RPG: The Figure World



  • When permanents and/or spells are put back into their owners' hand;
    - They will be able to cast that spell again, if they have casted this turn. (Unless they then discard very same card in same turn)
    - They will not get refund mana from returned cards.
  • @FireOfGolden
    I said I'll hold my actions.
  • @kaoz42
    So, you would like to skip combat phase and end the turn? As I mentioned, there is no limit to your actions.
  • @FireOfGolden
    Nevermind, I'll attack the alpha stickwolf.
  • @kaoz42 Smax765
    As you bite the alpha stickwolf, another stickwolf lost its courage then flees away.

    Party is victory! They earned 14 exp total;
    Ugragos earns 7 exp
    Auramancer earns 7 exp

    There are two Stickwolf's claw, three Raw Meats, and a stickwolf fur laying on the ground. Take these? Or convince Auramancer to take some? (Auramancer is currently under System's control).

    As you walk through forest, you blinked and everything went black. You felt icy crawling through to your skin as your throat feels dryly. Your eyes then adjusted to the black screen as spots of lights begins to glows... You are surrounded by the stars.

    "Hello, Ogam, that's your name, right?" You heard the voice from your behind. You turn toward to the stickman with a book. You noticed some floating stickmen around that figure and you could see through them.

    You may react;
    - "What... What is going on?"
    -  "Who are you and what have you done to us?"
    - "Where am I?"
    - "Why did you brought me to here?!"
    - [Attack the unknown figure]
    - [Ignore the figure and hope to bore them out]
    - Do else

    Kaoz42, you will have to wait for this. It may last for one minute to ten minutes.

  • edited December 2023
    Ogam keeps his focus on the main stickman, not wanting to risk appearing disrespectful for the moment. "I suppose I am. And you are…?"
  • @cadstar369
    "My name is Wenkman, the only wizard in entire timeline! I am here to study the way of magic, how they kept figures alive and why are some magic are fading away from some we call forgotten figure. Mind you, magic itself is very interesting and powerful!" Wenkman smiled as he would teleports to behind of Ogam as he would walks around Ogam, examining him. "You, are the one of three whose are very unqine. It is not because your race is different. But it is because you are color! In this universe, the color itself simply doesn't exist. That's why I decided to freeze the time to bring you to here and question you some questions. Is that okay with you?" Wenkman finished as he finally stopped in front of Ogam in four feet away.
  • Nonplussed, Ogam shrugs. "Ask away."
  • @FireOfGolden
    I will take them all since the Auramancer didn't really help the fight.
  • edited January 5
    Are you still present?

    After you took items in, you been frozen at point as something cause the time to halt.

    "To start with, what is name of the country you come from before you ended up here? Since you are somewhat like a guard similar as these soldiers of Queke, what is morally and immorally to you?" Wenkman hesitated as he would check twice swiftly his book, " How many races are there in your country? I counted three so far... But I saw a scary creature that has no face, it's all spikes, no hands. No feet. Just all spikes, what kind race is that?" Wenkman ran out breath as he looks at Ogam patiently, edging for any answers.

    [ You may negotiate Wenkman to answer some questions for you; knowledge for knowledge. ]
  • @cadstar369
    Is everything aight?
  • edited January 7
    It wasn't easy to decide what questions to ask; also wanted to make sure I didn't break character with them.

    "I hail from a land called Onea, though the others you speak of almost certainly do not. The question of what constitutes my morality is far too broad to answer in full, but perhaps suffice it to say my duty in large part was to minimize harm where I could. The number of different peoples in the realm I hail from is too many to count, nor is it truly worth attempting to do so when new peoples could be created or extinguished every day.

    "If I may, my abilities appear to be greatly reduced in this realm, and magic seems to function differently here than it does in Onea. Would you perhaps have any idea as to why that is?"
  • @cadstar369
    "Well that's tough questions." Wenkman says as he would shows his book, "All I could say is realm itself works differently from your realm. From what I see, our body requires a lot of energy to cast spells or some tricks. Here, we call "Paper World" gives little energy to each entites. As result, we are what we call Figures, we barely took a shape and couldn't gain some color. In return, we get better abilities and more effective to cast spells." Wenkman would take a quick look at Ogam, "Your body pulled energy from you that came from this realm to give it some color and shape. Because of this, your energy is lower than usually. I suppose that through your experience or your practice, ability to do that could require less energy to do so."

    Wenkman then opens his book.

    "One last question then you may ask a few questions before I send you back." Wenkman ahemed, "Did you meet The Creator by any chance? Because I can sense that gift on you very similar as mine all back to the time where it begins."
  • "I know not of this creator you speak of. Even if I did meet them, I doubt they allowed me to retain any memories of such an encounter."

    Ogam takes a few moments to consider what to ask in return. "Would you perhaps be able to point me toward some nearby places of interest? I'd like to see some of the more interesting regions this realm has to offer."
  • @cadstar369
    "Well, worth a shot. I did met The Creator once, but it been very long and I can't quite remember. I assumed you met Him once because I can sense you have same gift as mine which He gave me." Wenkman closed his book then he would ask one of the illusions. An illusion would disappear then reappear with a paper. "I can't tell you where I would recommend you to go, so I went with this map of this world instead. It may look small, but it is actually bigger than it appear. It gives you a few place to go." He offers it to Ogam, "If you decided to go to The Kingdom of Figures, say hi to Queke for me, wouldn't you?" 

    ( ! ) Wenkman is offering Ogam a MAP OF FIGURE WORLD, Ogam may take it or refuse it.
  • Ogam graciously accepts the map, promising to speak to Queke should the opportunity arise.
  • @cadstar369

    "Perhaps we will see each other again, I will send you to the forest to help that poor figure. You gathered a certain item that can help him easily. However, jounary might be not easy. You might have to bring that dragon and strange-looking creature with you." Wenkman made a goodbye gesture, you suddenly took an inhale of air as if you held your breath for a second. You found yourself in the forest once again.

    You may;
    - Search for Ugragos and <Sys> Auramancer 
    - Return to camp
    - Keep on forging
    - Do else


    You blinked then you are somewhat confused as if you been here before. It might be just you. Now you gathered the items and Auramancer is just standing there aimless.

    You may;
    - Return to camp
    - Convince Auramancer to join
    - Keep forging
    - Do else

    Are you still here?
  • Ugragos will look for Ogam, taking to the skies. He invites the Auramancer to follow from below to see if Ogam thinks the Auramancer is appropriate.
  • @cadstar369 ;
    Waiting by

    Because you disappeared without letting me know, I will remove gift and traits from Auramancer Sliver, that way, whoever takes over may choose different gift and its traits for that character. If they wish, they may rework the spells.

    New rule:
    When you decide to start new character in existing timeline with other players. Your level of character will be half of the highest level character in that timeline. 
  • Ogam will head back to camp with Fen.
  • @kaoz42
    The sliver seems confused seeing everything are black and white to it but Ugragos. Hence, it then follows along through the forest.

    It seems Wenkman teleported you to the camp within two or three yards away. Fen seems confused about unable to determine if it been moved or not. You and Fen arrived the camp then you hear this; "Ah, good afternoon. Did you got anything good?" There is a stickman whose is boiling a pot of water. Larryman, then he added; "I am perparing to create a meal for travel to Kingdom of Figures." You would hear something flapping. You looked up and see a dragon flying over to you as Larryman let out a scream on sight of strange creature.

    @Kaoz42 @Cadstar369 ;  
    Ugragos arrived to the camp, but Larryman isn't used to Auramancer Sliver and Ogam have yet to meet that sliver as well. They may attack Auramancer, it is up to Ugragos to either stop them or allow and see what happens.

    You may;
    - Too many options to display; Do something
  • Ugragos will watch from the sidelines and says "Just another colored explorer I found. What do you think?'
  • @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    Please see what Kaoz42 has said, it concerns you.

    The sliver would thrill that why and how did it ended in the world where color failed to exist.

    "That thing... Is an explorer?! It has no eyes, nor mouth! How is it still alive, kicking and talking around?!" Larryman would took a step back once.
  • With no time to respond before Larryman starts screaming about the sliver, Ogam will draw his bow on the creature, waiting to see what it does next.

    The lycan cocks one brow at Ugragos's words. "And this creature is…what, exactly?"
  • @kaoz42
    Please see what Cadstar369 said, it concerns you.

    In reaction to Ogam getting in defensive pose, Auramancer Sliver would steady its spikes and is ready to bring any strike at moment's notice.
  • Ugragos says "A sliver, I believe. They had them in my world, hivemind creatures that could share their knowledge and abilities with everyone in their hive, though this one seems to be independent and more intelligent."
  • @cadstar369
    Please see what Kaoz42 said, it concerns you.

    "A... A hivemind creature called sliver? Well, at least it doesn't infect someone just like inklings. Inklings, now that's worse." Larryman scoffed, he mumbled to himself that single hivemind creature type is enough. "Whatever you call it... Keep... Keep that thing away from me. I don't want to do anything about it."

    Auramancer Sliver scoffed at Larryman. It thrilled something unfamiliar language, but its tone appears to be negatively. It remains in defensive pose, towarding to Ogam, unsure what would the wolf do.
  • Recalling stories he's been told by some adventurer acquaintances in his world, Ogam warily lowers his bow. "So long as there's only one of them. If more start showing up, I'm out."

    Keeping the sliver in sight, Ogam shows the plants he's picked to Larryman. "I've been told one of these should be useful to you, but I don't know enough about this realm to tell which it is."
  • @kaoz42 @cadstar369
    The sliver would let its limp all spiked fall. It's not longer in defensive pose. It seems the wolf isn't threaten to it anymore.

    "Did someone told you that? Let me see..." Larryman would take a look at Ogam's items, "Well, I will be danged. I don't know who someone told you that, but they is certainly right. See that mushroom? It's called Dipped Mushroom, did you went to the Deep Forest to get it?" Larryman picked up the Dipped Mushroom off Ogam's hand (or paw, I still don't know how does anthropomorphic works). "May I have a Characoaled Leaf?" Larryman asked.
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