6th Annual Artful August

Welcome to the 6th Annual Artful August Contest. This is where you get to show off your skills in both artwork and card-making. If this is your first time here, don't be afraid. 

Create a Custom Card, using original artwork created and owned by you. Cards will be judged on both standard contest design rules, as well as the artwork design and relation to the card concept presented.

You may only enter one card, so submit wisely. Entries will be accepted from August 1st - August 31st. 

Multiple winning cards:
- Best card
- Best artwork
- Best card + art
- Worst artwork
- Worst card
- Funniest card + art

That's right, you could win by being the worst!

Some entries may get featured and some entries may be featured on social media. 

Winning cards will definitely get a video feature.

Winners get put in the Hall of Fame or something.


  • I think we could all use this contest right now. Let's go!!!!
  • How do I submit a card?
  • @LuciferAm You can just copy the card image and paste it into a comment here on the forum.  It's also good to include a link to the card page, so if people want to go favorite it or anything, they can.
  • Ok! does it have to be a cardsmith card?

  • August, Summer, Heat, Sweat ... whats better than a frozen swamp with a Zombie Siren! Ah, i already feel refreshed.

  • This took longer than I was expecting, haha, but it's finally done. I hope you all like it : )
    (No clue why the image is so large, sorry)


  • Sry I’m really bad at art😖
  • It’s modern art, okay?! You better believe it!

  • I drew this on some notepaper a year or two ago. I know it's not amazing, but I rather like it.

    PS: I know this is the first card I have made in a while. This is for several reasons, mainly due to a lack of ideas, and that I feel the new/updated card making interface can be difficult to use, and often doesn't input images properly. I know nobody asked, but whatever.
  • Yo isn’t the guy above me pretty renowned?
  • Oh only 10 followers?! That cannot be! @TheDarkKnight1234567: You deserve a lot more than me… (I have 28) 
  • @LHunter

    I truly appreciate your kind words, but I have so few followers because I haven't posted very many cards. You absolutely deserve your 28 (now 29 :)) followers since you have made such a plethora of quality cards.
  • @LHunter

    Additionally, I can't be renowned, since I haven't dealt combat damage to a player, or received any +1/+1 counters as a result of doing so (I know that was a terrible joke).
  • Shortened version: @TheDarkKnight1234567, Good joke. Card in your honor is coming soon. Kaoz deserves more followers, along with many others, namely yourself.

    I laughed out loud at that joke, @TheDarkKnight1234567. That is me-worthy. I appreciate your follow, and I will get around to making a card in honor of you In the next couple days. If there are any preferences on your honorary card, please let me know. If you don’t have any preferences, I will freestyle it. I totally don’t deserve 29 followers, as most of my cards suck. (Namely my earlier creations.) I have more followers than @kaoz42, which i think is an outrage. There are many Cardsmiths who are much better than me and deserve many more followers. (Also namely you, @TheDarkKnight1234567.) 

  • https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/jump-into-darkness 

    I'm lucky that I found this old drawing from me 2 years ago which is good enough for me, because normally I suck at drawing 
  • @Lurisauri: that’s really cool art. Kinda reminds me of the game Smash Hit… your honorary card is coming soon, so let me know if you have preferences. :)
  • You guys are really good artists. I have a single piece of art to share, but it's going to be a challenge to make it a magic card LOL... i won't judge it of course :)
  • edited August 24
    I started working idly on a drawing of an eldrazi the day after I posted abstract elemental…😭 
    it’s really good and eldrazi-like, so I’m mad that I posted abstract elemental.
  • edited August 31
    - Best artwork @LvB ;
    - Best card + art - @Lurisauri
    - Worst artwork - @LHunter
    - Worst card - @LvB ;
    - Funniest card + art @LHunter ;

    Sorry @pastellesnow, your card didn't fall into any of the above lol

  • Oh hell nah I got worst art that’s embarrassing I actually worked pretty hard on that…😂😂😂😂😂
  • Sorry @LHunter
    i couldn't judge my own card but we all know that mine would have won that category
  • Yup it’s fine. I actually used about 15 minutes on that, finding colors and making them fit well and make a blobby shape…
  • Totally fine that I didn't get anything; doing this gave me the motivation to actually finish some art for once, so that's enough for me haha
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