The Mystery World of Enigmara



  • edited May 2023
    Create a card that captures the corrupted power of the beacon and its potential consequences.

    ???: Welcome to Lucardus, little one. I am the Guardian of the Beacon, and you have trespassed in my domain."

    Lorya: Who are you?!? what is this?!? Why does this energy feel familiar.
    ???: "Silence! My presence speaks for both of us. I demand it."

    Malkor: "My name is Malkor, Baron of these desolate lands. I take it you have encountered one of my escaped souls."

    Lorya: "Lucardus?"

    Malkor: "SPEAK when spoken to!" *paralyzing boom* "To answer your question, the name of that soul is of no relevance. He was to join my legions under the corruption of this beacon. This beacon is a fragment of a greater power, a power which I realized when I attempted to merge with it. I ruined my very lands and people in the process. Fortunately for me, my new found power has alowed me to reach in the deepest grounds of rest and raise my people back, with complete subservience. It allowed me to reach Gambit. Unfortunately for you, that foul soul you met, the former Baron of these lands before I destroyed it, dared defy me even in death. You shall take his place since you allowed him to find rest"

    Lorya: Lorya struggles to regain her composure as she pushes herself up from the ground. She tightenes her grip on her sword, preparing for a fight. "I am Lorya," she says, her voice steady. "I seek knowledge of this place, and I will not be deterred by the likes of you."

    Malkor gestures towards the beacon. "That beacon is not just any source of light. It is a powerful artifact, imbued with the magic of the ancient Lucardians. But its power has been corrupted, and those who seek to harness its power are consumed by darkness."

    Lorya takes a step forward, determination in her eyes. "I will not be consumed by darkness. I will find the knowledge I seek, and I will use it for good."

    Malkor's expression darkens. "You are a fool, Lorya. But perhaps a foolish hero is just what this world needs." With that, he disappeares back into the shadows, leaving Lorya alone with the pulsing beacon and her own thoughts.
    Malkor also found a piece of the Star Of Gambit and attempted to use the stone to harness the power of the ancient Lucardians from the protected beacon. Unfortunately the resulting blast not only made him stronger but corrupted his heart futher than it already was. He instantly attempted necromancy to a great success, calling the spirits of his people, exept full subsurvient to him. With a loss of humanity he sacrificed the remaining lucardians in a bid to enthrall the remaining ones, but Lucardus resisted and fled, all his memories wiped but one word, his home, Lucardus.

  • edited May 2023
    Lorya the water being felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at the pulsing beacon She could sense the power emanating from it and she knew that it would be dangerous to touch it She took a deep breath and stepped forward her hand hovering over the surface of the artifact  As she reached out to touch it she heard a voice in her mind Beware little one This power is not for the faint of heart Those who seek to harness its power will be consumed by
    Lorya felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at the pulsing beacon. She could sense the power emanating from it, and she knew that it would be dangerous to touch it. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, her hand hovering over the surface of the artifact. As she reached out to touch it, she heard a voice in her mind. "Beware, little one. This power is not for the faint of heart. Those who seek to harness its power will be consumed by darkness." Lorya hesitated, but then steeled herself. She had come too far to turn back now. She closed her eyes and reached out, her fingers brushing against the surface of the beacon. A wave of energy surged through her, causing her to stagger backwards. She felt a sudden surge of power, but also a sense of darkness that threatened to consume her. She struggled to regain control of her thoughts and emotions, fighting against the corrupting influence of the beacon. As the energy subsided, Lorya opened her eyes and looked around. She could see the world in a new light, with a clarity that she had never experienced before. She could sense the magic in the air, and she felt a deep connection to the ancient Lucardians who had created the beacon. Lorya knew that this power was dangerous, but she also knew that she could use it for good. She took a deep breath and turned to face Malkor, who reappeared, determined to stop him from using the beacon for his own dark purposes.

    Create a card reflecting the balance of power and darkness by paying life.
  • Challenge: Create a card for the Desperate Traveller's spell that will turn the tide of battle against the goblins. The card should be rare or mythic and have a mana cost of {3}{B}.
    "He thought, maybe it was the goblins who had destroyed his hometown, as he slaughtered them. But even if not, they were monsters and deserved their fate. And maybe he would find a clue here that would help him find out more."
  • Option 3: Create a card that would allow the Lush Traveler to create a shield around himself and the innocent travelers, protecting them from harm.

  • Create a card reflecting the balance of power and darkness by paying life.
  • @LvB
    The Desperate Traveller chanted the ancient incantation channeling his magic into the surroundings The air grew heavy with an eerie aura as the spell took effect Suddenly a wave of decay and darkness swept through the goblin horde their strength dwindling with each passing moment  As the goblins fell one by one their bodies decomposing into lifeless husks the Desperate Traveller felt a surge of power For every creature that perished under the spreading zombification

    The Desperate Traveller chanted the ancient incantation, channeling his magic into the surroundings. The air grew heavy with an eerie aura as the spell took effect. Suddenly, a wave of decay and darkness swept through the goblin horde, their strength dwindling with each passing moment.

    As the goblins fell one by one, their bodies decomposing into lifeless husks, the Desperate Traveller felt a surge of power. For every creature that perished under the spreading zombification, a new ally arose from the decaying remains. Rotted flesh and bone twisted into grotesque forms, the newly formed zombies with a single-minded hunger for flesh.

    The battlefield transformed into a chaotic dance of death, with the goblins falling prey to their own kind. The Desperate Traveller pressed forward, his army of decayed zombies at his side, relentless in their pursuit of victory. The goblins, once fierce and ruthless, now found themselves overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught.

    But amidst the chaos, the Desperate Traveller's sharp eyes caught a glimmer of something buried among the fallen goblins. A pendant, adorned with an intricate symbol, clutched tightly in the grasp of a lifeless goblin hand. It was a symbol he recognized—a symbol that held the key to his past.

    With renewed determination, the Desperate Traveller fought his way towards the fallen goblin, tearing the pendant from its lifeless grip. The symbol etched upon it matched the mark on the amulet he had carried for as long as he could remember.

    As the battle raged on, the Desperate Traveller clutched the pendant tightly, feeling a surge of hope. This was the clue he had been seeking, the link to his forgotten past. With his newfound army of decayed zombies, he would continue his journey, following the trail of his lost memories, and unraveling the mysteries that lay ahead.

    Now, the challenge for you is to create a card representing the symbol on the pendant and its significance to the Desperate Traveller's past.

  • @TheKeefMan

    The Lush Traveller reached deep within himself connecting with the untamed essence of the wilds He called upon the ancient magic that resonated within him channeling it into a powerful enchantment With a sweeping motion he cast the spell and a vibrant aura surrounded him intertwining with his very being  As the aura settled upon the Lush Traveller he became one with the wilderness The creatures of the forest sensed his presence and recognized him as their protector

    The Lush Traveller reached deep within himself, connecting with the untamed essence of the wilds. He called upon the ancient magic that resonated within him, channeling it into a powerful enchantment. With a sweeping motion, he cast the spell, and a vibrant aura surrounded him, intertwining with his very being.

    As the aura settled upon the Lush Traveller, he became one with the wilderness. The creatures of the forest sensed his presence and recognized him as their protector. The innocent travelers who had sought refuge in his company now found themselves shielded by an impenetrable force, safe from harm.

    The enchanted creature now empowered by the magic of the wilds gained a newfound ability It could now tap into the untamed energy around it calling forth a pack of ferocious wolves to defend against any who would threaten the innocent The more foes that dared to attack the greater the number of wolves materialized ready to pounce upon the attackers with savage fury  The Lush Traveller stood tall his aura radiating with the strength of nature itself The wolves he sum

    The enchanted creature, now empowered by the magic of the wilds, gained a newfound ability. It could now tap into the untamed energy around it, calling forth a pack of ferocious wolves to defend against any who would threaten the innocent. The more foes that dared to attack, the greater the number of wolves materialized, ready to pounce upon the attackers with savage fury.

    The Lush Traveller stood tall, his aura radiating with the strength of nature itself. The wolves he summoned fought alongside him, a united front against any who would bring harm to the innocent. They moved with grace and determination, protecting those under their care.

    With "Speak of the Wilds" in effect, the Lush Traveller and the innocent travelers ventured forth, traversing the perilous paths of the world. They became a beacon of hope, their presence a testament to the power of unity and the protection that the wilds could provide.

    Now, the challenge for you is to create a card representing one of the wolves summoned by the enchanted creature, showcasing its ferocity and the unity it represents with the Lush Traveller.

  • Bro my man is smoking on that Deep Enlightenment pack fr
  • @TheKeefMan
    I kind of see it - but no. Just no.
  • Challenge: Create a card representing one of the wolves summoned by enchanted creature, showcasing its ferocity and the unity it represents with the Lush Traveller.

    Sadly couldn't find a piece of art I liked accompanied a person.
  • @Tonysparks

    Lorya Lucardias Reborn stood tall her presence radiating with a blend of light and darkness Her once-human form had transformed into that of a shapeshifting demigod a being of immense power and untamed potential  With her wings spread wide Lorya took to the skies her ethereal form granting her the gift of flight She possessed the unwavering vigilance of a guardian her watchful eyes scanning the battlefield always aware of any threats that may arise

    Lorya, Lucardia's Reborn stood tall, her presence radiating with a blend of light and darkness. Her once-human form had transformed into that of a shapeshifting demigod, a being of immense power and untamed potential.

    With her wings spread wide, Lorya took to the skies, her ethereal form granting her the gift of flight. She possessed the unwavering vigilance of a guardian, her watchful eyes scanning the battlefield, always aware of any threats that may arise. And with each strike she made, her lifeforce surged, drawing strength from the very essence of her opponents.

    But it was her ability to tap into the depths of her reborn existence that truly set her apart. By harnessing the magic within her, Lorya could delve into the depths of her own being. She had the power to shapeshift more perfectly than ever before, becoming a perfect replica of a creature.

    Furthermore, Lorya's bond with the fallen creatures of her past granted her a unique ability to tap into the afterlife itself. With a touch of darkness, she found a way to bring herself back from the brink. It was a reflection of her rebirth, a constant reminder of the balance she sought to maintain. A touch of darkness to prevent her existence from entering eternal darkness.

    Lorya now represented the internal struggle within her, the battle between light and darkness, human and elemental. She was a force to be reckoned with, embodying both the strength of her former self and the corrupted power of the Lucardians.

    Create one possible creature Lorya could shapeshift into.

  • Now, the challenge for you is to create a card representing the symbol on the pendant and its significance to the Desperate Traveller's past.
    "As he looked at the symbol that was meant to represent life, bitter thoughts came up his mind. Now it represented only the lost lifes of his family and friends and all the others that once lived in his now destroyed hometown."
  • Create one possible creature Lorya could shapeshift into.
  • @LvB
    The art showcases the weathered pendant worn from years of use and treasured as a connection to the Desperate Travellers heritage The pendant hangs from a frayed leather cord its emblem of unity depicted with delicate etchings and faded colors The background could feature a glimpse of the travellers destroyed hometown emphasizing the weight of loss and the determination to rebuild The overall tone of the art should evoke both nostalgia and a sense of resilience captu
    As the Desperate Traveller looked at the symbol that was meant to represent life, bitter thoughts flooded his mind. Now, it represented only the lost lives of his family and friends, and all the others who once thrived in his now-destroyed hometown. He clutched onto a worn and weathered family heirloom, a symbol of his lineage and a reminder of the love and strength that once surrounded him. The heirloom, a pendant with a faded emblem of unity, had been passed down through generations, carrying the hopes and dreams of his ancestors. Equipping the pendant, he felt a surge of determination and resilience, as if the spirits of his loved ones were watching over him. It granted him vigilance, a heightened awareness of his surroundings, and a small boost to his defenses. But it also held a secret power within it, allowing him to delve deep into his memories, discard the burdens of the past, and find renewed inspiration in the stories and experiences of his ancestors. With the pendant and his newfound resolve, the Desperate Traveller continued his journey, carrying the legacy of his family with him.

    Create the uncommon version of your character.
  • @Tonysparks
    Lorya the etherial demigod stood at the edge of the ancient ruins gazing at the towering structure before her The corrupted power of the Lucardians pulsed within her a constant reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume her She could feel the weight of their history and the burden of their knowledge pressing upon her soul  As she stepped forward her form began to shift and twist taking on the shape of the Centurion Hydra she had encountered in her battles

    Lorya stood at the edge of the ancient ruins, gazing at the towering structure before her. The corrupted power of the Lucardians pulsed within her, a constant reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume her. She could feel the weight of their history and the burden of their knowledge pressing upon her soul.

    As she stepped forward, her form began to shift and twist, taking on the shape of the Centurion Hydra she had encountered in her battles. The once vibrant and noble creature now stood as a symbol of her inner struggle, a reflection of the choices she had made and the power she now wielded.

    With each step, Lorya could feel the presence of the Lucardians growing stronger, their whispers echoing in her mind. They offered her the knowledge she sought, the answers she yearned for, but at a cost. The darkness within her threatened to overwhelm her, to twist her into a vessel of destruction.

    But Lorya was determined to find a balance, to harness the corrupted power for the greater good. She knew that her journey was not just about seeking knowledge but also about reclaiming her own humanity, finding redemption amidst the shadows.

    As she delved deeper into the ruins, she encountered remnants of the Lucardians' ancient civilization. Murals adorned the walls, depicting their rise and fall, their pursuit of power and the consequences it brought. Lorya studied these images, seeking clues to unlock the true nature of the corrupted beacon and the path to restoring its purity.

    Along the way, she encountered other travelers who had been drawn to the ruins, each grappling with their own desires and temptations. Some sought power, others sought revenge, but Lorya knew that the path she walked was one of balance and enlightenment.

    With each passing day, Lorya's connection to the corrupted power grew stronger, but so did her resolve. She refused to be consumed by darkness; instead, she sought to wield it as a force for good. The Centurion Hydra within her served as a reminder of her purpose and a testament to her strength.

    As Lorya continued her journey, she knew that the true test awaited her at the heart of the ruins. There, she would confront the source of the corruption and make a choice that would shape not only her destiny but the fate of Lucardus itself.

    With her mind focused and her heart filled with determination, Lorya pressed on, ready to face the ultimate challenge and restore balance to the world she now called home.

    Create an enchantment with opposing static effects. For example, one life gain, one life loss.

  • edited May 2023
    Create an enchantment with opposing static effects. For example, one life gain, one life loss.
  • @Tonysparks

    Lorya ventured deeper into the heart of the ancient ruins, guided by the faint whispers of the Lucardians that resonated within her. The air grew heavy with anticipation as she approached a chamber adorned with intricate carvings and a shimmering portal at its center.
    Lorya the ethereal demigod ventured deeper into the heart of the ancient ruins guided by the faint whispers of the Lucardians that resonated within her The air grew heavy with anticipation as she approached a chamber adorned with intricate carvings and a shimmering portal at its center
    As she stepped closer, the corrupted power surged within her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. She could feel the darkness clawing at the edges of her being, tempting her to succumb to its allure. But Lorya remained steadfast, channeling her inner strength and resolve.

    With a deep breath, she stepped through the portal, finding herself transported to a realm of swirling shadows and ethereal energies. Before her stood a figure clad in dark armor, emanating an aura of malevolence. It was Malkor, the one who had once been the Guardian of the Beacon but had now become its twisted servant.

    With a deep breath she stepped through the portal finding herself transported to a realm of swirling shadows and ethereal energies Before her stood a figure clad in dark armor emanating an aura of malevolence It was Malkor the one who had once been the Guardian of the Beacon but had now become its twisted servant

    Malkor sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "So, you have come to challenge me, Lorya. A pitiful attempt to reclaim what is rightfully mine."

    Lorya's eyes burned with determination. "I have come to free Lucardus from your grasp, Malkor. Your corruption ends here."

    With a wave of his hand, Malkor summoned a legion of undead minions, their hollow eyes fixed upon Lorya. But she was undeterred, her resolve unshaken. She drew upon the corrupted power within her, embracing it with a newfound understanding.

    As the battle ensued, Lorya's form shifted and transformed, embracing the aspects of the creatures she had encountered throughout her journey. She shifted to and from the embodiment of the strength of the Centurion Hydra.

    With each strike, Lorya chipped away at Malkor's defenses, the corrupted power within her serving as both a weapon and a shield. The battle raged on, the clash of their powers resonating throughout the realm.

    With each strike Lorya the etherial demigod chipped away at Malkors defenses the corrupted power within her serving as both a weapon and a shield The battle raged on the clash of their powers resonating throughout the realm

    In a final desperate act, Malkor unleashed a surge of dark energy, seeking to engulf Lorya. But she stood her ground, calling upon the untainted essence of the Lucardians that still lingered within the corrupted beacon.

    With a burst of radiant light, Lorya unleashed a wave of pure energy, purifying the darkness that had consumed Malkor. The corrupted power was cleansed, leaving only the remnants of a broken man in its wake.

    Lorya approached Malkor, her voice filled with a mixture of compassion and determination. "The time for darkness has come to an end, Malkor. Embrace redemption and find peace."

    Malkor's eyes filled with remorse as he recognized the weight of his actions. He nodded, accepting the path of redemption that Lorya offered him.

    As the realm of shadows faded away, Lorya returned to the ruins of Lucardus, the corrupted power now fully purged from the beacon. The land began to heal, its scars slowly fading away.

    Lorya knew that her journey was far from over. With the balance restored, she would continue to explore the depths of Lucardus, seeking knowledge and wisdom to guide her in her newfound role as the protector of the ancient city.

    With the echoes of the Lucardians' whispers in her heart and the unity of the creatures she had encountered, Lorya stood as a beacon of hope and redemption in a world once consumed by darkness.

    Create the spell Malkor used to summon undead legions -OR- Create the burst of light Lorya used to defeat Malkor.

  • Create the uncommon version of your character.
    After fighting the Goblins and finding the family amulett he felt a bit stronger than before. As he searched the caves he also found some armor pieces and a hood, that the goblins surely had stolen somewere. But he didnt find anything else from his hometown, so the goblins probably didnt destroy it. But where did they get the amulett then? Did they steal it? Or did they get it from the attackers? Or came it into their possession in a way he didnt think of?

  • Create the burst of light Lorya used to defeat Malkor.
  • @LvB

    The Desperate Travellers mind swirled with questions as he examined the stolen armor pieces and the hood he found among the goblins belongings He couldnt shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to this puzzle than he initially thought  He put on the hood its fabric providing a small sense of comfort as he continued his exploration of the caves The winding tunnels seemed to stretch endlessly echoing with the distant scurrying of creatures and the faint drippi

    The Desperate Traveller's mind swirled with questions as he examined the stolen armor pieces and the hood he found among the goblins' belongings. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to this puzzle than he initially thought.

    He put on the hood, its fabric providing a small sense of comfort as he continued his exploration of the caves. The winding tunnels seemed to stretch endlessly, echoing with the distant scurrying of creatures and the faint dripping of water. As he pressed forward, he stumbled upon a hidden chamber, its walls adorned with ancient markings and symbols.

    In the center of the chamber, he discovered a worn journal, its pages yellowed with age. It belonged to a long-lost traveler who had journeyed through these lands centuries ago. The journal revealed tales of an ancient artifact, a powerful amulet said to hold the essence of life itself. This amulet had been sought after by many, its power rumored to grant immortality.

    The traveler's accounts mentioned encounters with a group of raiders who had stolen the amulet from its rightful guardians. These raiders, known as the Shadowclaw Tribe, were known for their ruthless pillaging and insatiable desire for power. It was said that they would stop at nothing to possess the amulet and wield its unimaginable might.

    The Desperate Traveller's heart sank as he pieced the fragments of the story together. The amulet that he had recovered from the goblins was the same artifact spoken of in the journal. It had changed hands over the centuries, passing through countless individuals and groups, until it had eventually fallen into the possession of the goblins.

    But how the goblins had acquired it remained a mystery. Had they stolen it from the Shadowclaw Tribe? Or had fate intervened, leading the amulet to their hands through a series of unexpected events? The Desperate Traveller pondered these possibilities, his mind filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

    As he continued his journey, he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of purpose. The amulet held a power far greater than he had initially imagined. Its significance extended beyond his personal tragedy, intertwining with the fate of entire civilizations and the struggle for balance in the world.

    The Desperate Traveller vowed to uncover the truth behind the amulet's origins and the role it played in the ever-unfolding tapestry of destiny. With each step forward, he delved deeper into a world of ancient prophecies, forgotten legends, and hidden truths. The amulet had become more than just a relic; it had become a catalyst for his own transformation, driving him to seek answers and forge his own path in a world where darkness loomed at every corner.

    Armed with the stolen armor, the hood, and the weight of the amulet's history upon his shoulders, the Desperate Traveller ventured forth, ready to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead and reclaim his own sense of purpose in a world that had once taken everything from him.

    Choose a challenge:

    • Create a {1}{W} uncommon Human Investigator creature card.
    • Create a {1}{U} rare Equipment card.
    • Create a {3}{B}{G} mythic Artifact card.
  • @Tonysparks

    The people of Lucardus celebrated their newfound freedom thanking Lorya for her bravery and selflessness They knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one but they trusted in Loryas leadership and guidance  As Lorya wandered through the city she felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before She had found a purpose a place to call home and companions to journey with  Days turned into weeks and weeks into months Lorya spent her time studying the

    The people of Lucardus celebrated their newfound freedom, thanking Lorya for her bravery and selflessness. They knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one, but they trusted in Lorya's leadership and guidance.

    As Lorya wandered through the city, she felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. She had found a purpose, a place to call home, and companions to journey with.

    Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Lorya spent her time studying the ancient knowledge of the Lucardians and training with the creatures she had encountered on her journey. She honed her shapeshifting abilities and learned to harness the power of the corrupted beacon for good.

    However, despite the newfound peace, Lorya knew that danger still lurked in the shadows. She could sense the presence of other corrupted beings and dark forces, threatening to once again tip the scales of balance.

    With renewed vigor, Lorya set out on a new journey, determined to protect Lucardus and its people from any and all threats. She knew that it would not be an easy path, but with the strength of the Lucardians and the unity of the creatures, she was confident that they could overcome any challenge.

    And so, Lorya, the shapeshifter demigod, continued to journey through the land of Lucardus, her heart filled with the hope of a brighter future, and her spirit ablaze with the determination to protect it.

    Create a green and white enchantment representing the Lucardian unity.

  • Create a green and white enchantment representing the Lucardian unity.
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    Choose a challenge:
    Create a {1}{U} rare equipment card

    The Hood that the Desperate Traveller found in the caves.
  • @Tonysparks

    Lorya the shapeshifter demigod continued her journey through the land of Lucardus accompanied by a growing band of loyal warriors who shared her vision of protecting their homeland from darkness They called themselves the Lucardian Crusade a united force dedicated to upholding the values of justice and peace  As they traveled Lorya and her comrades encountered numerous threats and challenges but their unity and unwavering resolve prevailed

    Lorya continued her journey through the land of Lucardus, accompanied by a growing band of loyal warriors who shared her vision of protecting their homeland from darkness. They called themselves the Lucardian Crusade, a united force dedicated to upholding the values of justice and peace.

    As they traveled, Lorya and her comrades encountered numerous threats and challenges, but their unity and unwavering resolve prevailed. The people of Lucardus rallied behind them, inspired by their bravery and selflessness.

    The Lucardian Crusade became a beacon of hope, shining brightly across the Enigmara. Creatures from all corners of the land were drawn to their cause, sensing the righteous purpose that guided them. With each new ally, the Crusade grew stronger, their determination unwavering.

    The power of the Lucardians surged within them, enhancing their strength and granting them incredible abilities. Whenever a creature joined their ranks, Lorya's leadership and the unity of the Crusade unleashed a burst of energy, empowering all creatures under their command. With every new recruit, their forces swelled, and their resolve deepened.

    As the Lucardian Crusade grew in strength, a pivotal moment arrived. Lorya called upon the power of the Lucardian beacon that once stood tall in their city. The beacon may have been destroyed, but its essence lived on within the hearts of the Lucardians.

    When three creatures with immense power, each possessing 5 or more strength, united on the battlefield, an extraordinary transformation occurred. The creatures under the banner of the Lucardian Crusade gained lifelink and vigilance, drawing strength from their shared purpose and standing as a testament to the legacy of their fallen beacon.

    Through their actions, the Lucardian Crusade proved that even in the absence of the physical beacon, the spirit of Lucardus endured. They carried the light of their fallen city across the Enigmara, spreading hope, justice, and unity in the face of darkness.

    The Lucardian Crusade became a symbol of resilience and determination, their unwavering spirit igniting the hearts of all who witnessed their valiant efforts. They pressed forward, driven by the knowledge that their mission was far from complete.

    With Lorya as their leader, the Lucardian Crusade continued their journey, their hearts filled with the unyielding desire to protect their land and restore balance to the Enigmara. Their story echoed throughout the realm, inspiring others to rise up against the forces of darkness and fight for a brighter future.

    Together, Lorya and the Lucardian Crusade would face countless trials, united by their shared purpose and unbreakable bond. They carried the light of Lucardus within them, and with each step, they pushed back the shadows, paving the way for a new era of hope and redemption.

    Create Lorya as your final step... a planeswalker.

  • @LvB

    The Desperate Traveller donning the Inconspicuous Hood felt a strange shift in his presence as he traversed the realms The hood seemed to wrap him in an aura of invisibility rendering him inconspicuous to the eyes of those around him  As he walked among bustling towns and crowded marketplaces peoples gazes slid past him as if he were a mere specter or an unimportant figure in the background It was as if the world itself had turned a blind eye to his presence granti

    The Desperate Traveller, donning the Inconspicuous Hood, felt a strange shift in his presence as he traversed the realms. The hood seemed to wrap him in an aura of invisibility, rendering him inconspicuous to the eyes of those around him.

    As he walked among bustling towns and crowded marketplaces, people's gazes slid past him, as if he were a mere specter or an unimportant figure in the background. It was as if the world itself had turned a blind eye to his presence, granting him a unique advantage in his travels.

    The Desperate Traveller quickly realized the potential of this newfound ability. He could move through crowds unseen, observe unnoticed, and gather information without arousing suspicion. The shabby appearance of the hood only enhanced its effect, blending seamlessly with the backdrop of everyday life.

    In his journeys, the Desperate Traveller encountered various individuals and situations where his inconspicuous nature proved invaluable. He eavesdropped on secretive conversations, slipped through guarded corridors, and gleaned knowledge that would have otherwise remained hidden.

    The Inconspicuous Hood became his most trusted companion, providing a cloak of anonymity and granting him the freedom to explore unseen. It allowed him to navigate treacherous territories, bypassing obstacles and eluding those who sought to hinder his progress.

    With the Inconspicuous Hood as his ally, the Desperate Traveller ventured deeper into the heart of mysteries, threading through the web of intrigue and danger with unparalleled stealth. He became a shadow among shadows, unraveling secrets and uncovering truths that had long been concealed.

    However, the power of the Inconspicuous Hood came with its own challenges. The line between invisibility and isolation blurred, and the Desperate Traveller grappled with the feeling of detachment from the world around him. He longed for genuine connections and the warmth of companionship, yet the shroud of the hood kept him at a distance.

    Nevertheless, the Desperate Traveller recognized the value of his unique ability. He embraced the solitude it offered, using it as a shield to shield his vulnerable heart from the pain of his past and the perils of the present. He focused on his purpose, driven by the hope that one day he would find the answers he sought.

    And so, the Desperate Traveller ventured forth, clad in the Inconspicuous Hood, navigating a world that regarded him as insignificant. Yet, beneath the illusion of insignificance, he carried the weight of his experiences and the determination to make a difference.

    With each step, he unraveled the enigmatic tapestry of the realms, leaving an indelible mark on the world while remaining elusive and unseen. The Inconspicuous Hood became his emblem, a symbol of his resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    The Desperate Traveller's journey continued, hidden in plain sight, as he sought the answers that would reshape his destiny and bring meaning to his solitary existence. And perhaps, one day, the shabby hood would serve a greater purpose than just concealment, leading him to a fate intertwined with the grand tapestry of the realms.

  • @jpastor heck yeah lets go!!! I achived planeswalker status. What an epic moment in Lorya's journey. From fluidling to named walker. I will have my entry soon.
  • LvBLvB
    edited May 2023
    • Create a {1}{W} uncommon Human Investigator creature card.
    • Create a {1}{U} rare Equipment card. - Done
    • Create a {3}{B}{G} mythic Artifact card.
    But i was bored, so i created the other 2 cards too xD

  • @LvB
    Sorry - I forgot.
    Create a card with a mechanic that reflects the Desperate Traveller's ability to move unnoticed and gather information without arousing suspicion.
  • It seems like the World of Enigmara is a bit dead by now
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