Realms of Rathalat, an MTGCS Forums RPG

This is an RPG campaign set in Rathalat, a heroic fantasy world with wizards, warriors, dragons, druids, zombies, ogres, fluffy kittens, and the like.

If you want to play you must create a character, a legendary creature card with a few rules:
- The rarity must be uncommon, and its mana value should be 4 or less
- The power and toughness combined must be 8 or less, so no 6/6 creatures for 4 mana but with "When this creature enters the battlefield, sacrifice a creature" or something like that.

Then you must create either a skill or equipment card for your character. A skill is an instant or sorcery card with uncommon rarity that has mana value 3 or less. A equipment is obviously, an equipment card also with uncommon rarity and mana value 3 or less.

Example of character with skill and equipment (Note: I'm lazy so I used scryfall to find real MTG cards that conform to my rules.):

Combat System:
- Each character has 4 skill points to spend on using their skill card. The skill card's cost in skill points is equal to its mana cost. Spent skill points regenerate after combat.
- If your character has an equipment , ignore the equip cost and just apply the equipped ability as long as the equipment is being worn or carried.
- Damage dealt to either characters or enemies reduces their toughness by that much. A character with 0 toughness or less falls unconscious, and, if not healed to at least 1 toughness by the next dawn, will die, but they might still be resurrected. Enemies, on the other hand just die when reduced to 0 toughness, but can also be resurrected.

Characters level up to level 2 after completing 1 combat, level up to level 3 after completing 2 more combats, level up to level 4 after completing 3 more combats, and so on. I will explain how leveling up works when the time comes.

Otherwise, you can basically do whatever you want during combat on your turn, provided it doesn't exceed your power level. So no causing fire to rain on your enemies if you don't have a skill that does that. Turn order goes in order of joining, so the first player to join goes first during combat.

Once at least 3 players with their chosen character and either skill or equipment card have joined, the campaign will start.


  • LvBLvB
    edited July 2023
    This seems somewhat familiar ;) Are you my evil clone ?
    But hey, im in.
    "Hello and allow me to introduce myself. My name is Snailoxeroz and i heard that you're looking for adventurers. Now while i may not look like one i can assure you that im perfectly capable of adventuring. As it happens, i aquired a wide range of knowledge about adventuring and im always eager to learn more. I even visited some dungeons and met other adventurers there who shared their experience with me."
    Edit: Changed "Character".

  • edited July 2023
    Nah I'm not an evil clone, but I am inspired by you. I like the job of DM. Nice character, I'm favoriting it.
  • Okay, activated abilities cost skill points equal to their mana cost. If they require the character to tap, the character skips its next turn.
  • edited July 2023
    I'll add a cleric to the party.

    Myst, Luminary VeilweaverCrystalweave Armor

    Hailing from the plane of Astral Nexus, Myst is a luminoth, a radiant psionic creature that embodies the plane's cosmic energies. As a veilweaver, Myst has the ability to weave shimmering threads of this unstable energy into 'veils' with varying effects. While these creations are often as transient as cosmic energy is turbulent, Myst has learned to manifest unusually permanent phenomena, such as the armor they wear.

    (Astral Nexus, the luminoth race, and the Cosmic Shifting ability word come from jpastor's ongoing Planar Die Saga. The rest is me filling stuff in.)
  • edited July 2023
    Good choice to add a cleric, it'll help the party later  ;), but I'm not telling why yet. Also, the creature should be legendary, but it's okay, you can add a name once you level up. We only need one more player now, and then the campaign will start.
  • Snailoxeroz wonders how the Luminary Veilwaver can think with that strange body. Does the Veilwaver have a brain? Snailoxeroz is only asking this out of pure curiosity.
  • edited July 2023
    I knew I was forgetting something. ? Making it legendary simplifies things, so I’ll edit them accordingly in the near future. (Also working on a short intro to answer Snailoxeroz’s curiosity.)

    Edit: Modified my entry above; the image may take awhile to update because of how MTG.Design works. It should be correct if you open the image in a new tab though.
  • @cadstar369
    You're good, the updated version has showed up.

    Random piece of Rathalatian lore:
    This world has long been plagued by the forces of the undead.
    I will write more pieces of lore as the thread continues.

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