
  • I think I’d much rather take the scenic route (which could really be any route in Eldralis).

  • @LvB do you even know where Ragnor is? His influence has spread across the plane.
    Looks like this is a direct attack on some of his destructive elementals!

    BTW - don't get your hopes up on Ragnor being some extreme creature. I've concocted a very original-looking foe for this one!
  • I suppose the ragefire knight will attack anything then that gets too close. Take that, you damned stones and trees!
  • In response to the community's actions, Ragnor, the Elemental Tyrant, decides to play a card to assert his dominance over the land of Eldralis.

    Molten Inferno

    Molten Inferno by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    With a powerful surge of elemental energy, Ragnor unleashes a devastating inferno that engulfs the battlefield. The molten flames consume creatures and scorch the land, leaving nothing but smoldering remains in their wake. The community must now confront this fiery onslaught and find a way to overcome Ragnor's destructive power.

    Ragnor's turn is complete. The battle for Eldralis intensifies.

  • The entity is impressed by the Ragefire Knight's enthusiasm and wonders if they're interested in swearing fealty to a new liege.
    The entity also believes in fighting fire with fire, and so targets the battleground itself.
  • edited June 2023
    Since Ragnor’s play didn’t do much, I’ll summon some friends to help explore.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    With all the Trees around, its kinda hard to find out where the enemy is hiding. He could be anywhere. So lets clean up this area a bit. And im sure in time the forest will grow again. Probably. Maybe.

  • Ragnor, the Elemental Tyrant, witnessing the community's resilience and the arrival of a new entity, recognizes the formidable opposition he faces. In response to the community's actions, he decides to unleash the raw power of the elements upon them.

    Magma Spray - FNM Promos Magic the Gathering The Gathering - Online
    on the one token that Zendikar's Roil created so far

    Burning Vortex
    Burning Vortex by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Ragnor harnesses the power of fire and magma, channeling them into destructive spells that scorch the battlefield and torment the community. The relentless burning vortex engulfs the players, dealing continuous damage, while the magma spray targets their creatures, ensuring their demise.

    Ragnor's turn is complete. The battle rages on with the destructive forces of fire and the community's unwavering determination.

    Ragnor is being drawn to the battle by the entity.

  • The entity joins the search for Ragnor by sending out her spies to gather information.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    After the removal of the lush forests of eldralis, all thats left are mountains/vulcanos. Lets make life easier for the Caliche Scouts. With the mountains being plains now it should be easy for them to spot Ragnor.

  • I’ll start working on damage control, lest there be nothing left of Eldralis to save.

    I’ll play this, revealing a land with the explore trigger, then play that and another land as my two lands for turn, creating two Elemental tokens and revealing two nonland cards that I’ll put into my graveyard when they explore. (Am I allowed to specify the unnamed cards at this time?)
  • Ragnor, sensing the encroaching threat from the Caliche Scouts and the community's resourcefulness, decides to bolster his defenses and counter their actions.

    Volcano Eruption


    Ragnor taps into the volcanic power of the transformed landscape, unleashing a devastating eruption and pyroclasm that engulfs the battlefield. The scorching flames consume creatures and players alike, inflicting damage and disrupting the community's plans.

    Ragnor's turn is complete. The battle intensifies as the Caliche Scouts gather information while the community strives to adapt to the volcanic environment and protect what remains of Eldralis.

  • The entity is displeased by this rampant environmental destruction. The wilds of Eldralis will be hers, and while she's not opposed to a show of force, there has to be something remaining for her to conquer. As such, she sends her subjects to aid with the reconstruction.
    The entity also expends a bit of her own power to both rebuild and prepare to fight back.

  • From the depths of the earth and the heart of the volcano, Ragnor emerges, commanding the destructive might of the elements.

    Ragnor the Elemental Tyrant
    Ragnor, the Elemental Tyrant by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Ragnor, sensing the entity's determination to restore Eldralis and counter his destructive tactics, realizes he must change his approach to maintain the upper hand.

    Elemental Conflagration
    Elemental Conflagration by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Ragnor unleashes a cataclysmic shift, decimating the creatures and forcing both the entity and the community to sacrifice their lands. The ground trembles as Ragnor's power overwhelms the land, and he follows it up with an elemental conflagration, engulfing the battlefield in a blaze of destruction.

    Ragnor's turn is complete, leaving a devastated and barren landscape in its wake. The entity, ghost, and community must rally their remaining forces and adapt their strategies to overcome the challenges presented by Ragnor's relentless assault.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Uh, this is not good.
    I think we should all calm down a bit.
  • Ragnor, feeling the weight of Humility's effect, realizes that his grand displays of power are being nullified by the community's strategic moves. Determined to turn the tide, he responds with a combination of cunning and brute force.

    Gaeas Embrace
    Ragnor enchants himself with the power of Gaea's Embrace, growing in size and strength. The land responds to his presence, granting him renewed energy.

    Ragnor's turn comes to an end, leaving the community to face the combined challenges of his enhanced might.
  • At last it shows itself, and so the entity does the same, stepping out onto the battlefield.
    The entity recognizes Ragnor's might, and is willing to forgive his actions if he will bow his head.
  • Ragnor, standing before the formidable presence of Philotura, weighs his options. The entity's power is undeniable, and he recognizes that continuing to resist may lead to further devastation. In a show of reluctant submission, Ragnor chooses to bow his head and accept Philotura's offer of fealty.

    Encounter - The Elemental Tyrant (Complete)

  • Encounter - Phantasmal Specter

    Deep within the realm of dreams and nightmares, a new foe emerges to challenge a brave community. This malevolent entity is known as Phantasmal Specter.

    Phantasmal Specter
    Phantasmal Specter by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    The community, known as the Dreamchasers, comprises a group of courageous individuals who have delved deep into the mysteries of the subconscious realm. They possess a unique ability to navigate through dreams, seeking knowledge and confronting the darkest manifestations of the mind.

    Their encounter takes place within the ethereal landscapes of the Dreamrealm, a surreal realm where reality intertwines with imagination. The Dreamchasers are driven by a quest for understanding, seeking to unravel the secrets hidden within the tapestry of dreams.

    Now, it is up to the Dreamchasers to confront the Phantasmal Specter, a malevolent force that preys upon the vulnerabilities of the mind. Armed with their wits and the power of their own dreams, they must find a way to overcome the haunting presence of this insidious entity and protect the realm of dreams from its sinister grasp.


    @cadstar369The Hero
    • The hero plays the role of the Legendary Creature or Planeswalker and is the only one that can create Legendary or Mythic rare cards during the battle. If the Hero is defeated by the foe, they become a generic participant with no role.
    @LvBThe Ghost
    • The ghost plays the role of the former foe but tries to defeat the current foe.
    @JadefireMystery Prize
    •  You've been given 3 bombs. You may throw a bomb at any time this encounter at a card of your choice. Each bomb is filled with a different ingredient. One bomb has a "favorite" in it, one bomb has "destroy" in it, and the third has a "stink" in it. You do not know which bomb is which, it will be randomly chosen by me.
    @Korora12The Queen (fyi - i opted to not go with a 5-color foe just yet)
    • The queen can only play cards with mana value 1 or less for the duration of the encounter.

    Phantasmal Specter lingers in the shadows, awaiting the community's move.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Oh, im a ghost this time. Booohoooohooooo! Ahem, the ghost plays:

  • edited June 2023
    (No worries; "potential future foe" does mean there's no guarantee you'll use her. Plus, she was a bit too similar to Ragnor's style anyway, no need for back-to-back land elementals. If you do decide to use her, feel free to reimagine her with fewer colors; bg would work pretty well.)
    Anyway, lets get this started with some basics.

  • Welp, let’s venture into the dreamscape and see what we stumble across today.

  • The Phantasmal Specter observes the community's actions and decides to disrupt their plans. It plays a cunning creature card:

    Shroudweaver Harbinger
    Shroudweaver Harbinger by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    The Shroudweaver Harbinger, a shadowy nightmare, materializes in an instant, utilizing its flash ability. It forces a target opponent to reveal their hand, giving the Phantasmal Specter a glimpse into their plans and countering Beurgeoning Insight.

    With the Burgeoning Insight disrupted, the community must now adapt to the Phantasmal Specter's unpredictable maneuvers. How will they respond?

  • The card chosen that the community may cast without paying its cost is: Aerial Surveyor
  • In response, I’d like to briefly distort the dreamscape, banishing the nightmare and disrupting the Phantasmal Specter’s future plays.

    (Choosing modes 1 and 4.)
  • I'll cast the Aerial Surveyor and then permanently animate it.

  • edited June 2023
    The Phantasmal Specter observes the community's strategic moves and decides to counter their actions. It plays the following cards in response:

    Unearthly Manipulation
    Unearthly Manipulation by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Phantasmal Ambusher
    Phantasmal Ambusher by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    The Phantasmal Specter enchants the Aerial Surveyor with Unearthly Manipulation, gaining control over the powerful flying vehicle. Additionally, it summons the Phantasmal Ambusher, a sneaky illusion rogue that forces a target opponent to discard a card upon its flash entry.

    Discarded card:

    Spider Spawning

    With these cards played, the Phantasmal Specter aims to regain control and disrupt the community's plans. How will the community respond to this twist of events?

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Arrr, fire the ectoplasma cannons at the phantasmal ambusher! (And create a ghost token if he dies.)

  • Loss if the Aerial Surveyor must not be allowed. I'll protect it with Stonewood Invocation in response to Unearthly Manipulation.

  • Hello! I’d like to jump in with —

    I believe that we are going to need backup in the fight I sense is coming.
This discussion has been closed.