Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Since Raulus seems to be undecided, you chose to try the other stairs that go up.
    You go the stairs back up, but as you come close to the end of the stairs you hear something.
    "That stupid Golem. Its already the third time this week that he reported something "suspicious". But in all their brilliance the golem builders forgot that the golems need to explain why something is suspicious. So you piece of junk, tell us again what you have seen!"
    You then hear a mechanical very unnatural sounding voice
    "Ah damn it. Theres nothing suspicious about rats or doors. The rats are everywhere here and they fit under almost every door so they go everywhere. Ok boys, reboot that golem and then lets have a good dwarfen beer."

    You then hear screaching metallic noises and you guess that they are working at rebooting the golem now.

    A. - Lets wait until the, probably, dwarfes are done with golem maintenance and then go upstairs.
    B. - Lets surprise attack them while the golem is disabled.
    C. - Lets try to sneak past them. They are in front of "our" starting room. We can avoid them if we go north.
    D. - We ...
  • Wait, where is Wenkman now? I thought rest others went to downstair? ? Am I an idiot or something?
  • edited September 2023
    Oh never mind,

    Wenkman once again, bends himself onto the wall as if he is the wall now. He would wait patiently for the dwarves.

    Wenkman went with A.
  • Still cloaked, Duucxejial votes for ambushing the repair crew while the golem is disabled. The crew should have access to plenty of locked areas due to their job, and this is a nice opportunity to confirm a couple other things with what should be minimal risk.
  • I vote also B
  • whats with @kaoz42 ?

  • @LvB
    ?‍♂️ Probably busy with something. I would pick his character up like a statue, if he didn't do anything yet.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    You decide to surprise attack the dwarfes while they are busy with the golem. Raulus meanwhile goes back to the stairs to warn you should the Golems on the lower level hear something. (Raulus cant help you in this fight unless kaoz42 is back).
    Since the dwarfes are surprised they can't do anything during your turn and you start the combat.
    Oh and there is one more thing:
    Now what is a Multi-Room Dungeon? Very simple, you are in a dungeon with a lot of rooms and a bit under pressure. Therefore you dont have enough time to fully rest and regenerate yourself completely between fights.
    You can only regenerate 1 Life and 2 Mana between fights.

    Good luck !
  • Wenkman starts off with;

    Target: Dwarfen City Guard Officer

    Target: Dwarfen City Guard
  • I think I will start using my ability to create a 1/1 elemental, tap to give it haste,+1/+1, lifelink, and double strike, then untap free and attack with the elemental to the dwarf officer
  • Unfortunately Raulus is not in this fight. (Out of game for now.)
  • Feel free to come back anytime you want.
  • The dwarf officer and one of the dwarfen guards look confused at the group of adventurers that seems to have come out of nowhere, while the other guard tries to grab his axe.
    Rarg's summonened little elemental rushes towards the dwarf officer and whirls around him, creating a small whirlwind of fire and lightning. The officier screams and trys to hit the elemental which he finally manages to achieve, but its too late, the elemental has done its 4 damage and the dwarf officer falls lifeless to ground.

    @cadstar369 what does Duucxejial do ?
  • edited September 2023
    Welp, there’s not much he can do, so Duucxejial will Perform, using the Treasure to cast Sundering Sonata, dealing 2 damage to the confused City Guard and destroying the Disabled Golem. He holds his third action.

    Btw, is Gladewalker’s Shroud still on for him? (I assume it is since I haven’t mentioned him dropping it, but we’ve been railroaded a couple times since it was cast so I have to check.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    At the beginning of combat everything you cast before while exploring was lifted and health/mana was restored. But from now on be careful with your life and mana because:
    "WELCOME TO YOUR FIRST MULTI-ROOM DUNGEON! - You can only regenerate 1 Life/Toughness and 2 Mana between fights."

    The confused city guard screams in pain as the sundering sonata hits him, while the other Dwarf watches in disbelief how the golem just suddenly falls apart.

    And then its the Dwarfs turn:
    The Dwarfen City Guard shouts something in dwarfen language at you that sounds like he's really pissed now and casts:
    Then, being 4/6 now he attacks Rarg, probably because Rarg killed his boss.
    For the other confused dwarf i will roll a dice at
    1-2. He attacks Rarg
    3-4. He attacks Duucxejial
    5-6. He attacks Wenkman
    The confused city guard, being 4/4, attacks Duucxejial.

    (ROLES are the new Wilds of Eldraine mechanic. A role is an aura enchantment token, but a creature can only have one role. If it gets a new role the old role is replaced with the new one.)
  • Then I recover 1 mana and kill the dwarf before he can deal damage to me (1 damage for the ability and 5 for the first strike)

  • Wenkman uses one action costs for 4 mana to counter Enduring Rage
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    The Enduring Rage is countered and the Dwarfes are 3/5 with abilities and 3/3 without abilities. Wenkman gets 2 mana.

    The 1 damage of Rargs ability is reduced to 0 by the Absorb 1 that the dwarf has. (Absorb 1: Everytime this creature takes damage the damage is reduced by one). Rarg gets one red mana.
    And if Rarg hits the Dwarf with first strike, that damage is reduced from 5 to 4 because of absorb. Then the dwarf, being 3/1 now hits Rarg for 3.
  • edited September 2023
    Seeing Enduring Rage countered, Duucxejial will use his third action to assist Rarg with another Sundering Sonata before regular combat damage.

    During the party's turn, Duucxejial Performs again, using the Treasure to cast Denkeeper's Boon on himself, becoming 2/9.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Wait, which dwarf do you target? The enchanted 3/3 without abilities or the 3/5 with abilities?
  • edited September 2023
    Duuxcejial targets the dwarf attacking Rarg, since the 2 damage from Sundering Sonata will help deal the fifth damage through the absorb 1, preventing Rarg from taking any damage.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Unfortunately that plan, although it was a good plan, didnt work as planned.
    Before combat damage is dealt the Sundering Sonata trys to deal 2 damage to the dwarf, but that damage is reduced by one. So the Dwarf is down to 3/4. Then Rargs ability triggers, dealing 1 damage, but that is reduced to 0 because of absorb.
    Then Rarg his the Dwarf for 5 with first strike and this is reduced to 4, dropping the dwarf down to 0 toughness.
    But the dwarf has the resilient ability, so instead of dropping down to 0 he drops to 1. And then the 3/1 dwarf hits Rarg for 3.

    The other enchanted 3/3 dwarf attacks Duuxcejial for 3 damage. But because of the enchantment he wont untap next turn.

    "Seems like its true what people say. Dwarfes can be as tough as stone."

  • edited September 2023
    When does the enchanted dwarf attack Wenkman? The random roll says he attacked Duucxejial (which is why he's healing himself this turn).
  • My bad. He is enchanted by Wenkman but attacks Duucxejial. Messed that up. But edited it. Should be correct now.
  • Rarg will just attack the 3/1 dwarf. First strike damage will make him to die.
  • Hint: The Dwarf is still resilient.
    "Whenever Dwarfen City Guards toughness is reduced below one for the first time in a turn it becomes one instead."
  • edited September 2023
    Then I instead repeat my first turn:

    I use my ability to create a 1/1 elemental, tap to give it haste,+1/+1, lifelink, and double strike, then untap free and attack with the elemental to the 3/1 dwarf.

    Double strike should be enough to kill the dwarf.

  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Yes, that works. The small 2/2 elemental hits the dwarf for 2, that is reduced to 1, the dwarfs resilient ability triggers and then the elemental hits the dwarf again.
    "With a painful aching the Dwarfen City Guard falls to the ground and dies."
    All that is left now is the confused and tapped Dwarfen City Guard who should be down to 3/2 now.
  • edited September 2023
    If the dwarf takes no action other than attacking, Duucxejial will cast another Sundering Sonata at it with his third action before combat damage.
  • And they wouldn't be able to attack again. ?
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