The Mystery World of Enigmara



  • @LvB

    As the Druid of the Ooze steps into the portal, they feel a strange sensation wash over them. It's as if their body is being pulled apart and reassembled in a completely different way. Suddenly, they find themselves standing in a completely foreign landscape.

    The sky above them is a strange mix of greens and blues, with odd geometric patterns dancing across its surface. The ground below them is covered in strange, angular rocks, and every tree and bush seems to be perfectly symmetrical.

    As the Druid takes a step forward, they hear a strange squishing sound beneath their foot. Looking down, they see a strange, cube-shaped ooze oozing across the ground. It has two perfectly circular eyes staring back up at the Druid, and it seems completely unphased by their presence.

    This is clearly a strange and dangerous place, but the Druid has come too far to turn back now. They take a deep breath and prepare to face whatever Pixelios has in store for them.

    Create a common, vanilla Ooze creature with just flavor text.

  • @Tonysparks

    As the Fluidling and its allies continue their fight against pollution and other threats to the natural world, they encounter a new challenge. A group of dark mages has begun to drain the life force from nearby forests and rivers, using the energy to power their dark rituals and magic. The Fluidling senses the disturbance in the natural balance and knows that it must act quickly to stop the mages before they cause irreparable harm.

    With the help of Riverbend and other druids, the Fluidling begins to track down the source of the dark magic. They follow the trail to a hidden cave deep in the forest, where they find the mages conducting their foul rituals. The Fluidling and its allies launch a fierce attack, determined to put an end to the mages' destructive practices once and for all.

    The battle is long and grueling, but the Fluidling's powers prove to be a formidable weapon against the dark magic of the mages. With each blast of water and each shapeshifting transformation, the Fluidling weakens the mages' hold on the natural world. Eventually, the mages are defeated, and the stolen life force is returned to the forests and rivers from which it was taken.

    As the Fluidling basks in the victory, it feels a sense of pride and purpose. It knows that there will always be new threats to the natural world, but it also knows that it has the power to fight against them. With its allies by its side, the Fluidling vows to continue its mission of protecting the natural world and restoring balance to the elements.

    Create a card to represent the dark mages or the cave they dwelled in.

  • Create a common, vanilla Ooze creature with just flavor text.

  • Create a card to represent the dark mages or the cave they dwelled in. (Why not both!)

  • Choose your path by creating a card with the chosen name.

  • @LvB

    The Druid and the adventurers watched in awe as the Extradimensional Ooze moved in strange and unpredictable ways. They cautiously approached it, trying to study its behavior and understand its motives.

    As they drew closer, they noticed that the Ooze seemed to be feeding on something, consuming it in small bits and pieces. They couldn't quite make out what it was, but it seemed to be some kind of energy or essence.

    The Druid approached the Ooze and attempted to communicate with it. The Ooze didn't seem to respond to the Druid's words, but it did acknowledge her presence. It extended a tendril-like appendage and touched the Druid's hand, sending a jolt of energy through her body.

    The Druid realized that the Ooze was feeding on the life force of the creatures in the area. It was consuming the very essence of the plants and animals that lived there, leaving behind only emptiness and decay.

    Determined to stop the Ooze from causing any more harm, the Druid called upon the power of nature and began to draw energy from the surrounding plants and trees. She channeled this energy into a powerful spell, unleashing a wave of growth and life that engulfed the Ooze.

    The Extradimensional Ooze struggled against the Druid's spell, thrashing and writhing as the energy coursed through its body. But in the end, it was no match for the power of nature. The Ooze dissipated into nothingness, leaving behind only a faint trail of energy.

    The Druid and the adventurers breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the Ooze disappear. They knew that they had stopped a dangerous threat and had protected the natural balance of the area. But they also knew that they had witnessed something truly unique and otherworldly, something that would forever change their perception of the universe.

    Create a monogreen spell that deals damage to a creature.

  • @Tonysparks

    Create a card with your choice of storyline continuation:

    "Conquest of the Natural World": The mages are not working alone. They are part of a larger organization that seeks to conquer the natural world and use it for their own gain. The Fluidling and its allies must track down the leaders of this organization and put an end to their plans before they can cause even more damage to the natural world.

    "Shapeshifter's Gambit": The battle against the mages has left the Fluidling weakened and drained. In order to recover its strength and continue its mission, it must seek out a powerful source of energy. This leads the Fluidling and its allies on a journey to a mystical realm where they must overcome trials and challenges to harness the energy they need.

    "Trials of Elemental Power": The defeat of the mages has attracted the attention of a powerful elemental being who seeks to test the Fluidling's abilities. This being challenges the Fluidling to a series of trials to prove its worthiness as a defender of the natural world. The trials test the Fluidling's shapeshifting abilities, combat skills, and connection to the elements. Succeeding in these trials will not only prove the Fluidling's strength but also earn it the respect and recognition of other elemental beings.

  • edited April 2023

    @Jadefire @cadstar369 - The Ethereal Nightguard steps forward, placing itself between the Chillbrand Fiend and Xandra. "Your claim over the Chillbrand Fiend is unfounded," it says, its voice steady and unwavering. "No being belongs to another, and it is not for you to decide the Fiend's fate."

    Xandra's expression turns dark, and her followers begin to murmur amongst themselves. "You dare to question me?" she snarls. "I am Xandra, Spirit of the Dark Void, and all who stand against me will suffer the consequences."

    The Ethereal Nightguard stands firm, undeterred by Xandra's threats. "We will not be intimidated by you, Xandra," it says. "We will fight for the Fiend's freedom and for the right of all beings to choose their own path."

    With those words, the battle begins. Xandra and her followers launch a fierce attack, but the Chillbrand Fiend and the Ethereal Nightguard stand their ground, fighting with all their strength. The battle is long and grueling, but in the end, the Chillbrand Fiend and its allies emerge victorious.

    Xandra is defeated, and her hold over the Chillbrand Fiend is broken. The Fiend looks to the Ethereal Nightguard with gratitude, its trust in the Spirit Warrior strengthened by their shared victory. Together, they continue on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

    Create a destroy creature spell that's white.

  • @jpastor Does the spell have to specifically say "destroy" or is "destroy" being used as a general term for removal?
  • I am literally suffering from success rn. All those stories sound so fricking cool. All of them TvT
  • @Jadefire in this saga, you could submit s chicken and I would be cool with it
  • edited April 2023
    Trials of Elemental Power

    The fluidling with the help of its allies was able to defeat the occultists. Exaushted, from both the battle and the purifying rituals after, the fluidling and the collective enjoyed a few days of leisure in the grove as they discussed one of the mages who managed to escape in the turmoil. Suddenly an overwhelming aura, no an overwhelming force of nature, surrounded the atmosphere in the grove, perhaps the cult was a matter for another time. For now, the fluidling decides to find the source of this imposing aura, one that rivals the might of Gaia herself.

    (Alt Art)

    *Side note fot your next piece* (Illatra wasn't always this strong, Illatra merged souls with other Elementals over it's millenias and now seeks to usurp Gaia and be the new order in nature. Illatra like Gaia isn't evil, it is neutral)
  • LvBLvB
    edited April 2023
    Create a Monogreen Spell that deals damage to a creature.

  • @Tonysparks

    As the Fluidling and its allies venture out to find the source of the imposing aura, they come across a strange, mystical realm. The trees are taller, the flowers more vibrant, and the air is thick with magic.

    As they explore the realm, they come across a grand temple, guarded by powerful elemental beings. These beings recognize the Fluidling as a defender of the natural world and invite it to participate in the Trials of Elemental Power.

    The trials are a series of challenges that test the Fluidling's connection to the elements, its shapeshifting abilities, and combat skills. Each trial is more difficult than the last, and failure means certain defeat.

    Despite the challenges, the Fluidling perseveres and triumphs over each trial, earning the respect and admiration of the elemental beings. However, as the Fluidling approaches the final trial, it senses a dark presence watching it from the shadows.

    Suddenly, a figure steps forward, revealing itself to be Illatra, the powerful elemental being that seeks to usurp Gaia and be the new order in nature. Illatra challenges the Fluidling to a final trial, one that will test not only its strength but also its willpower.

    The final trial is a battle against Illatra, who has merged with several other elemental souls and become a force to be reckoned with. The Fluidling fights valiantly, but Illatra's power is overwhelming, and it seems like all is lost.

    In a desperate move, the Fluidling taps into the natural world's energy, channeling it into a powerful blast that sends Illatra reeling. Illatra is defeated, but the Fluidling is drained and exhausted, having expended all of its energy in the final battle.

    The elemental beings gather around the Fluidling, offering their gratitude and respect for its bravery and strength. As the Fluidling and its allies make their way back to the natural world, they know that they have not only earned the respect of other elemental beings but also proven themselves as true defenders of the natural world.

    Create a massive pump spell with a severe drawback.

  • @LvB

    As the dust settles, the Druid of the Ooze looks around and sees the aftermath of the lightning strike. The creature it had been battling, a monstrous beast with jagged teeth and razor-sharp claws, lies motionless on the ground, its body charred and smoking.

    For a moment, the Druid stands frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the full extent of the destruction it has caused. It had always prided itself on being a protector of nature, a defender of the balance between life and death. But now, it has unleashed a force of pure destruction, and it is not sure how to cope with the consequences.

    As the realization sinks in, the Druid feels a deep sense of guilt and remorse. It knows that it must make amends for what it has done, but it is not sure how. It begins to wander aimlessly through the forest, searching for some kind of guidance.

    After several days of wandering, the Druid comes across a small village nestled in the heart of the forest. The villagers are wary of the Druid at first, but eventually, they invite it into their community and share their stories and traditions with it.

    Through the wisdom of the village elders and the kindness of its inhabitants, the Druid begins to find a path towards redemption. It learns about the cycle of life and death, about the importance of balance in nature, and about the power of forgiveness and compassion.

    With this newfound knowledge, the Druid sets out on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. It vows to use its powers to protect and nurture the natural world, rather than to destroy it. And as it travels, it spreads the teachings it has learned, inspiring others to embrace the power of nature and to live in harmony with the world around them.

    Unleash the untamed power of nature! Create the uncommon version of your creature that harnesses the primal forces of the wild, but with a risky twist. This version should showcase the creature's ability to tap into its raw potential, even if it means sacrificing something in return. Make sure to add a green mana cost and flavor text that captures the essence of this wild spirit.

  • Mystery Box Me @Jadefire / other prestige
  • Create a destroy creature spell that's white.

    @jpastor Should I assume the Mystery Box request belongs in the Mystery Box discussion and post the challenge there?
  • Haha yeah @Jadefire my my b
  • reate a massive pump spell with a severe drawback.

    "You would have to reach in the deepest seas in your realms, and the highest peaks in your mountains, to understand the depth of Gaea's power Illatra"
  • edited April 2023

    After defeating Xandra, the Chillbrand Fiend and the Ethereal Nightguard went their separate ways, each returning to their own realm to recuperate and tend to their own duties. However, rumors began to spread that the Ethereal Nightguard had secretly conspired with Xandra and had betrayed the Chillbrand Fiend during the final battle.

    Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the Chillbrand Fiend believes the rumors and decides to seek revenge on the Ethereal Nightguard. It begins to gather a powerful army of icy minions and constructs, intent on storming the Ethereal Realm and bringing the Nightguard to justice.

    The Ethereal Nightguard, sensing the danger, prepares for battle and begins to gather its own allies and resources. It knows that the Chillbrand Fiend is a powerful foe, but it also knows that its connection to the ethereal realm gives it an advantage in battle.

    As the two forces clash, the skies darken, and the very fabric of reality seems to shift and warp around them. The battle is intense and grueling, with each side gaining and losing ground at various points. In the end, however, it is the Ethereal Nightguard who emerges victorious, having harnessed the power of the ethereal realm to weaken and defeat the Chillbrand Fiend and its minions.

    With the threat vanquished, the Ethereal Nightguard returns to its duties as guardian of the ethereal realm, knowing that it must remain vigilant against future threats to the delicate balance of the multiverse.

    Create the icy foes you defeated.

  • Choose your path by creating a card with the chosen name.
    I usually don't pick negative routes, but it seems very appropriate for this character.

    Seek Revenge
  • Unleash the untamed power of nature! Create the uncommon version of your creature that harnesses the primal forces of the wild, but with a risky twist. This version should showcase the creature's ability to tap into its raw potential, even if it means sacrificing something in return. Make sure to add a green mana cost and flavor text that captures the essence of this wild spirit.

    The Lady of Ooze, now able to become an Ooze and maybe partly Ooze, too.
  • @Tonysparks

    As the Fluidling returns to the natural world, it is greeted by a group of animals and plant life, all of which seem to be celebrating its victory over Illatra. The Fluidling feels a deep sense of connection to the natural world, and it knows that it has earned the respect and admiration of all living things.

    As it rests and recuperates, the Fluidling reflects on its journey and realizes that it has grown stronger and more connected to the elements. It knows that there will always be new challenges and threats to the natural world, but it also knows that it has the power and determination to overcome them.

    With a renewed sense of purpose, the Fluidling sets out to continue its mission of protecting the natural world, knowing that it has the support and admiration of all living things. And as it ventures forth, it knows that it will face whatever challenges come its way with strength, courage, and the power of nature at its side.

    Create a monogreen lifegain spell.

  • @cadstar369
    Uh oh!

    After defeating Xandra, the Chillbrand Fiend and the Ethereal Nightguard went their separate ways, each returning to their own realm to recuperate and tend to their own duties. However, rumors began to spread that the Ethereal Nightguard had secretly conspired with Xandra and had betrayed the Chillbrand Fiend during the final battle.

    Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the Chillbrand Fiend believes the rumors and decides to seek revenge on the Ethereal Nightguard. It begins to gather a powerful army of icy minions and constructs, intent on storming the Ethereal Realm and bringing the Nightguard to justice.

    The Ethereal Nightguard, sensing the danger, prepares for battle and begins to gather its own allies and resources. It knows that the Chillbrand Fiend is a powerful foe, but it also knows that its connection to the ethereal realm gives it an advantage in battle.

    As the two forces clash, the skies darken, and the very fabric of reality seems to shift and warp around them. The battle is intense and grueling, with each side gaining and losing ground at various points. In the end, however, it is the Ethereal Nightguard who emerges victorious, having harnessed the power of the ethereal realm to weaken and defeat the Chillbrand Fiend and its minions.

    With the threat vanquished, the Ethereal Nightguard returns to its duties as guardian of the ethereal realm, knowing that it must remain vigilant against future threats to the delicate balance of the multiverse.

    Create a new character to start a new storyline.

  • @LvB

    As the Druid of the Ooze transformed into the Lady of the Ooze, she felt a surge of power flow through her body. She could feel the ooze within her, and she knew that she could now harness its power like never before.

    As she looked down at her new form, she saw that she had become a Human Ooze, a being unlike any other in the world. She could morph her body into any shape, size, or form, and she knew that she was now more powerful than ever before.

    With her newfound abilities, the Lady of the Ooze set out to explore the world and defend the natural world from those who sought to harm it. She knew that she had a unique role to play in the world, and she was ready to embrace it fully.

    Create an exploration type of card.

  • @Jadefire
    Your challenge and story has been updated because of cadstar's decision.
  • edited April 2023
    Create a mono green life gain spell

    "For your guidance of the natural order, your groves shall prosper, the animals that reside in it reproduce, and all the inhabitants of the grove shall never know hunger." - Gara
  • @Tonysparks

    As the Fluidling journeys through the natural world, it comes upon a group of druids who welcome it to a sacred grove. The grove is a verdant paradise unlike any other, with towering trees and lush vegetation that thrums with life and vitality.

    The druids share a prophecy with the Fluidling, which speaks of a great being who would rise to protect and guide the natural world. They recognize the Fluidling's victory over Illatra as a sign that the prophecy has been fulfilled.

    In celebration of the Fluidling's triumph, the druids offer a blessing in the name of Gara, the goddess of nature, encompassing the water and forest savviness of the Fluidling. The blessing fills the Fluidling with a renewed sense of purpose and strength, and it realizes that it has been chosen to lead the charge in safeguarding the natural world.

    With the druids' support and the blessing of Gara, the Fluidling sets forth with the power of nature at its side, ready to confront any challenges that may come its way.

    Create a green/blue hybrid spell that draws cards.

  • edited April 2023

    As the Ethereal Nightguard patrols the ethereal realm, it notices a disturbance in the fabric of reality. Investigating the source, it discovers a group of rogue ethereal beings who have turned against their own kind and are attempting to access forbidden ethereal planes.

    Realizing the danger that these rogue beings pose to the delicate balance of the multiverse, the Ethereal Nightguard gathers a team of trusted allies to stop them. Together, they engage in a fierce battle, with the rogue beings using their knowledge of the ethereal realm to their advantage.

    However, the Ethereal Nightguard and its allies are able to overcome the rogue beings, using their own mastery of the ethereal realm and quick thinking to outmaneuver and defeat them. With the threat neutralized, the Ethereal Nightguard returns to its duties, knowing that it must always be vigilant against those who seek to disrupt the balance of the multiverse.

    Create your allies. Can be more than one card if you'd like.

    Ethereal Intruders

    This card represents the rogue ethereal beings that are causing trouble in the Ethereal Realm, capable of phasing in and out of existence to cause chaos and destruction. Its ability allows you to temporarily remove a nonland permanent from an opponent's control, representing the beings' ability to distort and manipulate reality.
This discussion has been closed.