You Make The Card (YMTC)




    Thanks @Robo_Kitty.  There's little that's more emblematic of the holidays than get-togethers (maybe with people you don't see the rest of the year because they live in far away lands) and eating (lots of potlucks during this time).
  • BTW, distemperature is essentially an illness (noun. a distempered or disordered condition; disturbance of health, mind, or temper).

    In an absolute sense, a repeatable manaless loot every turn isn't that powerful, as commons like Merfolk Looter, Thought Courier, and Looter il-Kor have been providing that for years.  The big deal for Rakdos is getting the draw before the (nonrandom) discard, which is very uncommon in red (E.g., Faithless Looting).  Being a legendary two-colour card that only grants madness to one card type also helps to rein in the card's power, since multiple copies can't be stacked to increase the number of card types that have madness.
  • edited December 2023
    Week eleven deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 5 entries this week, let's get into judging.

    @kaoz42 - Snowform Commando
    Starting off with a snowman, one of my personal holiday favorites

    Firstly I just want to say that vulnerability to red is such a cool mechanic. Though honestly, it could probably be made more powerful, like double damage or something, because just an additional 1 damage is not that huge of a debuff. Secondly, for the getting mana for each snow permanent, shouldn't you add something like "Until end of turn, this mana does not empty from your mana pool as phases end. As how it's phrased now, you only get that mana for the combat step.

    Overall, very cool card with an awesome mechanic. 87/100

    @smax765 - Winter is Coming
    This is definitely a very appropriate card for the time.

    Firstly, I just want to say that throwing a bit of flavor text on this card would have made it feel a lot more complete. Secondly, the entering tapped effect feels a little powerful for what the card is meant to be, and I think it would have worked perfectly fine as just the prevent damage and the "can't be countered." Though, looking at some of the new wotc cards, it kind of makes sense

    Overall, interesting card, though I would have loved to see some flavor text. 85/100

    @jaceberlinn - Deck the Halls
    A brutal card, and I must say I love the flavor text.

    The only real problem I have with this card is that it is very underpowered. I mean look at Flame Slash. It is a instant that costs {r} and deals 4 damage to target creature, and it is a common. This card costs {1} more, and the controller gets a treasure. The only real buff I see is if you use it on your own creature, and that's not that great of a buff.

    Overall, such a clean card, but just too underpowered. 85/100

    @Jadefire - Bounty of the Land
    A meal with friends and family, arguably the most important part of the holiday season.

    I have to say, I see almost nothing wrong with this card. The only real thing i have against this is that it is rather basic, but that is honestly me stretching to find something wrong with this.

    Overall, amazing card, I love the flavor, and it is really well made. 96/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Santa Claws   
    Ok, yes, I love this pun. It is just so Purrfect.

    Firstly, in the mana cost the red and green mana should be switched, with the red first. Secondly, the undying feels a little strange, it is mostly used on zombies and spirits, and in this context, it just feels unneeded. Thirdly, all the abilities feel so different and strange. Wile yes, they all fit with the idea of Santa, they just don't all work as one magic card. 

    Overall, great concept, just a little overdesinged. 77/100
    This means Congrats @Jadefire ;You have won Week eleven of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 Favs
    3 favs + ? Statue Card: I will create a card of/for you and it will be gifted to you. 

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Twelve Prompt

    As a green player, I am saddened by how little removal there is in green. I want you to create a green boardwipe that still fits into the color pie.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • Not sure if it quite counts as a board wipe, but I in case it does:

    Moons Revelation
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 certainly a unique one, but I’ll count it.
  • edited January 2
    "I want you to create a green boardwipe that still fits into the color pie."

    This is a bit of a stretch and difficult to balance in terms of cost, but I hope it counts.
    Clarification: The effect only applies to creatures that are present on the battlefield when this enters. It works like e.g. Kitesail Larcenist.
    EDIT: I forgot to add the "when this enters the battlefield" trigger.
  • edited January 4

    Fog of war and morph concepts, both present in green.
    I feel a high cost is warranted given how close to color pie breaking we're heading in the main ramp color.
    Edit: Changed reminder text placement (middle to end) and corrected some wording.
  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  I'll take 3 faves + Statue Card.  I like your designs and I'm curious to see the direction you go in with this.  The favourites can go to any of my cards you like:
  • @Jadefire The favs have been applied, the statue card will probably take a few days.

    While not technically a board wipe in the fullest sense, this card does provide the potential for a one-to-many trade under the right circumstances and, even more significantly, one-sided selection.  There's something whimsical about getting to turn your Forests sideways for the effect, given the name and flavour of the card.  Also, experimenting with non-mana Overload costs to not tax the untapped Forests that the effect will depend on.
  • Argh, @Jadefire winning three weeks in a row. The rest of us had better win this one. It might not be me as the winner, but one of the others.
  • @Jadefire Here is your statue card. I hope you like it!
    Master of the Jade Fire

    This was one devil of a pain to make. The mtgcardsmith creator has tons of trouble loading breaks.
  • @kaoz42 I just got lucky that I had entries that fit the challenges for those weeks. I actually had to make a card for this week's challenge, so not as much time went into it as my older cards.

    @Robo_Kitty the Statue Card looks really good and does a great job representing its colours.
  • @Jadefire
    I don't know... It's still really good.
  • @kaoz42 I've often found that it's helpful to include some explanation with my card.  What's obvious to me as the cardsmith may not be getting communicated as clearly as I think and it just helps others to see the intention and decisions that were made to bring the card to the point that it's at.
  • This card will win:


    Not my proudest moment but in my defense the reason green gets no board wipes is that they get everything else.
  • edited January 6
    Week twelve deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 8 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Moon's Revelation
    Certainly a unique one, not sure it is necessarily a "boardwipe", but it's close enough.

    Firstly, I just want to say that I love the creativity and I love the idea of the card. However, ruleswise and actually using the card in game would be so confusing, and several rules would have to be implemented. Not that it can't be done, it would just be very difficult. Secondly, for only 3 mana, this card is extremely powerful, there are some cards that are made hard to transform because their transformed side is so good, and this card would shatter the balance on many different cards.

    Overall awesome card in concept, way overpowered in actuality. 85/100

    @Suleman - Baker's Prison.
    This is another card that I really love the concept of, and the vision of everything sudden;y becoming gingerbread is hilarious to me.

    Ok, for this judging I am assuming you wanted the creatures to lose all other abilities, because otherwise this is a very different card. Ok, with that out of the way, I think that as it is right now, it is very expensive. This card could honestly work for 5 or even 4 mana, six is a little too much. My main problem with this card is the wording. What I am assuming you were going for is this. "When Baker's Prison enters the battlefield, all creatures lose all types and abilities and become Food artifacts with '{2}, {t}, Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life' for as long as Baker's Prison remains on the battlefield."

    Overall, good concept, but the wording and mana cost are off. I give it 79/100

    @Yururu - Fae Mists
    Ok, this is a very cool take on a boardwipe, I would honestly love to use it in a deck.

    When I was looking at this card, I kept feeling like something was off about the mana cost, not sure if its too high, or too low. I honestly think what was throwing me off was how differently this could affect different decks, so i think the mana cost is fine. My only real problem with it is that the whole switching around cards and confusing players feel a lot more blue or black than green, and even the whole fae aspect is leaning me in that direction.

    Overall, I LOVE this card and how it works, but it doesn't really feel green to me. 88/100.

    @Jadefire - Timbercrush
    I love the visual with this one, the idea of the trees crashing down, so cool.

    I only have one real problem with this card, and it's that I feel like the overload feels too cheap. This card can destroy boardstates, and for only three mana it feels too easy, and with things like mana rocks you wouldn't even need to tap your lands to cast it. The discard cost is cool, but I don't think it's a big enough downside to justify the cheap mana cost, being only 1 more mana over normal.

    Overall, awesome card, with an awesome theme, but the overload is too cheap. 86/100

    @kaoz42 - Summon the Titan of the Earth  
    Ok, this is an epic card, and I bet it would feel epic to use in game

    Firstly, this is way to cheap. It is only 7 mana and destroys all non-land permanents you don't control. If we look at cards like In Garruk's Wake, it's nine mana and only destroys creatures and planeswalkers and it's still one of the best boardwipes. Even with the whole forests thing it is still too cheap. This card can be a gamewinner that no amount of extra mana can come back from. I recommend putting it up to something like 8 or 9 mana. Secondly, there is a slight wording issue. It should be "The controllers of those permanents."

    Overall, great concept, but too powerful in practice. 79/100.

    @LvB - Narcotic Overgrowth
    Alright, the design of this one is really interesting

    Ok, so I see a really big problem with this card. With the way it is currently worded, you could assign all your opponent's permanents to all their lands, and all your permanents to only one of your lands. Essentially Permanently tapping all your opponents lands, while only tapping one of yours. Even with this wording fixed in a way such as assigning permanents to different lands, this card basically stops all lands from functioning, which is really not fun. I would fix it by making this spell an enchantment that only has the effect while ti is on the battlefield so an opponent can remove it.

    Overall, if redesigned a bit it could be great, but as it stands now, incredibly broken. 74/100

    Ok, I absolutely love a good colossal dreadmaw meme every now and then.

    Alright, firstly, I just want to say I love cards like this, boardwipes that are just saying "Destroy all non-land permananets" but do it in a fun way. Great job on that. Secondly, this is way to expensive and underpowered. For a mythic, and a general boardwipe, one that you have to control a specific creature for, I would put this at somewhere around 4 or 3 mana. Finally, this should be a silver bordered card, it fits better a joke opposed to a real card.

    Overall, hilarious card based in a hilarious meme, but too underpowered. 83/100

    @jaceberlin - Collosal Misstep
    Ok, this one I think fits the color pie best out of all the cards this week.

    I actually really love this card, In think it is a perfect representation of a green boardwipe. However, I do notice that it should say "Then, It deals damage..." to clarify the order of operations. I do also think that while it is fine at six mana, it is very powerful, and if you wanted it more middle of the road, I would put it up to 7.

    Overall, amazing card, one of my favorites of the YMTC so far. I give it a 91/100
    That means Congrats @jaceberlin ;You have won Week twelve of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 favs
    ?Innovator's Ring: You can create a prompt for one of the following weeks. Message me the prompt and I will use it in one of the following weeks, crediting you. (And no this is not me running out of ideas how dare you assume so.)

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Thirteen Prompt

    Create a card that can be played before the start of the first turn. (ex: The leylines)

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • Great job @jaceberlin!  I would've voted for your card too.
  • Congrats to @jaceberlin !
    In defense of my wording on Baker's Prison: I modeled it directly after Kitesail Larcenist, so it should follow MTG's official formatting rules pretty much exactly.
    I do agree that it's expensive for its effect, but green shouldn't have cost-effective board wipes in the first place.
  • @Suleman has a good point.  Even without the "loses all other abilities" part (which would admittedly make the card less useful if you needed to get rid of a creature with a problemmatic ability) Baker's Prison follows an approved, though less conventional, Oracle wording.  Because Kitesail Larcenist is a more complicated card that requires choices to be made, rather than having a blanket effect, it has a slightly modified wording of the ability to communicate that it does everything it does on ETB and that those things all remain that way as long as the Larcenist remains on the battlefield.  However, the impulse to word Baker's Prison like Awakener Druid is very understandable because that's the way most other cards word that kind of ability.

    BTW, mentioning that "all creatures lose all types" is unnecessary because whenever there's a card type change, the new type(s) overwrite all previous types (even if the new type matches one of the old types) like with In Too Deep or Minimus Containment.  That's why a card like Awakener Druid has to go out of its way to say that the animated land is still a land and why "in addition to its other types" is seen so often.

    As for Timbercrush, I get the concern over the Overload cost being so low, especially because it's a targeted effect, which inherently makes it asymmetrical.  It does require a fairly heavy commitment to playing Forests or cards like Arbor Elf, Voyaging Satyr, or Rime Tender along with mana ramp to really abuse.  But if you're building your deck that way, you should get the reward for doing so.  Otherwise, when overloading Timbercrush naturally, it has a base cost of 1GGG and discarding a card (effectively giving up an additional G to tap the Forest for the card's effect rather than for mana) with Strive G.  This just gives you parity as a 2-for-2 when you have two Forests and two other sources of green mana (a natural turn five play without ramp) and only starts generating value with each additional Forest thereafter.
  • Yeah I know that Moon's Revelation is kinda OP, I just thought the idea of a 'transform all permanents' card would be cool and didn't stop to think about balance. If I could edit it it would probably cost 5 mana (3GG).

    Anyway, here's this my entry for week's prompt!

    Twilight Sphinx
  • "How mad is that guy?" "Yes."
  • @Robo_Kitty Thanks! Could you please favorite these two and any 3 of mine?
    I'll send you my innovator's ring as well.
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