The Mystery World of Enigmara



  • @LvB - yeah the first version was the "hypothetical" version, whereas this one is the real deal.

    Create a new character for Enigmara. Common.
  • LvBLvB
    edited April 2023
    Create a new character for Enigmara. Common.

  • Create a spell representing the act of defeating the dark lord.

  • @Jadefire

    As the final strike with the Sword of Radiance pierced the dark lord's heart, the defeated dark lord summoned one final spell with a dying breath. The Ethereal Nightguard was struck by a bolt of dark energy, and he fell to the ground, his body motionless. Lorya rushed to his side as the dark lord disintegrated into a dark, smoky dust. Lorya's emotions manifested as she shapeshifted into a human, tears streaming down her face. She cradled his head in her arms, desperately trying to heal him with her magic as surges of water and light swirled around them.

    As the battle drew to a close the Ethereal Nightguard was struck by a bolt of dark energy and he fell to the ground his body motionless Lorya the water being rushed to his side tears streaming down her face She cradled his head in her arms desperately trying to heal him with her magic  But it was too late The Ethereal Nightguard had given everything he had in the final battle and his body could no longer withstand the strain With a final gasp he passed

    But it was too late. The Ethereal Nightguard had given everything he had in the final battle, and his body could no longer withstand the strain. With a final gasp, he muttered to her, "Lucardus. I remem..." Then he passed from world as his spirit rose eloquently into the cloudy sky, piercing the clouds above, giving way to a grin from the sun.

    Lorya wept for her fallen companion, mourning the loss of the brave warrior who had fought by her side. But even as she grieved, she knew that the Ethereal Nightguard's sacrifice had not been in vain. His courage and selflessness had inspired her and the rest of their group to stand up against evil, and they had emerged victorious because of it.

    A little while later...

    In honor of the Ethereal Nightguards memory Lorya used her powers to sculp a majestic fountain created in his name Lucardus At the center was a lit statue made with the armor he left behind It depicted him as he had been in life a fierce warrior wielding his sword of radiance The creation reflected the Ethereal Nightguards martial prowess and his ability to inspire others to fight alongside him

    In honor of the Ethereal Nightguard's memory, Lorya used her powers to sculp a majestic fountain, created in his name, Lucardus. At the center was a lit statue made with the armor he left behind. It depicted him as he had been in life, a fierce warrior wielding his sword of radiance. The creation reflected the Ethereal Nightguard's martial prowess and his ability to inspire others to fight alongside him.

    And so, even though the Ethereal Nightguard was gone, his legacy lived on. He had become known as Lucardus, a spectral wizard, a hero whose name would be spoken with reverence for generations to come.

    Tonysparks - Create a spell that costs {w/u} mana.

    Jadefire - Create a common creature card to be your new character.

  • @Jadefire

    As the final strike with the Sword of Radiance pierced the dark lord's heart, the defeated dark lord summoned one final spell with a dying breath. The Ethereal Nightguard was struck by a bolt of dark energy, and he fell to the ground, his body motionless. Lorya rushed to his side as the dark lord disintegrated into a dark, smoky dust. Lorya's emotions manifested as she shapeshifted into a human, tears streaming down her face. She cradled his head in her arms, desperately trying to heal him with her magic as surges of water and light swirled around them.

    As the battle drew to a close the Ethereal Nightguard was struck by a bolt of dark energy and he fell to the ground his body motionless Lorya the water being rushed to his side tears streaming down her face She cradled his head in her arms desperately trying to heal him with her magic  But it was too late The Ethereal Nightguard had given everything he had in the final battle and his body could no longer withstand the strain With a final gasp he passed

    But it was too late. The Ethereal Nightguard had given everything he had in the final battle, and his body could no longer withstand the strain. With a final gasp, he muttered to her, "Lucardus. I remem..." Then he passed from world as his spirit rose eloquently into the cloudy sky, piercing the clouds above, giving way to a grin from the sun.

    Lorya wept for her fallen companion, mourning the loss of the brave warrior who had fought by her side. But even as she grieved, she knew that the Ethereal Nightguard's sacrifice had not been in vain. His courage and selflessness had inspired her and the rest of their group to stand up against evil, and they had emerged victorious because of it.

    A little while later...

    In honor of the Ethereal Nightguards memory Lorya used her powers to sculp a majestic fountain created in his name Lucardus At the center was a lit statue made with the armor he left behind It depicted him as he had been in life a fierce warrior wielding his sword of radiance The creation reflected the Ethereal Nightguards martial prowess and his ability to inspire others to fight alongside him

    In honor of the Ethereal Nightguard's memory, Lorya used her powers to sculp a majestic fountain, created in his name, Lucardus. At the center was a lit statue made with the armor he left behind. It depicted him as he had been in life, a fierce warrior wielding his sword of radiance. The creation reflected the Ethereal Nightguard's martial prowess and his ability to inspire others to fight alongside him.

    And so, even though the Ethereal Nightguard was gone, his legacy lived on. He had become known as Lucardus, a spectral wizard, a hero whose name would be spoken with reverence for generations to come.

    Tonysparks - Create a spell that costs {w/u} mana.

    Jadefire - Create a common creature card to be your new character.

  • @LvB
    As the Desperate Traveller surveyed the ruins of his hometown grief and anger burned within him He knew he had to find whoever was responsible for this massacre and make them pay
    As the Desperate Traveller surveyed the ruins of his hometown, grief and anger burned within him. He knew he had to find whoever was responsible for this massacre and make them pay.

    Create a card that filters out lands from your deck or elsewhere.
  • edited May 2023
    Create a spell that costs {w/u} mana.
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    Create a card that filters out lands from your deck or elsewhere.

  • Is it too late for me to bud in?

  • @Tonysparks
    As Lorya the water being stood in front of the fountain she had created in memory of the Ethereal Nightguard she felt a sense of pride mixed with sadness She knew that Lucardus would have been pleased with the tribute but she couldnt shake the feeling that his loss had left a hole in their group that could never be filled  As she gazed at the statue she noticed a small group of people had gathered around the fountain They appeared to be paying their respects
    As Lorya stood in front of the fountain she had created in memory of the Ethereal Nightguard, she felt a sense of pride mixed with sadness. She knew that Lucardus would have been pleased with the tribute, but she couldn't shake the feeling that his loss had left a hole in their group that could never be filled. As she gazed at the statue, she noticed a small group of people had gathered around the fountain. They appeared to be paying their respects, and Lorya felt a sense of gratitude towards them. She realized that Lucardus had not just inspired their group but also people beyond their circle. Lorya approached the group and asked, "Excuse me, may I know why you have come here?" A young man turned towards her and replied, "We heard about the fountain and the statue, and we wanted to pay our respects to the fallen hero, Lucardus." Lorya smiled at the young man, feeling a sense of warmth spreading through her heart. She knew that Lucardus would have been proud to know that he had inspired so many people. As the group continued to talk, Lorya's thoughts drifted towards their next mission. She knew that their victory against the dark lord had been a significant one, but they still had a lot to do to ensure that peace would continue to reign in the land. She turned towards the group and said, "I am Lorya, and I fought alongside Lucardus. We are a group of adventurers, and we are always looking for allies in our fight against evil. Would you like to join us?" The group looked at each other, and then the young man stepped forward and said, "We would be honored to fight alongside you, Lorya. We have heard tales of your bravery, and we want to be a part of your cause." Lorya smiled, feeling a sense of hope rising within her. She knew that with more allies by their side, they would be able to accomplish much more. As the group joined them, Lorya felt a sense of gratitude towards the Ethereal Nightguard. She knew that his sacrifice had not been in vain and that his legacy would continue to live on through them.

    Create a card that represents the fallen hero, Lucardus, and his legacy. The card should have an ability that reflects his bravery and inspire players to fight against evil. The card should also have an effect that allows players to gain more allies or creatures on their side, symbolizing the idea of banding together to fight a common enemy.
  • edited May 2023
    The Desperate Traveller stumbled through the forest his feet aching and his stomach empty He had been wandering for days lost and alone with nothing but his tattered clothes and a rusty dagger As he pushed through a thicket of thorns he spotted a glimmer of light in the distance Could it be a village A town A mirage He couldnt tell but he knew he had to investigate

    The Desperate Traveller stumbled through the forest, his feet aching and his stomach empty. He had been wandering for days, lost and alone, with nothing but his tattered clothes and a rusty dagger. As he pushed through a thicket of thorns, he spotted a glimmer of light in the distance. Could it be a village? A town? A mirage? He couldn't tell, but he knew he had to investigate.


    • As he drew closer to the light, the Desperate Traveller realized that it was coming from a clearing where a group of mages were practicing their magic. One of the mages approached him, asking if he wanted to learn the ways of magic. The Desperate Traveller agreed, but the mage said he could only teach him if he could create a magic card that would allow him to cast spells without paying their mana costs.
    • The Desperate Traveller cautiously made his way towards the light, only to find himself facing a group of bandits who had set up camp in the clearing. They demanded that he hand over his belongings and threatened to kill him if he didn't comply. The Desperate Traveller pulled out his rusty dagger and prepared to fight, but the bandits laughed and told him that he was no match for them. If the Desperate Traveller wanted to survive, he would have to create a magic card that would give him the power to summon an army of undead warriors.
    • As the Desperate Traveller entered the clearing, he noticed a strange, ancient artifact sitting in the center. He approached it, and as he touched it, he was enveloped in a bright light. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in the midst of a vast, otherworldly library. An old, wizened librarian appeared before him and informed him that if he wanted to leave the library, he would have to create a magic card that would allow him to manipulate time and space itself.
  • @LvB @TheKeefMan
    As the Desperate Traveller journeys through the dense forest he hears rustling in the underbrush Suddenly a figure emerges from the foliage a rugged-looking traveler with a backpack full of supplies Greetings friend he says with a smile I am the Lush Traveler and I know these woods like the back of my hand Need any help getting through

    @LvB As you journey through the dense forest, you hear rustling in the underbrush. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the foliage, a rugged-looking traveler with a backpack full of supplies. "Greetings, friend," he says with a smile. "I am the Lush Traveler, and I know these woods like the back of my hand. Need any help getting through?"

    @TheKeefMan - Challenge: Create a card that represents a creature or obstacle that the Lush Traveler might encounter on his journey through the forest. The card should have an ability that relates to the forest or the natural world.

  • Create a card that represents the fallen hero, Lucardus, and his legacy. The card should have an ability that reflects his bravery and inspire players to fight against evil. The card should also have an effect that allows players to gain more allies or creatures on their side, symbolizing the idea of banding together to fight a common enemy.

  • @Tonysparks

    Lorya stood before Lucardus's Memorial, a grand monument erected in honor of her fallen companion. The memorial was a sight to behold, a towering structure that radiated a solemn and resolute presence. As Lorya approached, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for the sacrifices made by Lucardus and those who had fought alongside him.

    Every time she visited the memorial, Lorya felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. She knew that the battles they had won were not the end, that darkness could still creep into the hearts of even the most steadfast. But standing before the memorial, she found solace and strength, reminded of the unity and courage that had carried them through the darkest of times.

    As Lorya approached, she noticed the inscription on the memorial, words that echoed in her mind, "One union. One front. Ever unyielding." It served as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and the need to stand together against the forces of darkness.

    Lorya's heart swelled with determination as she reached out and touched the memorial, feeling a surge of energy flow through her. She knew that her journey was not over, that there were still battles to be fought and evil to be vanquished. With renewed purpose, she continued her quest, carrying the memory of Lucardus and the ideals he embodied deep within her.

    Challenge: Create a card that represents a formidable adversary that Lorya encounters on her journey.

  • Meanwhile - my character just washed up on the shores somewhere...
    Coastal Crab
    Coastal Crab by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
  • edited May 2023
    Challenge: Create a card that represents a formidable adversary that Lorya encounters on her journey.

    (Nod To Shapeshifters Gambit) 

    The traveling herbalist had traveled for ages, learning all he could, gaining life with each step he took. Allas while he could solve the problem of living for ever, he was stuck with the problem of aging forever. He had saught the source of immortality, but alas the plane of existance he was consined to didn't have a way to do so until he found the source. The Star Of Gambit a legendary shard forged from the remains of a fallen celestrial when their energy melded with the very pressures of a long forgotten realm to form the it. It was a source of immense energy for anyone who could harness it, let alone survive it without being torn a sunder. His attention had beed drawn to it by the recent cultists who had been using mere fragments of its power incorrectely. He knew that the groves were defended by a guardian of a particularly strange backing. Almost like the one he met a few passings ago. A fluidling, but stronger. Known as Lorya. He saught no confrontation so he quickly and stealthily approached the Star Of Gambit which by its own was a fragment of a greater power source. The stone melded with his being, fusing with him, unleashing intense energy that desimated everything within a five mile radius. Leaving a big burning circle in the middle of the grove. The herbalist looked in guilt, his conditioned body had survived, but he had surely killed everything surrounding the blast and surely draw attention to the protector of these groves. Soon the guilt and worries began to subside as omniscience flowed into him. His ego just like his power grew like mountains as his unchecked powers began to open rifts and warp the inhabitants. He was going to take this groves, and the realms for himself.

    (Exile top five) not 'reveal"
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    The Desperate Traveller cautiously made his way towards the light, only to find himself facing a group of bandits who had set up camp in the clearing. They demanded that he hand over his belongings and threatened to kill him if he didn't comply. The Desperate Traveller pulled out his rusty dagger and prepared to fight, but the bandits laughed and told him that he was no match for them. If the Desperate Traveller wanted to survive, he would have to create a magic card that would give him the power to summon an army of undead warriors.
    "The bandits were no match for them. The ghosts flew right through them and ripped out their souls. Then they disappeared, leaving behind unharmed corpses who only seemed to be sleeping. Then there was silence."
    Edit: "As you journey through the dense forest, you hear rustling in the underbrush. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the foliage, a rugged-looking traveler with a backpack full of supplies. "Greetings, friend," he says with a smile. "I am the Lush Traveler, and I know these woods like the back of my hand. Need any help getting through?"
    "Distrustful the desperate traveller looked at the stranger. "Who are you? What do you want?"

  • Deep within the bellows of the lush landscape. Between the humble foxes and the occasional fairy, lies in the wait the beast of the land. You may say a final prayer, though I don't advise it. Not even the gods will show pity on you now.

    It hides in the brush and attacks without warning, but not silently. You will hear the cries of its victims for miles, and you'll never know where it is. Don't try to outrun it either, it can traverse the unforgiving overgrowth like it was grown under him command.

  • You've encountered the great beast and you have only your wits to defend yourself. How will the humble adventurer escape the gaping maw of Death?
  • @jpastor

    As the sun began to rise over the Enigmara coastline the blue Coastal Crab scuttled along the sandy beach its sharp pincers snapping in anticipation of its next meal Suddenly a pack of wild wolves emerged from the nearby forest their eyes fixed hungrily on the crab  But the Coastal Crab was not afraid With a quick scuttle it scurried into the water and swam out to a nearby island where it knew it could defend itself from any predators

    As the sun began to rise over the Enigmara coastline, the Coastal Crab scuttled along the sandy beach, its sharp pincers snapping in anticipation of its next meal. Suddenly, a pack of wild wolves emerged from the nearby forest, their eyes fixed hungrily on the crab.

    But the Coastal Crab was not afraid. With a quick scuttle, it scurried into the water and swam out to a nearby island, where it knew it could defend itself from any predators. The wolves howled in frustration as they watched the crab disappear into the waves.

    As the day wore on, the Coastal Crab spent its time patrolling the waters around the island, keeping a watchful eye out for any danger. It was a solitary existence, but the crab was content. It knew that it was safe on the island, and that was all that mattered.

    As the sun began to set, the Coastal Crab scurried back onto the beach, its pincers clicking contentedly. It had survived another day on Enigmara, and it was ready to face whatever challenges the next day might bring.

    Create a creature card that reflects the Coastal Crab's ability to defend itself and live alone, with an ability to protect itself and flavor text that conveys its resilience and contentment in solitude.

  • @Tonysparks
    Interesting work. We'll see if I can include that. I was leaning towards a different storyline. Let me see how I can incorporate this inspiration. Meanwhile a plot twist! Lucardus wasn't the name of the Ethereal Nightguard... it was ... something else.

    Lorya the water being closed her eyes breathing in the salty air of the coast She had been travelling for days and was finally within sight of her destination - ancient ruins As she continued along the shoreline she could see the remnants of the once-great city peeking out from the cliffs that towered over the sea  As she climbed the rocks towards the ruins she noticed something strange in the distance A glow pulsing against the horizon

    Lorya closed her eyes, breathing in the salty air of the coast. She had been travelling for days and was finally within sight of her destination - ancient ruins. As she continued along the shoreline, she could see the remnants of the once-great city peeking out from the cliffs that towered over the sea.

    As she climbed the rocks towards the ruins, she noticed something strange in the distance. A glow, pulsing against the horizon. She quickened her pace, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her sword.

    As she crested the final rock, she saw it. A beacon, glowing atop one of the tallest towers of the ruins. The light seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

    She made her way through the ruins, the sound of waves crashing against the shore below filling her ears. She could feel the magic of the beacon growing stronger with each step, drawing her closer to the source of its power.

    Finally, she stood before the beacon, the glow of the light washing over her. She felt a surge of energy, as if the beacon was reaching out to her, beckoning her to come closer.

    But as she reached out to touch the beacon, she was suddenly struck by a bolt of energy, sending her reeling backwards. She lay there, stunned, as a figure emerged from the shadows.

    It was a man, tall and imposing, with a cruel smile on his lips. He spoke, his voice dripping with malice. "Welcome to Lucardus, little one. I am the Guardian of the Beacon, and you have trespassed in my domain."

    Challenge: Create a legendary creature card for the Guardian of the Beacon with 5/5 power and toughness, and an ability that provides protection from opponents' targeting.

  • @LvB

    We could venture down some wickid cool art for this character... like western ghost rider themed stuff.

    The Desperate Traveller knew he had to think fast He remembered an old spell he had learned from a mysterious mage he had met on the road With a deep breath he began to chant the incantation and as he did a cloud of dark mist began to swirl around him The bandits looked on in horror as the mist solidified into a legion of skeletal warriors armed with swords and shields  The Desperate Traveller smiled triumphantly as the undead army charged forward overwhelming the ba

    The Desperate Traveller knew he had to think fast. He remembered an old spell he had learned from a mysterious mage he had met on the road. With a deep breath, he began to chant the incantation, and as he did, a cloud of dark mist began to swirl around him. The bandits looked on in horror as the mist solidified into a legion of skeletal warriors, armed with swords and shields.

    The Desperate Traveller smiled triumphantly as the undead army charged forward, overwhelming the bandits with their sheer numbers. As the last of the bandits fell, the skeletal warriors turned to the Desperate Traveller, awaiting his next command.

    He knew he had to be careful with his newfound power. But he also knew that he couldn't survive in this world without some kind of protection. With a nod to his undead army, the Desperate Traveller continued on his journey, now feeling more powerful than ever before.

    Create a black 2/2 creature card for the Desperate Traveller's undead army with an ability to create or interact with creature tokens.

    Looks like the Desperate Traveler is one of those renegades that has harnessed the power of the souls he carries in his heart that perished from his hometown. This'll be a fun storyline if it continues down this path!
  • @TheKeefMan - side note... this reminds me of a character in the old Spellwebs stories... seems like your guy a little on the ... aloof side of things

    Prior to the bandit's ambush and the spell from the Desperate Traveller, the Lush Traveler had just met the Desperate Traveler, but got separated on accident during a pit stop. The Lush Traveler is up against it.

    The Lush Travelers heart was pounding as he cautiously made his way through the dense underbrush He knew that the beast was out there somewhere waiting for its next victim Every rustle of leaves every snap of twigs made him jump He gripped his trusty staff tightly hoping that it would be enough to protect him  Suddenly he heard a bone-chilling roar that shook the very ground beneath his feet The Lush Travelers heart skipped a beat as he realized that the beast was

    The Lush Traveler's heart was pounding as he cautiously made his way through the dense underbrush. He knew that the beast was out there somewhere, waiting for its next victim. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of twigs, made him jump. He gripped his trusty staff tightly, hoping that it would be enough to protect him.

    Suddenly, he heard a bone-chilling roar that shook the very ground beneath his feet. The Lush Traveler's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the beast was nearby. He tried to stay quiet and move slowly, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before the creature found him.

    Just then, the Lush Traveler remembered a spell that he had learned from an old druid. It was a powerful magic card that would allow him to temporarily banish the beast to another realm. But he would have to create the spell first, and he had no idea where to start.

    Create a card representing the Lush Traveler's spell to banish the beast to another realm, with consideration for how the card's mechanics and flavor can fit into the story.

  • The spell is the last resort. Told only to use it if it's life or death, let's hope it was worth the wait.

  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    Create a black 2/2 creature card for the Desperate Traveller's undead army with an ability to create or interact with creature tokens.

  • edited May 2023
    Challenge: Create a legendary creature card for the Guardian of the Beacon with 5/5 power and toughness, and an ability that provides protection from opponents' targeting.
  • @TheKeefMan

    As the Lush Traveler continues to evade the beast in the lush landscape he comes across a clearing where he sees a group of travelers being ambushed by a gang of thieves The Lush Traveler knows that he must act quickly if he wants to save the innocent travelers

    As the Lush Traveler continues to evade the beast in the lush landscape, he comes across a clearing where he sees a group of travelers being ambushed by a gang of thieves. The Lush Traveler knows that he must act quickly if he wants to save the innocent travelers.

    Option 1: Create a card that would allow the Lush Traveler to summon a powerful ally to aid him in the fight against the thieves.

    Option 2: Create a card that would allow the Lush Traveler to create an illusion of himself to confuse and mislead the thieves, allowing him to make his escape.

    Option 3: Create a card that would allow the Lush Traveler to create a shield around himself and the innocent travelers, protecting them from harm.

  • @LvB

    As the Desperate Traveller made his way through the forest he came across a small village The villagers were huddled together looking fearful and exhausted They told him that they were being terrorized by a group of goblins who had taken up residence in the nearby caves The goblins were stealing their crops and supplies and the villagers were too scared to fight back  The Desperate Traveller knew that he couldnt let the goblins continue their reign of terror He raise

    As the Desperate Traveller made his way through the forest, he came across a small village. The villagers were huddled together, looking fearful and exhausted. They told him that they were being terrorized by a group of goblins who had taken up residence in the nearby caves. The goblins were stealing their crops and supplies, and the villagers were too scared to fight back.

    The Desperate Traveller knew that he couldn't let the goblins continue their reign of terror. He raised his hand and called forth his skeletal army once again. The villagers looked on in amazement as the undead warriors marched towards the caves, ready to do battle with the goblins.

    But the Desperate Traveller knew that his army alone wouldn't be enough to defeat the goblins. He needed a spell that could turn the tide of battle in his favor. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling the magic flowing through him. When he opened his eyes, he knew exactly what he had to do.

    Challenge: Create a card for the Desperate Traveller's spell that will turn the tide of battle against the goblins. The card should be rare or mythic and have a mana cost of {3}{B}.

  • @Tonysparks

    Lorya the water being struggled to regain her composure as she pushed herself up from the ground She tightened her grip on her sword preparing for a fight I am Lorya she said her voice steady I seek knowledge of this place and I will not be deterred by the likes of you  Malkor chuckled You are brave Lorya But bravery alone will not save you from what lies within these ruins  Lorya narrowed her eyes What do you mean  Malkor gestured towards the beacon

    Lorya struggled to regain her composure as she pushed herself up from the ground. She tightened her grip on her sword, preparing for a fight. "I am Lorya," she said, her voice steady. "I seek knowledge of this place, and I will not be deterred by the likes of you."

    Malkor chuckled. "You are brave, Lorya. But bravery alone will not save you from what lies within these ruins."

    Lorya narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

    Malkor gestured towards the beacon. "That beacon is not just any source of light. It is a powerful artifact, imbued with the magic of the ancient Lucardians. But its power has been corrupted, and those who seek to harness its power are consumed by darkness."

    Lorya hesitated. She had heard rumors of powerful artifacts with the ability to grant immense power, but also great danger. "What kind of darkness?"

    Malkor's smile grew wider. "The darkness that consumes the soul, that drives men to madness and despair. The darkness that will consume you, if you are not careful."

    Lorya took a step forward, determination in her eyes. "I will not be consumed by darkness. I will find the knowledge I seek, and I will use it for good."

    Malkor's expression darkened. "You are a fool, Lorya. But perhaps a foolish hero is just what this world needs." With that, he disappeared back into the shadows, leaving Lorya alone with the pulsing beacon and her own thoughts.

    Create a card that captures the corrupted power of the beacon and its potential consequences.
This discussion has been closed.