Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden presumably there can be if you want, since this room contains all types of weapons (which I'd assume includes wands and other catalysts/foci).
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    As i said before, this room contains all types of weapons. Even staffs and wands. The dwarfes probably confiscated them from other mages. There are also some magical books lying around in a chest that would make a fine off-hand-weapon if combined with a wand.
    As all this items are uncommon their magical abilities are a bit on the low side, but thats still better than nothing.
  • Welp, here's another pair of stat sticks:
    Silver ScepterBacklash Buckler
  • edited October 2023
    Quest submission for two-handed weapon:

  • I have Drained tokens and Exhausted tokens because of Energy Drainer.

  • Here is my two-handed weapon:

  • edited October 2023
    EDIT: Useless statement.

  • @kaoz42
    What makes statement so useless?
  • @LvB
    What happens now?
  • The party killed all dwarves and freed all gnomes, the end.
  • "Come to think of it, I am pretty sure we saw you disappeared into that black hole-ish, dragon guy. How are you still alive?" Wenkman asked 
  • edited October 2023
    You still here?

    Who are you addressing and what do you mean?
  • @kaoz42
    Give em some time, I think they is busy at moment...

    Wenkman is preferring to your character who happened to be sucked into the room he destroyed.
  • After grabbing some good looking weapons, you are unsure what to do next. You didnt get your weapons, but you got others, that might do as well. But theres still the third vault which probably contains even better items and most important, your stuff. And you havent checked out the barracks, the prison and the cave. There might be useful information and items as well and of course, the 3rd key you need to unlock the last vault here is somewhere around there. From the information you found in the dwarfen books its either located in the prison or the caves and its hidden there inside an animal type of creature.

    A. - Lets take as many of these weapons with us and leave while we are still all alive.
    B. - We want our stuff back and need the 3rd key. Lets explore the prison and then the cave.
    C. - We want our stuff back and need the 3rd key. Lets explore the cave and then the prison.
    D. - I dont know why, but i want to go to the barracks.

  • edited October 2023
    I updated the Wenkman Information. Is everything looks aight, @cadstar369 and @LvB?
    Race: Figure
    Class: Wizard
    Stats points: 8

    Damage: 0+3
    Health: 8+1+3

    Way of The Mind
    Mana: 18+1 (lv6 x 3)

    Weapon: Energy Drainer (Main), Ancient Tome of Prediction (Offhand)
    Armor: None
    Artifact: None
    Items: Mage's Rejuvenation Potion, Mage's Mana Potion

    Level 1: Silence, Magic's Lift
    Level 2: Illusionman, Resist the Dominance
    Level 3: IllusionGhost, Sphinx's Tutelage
    Level 4: Illuspider, Confused by Whisper
    Level 5: Illinkling
    Level 6: Chronostutter

    7/19 mana
    12/12 health
    7 Coins
  • "We should check the cave out. I doubt there would be loot worth in prison."
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Unless your character has 3 arms/hands its a bit difficult to equip a wand a tome and a shield. Shields are off-hand-weapons and not armor.
    Armor is something like a robe or a chainmail but so far you didnt find any.

  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden at our current level, you should have 10 points divided between Wenkman's power and toughness (same as Duucxejial).

    Also, you used the Mage's Mana Potion when we ambushed the Anti-Riot Golems.


    Duucxejial snorts, idly twirling the scepter he just picked up. "How exactly do you intend to get to the cave? And even if we did get there, what do you expect to find down there with the captive gnomes?"

    (Duucxejial suspects he knows both the location of the third key and the way down to the cave, but has no intention of informing the others at this time since there's no apparent motivation for the majority of the party to continue exploring. After all, since the vault we're in contains weapons significantly better than our original equipment, why would there be anything [more] useful in the third vault when it most likely contains them?)
  • Let’s go to the prision. If we can help someone, it should be there, and we could get more information about this place.
  • @cadstar369
    Mana was at 9 after mana Potion and two mana were spent to cast two Silence.

    "Well, I say we leave this place while we can. I don't think Gnome will keep their mouth sealed about our presence. They have a family ya know."
  • The dragonspeaker turns to Rarg. "You are human, yes? How are you going to navigate the prison floor when the warning signs suggested we shouldn't bring any light? That aside, of all the places we have yet to go, why would there be information in the prison?"
  • “Maybe there is someone jailed. But if you don’t want to go to the prision nor to the cave, where you suggest to go?”
  • "I never said I didn't want to go to either of those places. However, of greater concern to me at the moment is that none of you seem to have a particularly convincing reason to continue, considering we've found equipment that far surpasses our own, two of us are practically helpless against every other enemy we encounter while a third isn't consistently present, and none of you appear to have any sort of plan beyond running in blindly and hoping everything works out."
  • "There's a place we can go. That's outside of this place." Wenkman shrugged.
  • @cadstar369 @smax765
    "Well, Duucxejial and R... Whatever is your name, which do you prefer to go; break into the prison or get out of this place while we can? Duucxejial, it seems the symbol you mention no light, could means mana warning. If we were to go there, I think we might get more tired than usually or when we do something that uses our energy may trigger something terriblying. If we were to leave this place, we don't have to worry about being continuing attacked by these golems and dwarves."
  • Duucxejial shrugs. "Much as that might be advisable, we have one member who's rather attached to their old weapon and likely to do something incredibly reckless if we leave now. We haven't fulfilled the additional request either."
  • While you discuss about this, you suddenly all think of Demonica and the promise you made to her. You dont want to disappoint her and somehow you all feel contracted to do as you and her agreed upon. And that agreement seems to be very binding and is maybe more than a simple agreement. Deep inside you, you feel that you have to stick to your part of the deal or there will be severe consequences. Leaving now is not an option anymore, the more you think about it.
    A. - Barracks then (Floor 1)
    B. - Prison (Floor 4)
    C. - Cave (Floor 5)
  • edited October 2023
    Hold on, when did anyone make any kind of promise to Demonica? (Duucexejial certainly didn't.) The party only 'agreed' to "bring back as many magical items as we can," and even that was only decided via narration without any character giving any form of assent. How, exactly, are we obliged to continue, when we've already opened two vaults containing more 'magical items' than we can carry?
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