Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Rarg can attack twice because of the torch.
  • edited October 2023
    Then Duucxejial will spend the second combat step slaying the confused dwarf before spending time on the party as previously outlined. (Please remember to mention that it's an additional combat step rather than just an extra attack since it affects the rest of the party every time, unlike your Second Strike.) 
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    With the last dwarf slain, all the hounds butchered and the golem destroyed, now would be a good time for the party to rest. Alas, now you fully realize what this prison with all the dwarfen runes engraved into the stones actually does. It not only trys to drain the mana of everyone, it also prevents regular life- and manaregeneration after combat. (spells and potions still work).
    Weary and exhausted from combat you take a look around in the corridor. In the north there are three Prison Cells, but they are unlocked and empty. Only some grass, straw and dirt is to be found there.
    Now the room in the northeast where the dwarfes and the hounds were in looks more promising.
    As you take a look into it, you see a table in the middle of the room. Beer mugs are standing on it and playing-cards and dice are lying around. On the walls of the room are boxes with a rug in it. That must be were the Bloodhounds slept.
    Now whats really interesting is the east wall, cause there are three levers and over them on the wall is written the dwarven word for "Traps". Beside the levers a large and rusty key is hanging.
    As you look south down the corridor you see 3 prison cell doors with slideable looking windows on the east and a wooden door in the west. The corridor also seems to split up at its end into a west-east direction.
    While realizing all this, there is something more, you didnt hear first.
    But now as you listen closely you hear it.
    "Chrrrrr .... pfueueueue .... chrrrrr ..... pfueueue ...."
    It sounds quite strange and its coming from the south.

    A. - We will ...
  • Might as well see if flipping the levers disables the traps. With the golem potentially jamming the only trap we've seen so far, we probably won't be able to tell they're disabled, so it's not worth giving too much thought at this stage.

    Duucxejial spends a long moment considering the odd sound. There's a decent chance that is…

    He suggests the party clear the rest of the hall before investigating the cells and the central chambers.
  • Then Rarg will burn the corpses.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    As you pull the levers, you here a "clack", but beside that nothing happens, at least nothing you can see.
    On second thought burning anything large in here doesnt seem to be that wise. You are under ground, theres no windows and only one entrance/exit on this floor. If you start burning the corpses, the smoke could easily kill everyone here including the adventurers.

    B. - Explore the corridor that leads south. (Where the strange sounds come from).
    C. - Explore the 3 rooms in the middle of the map. (Probably more dwarfes inside).
  • A, then C
  • "If you have that much of a death wish I won't try to stop you, but leave the rest of us out of it."

    (Duucxejial has already voted for B, but will flee the area immediately if anyone starts burning corpses and such.)
  • "Why would you burn corpses? That will give our location away as it will produce smoke. Hide it in elsewhere dewarf wouldn't think to look in instead."

    Wenkman will choose B.
  • Let’s go to B then, and not burning the corpses
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    So you carefully go down the corridor that leads south. While doing so, you slide open the "windows" in the cell doors to take a look into the cells on the eastern side, but they are empty as well. You start to wonder what kind of prison this is, if theres no prisoners here, but then you decide that this is a problem for later.
    While moving through the corridor, the "Chrrrrr .... pfueueueue .... chrrrrr ..... pfueueue ...." becomes louder and as you arrive at the southern corner of the corridor, you see IT.
    In the eastern corner of this corridor there is the biggest sleeping giant snail you have ever seen. Its almost as wide as the corridor and its house is only a few inches away from the ceiling.
    A. - Wake up the snail and try to communicate.
    B. - Let it sleep.
    C. - Try to kill it while its asleep.
  • Duucxejial votes for option C.
  • Rarg votes for A.
  • Wenkman votes for A
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    You carefully poke the snail to wake it up. Its snorting stops and it slowly opens its eyes at the end of its antennae and looks at you. And much to your surprise, it starts speaking, slowly, but steady.
    "Hu? uh? Who you? Why snail me? Uuh, snail wasnt snailing, it means, snail just snailed its eyes, but didnt snail!"

    A. - Try to trick it - "We are external advisors and we caught you sleeping!"
    B. - Be honest. - "We are adventurers and here to get our stolen stuff back!"
    C. - Attack it - "Die, slimy beast!"
  • We must be honest. It may help us. He snail is jailed, so it’s not an ally of the dwarves.
  • But snailing is a slang word for being lazy. It tells us something may warns for snail is working for Dwarven. After all, snail isn't in prison. If it find that we plan to steal something from Dwarven, it may be nervous and is more likely to alert Dwarven. Wenkman's moral prevents him from slaying innocent entites, so it might be either A or B. Wenkman need more information;

    "So, why were you sleeping? You have a job to do, right?" Wenkman asked carefully while remain strong.
  • Duucxejial has no intention to participate in this farce. He will instead remain vigilant should this devolve into a fight, another group of dwarves  attempt to ambush the party, etc.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    So you decide to question the snail.
    The Snail, more awake now and better to udnerstand, looks at Wenkman: "Yes, hard job. Snail bring food and drink to prisoners. But that a loooong way down thaaat corridooor and thaat corridooor. And when work done work begins anew. And snail sometimes rest eyes, but only for a little time. But dont sleep at work, nono. Dont tell dwarfes."

    A. - Aha, interesting, but ....
  • "Sounds slavery to me" Wenkman said under his breath, "So, what you would like to do, if dwarves decide to give you a free time?" Wenkman said clearly this time.
  • The snail thinks for a while, then speaks slowly (but probably fast for a snail) "Uuuumm, snail dont know. Dwarfs say snail neeed job, so snail work here. And snail think dwarfs really like snail. Everytime they see snail they happy and laugh."

    A. - Ok, but ...
  • "Were they happy and laughing when they see you? Did you happen to think that they might were laughing at you?"
  • “We’ve been sent by the dwarves. They are going to fire you. And we are going to take you with us. You won’t work for them more.”
  • Aaaand Wenkman was trying to convince the snail join and support the party without having to lie it.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    "Whooooot?" - the snail looks very shocked. "Snail lost its job?!? Oooh no. Snail lost job. What snail gonna do now? Snail will starve an children will lose home. Oh, wait, no children, and home is with snail. Umm, snail be ok then, maybe? Snail go elsewhere then maybe. Umm, and snail no longer watch key then."
    For a short moment, you think the snail is gonna puke, but it only spits out a Key.
    "You say dwarf boss then he take care of his key now." And then the snail slowly snails toward the exit mumbling and sighing "Snail lost job. Snail lost job..."

    A. - Well, that was unexpected. Now we should ...
  • Why does snail reminds me of Dobby from Harry Potter?
  • Duucxejial sighs. Well, at least they managed to confirm my suspicions. That key should open the last vault.

    The dragonspeaker then turns his attention to the last few cells. Might as well see what prisoners it was referring to while we're here.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    In the south corridor there are four cells. They are locked with metall doors and each door has the usual slideable window to look through.
    As you take a look into the first cell you see a dwarf inside that is sleeping. The cell is smelling of alcohol and its clear that this dwarf is totally drunk and will be of no use to you. You let him sleep and go to the next cell.
    As you slide open that cells window you see a human man inside who is of medium age but looks broken and like an old man and is radiating an aura of hopelessness. You see red and blue bruises and his clothing is torn and ragged. As he realizes that someone is looking at him he starts speaking.
    "Who's there? What do you want?"

    A. - Ask the man about himself.
    B. - Ask the man about dwarfes.
    C. - Ask the man about the snail.
    D. - Close the slideable window and check the next prison cell.
    E. - Free the man and tell him where the secret door is so he can escape.
  • "Both of those depend on you. Who are you, what skills do you have, and what got you thrown in here?"
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    He coughs. Speaking seems to hurt him:
    "Name's "Yorn" and i got no special skills or so. Im only a normal citizen. When the Dwarfs and Elves took over the city they confiscated all the weapons as you probably know. Well, i didnt exactly gave them all my weapons and kept a dagger to defend myself and i made the mistake of carrying it with me. Then one evening when i was on my way home from the inn a dwarf patrol caught me, searched me and found that dagger. They beat me up, threw me in this hole, beat me up again from time to time and thats it."
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