Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Wenkman can take abilities from Guard and reduce his power to nothing.

  • edited October 2023
    In that case, Duucxejial will cast Denkeeper's Boon on himself again (going to 6/13), slay the city guard, and hold his third action. If nothing happens during the opposing turn, Duucxejial will Perform before it comes back to us. (I suggest we wait for Rarg to heal via Burning Restrictions before slaying the officer. This will also give Duucxejial some time to heal Wenkman's injuries.)
  • Then Wenkman used single mana to Silence guard that's attacking Duucxejial, making it easier to deal as he would be struck down by another guard.

    (Last action been used up.)
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden we're currently in the second round of combat, so casting Silence would be your first action this round.
  • Wait, I thought it's enemy's first turn?
  • @cadstar369
    When did the Dwarfen Guard attack Duucxejial for first time?
  • Duucxejial and Wenkman were attacked at the same time, which was the enemy's first turn. Denkeeper's Boon heals whoever Duucxejial casts it on though, so he's fine. Casting Silence makes it easier to take down the city guard that attacked Wenkman though, which gives him more time to tend to the rest of the party's injuries since he won't have to heal himself again.
  • Oh in that case, Wenkman will hold two actions left to see whether party members may have trouble to fight off or slaying guards.
  • To slain the guard, Wenkman should cast silence before Duucxejial attacks, then we are omitting the absorb and the resilient abilitires and we have time to recover as we slain the officer (that can’t attack us).
  • edited October 2023
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden I was already prompting you to cast the first Silence with the timing @smax765 is suggesting, you just hadn't realized it at the time because you were lost in the turn order. Assuming nothing crazy happens, there's currently just the confused and restrained guard remaining after Rarg and Duucxejial finish attacking.
  • Whoops, imma take that back then
  • Should I rework Wenkman if possible when we level up?
  • edited October 2023
    Wait until we're not constrained by the extra dungeon rule before you try to figure that out. We've only had one or two combats where you've been able to use Wenkman's full abilities, and those were against single foes. Currently, Wenkman isn't even doing damage because you don't have enough mana to spare for creature spells, so I'm glad he can at least contribute with effects like Silence.
  • Aight, then.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    The dwarfen officer cant do anything with those 2 enchantments on it. The dwarfs turn will just end as it begins and the officer doesnt do anything. And with the rest of the dwarfs defeated its basically always your turn now until you kill the officer.
  • edited October 2023
    If Rarg doesn't mind waiting, Duucxejial would like to spend the next couple rounds Performing Denkeeper's Boon on Wenkman to heal him. Rarg should be fully healed during the upkeep of the fourth round, so Duucxejial will Perform a couple more times in the interim, then Rarg can take out the officer with impunity via first strike.

    After combat ends, Duucxejial would like to explore the remaining central room.
  • "Thank you, sir! What is your name again?" Wenkman said. Then Wenkman would try to loot off the corpses then explore the central room same as Duucxejial.
  • "Think nothing of it. I recall that sewer abomination interrupting us before we had time for introductions. You may call this humble dragonspeaker Duucxejial."
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    After the fight is over, you loot the dwarfen corpses. You find some coins which you distribute evenly in the group. (Everyone gets one additional coin). And though the dwarfen armor wont fit, you could still use their weapons. The Officer also was in posession of a key but it doesnt look like its a key to a door, cause its quite small.

    The Officer dropped a common shortsword that gives +1/+0 and has an activated ability. He also dropped a common shield that gives +0/+1 and has a passive ability.
    The guards dropped two axes that give +1/+0 and have an activated ability.
    And the crossbow squad dropped one crossbow that gives +1/+0 and has an activated ability. Unfortunately all but one crossbow got destroyed in the fight.

    Optional Quest:
    If your character wants to use/equip some of these weapons, create an equipment card that represents the weapon.

    Then you move on to explore and search the room where the dwarfes came from. In the northwest corner of the room is a dwarfen bed. Beside it on the western wall is a table with a chair. And in the southwest corner is a large chest, but its locked. In the middle of the room is a round table with several chairs and on the north and south wall are cabinets and wardrobes that contain clothing and other items that are of no interest for you. The room is lit by oil lamps that are hanging on chains. Everything here looks of good quality and so you are quite sure that this room had belonged to the dwarfen officer you just fought.

    A. - We ...
  • Might as well start by trying the small key on the locked chest.
  • I would like to explore the room that is after Raulus’s wrong spell.
  • edited October 2023
    @smax765 I assumed that was the room described below the optional quest prompt, where Duucxejial is currently trying to open a chest, since Duucxejial and Wenkman had both already voiced desires to search that room. (I could be wrong though since all of the directional descriptors are off starting just before the fight.)
  • Youre in the room west of the one that was destroyed by Raulus spell.
    The key the Officer had was indeed for the locked chest. Inside of the chest you find six coins - two for everyone of you - a book where the dwarfen officer wrote down his daily duties, which was mainly patroulling around and to make sure that the guards do their guard job. But his job was also to store higher quality items that were confiscated. Beside that, nothing of importance is written down in it.
    You also find two healing potions and two mana potions. And last, you find a key that looks very similar to the other key that opened the door to one of the storage rooms.

    Optional Quest: Create cards for the potions.
    The healing potion always has: "Restore 3 toughness of your character, or prevent 3 damage plus an additional non permanent ability of your choice."
    The mana potion always has: "Gain six mana and an additional non permanent ability of your choice."
    Distribute the potions fair in the party. This means, not more than two potions for a character.

    A. - We ...
  • edited October 2023
    Duucxejial pockets this book as well, holding up the key that was inside the chest. "Looks like this key might open the vault that has our things in it. There should be one more around here, but according to the other book we picked up it's with their captain and probably inside some sort of unusual animal. Do we want to try clearing this floor out to be thorough, or shall we head back downstairs to see what this gets us?"

    The dragonspeaker looks back down to the potions in the chest. "These won't do much for me, so feel free to split them between yourselves. I'd like to take the shield one of them dropped along with any leftover potions once you two take whichever strike your fancy."
  • Wenkman would pick up a mana potion with him, "I will take this potion. If you don't take another, I will take that as well."

  • I will revise the rooms at the north. @FireOfGolden you can keep my potion.
  • @smax765 you don't want any of the remaining 3 potions? (There's currently 2 healing & 1 mana left in the chest.)
  • For some reasons, Wenkman can't take more than two potions, so he took two Mana potions with him and left the rest to others.

    Wenkman's health: 9/9
    Wenkmanis mana: 2/19
  • Then I will take a basic health pot:

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