Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited January 29
    Archie, not paying attention, kicks Raulus's hand prevents him from trying to pull Archie down. (Unless Raulus helps Archie out to climb up, because I am unsure about what did you said about "yanks Archie up".

  • @FireOfGolden
    Raulus is helping Archie for three secs.
  • @kaoz42
    Ah, gotcha. I gotta to void perviously action.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 29
    Archie, who is now 30 meters above ground and climbing up the wall of the canyon tries to climb higher.

    So heres how this works. You grab a D20 (20 sided dice) if you have one and if you dont, you go to a website with a random d20 generator.
    Then you roll the d20 15 times.
    For the first roll its 1-19: you climb up 10 meters, 20 you fall down.
    Next one 1-18 you climb up 10 more meters, 19-20 you fall down
    Then 1-17 you climb up 10 more meters, 18-20 you fall down
    and so on until you rolled the dice 15 times.
    If you succeed, you reach the top of the canyon wall.
    If you fall down from a height thats more than 50 meters, your character is dead.

    And, you have to be absolutely honest with the dice rolls. No cheating, no rolling again. You get 15 rolls and thats it.
  • Isn't that a little too much? I will have to screenshoot fifteen times for evidence.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 29
    Meanwhile Duucxejial and Raulus scout the Area. Towards the direction in which the small stream of water on the ground of the canyon flows, the canyons wall are becoming lower and the walls distance increases, so the canyon becomes wider, while in the other direction, where the Snow Goat is slowly moving, the walls are becoming higher.
    Eldric and Rargh follow you, while from time to time looking up to Archie and talking about that he should really climb down, because what Archie does seems like a really bad idea.
    Then, the canyon does a little turn/curve and suddenly you can see the canyons exit in about 100 meters distance. But already you can see a spectacular panaroma. Mountains reaching high into the blue sky, their tops covered in snow and then hidden by clouds. Up to their mid the mountains are full of trees and far away in a valley between two mountains you can see something that looks like a little city or a castle surrounded by houses.
    And though it is quite cold at this height, the sun is doing its best to heat the mountains stones. Wait, the sun?!? There is no other planet blocking most of the sun, which means that you are no longer on Arkanion.

    And since you cannot see any moons, you are quite sure that you are on Pyria in a Mountainous area that faces the sun.

    But then as you focus more on your surroundings, you see that something that looks like a path is in front of the canon leading to the left , up the mountain and to the right, down the mountain. It is not very steep, but almost 10 meters wide, making it comfortable to walk upon.
    A. - Go back and tell Archie what you have found and convince him to climb down to you.
    B. - Forget Archie, if he wants to fall into death, let him do so. But lets go back into the canyon to see where the canyon leads or ends.
    C. - Take the path left that leads up the mountain.
    D. - Take the path right that leads down the mountain.
    E. - Stop splitting up and gather the party, then move on together.
    F. - Do something else

    Optional Quest: Create a card of the mountainous panarama you see as you exit the canyon.
  • edited January 29
    Might as well confirm whatever dead end lies in the other direction (i.e. upstream) and pick up Archie on the way.

    Edit: That's one crazy suite of debuffs. Looks like encounters are going to be rather dull for the foreseeable future…
  • Archie will climb down.
  • Raulus agrees since he has nothing better to do.
    Yeah that's an insane debuff. So it basically completely nerfs Raulus and weakens the others. All of Raulus's six+ spells are creatures which would become useless. A 6/6, even with Archie's buff, becomes a 4/4. A 4/3 becomes a 1/1.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 29
    You move back into the canyon to see where it leads. As you arrive at the cave with the portal you came through, you see the Snow Goat in the caves entrance, where its licking the walls and the ground. It looks at you for a moment, but then the cave seems way more interesting.
    You move on and after some hundred meters the canyon becomes wider again and then ends. And at its end there is a small pond that is being filled by the water that drops down the canyon walls. The pond has a small beach with some large stones and plants are growing near the Pond, but they are 4-5 times larger than the plants you would expect to grow here.
    And on one stone in a ray of sunlight sits a
    It is about 4 meters long and maybe half a meter high. And at the end of the canyon you see another cave entrance in the canyons wall, some meters away from the Lizard.
    A. - Hmm
  • Shall we check the cave? ??‍♂️
  • Does everybody think Raulus should try to tame the lizard since it's kin, or that's too dangerous? Otherwise Raulus will also check the cave.
    Will submit quest entry later.
  • From a meta perspective, there's probably no point considering how this campaign has gone so far. In character, Duucxejial doesn't care either way.
  • Or Archie can make the lizard think Raulus were its mother and it would do anything for its mother.
  • Getting out more time. Moving of house costs a lot of time…
  • I feel like quiting. The campaign is being stalled and stonewalled at every turn. To me I think it's like how my own campaign was when it was getting stuck. 
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 30
    "We want more freedom of choice!" - "Ok what does your character want to do?" - "Umm, i dont know."
    "We need more direction!" - "Ok, heres someone with a quest for you" - "No one tells me what to do!"
    "In this situation you could do this or that or that." - "My character will do the most stupid thing possible!" "And my character will do something magical he has never done before without explanation why he can suddenly do that!" - "Whoa wait, it doesnt work like that." - "We are being stonewalled!"
    "You are in this situation now where this rules apply for this situation" "But in the magic rules it says ..." followed by endless unnecessary discussion about rules or wordings.
    "Why cant we just know everything about this new place and have to explore and adventure at all?" "..."
    Something will happen, but hasnt happened yet: "I think whatever comes next will suck."

    Since you are obviously not interested in this campaign anymore here is the end:
    In the cave you find a glowing crystal. You use that crystal to power the portal which brings you back to Arkanion. But the portal overloaded and infused your characters with godlike power while transporting you back.
    You got several Level ups and are now level 20 mythic rare legendary planeswalkers.
    Back on Arkanion you can now use your godlike powers and play your character however you always wanted, shape the planet or reality itself to your will and do whatever you want. Your characters are the new gods of this RPG Universe and its now up to you to change it the way you want.

    THE END.

    (unfortunately these godlike powers somehow prevent you from knowing what would really have happened.)

    I tried to make this entertaining and fun for everyone, but as that didnt work its better to end here. Maybe i'll make another campaign in the future, cause theres still much that can be learned from this.
  • edited January 30
    No, please don't end here. I'm still interested. Raulus will try to tame the lizard. I still like this campaign, I think it's just finally going through what my campaign had earlier on, but I continued and my campaign is still ongoing. 

    Quest entry (Was just making this then saw your edit.):

  • If I may, and please correct me if any assumptions made henceforth are wrong:
    "We want more freedom of choice!" - "Ok what does your character want to do?" - "Umm, i dont know."
    While players can get frustrated from being railroaded or otherwise presented with non-decisions, giving them overly open-ended questions without sufficiently developing groundwork for them to base their answers upon will progress equally poorly. There may also be an issue of character motivation at play, particularly during downtime segments.
    "We need more direction!" - "Ok, heres someone with a quest for you" - "No one tells me what to do!"
    I don't recall this happening, but if it did it was perhaps another lack of character motivation. Taking the quest to repopulate Lastwood for example, the PCs were shortly thereafter presented with an already repopulated village, and one that contained hostile entities at that, negating both their preparations and their only objective. Moreover, once said hostiles were dealt with, the NPCs inhabiting the village weren't interested in gaining new residents, so the PCs completely lost all plot-based motivation. As another example, for the Scamulacrum side quest, not only was there was no apparent way for the PCs to pursue the quest (which is not necessarily bad on its own), but also none of them had or could reasonably think of any way to prevent the targets from simply escaping at will.
    "In this situation you could do this or that or that." - "My character will do the most stupid thing possible!" "And my character will do something magical he has never done before without explanation why he can suddenly do that!" - "Whoa wait, it doesnt work like that." - "We are being stonewalled!"
    Assuming this refers to the beginning of the Megantic Mountains, there's some details missing here. While the premises presented may be frustrating from the GM's perspective, they were not the source of the 'stonewalling' comment. It was merely, perhaps understandably, maddening when the PCs attempts to gather information or otherwise prepare for impending encounters consistently led to immediate dead ends, generally of the form "you learn nothing" or "you don't know and have no way to go about finding out either." It tells the players "don't investigate because details are almost certainly superficial and the GM wants you to walk blindly into all of their traps," which loops around to railroading issues.
    "You are in this situation now where this rules apply for this situation" "But in the magic rules it says ..." followed by endless unnecessary discussion about rules or wordings.

    "Why cant we just know everything about this new place and have to explore and adventure at all?" "..."

    Something will happen, but hasnt happened yet: "I think whatever comes next will suck."
    I can't find or recall any occurences of these (overall quite a few of these appear to be missing key details and/or falsely presented). In particular, assuming the last one is referring to the response to Pyria's restrictions, both the premise and conclusion are well off base. The frontliners were nerfed to the point of becoming glass, the majority of the PCs' spells were removed (including their most important ones such as restoration effects), and the majority of what they had left were effectively also removed due to the "spells might not have the intended effect" clause, which a number of players likely interpreted as "don't cast spells or the GM will either make it a waste of resources and/or screw you over for doing so." Thus it is no wonder the players may have expected the worst from any impending encounters. (Perhaps one might summarize this as an issue of overly heavy-handed tactics.)


    All that said, I'm comfortable with Duucxejial leaving this campaign as I neither believe the dragonspeaker will come across something to motivate him to keep journeying with the others in the near future nor think the encounters will become challenging, engaging, or interesting to me as an individual anytime soon. May we meet again in a future endeavor.
  • edited February 3
  • @cadstar369
    Can you tell me how to make mega walkers (4 ability planeswalkers) on MTG Design, or does it cost money? I plan to make a final planeswalker god card for Raulus along with Raulus's backstory and what he does as a god as a nice wrap-up to my character. I may include him in my other projects, now that he is no longer busy adventuring.
  • @kaoz42 the “Size” menu that appears when you choose to make a Planeswalker or Saga can be set to 3 or 4.
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