Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • At the start of our turn, the emblem pings him for 1, then the 8/8 Dragon-Blessed Dreadmaw will swing for 4 damage, slaying him. Raulus holds his actions in reserve to respond to the Baron's.
  • edited January 7
    So are we on second turn now?

    Or he is trying to escape away on his turn?
  • @FireOfGolden
    It's our second turn. He should be dead by the dinosaur and your help by now.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 7
    The emblem does 1 damage, thats halfed and then rounded down to zero.
    The baron, having shadow, can only be attacked by creatures with shadow.
    So you better get shadow or use spells, but theres also the Orb that gives the Baron shroud.
  • Hold on, an untapped permanent doesn't untap during its controller's untap step, so the Baron should neither lose his stun counter nor be able to Hide. He's also a 0/4 from Kodoku's Disdain triggering during our end step. If he can somehow Hide anyway, Duucxejial will use his third action to exile the Orb during the Baron's turn with Offer to the Ancients, proliferating the -1/-1 counters on the Baron to five and reducing him to 0/3.

    During our turn, Duucxejial will cast a second Kodoku's Disdain, putting another -1/-1 counter on the Baron and reducing him to 0/2. If nobody blasts the Baron with something like Exploding Blade or Meteor Beam, the dragonspeaker will follow up with Ancients' Invective for X=5, choosing the second mode three times and the third mode twice, which should be more than sufficient to both down the Baron and deal with whatever helped him circumvent the Static Matrix's effects.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 7
    Untapped permanents can be untapped by effects and tapped permanents can be tapped. That effect still is there, but of course doesnt do anything, unless there are effects at work that replace the tap/untap.
    Example: a spell saying "untap target creature" can be used on an already untapped creature or a spell saying "tap target creature" can be used on an already tapped creature.

    During the untap phase every of your permanents gets an untap effect, even if its already untapped. But normally it doesnt do anything.
    But removing a stun counter now is a replacement effect "instead of untapping, remove a stun counter". During the untap phase the already untapped card gets that "untap" effect, and that effect is than replaced by "instead of untapping, remove stun counter" and the stun counter is removed.
    The card stays untapped like before and the "untap this permanent" effect is replaced with "remove a stun counter".

    But, here it doesnt really matter, cause you beat The Green Baron and prevented his escape and the fight is over.
  • As that fight is over, you look around. The Green Baron is lying unconscious on the ground and his men are either unconscious or incapacitated by the rubble of the destroyed houses.
    But there is something else. You hear sobbing and whining from the destroyed houses and then you realize that there werent just the men inside that attacked you, but also women and children, and covered by dust and rubble, you also find the missing Village Healer there.
    "Please help us, some of these people are badly hurt!"
    A. - We will ...
  • @cadstar369
    Well, stun counter is a triggerable ability, not activatable ability. From that, at beginning of untap step, LvB can untap the untapped creature with a stun counter on it. Stun counter says "Whenever you would untap this creature, remove stun counter instead." And been triggered because of this way. Strange rule, I know.
  • edited January 7
    It does matter because you're trying to set a nonsensical precedent. According to 502.3 regarding the untap step:
    Third, the active player determines which permanents they control will untap. […].
    Additionally, 701.21b says: 
    To untap a permanent, rotate it back to the upright position from a sideways position. Only tapped permanents can be untapped.
    Furthermore, from 122.1d:
    One or more stun counters on a permanent create a single replacement effect that stops the permanent from untapping. That effect is “If a permanent with a stun counter on it would become untapped, instead remove a stun counter from it.”
    Therefore any action in the vein of "untap this permanent" is ignored if the permanent is already untapped since the action cannot be performed, so only tapped permanents untap (or lose a stun counter) during the untap step or any other time an effect instructs a player to untap them.

    While your example is not wrong, it does not support your argument. In those cases, since the (un)tapping is not part of a cost, it is of no consequence that the spell or ability in question involves actions that can't be performed if it were to resolve immediately.


    All that said, Duucxejial will work on tending the injured via Performing Denkeeper's Boon, beginning with the worst injured as he retells the opening chapters of an early epic, accompanied by his drum.
  • Archie will create some sodas in case if anyone needs to heal.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 7
    No, cadstar, thats wrong.
    While "To untap a permanent, rotate it back to the upright position from a sideways position. Only tapped permanents can be untapped." is right, that only refers to the action of rotating the card by 90°. Only a tapped card can be rotated back into untapped position. That is what this means. You cant rotate an untapped card back into untapped position because there is no rotation needed. The untap effect that is replaced by removing the stun counter happens before

    Its the same with "you cant tap a tapped card", because its already tapped, so you cant tap it into tapped position, since it is already there. But you can can use spells or effects that tap a card on a tapped card.

    If a player wanted to do it, he could cast 4x
    twiddle on the same creature and tap it 4x or untap it 4x. The "tap" or "untap" effect would still happen, even if the card isnt rotated, tapped, or untapped. If i have an untapped creature with 4 stun counter i could use 4x twiddle to remove all of those counters.

    It Works like this:
    Untapped card: untap phase begins -> card gets effect "untap this card" -> card doesnt untap, because it is already untapped
    With stun counter its like this:
    Untapped card with stun counter: untap phase begins -> card gets effect "untap this card" -> "untap this card" is replaced with "remove stun counter" -> card doesnt untap, because it is already untapped

    The effect "untap this card" and the action of actually untapping it, are two separate things in magic. First it gets the effect, then the action happens. And the effect can be replaced by stun counters. And for the "untap this card" and its replacement effect "remove a stun counter" to happen it doesnt matter if the card is tapped or untapped.
  • @LvB
    Raulus says "Not particularly good at healing. In the meantime, could you explain what happened and where your loyalties lie?"
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 8
    While you treat the wounds of the injured, the village healer explains, while also helping to fix the wounds:
    "After you left, a few families from other villages, that were attacked or destroyed as well, arrived here. I offered them to stay here if they wanted. But then that Green Baron arrived with his men. The Baron claimed  that this was his Village now, took the women and children as hostages and forced the men to become bandits, threatening, that if they wouldnt do as he say, he would kill their families. When i told him that i value life too much to become a bandit, he laughed and said then i can take care of the hostages at least and imprisoned me with them. Now about the loyalty i would say it lies with their families, since they dont have much else."
    And as the Village healer explains this, slowly the Baron and his men regain consciousness, but they are in no shape to fight. They just sit or lie where they are and sometimes aching sounds of pain can be heard coming from them.
    A. - We understand, but what now ? ...

    New Quest: The Village Healer has gained some experience since the last time you met. Create him as a level 5 character, using the same rules for character creation that you used for your characters. And finally: Give him a name!
    (Everyone can create an own version of the Village Healer. And as level 5 character he knows some spells, so you could share spell card creation among you if you want. Or create your very own version, however you want.)

    Hint: The last time you met he was like this.
    Hint 2: He probably didnt chose Way of the Body. But who knows? Maybe he did?
  • @LvB once again, your example is not necessarily wrong, but the conclusion is false. The untap event can't be applied to untapped permanents in the first place, and thus can't be replaced by the replacement effect generated by stun counters. See 614.17c:
    If an event can’t happen, it can only be replaced by a self-replacement effect (see rule 614.15). Other replacement and/or prevention effects can’t modify or replace it.
    An untapped permanent can't have the untap event applied to it, and stun counters do not create a self-replacement effect, therefore using Twiddle to attempt to untap an untapped permanent with a stun counter on it in the suggested manner does nothing as there is no event to replace to begin with. It does not remove a stun counter from that permanent.
  • Lets set this aside, since it doesnt really matter at the moment. Next week im at a ravnica remastered launch party event and then i'll ask the judges there about this.
  • Will be gone for a while. U can take control of my character, but please don't act contrary to what Raulus would do, i.e. charge into the fight or attack in melee when that seems like a bad idea, no giving up his sentient sword, and no depleting mana to 0 unless absolutely necessary, and no drinking consumables.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 9
    Just as Raulus points at the Green Baron and his men, a portal opens again. He tries to say something, "Da...", but its too late and Raulus gets sucked into the portal and *poof*, he's gone. For you this has already become something more or less normal, but the other people look scared and confused at where Raulus just was.
    "Don't worry, he does that from time to time", you try to calm them, but they still seem to be sceptic.
    But now, that the wounds of the injured are treated, its time to take care of the Green Baron and his men. By questioning the peaseants and the healer you found out, that the Stone Throwers are peaseants that were forced to work for the Green Baron, while the rest could be described as bandits. But what will you do with them?
    A. - They are criminals. Hang the Green Baron, the Crossbowmen and the Axethrowers in front of the village and place a sign there as a warning, that this is what happens to criminals. Spare the stone throwers, they are victims.
    B. - They didnt kill anyone here, so we should maybe not punish all of them. Hang the Green Baron as a warning, but let the rest swear an oath that they will obey the law and us now. Allow them to become Villagers.
    C. - We dont want their blood on our hands. Let the Baron and his men go, but they are never again allowed to return. And if they do it will cost them their lifes.
    D. - We could use men like them. Let them swear an oath that they will serve us now, and then allow them to stay in the village. The peaseants wont like it, but who cares about peaseants?
    E. - The Green Baron profed quite capable and showed ambition and it was only bad luck for him that we were stronger. Execute the Stone Throwers for being weak, then give the peaseants families to the Green Baron and his men and make the Green Baron the Mayor of Lastwood Village for as long as he swears to obey us. And if he doesnt we will wipe out this village together with him and everyone else here.
    F. - Something else ...

    And whatever choice you make, create a card that represents your choice.
  • Archie beileve that imprisonment is best option for Green Baron and his loyalists. There, they can learn their lessons and may attempt to become better after imprisonment.
  • Before Duucxejial offers any suggestions, do we know who exactly gave the order to attack?
  • @cadstar369
    We did hear the order, but we don't know where it came from.
  • Meanwhile, what is best AI app for creating a fantasy pictures?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 12
    The Green Baron gave that order.

    is good and you can use it for free but are limited to 15 fast creations per day. After that it takes longer to create a picture. And thx to my efforts bing is now really good at drawing giant snails, ahem ... xD
    But theres others around that work too. Sadly most of them arent for free.

  • Raulus jumps out of a portal and says to the skeptical people "It really does happen all the time. I've been researching portal magic." Raulus will wait for others' opinions before making a decision.
  • Optional Quest unlocked: Raulus may convert one existing spell that he knows into a spell of the same level and rarity but it must have to do something with portals. Create a card representing that spell.
  • Duucxejial snorts at Archie's suggestion. "Leaving that prideful fool alive will only invite more 'misunderstandings' and other excuses to cause trouble. As for the others…lacking though they may be, that can be remedied. Regardless, despite minor collateral damage, it appears our initial objective has already been accomplished."

    Quest submission for Duucxejial's Vote:
    Punish the Proud

    For the village healer:
    Anri Village HealerPotion SynthesisEase Affliction
    Curtain of MoonlightSolar ProtectionRevelation Corona
    Starlight UmbraWard of SunlightAstral Inversion

    (Art may change for these cards over the next few days.)
  • Raulus goes to Dorag and tries to convince him to get out of his shell and the fight is over. Then he addresses the Green Baron "You have sinned. For that, you shall pay. Choose your favored execution method: Death by fire, death by lifedrain, death by ice, or death by tree transformation." 
    Finally, he asks the villagers "Would you be willing to assist us with one thing? I'll tell you later in private because it's sensitive, and we might be being survived."

  • As for Archie's choice;

  • LvBLvB
    edited January 14
    The Green Baron spits out as he hears you words. "Do whatever you want. But know that no one was killed here, therefore killing me wouldnt be justice or whatever you call it. And i only did what everyone else wouldve done in this times. Take what you can get and defend what you have. Them weak peaseants couldnt defend themself even if they wanted. And if you want to keep this village, sooner or later you will need people like me."

    Dorag looks carefully out of his shell. "Is it over? Oh, we won! Thats great!"

    The Villagers happily agree to help Raulus with whatever it is he wants. They are glad that someone helped them and saved them from the Green Baron and his bandits.

    2/3 want to execute the Green Baron it seems, but you still have to find the right method.
    A. - Execute him by ...
  • Archie would thinks for a second then "How about this? I can cage Green Baron all way to his mind as a punishment rather than killing him."
  • Raulus turns to the Green Baron, amused "Adventurers aren't justicars. As for needing people like you, we already have ourselves. I repeat, choose death by fire, death by lifedrain, death by ice, or death by tree transformation." He then asks the villagers if they would be able to help him to rebel against Luxeria's oppressive racist rules. He assures them the first step does not involve danger, just securing Lastwood as a viable base of operations.
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