Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    OOC: Dwarfes are known for being able to stay awake for at least a month while it is rumored that elves dont need sleep or rest at all. So its highly unlikely that there will be a shift change soon.
    Here inside this castle and below ground its hard to say how much time has passed. If you would have to guess, maybe 30-60 minutes have passed.

    While the adventurers think about what to do next they also check the room, the stairs and the door for anything suspicious. But theres no hidden traps or alarm buttons or anything like this. You also dont hear any sound coming through the door. Now there could be a golem behind the door who doesnt move, but the only way to find that out is to open the door. This could be a risk, but the alternative would be to either go back down or try the other stairs up that lead to the barracks. There will probably be less golems, but the barracks could be full of dwarfen warriors. So whatever the adventurers do, everything is dangerous and a risk.
    A. - Lets try the door in the east.
    B. - Lets try the other stairs that go up.
    C. - Lets go back down.
    D. - Lets try something else. We should ...

  • @cadstar369
    Wenkman smiled. "We could pretend as dwarves. I seen how does dwarves look, I know how to make ourselves look like dwarves. We can walk among and don't get caught by Golem. Golem is programmed to see any race that's not dwarves as trespassers. We will do ourselves best stay away from dwarves but we can walk around within two or three inches away from Golem without thinking we are trespassing. Should we been caught by dwarves, we can just lie to them that we are new, plus, I got some enough juices to make a few of them into thinking we are same as them."
  • edited October 2023
    Duucxejial shrugs. "I suppose that's as good a plan as any, given the utter lack of options. The golems detect magic though (edit:allegedly at least), so the disguise probably won't last beyond the first one we come across."

    The dragonspeaker turns to Rarg and Raulus. "Any objections before we go in?"
  • Let’s go. It’s the best thing we can do by now.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    And so the majority of the adventurers group decides to open the door. Wenkman mumbles some words and everyone suddenly looks like a dwarf. Though at close distances a real dwarf might be able to spot inconsistencies in the illusion, but here in the dungeons with lamp- and torchlight only it should be hard for anyone to say if youre real dwarfes or not.
    You carefully open the door, and then you see it. A only slightly lit corridor lies ahead of you with a door on the south and one in the north. But beside theses two doors, the corridor is empty, except for some oil lamps on the wall that provide a dim light.
    A. - Lets open the northern door.
    B. - Lets open the southern door.
    C. - There could be Golems and dwarfs behind those doors, lets go back.
    D. - Lets ...
  • Does the corridor continue further, or does it stop where the image ends? Additionally, is there any signage or other potential indicators in here, particularly around the doors?
  • corridor ends where the image ends. Both doors look exactly the same.
  • Welp, nothing doing, so let's take a listen at both of them.
  • edited October 2023
    Wenkman made a suggest that we may put our ear on the door to hear what is behind. Since Golem is a machine being, its gears seems making some sounds can be heard through door. If we stand still and stay quiet, we may be able to hear dewarf's footsteps as long as they are moving. After all, these weapons and armors makes dewarf's footstep appear to be heavy and loud.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    You dont hear anything. But there is a bit of flickering light shining under both doors, so behind both doors there must be candles or lamps or torches or something like that. Sadly the space under the door is too small to have a look into the room behind.
  • Wenkman would grow a space-like entity that appear to be a rat. As he puts onto the ground, the illusion becomes completely look like a rat. It would attempt to get under the door.
  • If the rat can't get under either door, Duucxejial will open the northern door further down the hall.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Hmm, since its an illusion and has no mass i suppose it will be able to get under that door and into the room.
    Well done. Wenkmans cleverness made him more intelligent and his max mana is permanently increased by one.

    Wenkman mumbled a spell and created a small illusionary rat that somehow crawled below the door. The range and vision of the rat was limited though, so exploring the rooms completely wasnt posible, but the rat didnt see dwarfes or golems in the southern and in the northern room. However describing the room itself wasnt possible because the illusionary vision was kinda blurred and so the rat was only able to say if large objects like golems or dwarfs are there or not. But at least the rat is able to see that the room in the south is larger than the room in the north and it has more things in it. But it cant really say what things, probably furniture or chests and wardrobes.
  • "Well, there is nothing dangerous behind these door, that's close to the door either way. It's likely for Southern door to not contain enemies. I cannot tell that Northern door is safe or not. Wherever you want to go, I will follow by." Wenkman said.
  • Might as well start searching the southern room then.
  • And remember to say to the rat to look for elves!
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    You carefully open the southern door and take a look into the room. As you realize that there are no dwarfes or golems in the room, you go in and have a look around. Theres a table in the room with small chairs around it, fitting for dwarfes. On the table you see some empty mugs of beer, dice, and a large book. On the walls are wardrobes and cabinets. And theres two additional doors, one in the east and one in the west. The room itself is lit by candles and you cant say why, but it feels kinda cozy.
    And, probably most important, on the southern wall you see a map.
    A. - We will ...
  • I suppose we should have Wenkman's illusory rat scout the adjoining chambers. In the meantime, Duucxejial will examine the book and dice. (Btw, how many dice are there?)
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    The rat scouts the rooms in thes outheast and southwest too, but theres no enemy there. The Room in the east has 4 beds and 4 chests with normal dwarfen clothing, while the room in the west has only 1 bed, but a bigger and better one. Theres also a table with beer and whine bottles on it, some bred, ham and cheese. And in the eastern room theres  a wardrobe filled with the clothes of a dwarfen officer. But as you check the wardrobe closer you find a small chest filled with four vials and a piece of paper that says: "Rejuvenation Potion".
    Now as you check the dice on the table, theres nothing special about them. Playing dice probably used by the dwarfes for some games in their free time.
    As you open the book, you see that it seems to be something like a log of the dwarfes here. You, experienced in adventuring, go to the last page to read what the dwarfs wrote into the book before they disappeared:
    "Them blasted Golems! Again one of them triggered an alarm. This time the Storage Area Golem. I wonder what "suspicious" things he will report. And i bet the Gnomes calibrated the Golems wrong on purpose, to keep us busy all the time and have us running around to check for false alarms. One day this will get someone killed when a real alarm occurs and everyone thinks its a false one. I'll get my Guards and check whats wrong with the Golem."

    As you look at some other pages you find one other interesting looking entry:
    "The Commander decided that we shouldnt have a generel key any longer and distributed diffrent keys among the officers. Now if we want to open the room with the special stuff, we need all 3 keys. And the worst thing is, that the Captain, who has one key, thought its funny to hide it for "security reasons" inside that stupid creature. I dont understand it, why cant he have a normal pet like other dwarfes?"

    New Quest:
    You distribute the rejuvenation potions in the party so that everyone of you gets one. But they are each a bit diffrent.
    Create your own Rejuvenation Potion!
    It always does: "TAP: Sacrifice this artifact to prevent 2 damage to your character or restore 2 toughness. Then you gain 4 mana. And then ..."
    Create the "Rejuvenation Potion"-Card and add a 3rd non permanent effect to it thats beneficial for your character.
  • "Huh, probably that's why Golem ignored the spacy rat when it tries to get Golem's attention away from room where I was in. While we are here, we should check what's inside chests. My rat counted four." Wenkman said, "Hopefully, they have something can assist me with spells."
  • Duucxejial sighs, pocketing the book and one of the potions. Looks like it's not going to be worth the effort to get our equipment back, but Raulus is probably going to insist.

    "Shall we move on to the central set of rooms? There doesn't appear to be anything else of use here."


    Quest Submission:
    Rejuvenation Potion
  • edited October 2023
    Raulus pockets one of the potions, then begins chanting in draconic, attempting to cast forbidden and very powerful draconic magic beyond what he has ever done before. "Nomag wer vers di wer Ur-Dragon kanska forth zyak batobot shio nomenoi tinilus ananic, keivoni, kagh asta lirkimi nelithik ekess wer trekis di wer jennu Ur-Dragon." (Raulus knows draconic because lizards do not have a unique language and use draconic. Translation: "May the power of the Ur-Dragon shine forth so that all these puny dwarves, elves, and their golems die to the breath of the great Ur-Dragon.")
    Quest submission:

  • @smax765 and @FireOfGolden please create the rejuvenation potion for your characters too ^^
  • @LvB
    Wait, what's rejuvenation potion?
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    The item your characters found in the dwarfen officiers wardrobe. Everyone in the party got one of them.

    New Quest:
    You distribute the rejuvenation potions in the party so that everyone of you gets one. But they are each a bit diffrent.
    Create your own Rejuvenation Potion!
    It always does: "TAP: Sacrifice this artifact to prevent 2 damage to your character or restore 2 toughness. Then you gain 4 mana. And then ..."
    Create the "Rejuvenation Potion"-Card and add a 3rd non permanent effect to it thats beneficial for your character.

    cadstar and kaoz already created one for their characters.
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden to rephrase it in a way more suitable to making the card, your Rejuvenation Potion must have text approximate to the following:
    {t}, Sacrifice Rejuvenation Potion: You gain 4 mana. [Insert any temporary buff you like here.] Choose one.
    • You gain 2 life.
    • Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. 
    For example, the buffs kaoz42 and I chose, respectively, for the insert slot are:
    • Create a Protected Role token attached to yourself. (It's an enchantment Aura with totem armor.)
    • You gain absorb 1 until end of turn.
  • @LvB
    How's this Potion?

    Is this balanced card in MTG?
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden as an artifact with an ability that nets 4 mana with additional upside, it's almost certainly broken as a Magic card (though having mv6 may make things awkward). Fortunately, our potions don't need to be balanced the same way as actual Magic cards because that's not how this campaign works. In terms of strength, your chosen additional effect probably falls between the two kaoz42 and I chose, though it's far more dependent on LvB than ours. (Btw, the last part should be 'choose one' instead of 'choose up to one', since it's a required effect for the quest. Also, you can use {bull} to get a normal bullet point in the MTGCS card editor, similar to how {line} makes the long dash.)
  • @cadstar369
    Gotcha, I want to know whether it's balanced or not. I will remove it from
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    yeah, thats fine. In our RPG adventure some cards will seem way too strong and others will seem way too weak for regular magic cards, but for the adventure theyre just fine.
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