RPG: The Figure World



  • Ogam shrugs, handing the figure a Charcoaled Leaf. "It's rather difficult to tell sections of this forest apart; I was merely wandering in an effort to find various plants that looked potentially useful."


    Regarding anthro anatomy, as far as I understand, body parts that are similar in function to a human's can generally be called either what they would be on a person or on the appropriate animal. (E.g. 'hand' and 'paw' can be used practically interchangeably for Ogam.) If the parts in questions function notably differently from a human's though, it's usually called what we'd call it on an animal. (E.g. Ogam has a digitigrade stance, so one would use 'paws' instead of 'feet' for him since humans are plantigrade.)
  • @cadstar369
    "Well, this mushroom you found usually grows in the deep forest surrounded by something terriblying." Larryman then took the leaf. He then puts mushroom and leaf into the pot which is now boiling. He then grabs a stick to stir it as it would gives a good smell away along the steam. He then grabs a few wooden bowls, Larryman would pour a few cups into each with wooden spoon. He offers Ogam a bowl of mushroom soup, as same way for Ugragos. Auramancer didn't get any bowl, might because he didn't made enough for it or he simply dislike it.

    Larryman then drinks the last mushroom soup. "Ah, that's good one! I think I would be good enough to guide you to Kingdom of Figures." He would gets up as he would use a long stick to support his weight, "I happened to have a map of this land. However, to get into Kingdom of Figures, we must pass Forgotten Land. They aren't friendly and will attack anything on sight." 

    There's a Doctor in House! - Completed 
    16 exp was awarded - Each memeber gets 6 exp! (Rounded up)

    On Way to Kingdom of Figures

    Visit The Kingdom of Figures

    Explore the Land!

    Visit every land. ( 12.5% )
  • Ugragos will ask Ogam if he thinks the Auramancer is a fitting companion or not.
  • edited January 23
    Please see what Kaoz42 said, it concerns you.

    Auramancer would just stare at Ugragos, looking confused. A companion? Is that why you brought me around, just to make me your a pet, when wolfman approves? Auramancer thrilled.
  • "My reaction wasn't telling enough? How many would willingly travel with an unpredictable killing machine that tends to appears in swarms?"
  • @kaoz42
    Please see what Cadstar369 said, it concerns you.

    The sliver would speak in alien-like language to Ogam's comment. It seems it is negative tone, something tells Ogam that the sliver may be cussing in frustration. Then I am sorry if I seems a killing machine to you, but you must know this that I was given a task to take care of fellow slivers. However, when I would take a step toward, all I know is I am in forest where color seems to cease. I was confused and afraid then the animals would jump on me and attempt to kill me.

    Auramancer Sliver vibrated its head, I am willing to defend myself and kill anyone who attempt to remove life from me. When the dragon brought me to you and you seems ready to attack me. I thought it was an ambush and I about to become a food.
  • Here another time!
  • @smax765
    Welcome back, we missed you! Are you feeling like taking over Auramancer Sliver now? If you do, you may add a Gift and a trait from it to your Auramancer Sliver.
  • Ok, I will do it when I can :smile:
  • Considering slivers speak like insects, Ogam wouldn't be able to understand it (unless Ugragos is 'translating' via psionics or something, which has its own issues). He will keep a wary distance from the sliver regardless.
  • @smax765
    In lore, does Auramancer know some to speak human-like language? If so, then its accent may be strong.
  • I will take silence as yes.

    Since Auramancer Sliver speaks only in "sliver language", it should say like this but with strong accent;

    I defend me, I kill enemies [Unknown Accent] Dragon take [Unknown Accent] is ambush.

    Sounds reasonable?
  • It doesn't change Ogam's response either way; I wanted to mention it since it's an interesting obstacle the party will probably need to navigate going forward.

    On a separate note, what happens with Larryman after we finish the soup?
  • @cadstar369
    Well, you aren't wrong about that.

    If would you take a look at last paragraph;
    Larryman then drinks the last mushroom soup. "Ah, that's good one! I think I would be good enough to guide you to Kingdom of Figures." He would gets up as he would use a long stick to support his weight, "I happened to have a map of this land. However, to get into Kingdom of Figures, we must pass Forgotten Land. They aren't friendly and will attack anything on sight." 

    Larryman is awaiting for Ogam and Ugragos response. Larryman is ready to hike toward Kingdom of Figures unless Ogam or Ugragos has another plan such as forging or making some weapons
  • @Kaoz42?

    Waiting for your response, @Smax765 ;

    @Cadstar369 ;
    While waiting for these peope, if you have some time, I would like some feedbacks on lores of Figure World. Is it good or bad? Too wide?
  • Ugragos will just wait; he has no preference until events occur. 
  • Ogam has no plans to do anything before we head out.


    Regarding the lore so far, there's nothing particularly conclusive that comes to mind at this point. We've only met a few characters, and it's not as if we've been told enough for anything to be contradictory or otherwise problematic. Personally, I'm curious as to how the broad strokes the PCs have been told about a few of these regions are going to get fleshed out later, so I'd say everything is fine currently.
  • @kaoz42 @smax765 @cadstar369
    Then Ogam, Ugragos, Auramancer, and Larryman - Larryman staying a few feet away from the sliver - begins leaves the camp for the way to...

    The Kingdom of Figures

    Larryman took the party through the forest without any issues. However, the area has less and less trees as they could notice some parts are floating away, just withering and crumbling over time.

    "I would stay away from the hole and don't touch anything. Otherwise, it has a chance to turn you into forgotten."

    Larryman warned. On edge of the affected forest, the party left to the...

    The Forgotten Land

    As your eyes already adjusted to sunlight, you then now have a clearly view as the sky is crumbling as its holes slowly getting bigger. You could see some lands are just floating around in the sky as the ground gently trumbles. You might have to be careful where you will step on, otherwise, the ground will introduce you to the sky.

    And there's a Figure that's just standing around. It seems it is armored up and is holding two swords. "Reasoning with a forgotten figure is impossible. We should kill her before she gets to us." Larryman said.

    Party may;
    - Ignore Larryman's advice and talk to the Forgotten figure.
    - Jump on her and attack at everything they got.
    - Sneak around Forgotten Figure and pray she doesn't notice the party
    - Do else...
  • edited February 2
    Whoops, forgot to respond after finishing my grad school homework. ?

    Ogam intends to only strike in self-defense, regardless of what approach the party takes. (He will not participate in the initial assault if the others vote for B, but otherwise has no preference.)
  • Ugragos says "If the figure gets aggressive, Ogam and I can subdue it with magic while Fen finishes it off. I will talk to the figure unless you give me a few solid reasons why not to, Larryman."
  • @kaoz42 @cadstar369
    "Because many people died to these lost souls whose wander through this land, looking for a honor's death. This figure is wearing an anicent armor that was there before the Forgotten. I am begging you to kill her before she knows-" Larryman would be cut by another woman-like voice goes; "No. You will not sneak on people just to pull lifeforce out of them. That is cowardice." The forgotten figure scoffed at Larryman, then she looks at the party for short time. She finally says; "I am Ko-Fom, the warrior of Flame. I seek for a Honor's Death, perhaps one of you would be able to give me that. If you can't, then the Flame would welcome you with His open arms." She then draws her right-handed shortsword.

    As the party takes a look at her;

    What would the party do?
    - Convince the forgotten figure to...
     + Join the party
     + Move along
     + Else

    - Introduce yourself before battle begins

    - Ask some questions before battle begins
    [ Forgotten figure may refuse to answer certain questions ]

    - Do else
  • I will try to be more active here.
  • @kaoz42 @cadstar369
    Due to lack of activity, this RPG will be paused until two people are ready to begin
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