Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Now this is important: Keep track of your mana and your life from now on, because as the fights end you only get 1 life and 2 mana back!

    The last remaining Dwarf, hit by the Sundering Sonata, falls to the ground mumbling something like "where, when, why, what...?" and then its quiet.
    Standing before the remains of the Golem and the Dwarfes, you decide to search the bodies for anything valuable or useful.
    The Golems remains, who was destroyed by your spell, unfortunately dont have anything valuable. If the Golem had anything in its posession it was destroyed by your spell.
    But you find something while looting the dwarfs. The Dwarfen Officer had a KEY. You dont know to which door it fits, but it could still be helpful.
    The dwarfs were in possession of some coins as well.
    Everyone in the party gets 1x Coin
    You already have some coins, but from now on you have to keep track of them yourself.
    The dwarfen armor looks quite sturdy, but since it was made for dwarfs, it doesnt fit and you cant wear it. The weapons however could be used by you.
    You find:
    2x Axe
    1x Shortsword
    1x Small Shield

    New Quest:
    If you want to keep these Weapons, create the card for it. A common equipment card which must have this ability
    "Equipped Creature gains +1/0" for the Axes and the Shortsword
    and "Equipped creature gains +0/+1" for the Shield
    The Weapons/Equipment can also have one additional ability of your choice, but it has to be common-card level, which means not strong.
  • Duucxejial would like to take the shield if nobody else wants it.
  • I am keeping the shield:

  • Oops, I haven't reloaded the page. You can keep the shield if you want, @cadstar369
  • edited September 2023
    No, no, you’ve already made a card for it; keep it.
  • I am making the axes. Please, keep it for you.
  • Here are the axes. I'll keep them if no one wants them.


  • edited September 2023
    In that case, here's the shield Duucxejial picks up:
    Worn TargetDuucxejial Lv6

    Edit: Added updated character sheet. (Image is acting up again; clicking it will display the correct version while MTGCS takes its time figuring that out.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Ahem, i said not strong and only one additional ability.
    If a character equips two of these dwarven Axes, it will get +2/+0 from equipping, but since both axes have the +2/0 when attacking and when using two dwarven axes, the character will get +2/+0 from each axe, giving +2/0 from equipping and an additional +4/+0 while attacking.
    Rarg would be a 11/5 Lifelink First Strike creature with two of these axes equipped while attacking. That would force me to create powerful enemies to balance that out. Rarg would probably be fine with it but the rest of the party could get in trouble or get killed fast.

    Quest Updated: Everyone of you creates ONE Weapon only and then you vote who gets the shield. That player may then create the shield.

    Explanation: If the common equipment is already so powerful, there will be a crazy power creep once you get uncommon, rare, mythic rare or legendary equipment. From my experience its more fun to have a slow but steady powercreep instead of one that forces me to suddenly throw super powerful monsters at you, cause the monsters i would usually use would be no threat.
    If you look at that example i postet here a while ago
    You see that i already planned that characters can have two weapons, an armor and at least two magical items. And maybe more stuff like potions and so. But i dont want this to get out of hand too much or too fast. Thats why common equip has to be kinda weak. If it is too strong and you can kill everything without effort while being kinda immortal i think this would get boring for everyone.
  • edited September 2023
    Worn Targe has been updated to be sufficiently exceedingly weak, even for a common.
  • edited September 2023
    Regarding the quest update, Duucxejial has no interest in wielding most forms of weaponry since he'd have to drop them to perform. Should I still create a potential axe/shortsword?
  • *A hand up* Wenkman has no equipments. Hence, he would like a shield.
  • edited September 2023
    Since someone haven't made shortsword, here is;

    It's useless to me anyway, but I had a good idea of it.

    If I get to pick shield up, I would use this card.

  • edited September 2023
    That's true, @LvB. I was thinking on real cards and forgot of the RPG... I have made a new axe:

    Life: 5/5
    Mana: 9/12
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    You can distribute those weapons however you want in the party.
    And then the party decides where to go or what to do next.

  • edited September 2023
    If Wenkman insists on taking the shield, then Duucxejial will pass on taking any equipment.

    Edit: Duucxejial would like to check the key against the three locked doors on the north side of this floor.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    While your still discussing who should take which weapon and while its still a bit unclear what each weapon exactly does, the group follows Duucxejial to try out the key they found.
    (I gave the Rooms a number to make it easier).
    As you check the closed rooms 6, 7 and 8 the key indeed unlocks room number 7.
    Inside you find Barrels and Chests filled with tools that could also be used as Weapons. And on the Walls and in the corners of the room theres tools piled up as well. Saws, Axes, Large Knifes, Cleavers, Scythes, Sickles, Hammers, Pickaxes and a lot more stuff that is usually used to work with, but in the right hands, can be a weapon as well.
    The room itself is lit-up by some torches that are hanging on the walls and some brass oil lamps that are hanging on some chains.
    In the middle of the room theres a table with a chair and on the Table is a large book. It seems that the book contains a register of everything that the dwarfs have confiscated which is now stored in this room. As you look through the book you see that while you were away in the woods they confiscated a lot of tools, but then less and less over time. On the last page you find a note:

    "We should stop confiscating everything that may be used against us. We already took away the most dangerous "magical weapons" the civilians had and stored them here and in other strongholds. And with the Golems on our side, the civilians will have no chance, even if they should try a rebellion or something like that. But we also need workers so it would not be wise to take away all their working tools. My proposition is to sell them back their not so dangerous stuff as soon as our new generation of Golems is ready. We could even make some gold with that. Note to self: Maybe we should raid the lesser races from time to time, confiscate their things and then sell em back to them. That way they will work for us AND pay us. Im sure the dwarfen council will like this idea."

    Your stuff is not here, but there is enough other stuff that can be used as weapon.

    New Quest:
    For your character, create either an uncommon Equipment card that is a tool and a two-handed weapon which gives +2/+2 and has another ability that requires tapping it and your character.
    create two diffrent uncommon Equipment cards that are tools and one-handed weapons which each give +1/+1 and which have another ability that requires tapping them and your character.

    After that, decide as group, what to do next.
    -A. We should then ...
  • I think we should go upstairs.
  • I thought we went to upstairs?

    Or there's another floor?
  • edited September 2023
    We had gone downstairs (right stairs on the map), decided to turn back, and had the fight on the floor we started on. There’s stairs going up on the left side of the map.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023

  • edited September 2023
    Duucxejial concurs with Rarg's suggestion to head upstairs. As he still doesn't want to use any of these implements, this is about the only thing I can imagine him picking up to fulfill the quest:
    Resonant Bident

    (A bident is a fishing tool.)
  • I also suggest to hide the dwarf corpses on room 2. That way if another dwarf appear, it would not see the massacre.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Quest still active:
    For your character, create either an uncommon Equipment card that is a tool and a two-handed weapon which gives +2/+2 and has another ability that requires tapping it and your character.
    create two diffrent uncommon Equipment cards that are tools and one-handed weapons which each give +1/+1 and which have another ability that requires tapping them and your character.

    Or just say it if you dont want to create such a card.

    After that, decide as group, what to do next.
    -A. We should then ...

    @kaoz42 You still away from this?
  • Wenkman is a wizard, not a fighter, so Imma pass this up.
  • I’ll keep the axe I made before. Anyway, another option is to break a door…
  • edited October 2023
    Do we have any information on what the doors are made of? (I can't find any details on this looking back.)

    Edit – nvm, we have this from here:

    The doors are made of dwarfen steel und they seem to be magically protected too

  • edited October 2023
    Suddenly, a hole in space appears and Raulus topples out, landing on the dungeon floor. "Ow." he says, then picks up the last dwarfen axe.

    I do not want to complete the quest. I shall use smax's dwarfen axe for stats.

    Raulus's Stats:
    Life: 5/5.
    Mana: 12/12.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Quest failed.

    So only Duucxejial picks up one the weapons, and the rest decides not to take any of these items. Even the torches and oillamps are of no interest to you. You then hide the dead dwarfes and the Golems remains in one of the old storage rooms that havent been used for a while. It should take a while before someone finds them there you hope.
    Afterwards you decide to take the stairs in the west that lead up. Carefully, step by step, you sneak up the stairs trying to remain as quiet as possible, but at the end of the stairs you see an arm and a part of a leg of a Golem. It hasnt seen you yet, because its back is facing the wall and its not looking towards the stairs but in the other direction. It seems this Golem was placed so, to prevent others from going down that stairs.

    Decide as party what to do.
    -A. We will ...
  • Duucxejial has a couple spells that can disable the golem with minimal noise; any objections to him doing that?
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