You Make The Card (YMTC)



  • Judging is on the way, sorry, been having a busy weekend.
  • Week Fourteen deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    I’m sorry, between school and work I physically do not have the time to write out the judging, so I’m just going to give the score.

    @FireOfGolden - Scroll of Reaction - 86/100
    @LvB - Darkest Future - 84/100
    @Jadefire - Bottled Djinn - 91/100
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Primal Hymn - 87/100
    @Yururu - Tidal Marsh Trap - 87/100
    @Suleman - Connect to the Beyond- 86/100
    @kaoz42 - Manifestation of Somberness - 80/100
    @Floodkiller45 - Test Chamber - (Note: did not adhere to prompt.) 80/100.

    That means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week fourteen of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    3 favs 
    ? Double trouble: Next week, you may submit two cards, but both will be judged more harshly.

    Thank you all for your patience and participation, hopefully I will be less busy next week.

  • Week Fifteen Prompt

    As we all know, the color pie is very important in the balance of Magic, however in this challenge we’re throwing that all out the window. I want you to SHATTER the color pie, the more you break it, the more points. 

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • I know it's not a huge pie break, but it can be used as a counter spell in red so it counts:
  • Black isn't exactly known for ability to deal damage to any creature, so I would say that breaks color pie.

  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  Hopefully, your schedule lightens up soon.  The three favourites can be applied to any of my cards you like:
  • ? Double trouble

    Rakdos cards often focus on getting larger and more offensive, even sacrificing card advantage for time advantage to kill your opponent faster.  This card undergoes the opposite transformation by starting out physically strong and giving that up to become more of a long game card advantage engine.

    This card simply takes a Dimir ability (tutoring) and gives it to a red card with an extremely red effect.  Transmuting for a burn spell combos very well with casting the card for its reduced Madness rate.
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 1
    The best way to shatter the color pie is by not using colors at all !

  • edited February 1
    Can't break color pie, if there isn't a color present to break. ?
  • Week Fifteen deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 5 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Syphon Lightning
    Starting off with a nice and very interesting counterspell.

    Alright, While yes, red does not get counterspells, Izzet most certainly does. And while this card could theoretically be ran in a mono red deck, it being izzet just makes sense. So, I'm am not going to count this as a color pie break. Secondly, this card is really underpowered. While being super unique and interesting, for 2 mana even at the versatile mana cost it is just so situational that it is not really worth it.

    Overall, really cool and interesting card, however it does not break the color pie and is a little underpowered. 77/100

    @Jadefire - Enlightened Brute
    I love how you did the level up format, just makes me wish we had an editor for that on cardsmith.

    Firstly, while the color pie break on this card is not huge, it is still there, so I will say that it fits the prompt. My only real problem with this card is that it is a little on the strong side,  starting as a really good early game card and morphing into a really good late game card. It fits its spot at any level of the game while remaining powerful. While I find this really well made, the fact that it stays entirely powerful at any point feels a little too strong.

    Overall, amazing card, but a little on the powerful side. 90/100

    @Jadefire - Uncontrolled Combustion
    This in mono-red burn would be insane, I love it.

    Firstly, I would really not say that this is a color pie break. I mean yes, transmute is a dimir ability, it could very easily be put in other colors, so this does not feel to me that it fits the prompt, especially with how RED it is. Secondly, dang this is powerful. While balanced multicolor, throw this in something like mono-red burn or storm and you have a game-winning killer. the transmute into madness is just so powerful even with the downside of only being able to use red mana.

    Overall cool card, but really powerful. 82/100

    @FireOfGolden - Bitten by an Inkling   
    I am really liking these inklings and hand made art, really cool.

    I really only find one thing wrong with this card and that is that it is just too underpowered. It's a two mana punch that requires an inkling, which is already not great, but it also has to hit a tapped creature. Plus the tapped creature has to not be an inkling. There are just too many little downsides that it is just not good. I would recommend making it 1 mana or making it so the damage is just dealt to target creature.

    Overall cool card, just very underpowered. 79/100

    @LvB - Grand Mana Emra-Cool
    gotta say, I do love myself a good joke card.

    First off, this definitely does not fit the prompt. I wanted you to make a card that breaks the color pie. This is just no color. so... Secondly, the card is super weak. It has the cool ability to make the opponent not do anything harmful, but that just ends up with skipping the next 2 turns. So in the end its 12 for a 12/12 flash that skips the next couple turns. That is not good, especially for a mythic.

    Interesting card, but does not fit the prompt and is super weak. 70/100
    That means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week thirteen of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 favs 

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Sixteen Prompt

    Create a land that does not have a mana ability.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • @FireOfGolden It needs to be a land card.
  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  The favourites can be applied to any cards you like from my collection.  I'll start you a few pages back so you don't have to go through a bunch of cards you've already seen:

    This card has a lower floor and a higher ceiling than a Deserted Temple or a Wirewood Lodge and functions similar to a Reflecting Pool, all in one.  But flexibility and trying to find creative ways to abuse the card is part of the fun.
  • For week 16:

    The Roil

    PS: I don't know what I was doing with the flash aspect, so you can ignore that when judging (or don't - up to you). If I had premium I would probably make it not have flash since I feel like it makes it weird and confusing for no good reason.
  • I dont really know if this would be too overpowered as a land card but i dont really know.

  • @Floodkiller45

    Unfortunately, "The Sacred Arches" has a mana ability, while the prompt said:
    "Create a land that does not have a mana ability."
  • Week Sixteen deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 6 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @FireOfGolden - Maxman's Throneroom
    Starting off with a nice one, I do like the treasure theme.

    First thing I did notice is that you made it a legendary land, but you did not use the legendary land border. My main problem with the card is how the activated ability is worded. If I'm correct I believe it should be worded this way, "{t}, Tap an untapped basic land you control, it doesn't untap during your next untap step: Create a Treasure token." As, how it's currently worded, you could just tap out your basics and still get the treasure. Final thing is that Treasure should be capitalized on the card.

    Overall, very cool card, just some grammatical errors. 82/100

    @Suleman - Archeological Digsite
    I got to say, I love the simplicity of this card, it's really cool.

    The only thing I find wrong with this card is just the fact that it feels pretty underpowered. For missing a land drop, looking at the top two and maybe getting a land does not feel worth it. I's bump this up to top 3 cards, or bump it down to a common. Also, I'm pretty sure you misspelled archaeological.

    Overall cool card, just feels underpowered. 84/100

    @Jadefire - Pool of Vitality 
    I really loved how you made this untap lands only with mana ablitites to make it not go infinite, that just feels very clean and unique. Love it.

    Firstly, there has to be a way to go infinite with this, right? I haven't found one, but there has to be. Anyway, This should not be an uncommon. It's synergy with something like lotus field provides too much mana for it not to be a rare.

    Overall, cool card, but should definitely be a rare. 84/100

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - The Roil  
    I will be judging this without the flash, and yeah I agree that does make it pretty confusing.

    The only thing I really find wrong with this card is that it feels very underpowered for a mythic. The fact that it only does colorless mana really cuts down on the number of uses. Note, I can totally see this being really cool in some specific decks, but as it is now, it feels rather underwhelming.

    Overall, I think this makes a really cool concept, but as it is, it feels underpowered. 83/100

    @LvB - The City In Between
    I love the idea behind this card, I love how it combines the abilities of exile and switching out with lands.

    The glaring problem I find with this card is the fact is goes infinite with itself or something like Vesuva. A very simple fix for this however is to make it enter the battlefield tapped. I also feel that this should be a rare not a mythic, given the fact that exiling lands isn't that common.

    Overall, I absolutly LOVE this card concept, however it does need some balance fixes. 85/100

    @Floodkiller45 - The Sacred Arches
    I want to know the lore behind this card, why are the arches buffing dragons?

    Firstly and most obviously, this card does not fit the prompt, as it was to create a card without a mana ability. Besides that fact, oh m gosh is this card broken. Firstly meance for all dragons on a free land is so good. Menace is an overlooked ability and all dragons having halves your opponents blockers. I do think the regeneration is actually pretty cool and well built though. Finally the free sac outlet to draw a card is so good. Imagine this with changelings or something like Maskwood Nexus. 

    Overall, insanely broken card, all the abilities are so good, there's 3 of them, and they're all on a free land. 70/100
    That means Congrats @LvB ;You have won Week Sixteen of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 favs + 2 hugs

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Seventeen Prompt

    We always need some good bombs, so let's make some huge ones. Create a card that costs 10+ mana and has no cost reducing effects. (ex: Enter the Infinite)

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • edited February 15
    More my style.
    If you have questions how this would resolve, i looked it up.
    following ruling 717(.d) the following would happen (in any x player games):
    It ends the turn at the same time of resolving Take an extra turn,
    ending the turn doesn't End the turn, it merely skips every step and phase until the cleanup phase whilst exiling the stack as it is resolving. Because of  514.3 nobody has priority during this step but it is still the turn the spell was cast. Thus you would take an extra turn after the turn ends.

    If this is wrong, or i missed something. Please send me the rulings that affect this card. If this was played in a tournament i'd call over a judge.
  • Congratulations @LvB!  The City in Between is a very original concept.

    @Robo_Kitty if there is a way to go infinite with Pool of Vitality and one other card, I haven't found it yet.  But that's kind of how I designed it, to not give anyone a freebie two card infinite.  You're totally right about the card needing to be rare.  It functions at least as well as a Reflecting Pool, which is also a rare.  I've been holding off on pulling the trigger to change this three-year-old card, but I think it's time to make the update.


    It may be splitting hairs, but I'm going to consider cost reduction and alternate costs to be different things.  In case it wasn't obvious, the effect of Torrent of Thought counts itself when it resolves, so you get to cast a 9-or-less mana spell for free as your next spell and then it just cascades down from there.  Good thing Treasure Cruise is banned in so many formats.  Otherwise, it'd be too easy to reset back to eight.
  • Sorry to all if my previous cards did not meet the requirements, but this time and for all others I will make cards that meet the quota. 

    The special keyword "Assassinate", is an idea inspired by Phage the Untouchable. 

    Anyway here's my submission: 

  • edited February 14
    I recorrected my mistake, here's better one.

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