
  • Distant whispers echo in the vault’s passages as specters are called to roam the depths.

  • Emigur plays three cards in response.
    Reality Fracture
    Reality Fracture by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    Note: Custom ability, Residual, is echo for nonpermanents. Also, goodbye Thief of Sanity.

    Echoes of the Abyss'
    Echoes of the Abyss by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    Since you guys have such a beautiful assortment of cards in hand, Emigur will exile Gilded Light, Thief of Sanity, Cybernetica Datasmith, Blood Omens, and Reality Fracture.

    Veil of Wackiness
    Veil of Wackiness by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Emigur continues to manipulate the battlefield, weaving a web of dark influence and disruption. 
  • edited June 2023
    When the Adversary (Foe, whoops :sweat_smile:) plays multiple cards, do they always do so in order from top to bottom, resolving each one before playing the next? (This concerns my next play, which may affect multiple of yours.) Also, Thief of Sanity is not currently a legal target for Echoes of the Abyss since it’s not in my graveyard. It might become a legal target depending on your answer to the above though.
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    In this case we have instant, sorcery and enchantment played in this order. And they resolve in the same order.
    So at first the Thief of sanity will get exiled by reality fracture.
    then Echoes of the abyss resolves and then Veil of Wackiness.
    Echoes of the abyss can not target thief of sanity cause its exiled instead of in the graveyard. Cybernetica Datasmith would be a legal target if its owner discards it. Gilded light, Blood Omens and Reality Fracture are legal targets cause theyre in the graveyard.

  • We don't have an adversary
  • edited June 2023
    Whoops, I meant the Foe; edited my question accordingly.
  • I don't know what the foe will play in advance or how it will order things. U right about the thief.
  • edited June 2023
    ? Welp, in light of that, the Thief of Sanity shall be sacrificed in response to summon a new horror. (Scratch that, I forgot the Emerge mechanic doesn't inherently have flash. Thinking of a new play.) 
  • Did the foe just stump the community? I doubt it.
  • Not stumped, just waiting for the right time to play my trump card

  • edited June 2023
    I’m currently waffling between a few cards since I have no idea what others players might answer . (Might just give up and make something new though.) This is also why I sought confirmation on what order those three cards were played in and whether the Foe waits for each of their cards to resolve before playing the next.

    Edit: In response to Reality Fracture, I’ll overload Eroding Shadows, returning Thief of Sanity, Emigur, one of the four Saprolings, and Zombified Datasmith to hand, as well as exiling Intrusive Possession, Mindweaver’s Intrusion, Aura Mutation, Gilded Light, Blood Omens, and Cybernetica Datasmith from graveyards.

  • edited June 2023
    Emigur, Whispers of the Abyss, responds to the community's plays with two cards of its own:

    Infernal Displacement
    Infernal Displacement by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Dark Tidings
    Dark Tidings by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    and it plays 

    Toxic Deluge

    Emigur's sinister influence grows, manipulating the very fabric of reality and devouring the resources of its opponents.

    Cards played: 8

    Crypt hints
    follow up combo to Eroding Shadows, a Specter Horror, a madness spell to follow Gilded Light, a spell that uses the blood tokens of Blood Omen, a follow up to Aura Mutation
  • Does "Gaze into the Abyss" do anything by itself or is it just an ability thats useful for other cards ?
  • edited June 2023
    @LvB - i just left crypt hints and forgot about those (apologies)... Gaze into the Abyss is from @TenebrisNemo's challenge contest - it only makes sense to use the mechanic since the foe is currently Emirgur, Whispers of the Abyss... 
  • In response to Toxic Deluge, I'll play Teferi's Protection to defend our creatures.

  • The Crypt remains no longer cryptic and makes use of the blood that was spilled some time ago.

  • edited June 2023
    In response, Emigur begins to feel a sense of desperation. The Vault of Whispers is becoming difficult to defend.

    Dread Incursion
    Dread Incursion by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Emigur uses Dread Incursion to exploit the weakened state caused by Teferi's Protection and unleash a wave of dread, forcing the opponents to sacrifice creatures and amassing a horde of zombies.

    Cards played: 9/15

    Crypt hints: Same as before minus blood tokens.
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    I think we dont have any creatures right now in play.
    The crypt stitches together some spectral parts from the thief of sanity and plays this:
    And it creates a blood token at the end of turn.
  • In response to Bringer of Madness, Emigur plays:

    Abyssal Torment
    Abyssal Torment by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Emigur uses Abyssal Torment to unleash an aura of torment and decay upon the Bringer of Madness, weakening it and forcing the community to make sacrifices. The emergence of additional zombie creatures further amplifies the sense of dread and suffering.

    Cards played: 10/15

    Emigur regains the upper hand in battle, with a mass of Zombies threatening to destroy the heretics or drive them from the Vault.

    Crypt hint: Same as before, minus the creature option.
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    The crypt responds by playing the corrupted version of Aura Mutation.

  • Emigur, in response to Aura Corruption, plays:

    Whispering Shadows
    Whispering Shadows by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Emigur seizes the opportunity presented by Aura Corruption and enchants one of the heretics with Whispering Shadows. The eerie aura wraps around the them, filling it with darkness and granting Emigur the ability to retrieve fallen creatures from the depths of its graveyard. The targeted player also experiences a haunting whisper, forcing them to discard a card under the influence of Emigur's malevolent presence.

    cards played: 11/15

    The foe, Emigur, is dominating now. There seems to be no hope for the heretics who seem to have backed off this fight. Perhaps the foe will win after all.
  • @jpastor, with that wording, the enchanted creature has the ability, so its controller (i.e. one of us) is the one that gets to retrieve a creature. That said, since the only creatures on the board after Eroding Shadows were Jadefire’s three Saprolings (one of which dies to Dread Incursion), Aura Corruption makes Abyssal Torment eat either another Saproling or Emigur’s zombie, and another token dies to Whispering Shadows since Bringer of Madness is exiled by Infernal Displacement. With this board state, I’ll replicate Baleful Dispersal once to wipe Emigur’s two enchantments and their zombies, leaving them nothing.

    Btw, perhaps I’m overthinking this, but why do none of Emigur’s cards actually synergize with it?
  • @cadstar369
    in combination with intrusive posession, i gained control of the heretic a long time ago
  • @jpastor who is this ‘heretic’ you refer to? (‘Heretics’ seemed to be referring to the players, but apparently I’ve been reading that wrong.) Intrusive Possession got hit with Aura Mutation immediately, so it was never sacrificed to gain control of anything.
  • Looks like Emigur gets caught with an illegal target again. The foe seems to be trying to cheat its way to victory. 
  • The card that's discarded to Whispering Shadows will be Wilt-Leaf Liege, which will be put onto the battlefield and juice up any remaining Saprolings.

  • Indeed, it appears that I miscalculated the sequence of events. Emigur has no remaining plays that can stop this unexpected discarded Wilt-Leaf Liege. Congratulations to the community and their triumphant victory over Emigur. The heretics and Wilt-Leaf Liege prove to be a formidable force, overwhelming Emigur's defenses and ultimately leading to Emigur's downfall. Well done!
  • Encounter - Ragnor, the Elemental Tyrant

    In the ancient and untamed region of Eldralis a once peaceful realm of lush forests and raging volcanoes a disturbance of immense power has awakened Ragnor the Elemental Tyrant has risen from the depths harnessing the raw forces of fire and earth to unleash chaos upon the land As Ragnors fury grows the very balance of nature is threatened and the community members find themselves drawn into this cataclysmic struggle  The community members are a diverse group of adv

    In the ancient and untamed region of Eldralis, a once peaceful realm of lush forests and raging volcanoes, a disturbance of immense power has awakened. Ragnor, the Elemental Tyrant, has risen from the depths, harnessing the raw forces of fire and earth to unleash chaos upon the land. As Ragnor's fury grows, the very balance of nature is threatened, and the community members find themselves drawn into this cataclysmic struggle.

    The community members are a diverse group of adventurers, brought together by fate and their shared connection to Eldralis. They are warriors, spellcasters, and protectors, each possessing their unique skills and backgrounds. Some hail from nearby villages, while others are seasoned travelers who have wandered into the region seeking glory or answers to ancient mysteries. Bound by a common purpose, they join forces to confront the Elemental Tyrant and restore harmony to Eldralis.

    As they venture deeper into the heart of Eldralis, the community must navigate treacherous landscapes, including fiery mountains, dense forests, and mystical caves. They encounter Elemental creatures driven by Ragnor's influence, as well as other dangers lurking in the untamed wilderness. Along their journey, they uncover fragments of forgotten lore, revealing the origins of Ragnor and the means to weaken his power.

    The fate of Eldralis hangs in the balance as the community faces the elemental onslaught and prepares to confront Ragnor, the tyrant of fire and earth. Will they find the strength and strategy needed to overcome the elemental forces and bring peace back to the land? The battle begins now, and their actions will shape the destiny of Eldralis.


    @cadstar369 - no role

    @Jadefire - The Ghost: 

    • The ghost plays the role of the former foe but tries to defeat the current foe.
    @Korora12 - The Entity:
    • The entity embodies a potential future foe, but tries to defeat the current foe.
    @LvB - no role

    The community plays first!
  • Let's start things off ominously. Emigur's ghost foretells a card.

  • The last encounter took a while, so lets speed this up!
    I play:
    And i would very much like to attack Ragnor with it
This discussion has been closed.