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  • @StuffnSuch Is tadpoles hatchery still in the tournament? ( I'll assume yes if you don't respond because it says you did not edit your comment.)
  • @StuffnSuch ? Why did you post an empty comment?
  • @LvB Maybe, but don't forget there are three tournament sections.
  • @olioliverthejedi What's this? I don't see any Halloween contest, so I suspect you a spambot. Edit: @Corwinnn Given the unnecessary amount of discussions @olioliverthejedi has started for purposes seemingly unrelated to anything on the forums rn, …
    in My entry 3 Comment by kaoz42 August 31
  • https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/blood-and-tears-1 @ManInMaroon_948 I'll take these for the additional faves. Thanks: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/sliver-replica?list=user https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/aritalor-cosmos-of-hues?list=user https://mtgcar…
  • @Jadefire  Old cards that fit are allowed.
  • Oh well, might as well try something Bloomburrow-y. https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/atarnos-bestower-of-boons Sorry that it's so huge; mtgcardsmith's new HDness seems to make things MTG Design size.
  • @ManInMaroon_948 Ok, thanks. Here are the cards I want faved: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/arcanis-universal-master https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/dragon-of-corundums-blood https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/steelwil-molder-of-metal
  • @LHunter Yeah, I figured it was a bit too convoluted. Anyway, sounds good, but I hope that the original one is bigger than a 4/4 by at least 1 point. And neutral, if that's fine with you. Theme: semi-big dragon that cares about instants/sorceries a…
  • @LvB I will rejoin if @Robo_Kitty, @FireOfGolden, and @Yururu also show themselves.
  • How about an immortal blue greatwyrm arch-magic user that lives in a floating citadel in the middle of a permanent spatial rift and that eventually hopes to transcend mortal bonds and attain true godhood? Thanks. (Doesn't necessarily have to be mono…
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden Alright, this campaign is temporarily paused while I flesh out the world and campaign, create a map, and create some mundane creature cards that I can use whenever. I'll post an update once I'm done, and if the campaign sti…
  • Gone for like, less than 3 months, and mtgcardsmith can now compare with the other formerly much better card makers?
  • @LvB Yes, but mtgcardsmith server is down - I don't need it but I'd like to wait.
  • Ok, I really shouldn't be sitting on my challenges or I'll never get to host another one. (I've been waiting for the current ones to dissipate so I don't clog the forum. Too bad no room for that anymore.) Anyway, this looks fun hope to submit stuff.
  • @SpellPiper2213 Yeah, I had high hopes when signing up for this, ignoring that your year of the rabbit was a total failure like this one. At least you should tell us. It says you've last been active 2 days ago, as of this, which suggests enough tim…
  • @LvB How much was our starting mana? I need it to calculate my character sheet because I took levelup mana bonus and now we all get another mana
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Replica artifact creature belonging to a Magic group or tribe with a color-appropriate sacrifice ability. I hope colorless is okay. https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/sliver-replica @Jadefire Another mystery box please. …
  • @V0id Look @121092 is clearly inactive, has said to limit the card requests to 2 at a time, and has a piling stream of unfulfilled requests. You should probably have checked that first...
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden The campaign isn't progressing due to a mix of GM work and player semi-inparticipation, so i'm gonna have to do this. Suddenly, vines lash out and seize you both, immobilizing you to the vines and dragging you roughly up u…
  • by Leonardo AI.
  • Cosmonolos says "All you think about is food, Ambernite. Well that's all good and well as it is easy to acquire simple pleasures, but I think it's going to far to eat every non-snail we come across and can swallow." Cosmonolos says "Well lets hide t…
  • Cosmonolos says "Do not kill needlessly. We should deposit the beast's offspring in the water surrounded by us, making sure they do not drown. Then, since the horror does not like water, we can either hold the little ones ransom, or if the horror at…
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden You here?, or is it time to tune the campaign for the better again?
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden The inkling east the corpses and then, upon touching the vine, starts climbing up with ease. It goes out of sight for a while, then climbs back down in a half torn and ripped state, barely reaching the bottom and nearly de…
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden As the last elemental falls, the vines glow iridescent green and start flashing, with an extremely bright bead of green light traveling up until you can't see anymore, then reappearing at the bottom of the vines and restar…