple conflicts (TO1 after TO3, then TO7, and I don’t know where the others fall canonically) that still fragment and sometimes unite the respective continents now dragged into this century’s feud. One thing however has remained constant through this - “A threat that lurks in the dark, an enemy just not far seen. And now it has come back to haunt us. *cough* *cough*...ehm! excuse me, go grab me some water please then we may continue… *drinks the water* Ahh, Long long ago, within this time of conflicts - during a night as calmer than the sleep of the dead. Legends say that” a bright light appeared from the sky illuminating the desert sands for miles and miles away. “One of the gods of Avelaide, it seems, had cast his rod too far and knocked a star from the heavens.” As it fell it left a trail of blue fire behind its cyan tail and blue body.

    As it entered the atmosphere, purple azure flames burst out from newly formed cracks in its core. Then moments later it exploded in a violent storm that ripped the clouds among the heavens like a curtain. Behind was an image of a newly bloomed flower of white and purple flame that died with the same ferocity from which it was raised. From this would come the stones of heaven - and from this, a conflict that would span nations, birth legends, which lead a great battle that culminated in loss and a brave sacrifice from a prince “to stave off forces beyond this realm that not even I as an old-man understand. Yet now…” With the battle between Bahamun and the prince - with the aid of a monk, an automaton, a knight, two dragons, and an angel long ended with the sun-stone destroyed and without it the other stones dimming in power. Peace followed for a period and a time with the aid of the now deceased Champion, and for 275 years “peace followed…until 100 years ago when a sudden blight began spreading from the desert. Well that is enough for now, an old man needs his sleep. Come back tomorrow and I shall tell you more.”

    but that is not why you are here (or so you are told)

  • edited November 2024
    #this spot has been reserved for additional info and timing related stuff###

    (Expect the tournament to start at around the 22nd of November to the 26th but give me grace if it takes longer - afterall I am a grown man with obligatiosn)

    @Jonteman93  (If you are still interested, I know you often observe and never take part)

    (anyone else who wants to join)
  • Ah good, the official sequel! I’ll start thinking of something. Also, the description says we’ll be looking for Stones - is this one in the same style as ToC6?
  • @AxNoodle I have editted it, this will infact have a different but related theme-line
  • I will assume this is the official version. Good. Lhunter has been quite inactive, and good to see someone being proactive about starting the sequel. I will upload my champion soon.
  • Wait so what is the goal of the champions this tournamnent? I can’t find it
  • edited November 2024
  • edited November 2024
  • Pls tell me if its too op, I tend towards op cards so feedback is appreciated
  • edited November 2024

    Kraig, the Sudden Storm
    Companion card (Minor Stone of Heaven, @Tonysparks if this makes any difference to the "dimming of the light of the Stones of Heaven." Also if you could tell me how many years have passed since ToC6, that would be supremely helpful.):
    Kraig's Statistics:
    Race/Species: Lightning Dragon.
    Age: 665 (Adult dragon).
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 25' 8".
    Weight: 2550 lbs.
    Alignment: Neutral.
    Personality: Intelligent, quick, and calm.
    Occupation: None, recently monk, formerly bounty hunter.
    Plane of Origin: Eldraine, (Has been to Avelaide before and Kamigawa.)
    Abilities: Breathe lightning, very fast and agile, can absorb spells cast by enemies, obviously immune to lightning, can concentrate very hard, bend storms to his will, cast storm spells, more intelligent than humans (because dragons are smarter than humans.), illusions, illusory copies, invisibility, and displacement from the Gemstone of Illusions, maybe more abilities not listed.

    For original backstory:
    After being bested by the monk Godara in the events of ToC6, Kraig returned home to Eldraine, fortified his lair and hoard, acquired some more treasure, then set off to Kamigawa, found a temple, and trained as a monk in human form: a hooded figure with no visible features for the time until now, where he was able to find out about another Tournament of Champions and traveled to Avelaide oncemore to join the Tournament of Champions, for the purpose of gaining power.
    The Present:
    Suddenly, during a sunny day in a town in Kralaar, thunderclouds moved in. The sky darkened as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. A large shadow could be perceived moving in and out of view at the center of the storm. Then the shadow descended toward the town, finally coming into view: A large black dragon. The local militia rushed to confront the threat as townspeople fled the bazaar. Arrows were redirected by the winds toward the ground, and the few that escaped the winds bounced harmlessly off the dragon's scales. The dragon landed as guardsmen rushed to meet it with swords and spears, all which were cast aside by the dragon's enormous claws. Then the dragon spoke: "I mean you no harm, I just wish to enter your town for my own reasons. I shall not cause harm unless necessary. Since I am so large and terrifying, I shall change to my humanoid shape so as to avoid inconveniencing the townsfolk." Then the dragon began to glow blue, and a moment later, changed to a tall figure in a hooded cloak completely obscuring its features. The terrified guardsmen backed away then retreated to their normal business.

    Kraig walked through the town as townspeople parted before him, leaving him quite some space. He surveyed the buildings until he came upon a tall building with a dome: The town's library. He entered and the librarian backed away from him as he began searching through the library for any books on magic or the acquisition of power. He rifled through several books on history and military strategy, then placed them back on the shelf, unsatisfied. He checked the rest of the bookshelves on the first floor to no avail, then began to ascend the stairs to the next level of the library, only to stop abruptly as a tall, yet shorter than his humanoid form man in a turban and holding a staff stood in his way and spoke "You do not deceive me, dragon. I see you for what you are. Even though I did not learn of your loud arrival until later, I can still tell that you are a monster. I shall defend my townspeople who have only let you pass due to their fear at your ability." Then the man lunged at Kraig with his staff, which had turned into a black cobra. The snake bit into an illusion, dissolving it, as six more illusory copies of Kraig attacked it from all sides, the real one biting it into two. But the man chanted a few words, and the staff reassembled. Then he waved it in an intricate gesture, and glowing runes appeared above the copies, raining fire on all the Kraigs and dissolving into the stairs harmlessly. Kraig howled in pain as the fire seared into his flesh. The spell should not have worked on me, and I am so fast, even if it did, I should have been able to get out of its way. The man spoke again "I see you are adept at hunting spellcasters. But you see, the fire did not come from me. No, it came from the sun itself." Kraig attempted to change into dragon form, but the man muttered a few more words and phantom chains wrapped themselves around him, restraining his growth. Desperately, he called upon the storm, and a bolt of lightning struck through the library roof and hit the man. The man clutched at his smoldering robes, then extinguished them with another incantation. The cobra then lunged toward Kraig, venom dripping from its fangs. Before it could strike, Kraig willed the Gemstone of Illusions to create three copies of him, complete with the phantom chains. The cobra dissolved all three of the copies, then Kraig willed the storm to strike it with lightning. A lightning bolt arced down toward the cobra, destroying it in response. The man, catching his breath, lost hold on the phantom chains binding Kraig. Kraig immediately grew to full size and flew through the roof, tearing it. Then he unleashed a concentrated bolt of lightning at the man from his jaws, which struck him, and reduced his body to a pile of smoldering ashes. At the last moment, Kraig dove down and retrieved the man's pouch. He examined its contents while in the clouds: a small wooden wand, a piece of yellow crystal, and a book, its cover faded with age. The book described many spells and ways of calling on the sun's power, including the spells the man had used on Kraig, as well as the man's personal notes. But a single line caught Kraig's eye: Those who are achieved enough in magic may be considered minor deities. Kraig exulted as he flew with the storm to his next destination. He had a new goal: To achieve godhood.
    Rayla is too OP; even mythic rarity cannot justify it. Destroying a nonland permanent and gaining an additional advantage instead of a drawback is incredibly powerful. You should definitely hike up the rarity and severely weaken that choice of the ability. As for Rayla's cleansing flame, that is just waaaayyyy too OP. It's like an eight mana mythic, as usually you get to destroy one permanent for 3 mana. Don't even get me started on the other abilities; You should completely remake the card from the start. It may help to check existing cards on scryfall.
  • @Mellow_MC I will expand on that later once I build the story, for now this is the recruitment phase. 

    General note for everyone - make sure your cards are resonable and balanced to maximize your chances of getting in the tournament during the choosing of the 16 champions.
  • edited November 2024
    @kaoz42 roughly about 375 years have passed (since T06) and this is roughly 175 years (after TO1) which was held in a different continent, atleast that is where I wanna set it around at minimum. So account for that from the time you entered TO6 to now if you get in as one of the champions in TO7. I intend to do away with the stones like their power is dimmed however I will make an exception for the minor stones to just be dimming. I do after-all want to build something of my own instead of just being a repeat of TO6 while still building off of the previous lore.

    I am generally trying to be respectful of times and settings given to me by @Jonteman93's content while building from refrence of TO6.
  • Also general note yet again: be careful about divinity and ideas of godhood, or rather what you mean by them since Avelaide has its own gods.
  • edited November 2024
  • Thank you @kaoz42 for the advice, I kinda guessed that’s the advice I would get, as I was dumb tired when I made those cards. I will remake them swiftly
  • edited November 2024
  • New and Improved!
  • edited November 2024
  • Also new and improved!
  • Do I revise Rayla again? Comment down below if you think so, cuz I might!
  • edited November 2024
    I advice taking any non-story or character related chats to the discussion board as not to flood the main chat. Thanks everyone!

    Also try to edit comment entries as a pose to reposting multiple times.

    @Mellow_MC I will not give advice on card making as to not give unfair advantages during the recruitment and combat grading process but I would advise you to go check scryfall to get an idea of how cost, cmc (converted mana cost), (power and toughness), (mechanics and keywords), and color/color-pie combinations interact with each other. I appreciate the enthusiasm!
  • Hmmmmmm...Time to revise Rayla again!
  • Right now my goal is just to try and make Rayla as good as I can, so revision here we come!
  • edited November 2024
  • Oops I forgot to change the rarity mb
  • it is intended to be rare, my dumb brain just forgot to change it.
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