Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited October 2023
    Since the golem shouldn't be aware of Duucxejial, he will refrain from taking action at this point in our turn, but does intend to act before our turn ends and the golem's begins.

    (Edit: Changed wording slightly for clarity.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Suddenly you hear a *poof* and where Raulus was until now, only a small extradimensional rift is left. It seems that Raulus has some sort of shifting or phasing problem and that from time to time he will just randomly appear or disappear. But, be that as it may, compared to the prison golem, that is only a curiosity right now.

    As Wenkman and Duucxejial dont want to attack, its only Rarg now that attacks and fights the golem. (Please post Rarg and the equip he's using at the monent, cause i got a bit lost as to which character is equipped with what exactly right now)
  • Equipment:

  • edited October 2023
    Here's our current status as far as I'm aware. Wenkman's character sheet is out of date, but the base stats on it should be accurate.

    Rarg Lv6Warleaders Torch
    Duucxejial Lv6Silver ScepterBacklash Buckler
    Wenkman Char SheetEnergy DrainerAncient Tome of Prediction
    Raulus Lv6Minor Morganti Broadsword

    (Edit: Added Raulus for whenever he pops back in.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Rarg deals 8 damage with first strike to to the prison golem, reducing it down to 4/2. The prison golem in return hits Rarg for 4 Damage, reducing Rarg to 8/4.

    As Rarg gets hit by the golem a flash of electricity is unleashed that flows through Rarg, puts a stun counter on him and taps him. Unable to do anything more, Rarg sinks to the ground where he is shaking uncontrollable (as long as he has a stun counter) because of all the electricity he got hit with.

    However, because of the Warleaders Torch there is an additional combat step now. Maybe Duucxejial and Wenkman want to attack now.

    The Dronicopter meanwhile does nothing except for his surveillance thing and watching everything. And every few seconds you can hear it making a "beep-beep" sound.
  • This probably won't change Duucxejial's plans, but I have a few questions:
    • Do enemies still deal only one instance of combat damage each turn? (In other words, if either Duucxejial or Wenkman attack now they won't take damage?)
    • Where exactly is the Dronicopter currently hovering? (Seeking confirmation on lines of sight.)
    • Is "attack" strictly in the melee sense, or are characters allowed to "attack" from range? (This will likely become increasingly relevant going forward.)
  • Rarg uses his free untaping to remove the stun and the ability of its torch to untap. He attacks another time to the golem.
  • if there is a second extra attack phase then attackers and defenders will both be able to deal damage.
    Normal attacks work just like in magic. You attack, hit the blocker/target while the blocker hits you. They are considered "melee" attacks for practical reasons, even if you have a magic wand equipped.
    Attacking from range would be represented by abilities or spells of items or creatures.
    The Dronicopter is hovering above and around the golem.

    Rarg cant cause he doesnt have any abilities because of the stun counter.
  • edited October 2023
    Does the path effect count as an 'ability'? It's certainly not worded as an ability of the creature on that path, but rather more like a special action.
  • its a passive / activated ability in this case.
  • Welp, nothing doing, so Duucxejial will cast Gladekeeper's Shroud on Rarg, then Summon the Whelps, keeping himself and the dragon tokens out of sight for now.
  • Ok. So if Wenkman doesnt attack the Golem or does anything, then its the golems turn.
  • edited October 2023
    Wenkman casts Illusionman.

    His mana is now 10 left as he has two action left. Turn ends.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    The prison golem, being 4/2, tries to cast this on Wenkman and then attacks Wenkman.
    The Dronicopter flies through the air, doing its beep-beep sounds.
  • Duucxejial activates his scepter's ability, redirecting the Stunning Blast toward the Dronicopter.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Suddenly the dronicopters way of flying changes to a very confused and complicated looking pattern and it even occasionally crashes against a wall.
    The Golem is still attacking Wenkman.
  • Illusionman gets in the way and blocks the golem.
  • Golem is down to 4/1 then and the Illusionman is destroyed. The prison golem ends its turn.
  • Duucxejial will wait to see what Rarg does before deciding on any precombat actions.
  • Rarg will just try to attack by now.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Well, technically Rarg is still tapped, but lost the Stun counter at the beginning of the turn. I'll just assume you untap for free and attack then ^^

    As Rarg recovers from the golems hit that threw him to the ground, he swings his large torch at the golem and before the golem can do anything the massive hit crashes down upon the golem. Rarg must have hit some important part of the golem, because the golem takes a step back, then loses its balance and crashes to the ground. But as the golem hits the ground he triggers a trap. The floor opens and the golem falls into a pit that is not really deep, maybe only 1 foot, but its filled with small steel spikes whos intention is not to kill its victim but to slow him down. (Or in short: You kill the golem with your first strike hit.)

    The Dronicopter, still kind of stunned, flies into a wall, and without its golem master it falls then to the ground and shows no more signs of being active.
  • Rarg was only tapped, because the torch untapped him.
  • As you have time to look now what this corridor looks alike, you see 3 cell-doors on the left (north) side of the corridor, one cell door on the east and one normal door on the northeast side. The corridor is lit by torches that hang on the wall.
    The stones here all bear strange dwarfen runes and as you carefully step opon one and enter the corridor, you feel it. Some absorbing magic is at work everywhere here that tries to slowly drain everyone of their mana. With adventurous discipline and concentration you can resist this effect and keep your mana, but for prisoners it must be really hard enduring this for hours, days or weeks. You assume, that once a prisoner is thrown into a cell here its only a matter of time until this prison has drained him completely of mana.
    But before you have time to think more about this, the door in the northeast is opened and a dwarf comes out of it. He must have heard the fight against the golem or the noise it made when it crashed into the trap. Seeing you the dwarf looks a bit surprised, but then shouts: "Boys, here's intruders! Unleash the hounds!"
  • edited October 2023
    Wenkman casts Confused by Whispers on that dewarf to silence them.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    You hear angry barking and out of the room comes a horde of dwarfen warhounds that are running towards you, followed by some dwarfes.

    It's your turn! Defend yourself and fight before the dogs tear you apart!
  • Duucxejial sighs. Must it always be dogs? "Wenkman, if you still have the energy to counter a spell or two, I may be able to deal with all the hounds at once."
  • edited October 2023
    Wenkman nodded in acknowledge. He has two actions left with 7 mana remaining
  • edited October 2023
    "Then I suppose it can't hurt too much to gamble once or twice today. Both of you stand back for a moment." Duucxejial steps forward, gently intoning a ballad of the fire dragon Rekka. Flames spill forth, filling the entrance of the hall to intercept the crush of hounds. (He casts Shrouding Dragonflame twice.)

    Edit: Duucxejial would greatly appreciate it if Rarg could take out either of the dwarves this turn, and is willing to pay Assist costs to that end if necessary.
  • Waiting for Wenkman and Rarg...
  • @LvB
    Wenkman took no actions after Houndmaster became confused in same turn. He will keep two actions left with him.
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