The Mystery World of Enigmara



  • edited May 2023
    Create Lorya as your final step... a planeswalker.

  • @LvB
    The Desperate Traveller found himself in a desolate and eerie location his voice echoing through the barren landscape The wind howled carrying his words into the emptiness but there was no response The silence was deafening broken only by the rustling of leaves and the creaking of old branches  With a puzzled expression the Desperate Traveller continued onward his footsteps the only sound accompanying him He couldnt shake the feeling that he was being watched that

    The Desperate Traveller found himself in a desolate and eerie location, his voice echoing through the barren landscape. The wind howled, carrying his words into the emptiness, but there was no response. The silence was deafening, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the creaking of old branches.

    With a puzzled expression, the Desperate Traveller continued onward, his footsteps the only sound accompanying him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that hidden eyes followed his every move. But whenever he turned, there was nothing but empty space, as if the very essence of the place conspired to keep its secrets hidden.

    "Hmm, must've been the wind," he murmured to himself, trying to dismiss the unease that crept up his spine. The Desperate Traveller had learned to trust his instincts, honed by years of navigating treacherous paths, but this eerie silence perplexed him.

    As he walked deeper into the wilderness, the landscape grew more foreboding. Ancient trees loomed overhead, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. Shadows danced on the forest floor, shifting and twisting with an otherworldly energy.

    The Desperate Traveller's senses heightened, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of life. He could almost swear he heard whispers carried by the wind, faint murmurs that seemed to fade away as he strained to listen. It was as if the very air spoke in hushed tones, concealing ancient secrets from prying ears.

    "Hello? Anyone there?" he called out again, his voice carrying a tinge of uncertainty. The words hung in the air, dissipating into the silence. No reply came, save for the haunting echo that reverberated through the desolate landscape.

    Undeterred, the Desperate Traveller pressed on, his determination unwavering. He knew that his journey held significance, that there were answers waiting to be discovered. The wind whispered secrets, and the shadows held untold tales. He would not be deterred by the chilling stillness that surrounded him.

    With each step, the Desperate Traveller embraced the solitude and the mystery. The absence of others became an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. He delved deep into his own thoughts, seeking clarity amidst the vast emptiness that enveloped him.

    Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as the Desperate Traveller continued his solitary trek. He learned to find solace in the quietude, finding strength in the absence of external distractions. His senses sharpened, attuned to the subtle signs and subtle shifts in the environment.

    In this desolate realm, the Desperate Traveller would forge his own path. He would uncover the truth that lay shrouded in silence, unearthing the hidden knowledge that whispered through the wind. He would embrace the solitude, for within it lay the seeds of self-discovery and resilience.

    And so, with unwavering determination and a heart filled with curiosity, the Desperate Traveller ventured forth, guided by the whispers of the wind and the echo of his own footsteps. He would unravel the mysteries that lay ahead, one step at a time, knowing that even in the absence of companionship, his purpose burned bright and his resolve remained unyielding.

    Create a card that captures the eerie silence and mysterious atmosphere of the desolate location, evoking solitude, secrets, and hidden knowledge whispered through the wind, while rewarding players for embracing solitude and tapping into the power of stillness.
  • @Tonysparks

    As the Lucardian Crusade ventured forth, their deeds echoed across the planes, catching the attention of other planeswalkers. News of their righteous cause and unwavering determination spread far and wide, drawing the interest of those who sought to protect the balance of the multiverse.

    Lorya's journey took an unexpected turn when she encountered a planeswalker known as Elara, a wise and experienced traveler who had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. Elara recognized the immense potential within Lorya and the Lucardian Crusade, and she offered her guidance and wisdom to aid them in their mission.

    Under Elara's tutelage, Lorya honed her planeswalking abilities, learning to traverse the vast expanse of the multiverse. She discovered that the darkness they had fought in Lucardus was not unique, but rather a reflection of the eternal struggle between light and shadow that permeated countless realms.

    Elara the Wise Traveler

    Elara, the Wise Traveler by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Flavor text: "Through endless worlds I have journeyed, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. Let my wisdom guide you on your path."

    Lorya and the Lucardian Crusade became a formidable force, traveling from plane to plane, battling against the forces of darkness wherever they arose. Their legend grew with each victory, inspiring hope in those who had lost their way and rallying allies to their cause.

    With Lorya as a planeswalker, the Lucardian Crusade extended their reach, defending not only Lucardus but also countless other realms from the encroaching darkness. They stood as a symbol of unity and resilience, reminding all who witnessed their valor that even in the face of despair, hope could prevail.

    As the Lucardian Crusade's influence spread, they encountered other planeswalkers who shared their vision and joined forces to combat the threats that threatened the multiverse. They formed alliances with diverse groups, pooling their strengths and knowledge, forging a network of defenders united by a common purpose.

    Together, Lorya and her allies ventured into the most perilous corners of existence, confronting ancient evils, unraveling ancient mysteries, and protecting the fragile balance between worlds. Their actions rippled across the planes, leaving a legacy of courage and unity in their wake.

    But Lorya never forgot her roots. She returned to Lucardus whenever she could, standing with her people, sharing her experiences, and drawing inspiration from the city that had birthed her purpose. Lucardus flourished under her watchful eye, its people thriving in an era of renewed hope and prosperity.

    The tale of Lorya, the shapeshifter demigod turned planeswalker, and the Lucardian Crusade became legend—a story whispered in hushed tones, passed down through generations. They stood as a shining example of what could be achieved when hearts were united in the pursuit of justice and the preservation of light.

    And so, across the planes, the name of Lorya and the Lucardian Crusade became synonymous with courage, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of a better world. Their story inspired countless others to rise up, to fight for what they believed in, and to never lose sight of the light that burned within their hearts.

    This storyline has ended.

  • @LvB

    Ethereal Whisper
    Ethereal Whisper by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    As the Desperate Traveller ventured deeper into the desolate landscape, the eerie silence continued to hang in the air, filling his senses with a peculiar unease. Every step he took seemed to echo through the empty expanse, amplifying the feeling of solitude.

    The wind whispered through the barren trees, its voice carrying fragments of forgotten tales and ancient secrets. The Desperate Traveller strained to catch the words, but they slipped through his grasp like smoke, leaving only traces of lingering curiosity.

    With each passing day, the landscape transformed, revealing glimpses of long-lost civilizations and enigmatic symbols etched into weathered stones. The Desperate Traveller's instincts guided him, drawing him closer to the heart of the mystery that enveloped this desolate realm.

    One fateful night, as the moon cast an ethereal glow upon the desolation, the Desperate Traveller discovered a hidden enclave nestled within a forgotten grove. It was a place untouched by time, where whispers carried on the wind grew louder and more distinct.

    With cautious steps, the Desperate Traveller entered the enclave, his senses on high alert. The air crackled with an energy that sent shivers down his spine, as if the very fabric of reality had been woven differently in this secluded sanctuary.

    In the center of the enclave, he discovered a weathered tome, its pages brittle and yellowed with age. As he opened it, ancient knowledge unfurled before his eyes, revealing the secrets of this forsaken land. The words danced off the pages, resonating with a deep wisdom that spoke of forgotten civilizations and the forces that shaped their existence.

    The Desperate Traveller immersed himself in the sacred knowledge, his mind expanding with each revelation. The secrets of the desolate realm began to unfold, revealing the purpose behind his journey and the significance of the solitude that surrounded him.

    He learned that the silence he had encountered was not emptiness, but a canvas upon which he could paint his own destiny. The absence of others had been a catalyst for self-discovery and inner strength, allowing him to tap into his true potential.

    Armed with newfound wisdom and a sense of purpose, the Desperate Traveller emerged from the enclave, no longer desperate but driven. He carried the ancient tome as a beacon of knowledge, a testament to the transformative power of solitude and introspection.

    With each step forward, the Desperate Traveller embarked on a path of enlightenment and self-realization. He no longer yearned for companionship in the traditional sense, for he had discovered the wealth of wisdom and strength that resided within himself.

    As he continued his journey through the desolate realm, the whispers of the wind became a symphony of guidance, guiding him towards greater understanding and unveiling the intricate tapestry of existence.

    The Desperate Traveller, now the Enlightened Wanderer, embraced the solitude as a teacher and companion. He reveled in the stillness, knowing that within the quietude lay the greatest revelations and the most profound connections.

    And so, with the weight of ancient knowledge on his shoulders and the echo of the wind in his ears, the Enlightened Wanderer ventured forth, ready to unravel the mysteries of the desolate realm and illuminate the path for others who might tread the same lonely but transformative journey.

    Create the rare version of your character.
  • @Tonysparks

    In the vast depths of Enigmara, a mysterious creature emerged from the shadows—the Kavaran Thought Eater. A cephalid wizard, it possessed a unique ability to feed on the thoughts of others. As it devoured the intellectual energy around it, its own mental prowess grew. With every stolen thought, the Kavaran grew stronger, its potential unfathomable. But would it wield this power for good or succumb to the allure of darkness? The story of the Kavaran Thought Eater had just begun.
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    Create the rare version of your character.

  • @LvB

    As the Enlightened Wanderer delved deeper into the desolate realm, the whispers of the wind grew louder, carrying fragments of forgotten tales and ancient secrets. He discovered a hidden enclave, untouched by time, where the crackling energy in the air spoke of a different reality. In the heart of the enclave, he found a weathered tome that revealed the purpose behind his journey. 

    Tome of Whispers

    The silence he had encountered was a canvas for self-discovery and inner strength. Now armed with wisdom, he emerged as the Enlightened Wanderer, no longer desperate but driven. With each step, he embarked on a path of enlightenment, guided by the symphony of whispers and the transformative power of solitude.

    Create a spell that costs {1}{U}{U}.

  • Create a spell that costs {1}{U}{U}.
    As he studied the tome of whispers, he found a spell that could reveal a possible future.

  • No challenge for the mind eater I guess
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    Here, i made one for you. o:)
    (Plus i have one more giant snail for my collection of snaily abominations, hehe)

    "While the Kavaran Thought Eater was carefully exploring a town at night, he suddenly felt an abscence of thoughts, but still, something was there. It was moving slowly in the shadows. He tried to listen to it with his special mind senses, but there was nothing. Then he saw it, moving towards him, the largest snail he had ever seen."
    He had to chose:
    1. Fight the Giant Snail: Create a card that prevents the Kavaran Thought Eater from dying if he and the snail fight each other until one is dead.
    2. Flee and find out more: The Snail is slow and also left a trail of slime. Create a card that gives the Kavaran Thought Eater more information about the Giant Snail.
    3. Create a Disturbance: Create a card that makes something else more important for the Snail, so it leaves the Kavaran Thought Eater alone.

  • I'm so tempted to do that one immortal snail reddit meme right now. I might just make a card for this lol
  • @LvB
    I've loved doing this saga with y'all, but I'm going to put an end to it for now. Another step in the right direction for an everlasting saga, but no cigar just yet for the storytelling aspect entwined with magic. I'm hoping my new ENCOUNTERS - GAME ON! discussion will help me analyze a more "MTG" way of dealing out a saga as a story you can create cards for. 

    If you want to give the storytelling in that discussion thread a try, while it's not a saga per say, it certainly functions like one.

    Meantime, cheers - and I'll be back with another saga one day.
  • Thank you for this Saga then. It sure was fun ^^
    And since i really liked the idea of this thread maybe i will steal it and make an own story for everyone :)
  • Thanks for the fun challenge @jpastor
This discussion has been closed.