Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Archie also choose A option.
  • You immediately go to the Woodlords Manor, where Igar is already waiting for you. "Oh, you arrived fast. But thats good", he says as youre walking towards a room inside the manor with a big table, large chairs, a nice fireplace that radiates heat and with some food and drinks on the table. As you all take a seat, Igar continues speaking.
    "Now, this may seem strange to you, but as you know the Elves and Dwarves are the new Nobility now and have revoked all former titles and such." He scratches his head. "All but mine, to be correct. As it seems, not being interested in politics is apparently good to gain or keep titles. All i ever cared for was to have enough wood here to keep the fires burning that drive away the worst and largest Nightmonsters. But now the Elves and Dwarves decided that "Woodlord" is still an official title and that i should continue my work. Good thing is, that way the city will probably not be overrun by Nightmonsters anytime soon. Bad thing is, everyone will think that i somehow conspired with the Elves and Dwarves and so i'll be probably be assasinated sooner or later." He spits into the fire.
    "But, thats not your problem. Now why you are here is simple. An Elf was here and told me that you must leave this city immediately. He said it has something to do with the dwarfes who will be searching the city house by house tomorrow. And he also told me that you need a good reason to leave and something convincing that increases your status and to impress the dwarves.
    So the reason is easy. As Woodlord i order you to rebuild Lastwood Village. Find people who are willing to live there and rebuild it. Once the Village is repopuled the people there will have to provide wood for the fires of this city. And since i can only give orders to people of this city, i hereby name you all "Knightling of Luxeria", which, since there are no official titles anymore, at least for non-Elves and non-Dwarves, is a title i just made up, but it should be enough to impress the dwarfes.
    And once you have found some people for Lastwood, or while searching for them, your orders are to find things that can provide light for this city. Doesnt have to be wood. Anything that can produce light will work i suppose.
    A. - "Knightling", eh, sounds ... impressive ... i guess. Thank you.
    B. - Any Ideas where we could find people or light producing things?
    C. - We must get some equipment from the market first, before leaving
    D.- There is something else ...
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus growls "I hate to have to work with those accursed Tel'Quessir, as they call themselves, and how can I trust the Tel'Quessir after all the lies they made up to excuse their crimes." "Regardless, I agree to the plan on the following condition: We are allowed to bring items and creatures that are potentially harmful with us, and nothing will be confiscated. We should also be allowed to go through the slums and "lesser race" parts of the city to look for possible immigrants to Lastwood."
  • Duucxejial raises a brow at the false title. What an easily misinterpreted phrase. Are the elves trying to get us killed already?

    "I doubt there's going to be many interested in rebuilding a destroyed village on the edge of those woods. Where exactly do you think we're going to find people for this?"
  • Archie tilts his head "Who or what destroyed the village through?"
  • "A horde of zombies allegedly led by some unknown creature. Does it really matter at this point?"
  • Raulus replies to Duucxejial "Perhaps my lizardfolk kin who reside in the slums and other slum-dwellers. I have devoted some time to the workings of charisma, so perhaps with the party's combined efforts, and not interference from the hatchling Eldric, we might be able to succeed. I'm bringing my anti-elf furniture golem with me regardless."
  • bad news. I'll be out for some time...
  • We can make a break over the christmas days. Or continue with Eldric replacing you till youre back.
  • I'd like to continue if possible, since it seems like one or two of us have things that can be safely explored while smax765 is away.
  • edited December 2023
    Same with me, except that Rarg acts as an NPC controlled by the rest of the group. I do not want Eldric replacing Rarg, both because it seems odd, and because my character disdains Eldric.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    Igar thinks for a while, about what you said and your demands. "Hmm, i personally dont mind how you handle this and who you invite to Lastwood Village, or how you rebuild it. But i doubt that you will find people here in this city who want to go there. Most people are happy to be here in the city where its safe, instead of outside in the darkness. Maybe you could find some desperate ones who have nothing to lose or criminals who want to start new, but i dont recommend building a village with such people.
    However i think i have the perfect solution to give you as much freedom in Lastwood as you want. I name you Guardians of Lastwood - which is a title i also just made up - but it puts you above the common people you invite. And as Lastwoods nobility you can then decide whats best for the village and its people and basically do there, whatever you want.
    Now with the Villagers, as i said you can try to find some here in the city, but its not likely that you will find honest hard working people here who want to leave.
    Then you could look in Lastwood Forest, if theres people living there who want to be Villagers. I've heard rumours that the number of plant monsters in the forest is increasing and that its getting more and more dangerous day by day.
    Then, you could try the Soulless Swamp, but thats a place of death and despair, so i doubt that many people live there. And those who do could be of questionable character.
    Then there is the Megantic Mountains, North of Lastwood Forest. Luckily a Portal leads there. But i have no idea who or what might live there.
    Last there are the Intelligent Islands. Theres rumours that the islands are the topside of an underwater creature that is sleeping for thousands of years. But, im afraid you cant go there. After a group of Gnomes and some adventurers left the city by ship, a few days later that area of the sea was harassed by bad weather and storms and the storms didnt stop yet. Ive heard that the gnomes could be responsible for the storms as they dont want anyone else on the islands they call theirs now.
    Oh, and i forgot, theres more portals you can explore that lead to strange places far away, but i dont know their location. You will have to find them by yourself."
    Eldric interferes: "I know where some of them portals around Lastwood Village are, but never used them!"
    A. - Ok, we will then ...
  • Duucxejial shrugs. "Looks like there's nothing to be done but see how much further things have deteriorated in our 3~4 day absence."


    (Shall we also roll a charisma check for Raulus's suggestion as we leave? I don't think any of the other party members are interested in helping him though…)
  • edited December 2023
    Raulus will attempt to use his best charismatic skills and  uniting language as we leave. (Well, I didn't name Raulus "the Uniter" for no reason.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    Since the Dwarves will be searching the city tomorrow - and what they are searching for is probably you - you have only some hours left, so you better start immeditately with whatever you want to do and with preparations you have to make.

    So Raulus goes to find some new villagers.
    Rargh is suddenly missing and you are not really, sure where he went, but he will probably come back in time.
    Eldric could prepare a cart with things you maybe need.

    So, until you leave, what are the plans of Archie and Duucxejial? Its a big city after all and whatever you want do do, it will most likely be possible.

    A. - We want to ...
    B. - I have more questions for Igar about this.
  • With little better to do, Duucxejial will wander around the market for a little while.
  • Archie will follow Duucxejial around, looking for something to buy.
  • Raulus especially targets lizardfolk and draconids, since he has the most kinship with them, but really anyone agreeable will do. He takes the anti-elf furniture golem with him.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    Raulus goes to the lesser race district and holds a rousing speech there about the chances and opportunities that a new live in a small village will bring and how good it will be there, but not many people are interested. But at least he finds two Snakelike creatures who claim to be fisherman and who want to try to build some ponds with fishes near the village. Their names are Hsszztztt and Szzzsssxsxs or something like that.

    As Duucxejial is wandering around the market he spots a particular interesting merchant that is selling used stuff from adventurers who "dont longer need their gear".
    He has even prepared some backpacks containing different useful items.
    A backpack of adventuring gear contains:
    A Crowbar, a Beartrap, a lamp+oil, 10 candles, a pouch filled with rations for 5 days, a 30 feet rope, a bedroll and a blanket, a shovel and a metal waterbottle.
    And it only costs 3 gold.

    He has several of these adventuring backpacks lying around. Either a lot of adventurers have retired lately or suffered a fate much worse.

    A. - Ok ...
  • @LvB
    Raulus tries harder, and even tries to individually persuade slum-dwellers with the notion that they can use the village as a base to eventually be able to launch a rebellion against the dwarves and elves. If that still fails, Raulus will use his newly gained portal magic to teleport both him and Hsszztztt and Szzzsssxsxs to the market, unless that's too far.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    As Raulus is starting to speak about rebellion, the people quickly disappear and go home and within moments he finds himself alone on the streets. Hsszztztt and Szzzsssxsxs are gone too, seems like they dont want to risk their lives for a rebellion. And the portal magic seems to be more or less unstable, meaning sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt or will produce strange effects. Right now it doesnt work. Maybe Raulus is to distracted at the moment.
    A. - Dang. That didnt work. No fishing ponds for the Village in the near future then. Time to ...
  • None of those items seem particularly useful to the dragonspeaker, and the whole kit is both expensive and too much baggage, so he'll keep looking around if there's still time.
  • Archie will return back then try to build a scroll that casts an illusion.
  • edited December 2023
    Hold on a second there. I didn't say I made a rebellion speech. I just said that I would use it if all else failed, but not neccesarily to everyone at once, especially not to Hsszztztt and Szzzsssxsxs. Please do read my actions more carefully.
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    As soon as Raulus mentioned his plans about rebellion, even if its just eventually in the future, he lost all the people. They value their own lifes higher and dont really care who is in control of the city. And Hsszztztt and Szzzsssxsxs heard it too and therefore left.

    Meanwhile Archie tries to create a scroll.
    Optional Quest: Create a scroll that is able to cast a level 2 uncommon spell or a level 1 common spell that casts an illusion.

    Duucxejial keeps exploring the market and then he sees an item, almost hidden behind other stuff at a merchant who seems to sell only useless scrap and is ignored by other customers.
    New Quest: Create the item that Duucxejial found at the merchant. Duucxejial may buy that item for 2 gold.
  • @LvB
    How's this one?

    Scrolls are meant to be used once, so when I played this card then it resolves. It disappears to the air. When Instants and Sorceries enters the battlefield, they are put onto the stack because their abilites does something. When their abilites finishes, the spell resolves then is put into graveyard.
    @cadstar369 will that work?
  • @FireOfGolden Scroll of Knowledge seems needlessly convoluted. There's no need to keyword "exile ~" to the Scroll subtype when doing so neither saves space nor denotes something particularly mechanically notable and/or complex. In the interest of keeping things compact, I've put the rest into the spoiler below.
    As far as I can tell, something like this would work just as well:
    Scroll of Knowledge [no mana cost; blue color identifier]
    Instant – Scroll

    {2}, Discard a blue card, Exile Scroll of Knowledge from your hand: Search your library for a blue instant card with mana value 2 or less and cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle.
    This form is not only significantly simpler, but also has the benefit of keeping the Scroll subtype free of unnecessary reminder text. If you want the scroll to be cast, you can use something like this instead:
    Scroll of Knowledge [no mana cost; blue color identifier]
    Instant – Scroll

    You may cast this spell by paying {2} and discarding a blue card.

    Search your library for a blue instant card with mana value 2 or less and cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle. Exile Scroll of Knowledge.
    Of course, if you're going that route, it seems a little strange for it to have no mana cost, so these would likely make more sense:
    Scroll of Knowledge {1}{u}
    Instant – Scroll

    As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard a blue card.

    Search your library for a blue instant card with mana value 2 or less and cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle. Exile Scroll of Knowledge.

    ~~~ OR ~~~

    Scroll of Knowledge {1}{u}
    Instant – Scroll

    You may discard a blue card. If you do, search your library for a blue instant card with mana value 2 or less and cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle. Exile Scroll of Knowledge.
    In any case, you'd either have to add a restriction on what spells you can find (as per the prompt), or you can just uphold the restriction in character (which is both easier and keeps the card simple).
  • LvBLvB
    edited December 2023
    Or you could make the scroll a artifact with:

    Casting cost: B
    B, Tap: Search your library for an illusion spell that costs up to 2 mana and put it into your hand. Sacrifice Scroll of knowledge.

    As Raulus is standing on the empty street, grumbling about the coward people that flee as soon as they hear the word "rebellion" he sees movement in a shady corner of the street. Curious he goes there and then he sees a turtle-shaped humanoid creature, that is waving his hand, meaning that Raulus should come closer. As he does, the stranger begins to whisper "He, friend, better be careful what you say here. These streets have ears and eyes and you dont want to draw the attention of the dwarves. For some reason i dont know they are quite pissed and only looking for an excuse to beat people up. Personally, i have nothing against a good rebellion, but you have to be careful to whom you speak about it. Now what you said sounded interesting to me and i would like to join you. I dont really care about rules and your village could be a nice place for people to live free and as they want. Im good at gathering information and could provide you with interesting opportunities from time to time. Now what do you say? Want me to join?"
    A.- Welcome aboard!
    B. - No way!

    Optional Quest for Raulus:
    If you chose A, create a shady turtle anarchist NPC creature and give it a name. It should have an ability that has something to do with gathering information and providing opportunities.

  • @LvB
    Raulus chooses A, then. "Well, thanks, I guess. At least one other reptile is not gonna just stand by and get oppressed. Do you happen to know why my portal magic is not working right now? I've been practicing for months."
    Here's Dorag the turtle anarchist:

  • @LvB strange wording aside, your suggestion for the scroll is the farthest so far from satisfying the prompt. (Btw, why do you have it costing black mana to cast and activate?)

    Here's Duucxejial's new trinket:
    Static Matrix
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