Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Archie seems isn't interested in listening his future, but he is too polite to reject the offer. Hence, he will also sit down into the pillow.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 1
    The Halfling-Woman sits down in front of the orb and stares into it. The mist inside whirls even more and you think you can see strange twisted faces or creatures inside of the orb, but you are not sure.
    "The first thing i see ... is ... that you .... will give me one gold to tell you more about your future." She smiles. "And thats not negotiable".
    A. - "Fine. Here is the gold." New Quest: Create a future version of your character!
    B. - "What? I think that orb is broken. No gold from me!" Optional Quest: Create the orb that shows the future.
  • Raulus just watches from the sidelines in amusement as the others fumble their way through the situation, remaining in the tent but not responding positively or negatively to the offer.
  • @LvB
    "Well, if you can see the future using the orb, then I will give you two Golds, one for hearings on future and another for tip. Only if you can tell who are we, name by name." The illusion mage challenged the future foreseer. He said that because no one even mentioned their own name.
  • @FireOfGolden
    I wouldn't recommend that. LvB is very likely to make it so that the fortune teller would easily meet your challenge.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 2
    As the Halfling Woman hears Archies response, she looks at him with a mischievous smile. "Wellwellwell, we have a clever one here who thinks he's smart. Hehehe, but i'll not play your games. If you don't want to know about your future, that's fine with me, its your future after all, and not mine. And if you think your future isnt worth one gold, you can wait outside, hehehe."
    A. - "Ummm, ..."
  • Raulus continues to watch, amused. He silently begins to call upon the advice of the Elder Dragons
  • edited January 2
    Archie then would proceed to walk out and stay close by enough to hear what's going on. "All you need do is to pull names out orb from an alternate timeline where party tells you their name when they meet you." That was last response before he left.
  • Eldric and Dorag, who had been a bit hesitant at first, after some thinking, seem to have decided that they want to know about their future, too and sit down on a pillow beside Duucxejial. To Eldric this seems now like a great fun, while Dorag is a bit more serious about it. They each hand one gold over to the Halfling Woman who is now waiting for Duucxejial.
    A. - Pay the one gold and reveal a bit about your future.
    B. - Leave the table.

    Optional Quest still available for everyone:
    Create the tent you are currently in as a card.

    Quest for those who pay 1 gold:
    Create a card of a future version of your character.

    Optional Quest for those who dont want to know about their future:
    Create a card of the orb that shows the future.
  • Duucxejial wordlessly hands the lady a gold coin. While divinations such as these rarely come to pass, they do possess a reasonably strong potential for inspiring tall tales.
    Golden ExalterEnigmatic Abode
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 2
    The halfling woman looks into her orb and mumbles something. The swirling mist inside starts to change its color and forms heads of dragons and turtles and humans, reptiles, dinosaurs, then into a large landscape seen from above as if flying over it and then a dark orb inside of the orb that then morphs into a twisted face that seems to scream until a spark of light inside becomes bigger and bigger and then it explodes and the orb is back to normal.
    "Woah, that was strange" the halfling woman says. Then she starts to whisper to Durag, then to Eldric and then to Duucxejial. She seems to explain what she has seen in the orb, but so silent that no one else can understand it.
    @cadstar369: check your messages.

    "Wow!" Eldric seems to be really impressed with what he heard and Durag seems to be impressed too.

    "Alright, now that this is done. Its time to leave. I will gladly accept your invitation to that little village. I think some people there could really need me. Oh, wait, you didnt ask yet, but you will have done so. Anyway, farewell until we meet again."

    You suddenly find yourself outside of a shabby tent that looks like its been here for ages. Its parts are torn and full of holes and as you look inside it is completely empty.

    A. - That was strange, lets move on.
    B. - ...
  • Raulus gets in the cart and starts it up to flying mode.
  • Utterly disappointed in the fortune telling (but not begrudging the spent coin), Duucxejial follows the others, quietly composing a more interesting version.
  • As you set the cart to flying mode you notice that its now floating only about 10 cm above ground. Seems like the flying enhancement you made isnt that permanent. However hovering is still better than driving and a lot more comfortable after all.

    After some time on the road - you cant really say how long, for its always kinda dark and so messearing time is a bit difficult - and after a lot of asking by Eldric, how long it will still take, you finally arrive at Lastwood Village. Youre maybe now 40-50 meters away from the village and you can see its silhuette now. The village itself is dark, only lit by the pale moonlight. No fires to keep away nightmonsters, but outside of the village, near its crumbling wood made walls you see a tent that looks very familiar.

    A. - Ok, here we are. Time to decide what to do now.
  • Welp, first things first; let's check on the healer.
  • Raulus will fuss the flying system, trying to use more magic to power it and summoning some of his Lizardfolk Artificer friends to help him. However, he remains alert to danger.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 4
    You move around the quiet Village towards the small tower of the healer, but as you arrive there, everything is dark and quiet and the door of the tower is locked and there is no trace of the healer.
    Raulus' magic lifts the cart up a bit, but not much. It seems like, that such makeshift improvements arent that permanent and will fade over time. Summoning a Lizardfolk Artificer requires the proper ritual, but sadly that takes some time and right now is maybe not the best moment for that.

    Optional Quest: Create a card of the tower of the village healer.

    A.- Ok. Now we will....
  • Quest submission:

    "I thought so might happen. He's probably now just one in a sea of mindless undead." Raulus growls, then prepares for combat, remaining extra alert to avoid being ambushed.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 8
    Btw. i had some time and made a map of the surroundings of Luxeria for you.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 5
    As you dont meet anyone at the tower, you carefully sneak into the village. You look around and it seems that there is a shimmer of light in some houses. But just the moment you want to investigate, from out of the houses windows something burning is thrown at you! No, not at you, near you! As the thrown burning things shatter, you realize that it must have been something like oillamps cause you are instantly surrounded by burning patches of liquid fire making you an excellent target while the enemy can hide in the dark!
    Then a voice shouts at you out of the dark: "Hold, intruders! In the name of Garold the green, baron of lastwood, drop your weapons! We have bows and crossbows aiming at you and if you dont surrender we will use them!"
    A. - Surrender? Never! Fight!
    B. - Alright, we surrender. Please dont hurt us.
    C. - Do something else ...

  • Duucxjial shrugs, having no "weapons" on hand to drop. "This humble old bard bears neither weapons nor animosity toward Lastwood's new residents. Woodlord Igar sent us to assist any efforts to rebuild the village after the attack a few days ago."
  • "We are Knightlings of Luxerian and Protectors of Lastwood, sent by Igar the Woodlord to resettle Lastwood. Had we known that already happened, we wouldn't disturb you, Great Baron Garold the Green of Lastwood." Raulus says diplomatically.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 5
    You hear whoever it is, whispering among each other and as you listen very closely you can understand a bit of what they say:
    "Whats a ... Knightling?" ... "We rule ... not them ..." ... "... a trick!" ... "... kill them." ... "But ... official ... Lastwood" ... "Luxeria ... not .... care." ... "Who ... Igar?"
    A. - And as they are busy discussing, you can do so too or you can act fast and maybe surprise them. However, whatever you decide to do, the whole party does it. So better be careful.
  • edited January 5
    The party will quietly retreat to the shadows and get a better vantage point and assess the situation.
  • edited January 5
    @kaoz42 please discuss actions and intents that force the entire party to follow rather than just blurting them out. Leaving the scene like that is most likely going to start a fight, and Duucxejial would be strongly opposed to doing so.
  • edited January 5
    They already said "kill" so I assume aggression. That is why I said that.
    EDIT: Not like I want a fight either, but I want to be in a better position if a fight happens.
  • Why you did it is irrelevant. What happened is that you tried to force three other people to do something against their will without even the slightest inclination of communication beforehand, which is not cool. On top of that, you did it so quickly that one can't even be confident that everyone in the party saw the prompt before you responded.

    That said, the party heard 'kill' as part of a sentence fragment. Assuming any more than minority aggression with no context is one of the easiest ways to get us killed, when we could just as easily avoid raising tensions any further by waiting it out. Everyone's still holding all their gear, the current residents could be bluffing, and there's clearly still room to work with since they started a conversation in the first place instead of ambushing us. We're not in any particular danger at the moment, so how about we just sit still for a moment and not make things worse?
  • edited January 5
    Alright @cadstar369 give your suggestion and we can all discuss the best thing to do that puts the party in the best possible situation. Oops, got a little too excited to control the party xD  >:) ?
  • I've already put forth my suggestion (plus brief supporting arguments) in the previous comment: we lack context on the current situation, have no guarantee they're telling the truth, and are currently not in any particular danger, therefore we should sit still and wait for them to finish chatting rather than make any sudden moves and risk instigating a fight.
  • Archie then would drinks a soda while waiting.
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