Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited January 15
    The Green Baron refuses to chose anything.
    The Villagers, though being thankful, dont seem very eager to do anything against the much bigger city of Luxeria. And as long as they can live in peace in the village they dont really seem to care about who rules Luxeria. They care more about their own life than about those who live in the city, but isnt that how it always is?
    A. - Grmbl ...
  • Duucxejial raises a brow at Archie's suggestion, responding in a low voice so only Archie hears. "You do realize how cruel it is to leave him irrevocably crippled? The baron has done nothing so serious, and seeing him like that would negatively impact the villagers. Let us execute him and be done with it; no need for excessive grandeur when a blade will suffice."

    The dragonspeaker later snorts at Raulus's words, half-turning to address the villagers. "Do ignore him. He tries this everywhere he goes despite invariably failing miserably. If I might ask something more relevant: would you like to see this village grow? Part of our mission was to find new residents to repopulate the area, but it appears there are plenty of you already."

    If Raulus is still waffling about the baron's method of death, Duucxejial will slay the baron unceremoniously, burying him in the village graveyard (or wherever else the healer deems appropriate). He also suggests we leave Rarg and Eldric in the village if we're still going to head out to look for other potential residents.
  • Before Duucxejial can react, Raulus grabs the Baron and thrusts him into the local tavern, tying him up for interrogation, and stopping all attempts to slay him. He then turns to the villagers "Fine. If I can't get help from fearful peasants, I'll get my kin to help me. I shall also request aid from dragons." Raulus uses his sword and his spell "Summon the Wyrm" to summon:

    His dragon patron. Then he casts Dragon-Blessed Dreadmaw. Finally, he begins a ritual to squad by squad, call a reptile army.
  • "Find somewhere else to play revolutionary you delusional numbskull! Stop trying to drag countless innocents into your impotent lunacy! The only thing you'll 'accomplish' at this rate is getting yourself and everyone around you killed!"


    @kaoz42 if I may, why are you so intent on playing a completely different game from everyone else?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 15
    There is also no local tavern left. After your fight with the bandits and the destruction of the three houses, all that remains is houses for the peaseants. The rest of the village sadly is in ruins now, more or less.

    Actually Lastwood Village has:
    The Healers Tower in front of the village.
    An ominous tent that you totally ignored so far.
    Three old houses were the inhabitants actually live.
    An old windmill that needs repair/renovation.
    An overgrown old abandonded mine.
    Seven houses that are ruins and need to be completely rebuilt.

    New Quest: Rebellious Raulus
    Handle the Reptilious Rebellion however you want.
    A. - Reptilious Rebellion? Sounds like a bad conspiracy theory. Ah well anyway ...
  • Raulus snorts."You think I'll start a war just like that? You'd be wrong. We could use some extra manpower." He says to Duucxejial. Then he turns to the already assembled reptilian soldiers "First, let's rebuild the tavern. We cannot start a war just like that." He then addresses the normal villagers "Mind if you help the soldiers rebuild your village tavern?" After that, he continues summoning more reptiles.
    I'm getting a little bored and tired of the racist oppression. I'll keep cool for now and stay out of an actual war so as to not kill off everyone.
  • Duucxejial sighs. Why do I keep wasting my breath on this whelp…

    If the villagers are done being healed, Duucxejial will check the tent with mild disinterest. (He suspects he knows what, or rather who, is inside, but he might as well check since he has nothing better to do and nothing else has caught his eye.)
  • Raulus will also head to the tent because he has decided it would be better to stop amassing an army for now.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 16
    Raulus' summoned reptilians try to rebuild the tavern and after a while the villagers help them. Unfortunately from time to time a reptilian spontaneously unsummons and is gone. As this becomes quite dangerous the reptilians are soon tasked only with minor works where it doesnt matter if they suddenly disappear.

    As you reach the tent, which seems somewhat familiar, you hear a voice from inside: "Ah, there you are, come in, come in and let me tell you something about your past and about now!"
    Curious you go into the tent, and indeed, it is the same tent you were in before. In the middle of the tent is the table with the crystal orb and a halfling woman that seems familiar as well, is already waiting for you. But, this time, she seems to be younger than before, or maybe it is the light here, who knows.
    "Come, sit down, and for only 1 gold i will tell you about your past and give you even more advice for free then!"
    A. - [Pay 1 gold]. Ok!
    B. - Na, not interested.
    C. - Something else...

    Is Archie going to the tent too, to hear about his past ?
  • Raulus says "Do you still do future predictions? I happen to already know my past. I will pay the gold for future predictions." (@LvB If I can get the same future character quest for 1 gold, I will pay. Otherwise... Nothing.)
  • "What do you ...? Oh, of course. No i dont do future predictions, that is ... But that doesnt matter. However, i can try to look into your other past where you had a certain person take a look at your future and tell you about that past and its future prediction. But that will cost you 2 gold."
    A. - ...
  • Archie isn't interested in hearing about his past.
  • Raulus sighs "Ah well, might as well." He hands the halfling 2 gold, leaving him at 4 gold.
  • After the previous telling's letdown, Duucxejial has no interest in this farce.
  • The halfling woman looks into her orb and mumbles something. The swirling mist inside starts to change its color and forms heads of dragons and turtles and humans, reptiles, dinosaurs, then into a large landscape seen from above as if flying over it and then a dark orb inside of the orb that then morphs into a twisted face that seems to scream until a spark of light inside becomes bigger and bigger and then it explodes and the orb is back to normal.
    "Woah, that was strange" the halfling woman says. Then she turns to Raulus and explains: "You have an interesting alternative past. It showed me that you met an oracle there, that told you about your future. And in that future you lost gold to another, almost identical oracle. Very strange indeed. It almost seems like, though being different to this past, those alternative realities always lead to the same future. Or the same now? Is the future now? But there is more that i have seen that is happening right now. I have seen a wounded man in the wilderness. He is wearing torn clothing in green and brown and he seems to be close to this village. But as i say this, he is moving away, almost as if he wants to avoid something here. Maybe his fate, that he barely escaped?"
    A. - Oh really. How interesting!
    B.  - I think we forgot something, or someone, better check ...
    C. - Uh oh ...
    D. - Something else ...
  • Any verbal response Duucxejial has to this turn of events is largely predicated on Raulus's reaction, otherwise the dragonspeaker is uninterested in it.
  • edited January 19
    Raulus says "Ah, the Great Prophecy. I was never familiar with it, but all I know is it is a confounding maze of possible futures and alternate realities. But perhaps the wounded man is the Green Baron who somehow got out of his grave after the Dragon speaker slew him. Oh wait, I remember. There indeed was some figure named the Verdant Baron in the Great Prophecy when I was still training for swordplay. I overheard some draconian prophets."
  • Duucxejial snorts. "Oh? How fanciful. I recall you snatched the baron away for no discernible reason, so he is very much alive at the moment."
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 19
    New Quest for everyone:
    Create a card that has to do - image, or text, or both - with someone who barely escaped a dangerous situation.
  • @cadstar369
    Wait, I wrote that because I thought that because there was no tavern, the Baron got killed anyway. ?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 20
    Duucxejial tried to kill him, Raulus prevented it, then tried to bring him to the tavern but it was in ruins. Now while you were at the tent, the baron, left alone under the watchful eyes of the villagers who are trying to rebuild the tavern and are being disturbed by despawning lizardfolk, maybe didnt watch him that well.
    A. - We should really go check if the green baron is gone.
    B. - He's not that important, lets do something else.
    C. - Before we do anything else, lets go back to the peaseants and organize this village a bit and give people tasks.

    An Advice: Dont use so called "power moves" like "i kill him" "i prevent that and do that instead". Its better if you use things like "I will try to kill him" or "i will try to prevent that". Then we could find a way to determine who is successful and what actually happens.
  • edited January 20
    Raulus will wait for others then act accordingly. Looks like the citizens of Luxeria can't be helped. There goes another free settlement falling prey to oppression.
  • Surely Raulus can clean up his own mess if he's willing to instigate so much other tomfoolery, so Duucxejial has no intention to participate in any pursuit of the baron. That said, he also has no motivation to suggest any of the other available courses of action at the moment, so perhaps he'll find somewhere to practice his craft while keeping the others within earshot.


    @LvB I'm very curious as to what kind of system you intend to use to facilitate the resolution of conflicting actions/intentions, considering there's little to no existing framework to work with at the moment. ?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 20
    Since Raulus and Duucxejial are not really interested in doing anything at the moment its about Archie to decide some things for this village.
    You go back to the peaseants that are repairing the tavern and gather everyone there. As expected, the green baron is gone.
    "Listen, everyone!", you explain: "As we are Knightlings of Luxeria and have been chosen as the guardians of Lastwood Village, we will rebuild this village, together with you, and we will provide protection while we are here. Now there is some things that must be organized. First, rebuilding the tavern was a good idea. Surely it will attract more people. But we still need someone to run the tavern. Therefore we have decided that:
    A. - Squire Eldric should be the Innkeeper
    B. - Anri the Village Healer should be the Innkeeper
    C. - Dorag the Anarchist should be the Innkeeper
    D. - Archie should be the Innkeeper and while he is away he should be represented by ...
    E. - No Innkeeper at the moment. Let one of the Peaseants do it.
    F. - Something else.

    Next thing is the Name of this Village. We have decided
    A. - To rename it to: ...
    B. - That it should keep its name.

    Then, once the Tavern is finished, the next building that the Villagers should build is:
    A. - Repair the old Windmill.
    B. - Repair the abandonded Mine.
    C. - Tear down Ruin Number ... and then build there a ... [Think of something useful]
    D. - Something Else...

    And last. What should we do with the bandits we spared? (Crossbowmen+Axemen)
    A. - We need more food for more people. They should be peaseants.
    B. - Food is good, but since they can fight, make them hunters.
    C. - Let them patrol the area around the village to increase safety.
    D. - Something else.

    Should Raulus and Duucxejial want to vote too, they are of course allowed to. Majority Decides

    Ruins 4 is being rebuilt and converted into a tavern at the moment.

    New Quest for everyone:
    Create a card of the Tavern of Lastwood Village.
  • "I can run the inn, I have some experience." Archie said, he would look at Anri to ask her; "If party allows, I would like you to represent for me when I am away." 

    Archie then look at the party, "We should build shelters for the people first before we do anything. Crossbowmen and Axemen can help with building shelter."
  • Duucxejial’s current lack of motivation to pursue any of the previously suggested courses of action (mostly due to lacking any relevant objective) is different from having no input on the situation. While he has no objection to Archie being the innkeeper if he so desires, it would be better for someone other than Anri to take over while Archie is absent, since Anri likely both lacks experience in the role and also already has enough work as the healer. As for matters of rebuilding, would it not be more useful for the people to decide them, since they’re going to be the ones living here? (They also never answered Duucxejial’s question.) The dragonspeaker also suggests the bandits should perform whatever role they function best in, whether that be as hunters, farmers, or something else.

    (Duucxejial votes for 1D, 2B, 3D, 4D. He may have other dialogue with the villagers based on their reactions.)

    By the way, who is making this reiterative speech? Archie? (I’m mildly confused since we’ve told the villagers most of that already and it doesn’t necessarily seem to be in character for anyone in the party to be saying such things at the moment.)

  • LvBLvB
    edited January 20
    As you ask the people what they would build next if they could choose, they agree upon that it would be very good to have a local brewery in the village to provide enough healthy beer and wine for everyone.
    The former bandits are equally skilled in whatever you decide them to be.
    A. - There is probably a reason why peaseants shouldnt decide such things.
  • Raulus will vote for 1D, 2B, 3D, and 4D. He thinks some former bandits should do each of every job needed. He has no preference on what should be rebuilt first, and sends some lizards in full equipment after the Green Baron with a Dragon-Blessed Dreadmaw to help them with its superior smell.
  • If these people are truly as equally unskilled, untalented, unintelligent, and lacking in even the slightest personal inclinations as stated and implied, I fear this village will cease to function once the party leaves no matter how much it develops, which leaves me wondering how it functioned before the campaign began, as well as post-attack before the baron arrived. That's all personal concern though; Duucxejial could hardly care less about those with such weak will to survive. ??‍♂️

    Quest entries:
    Flee the SceneEvanescent Inn
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 21
    You agree upon that Archie should be the Innkeeper, but youre not so sure if Anri, the Village Healer is a good Innkeeper while Archie is away. But maybe time will tell.
    Lastwood Village keeps its name.
    But what to build next after the tavern/inn is built, youre not so sure. Archie prefers more houses, while the rest is undecided.
    Considering the former bandits you are also not sure and so some become peaseants/builders, some hunters and some patrol the area.

    Since Dorag the Anarchist has nothing to do at the moment, he decides to stay near the pond and look for travellers to gather information.

    But what now? Building the tavern will take some time until its finished, which you could use to find more Villagers or to explore the area.

    A. - Move north and explore the Gloomwood Forest (again).
    B. - Move east and explore the Soulless Swamp.
    C. - Move west and take the portal to the Megantic Mountains.
    D. - Move further west and explore the ruins of destroyed villages, smaller cities and castles on the coast.
    E. - Something else.

    Btw. if there is a quest for everyone to create a card, it means that everyone should create a card and not only one player and then the quest is done. After the first player has created a card for such a quest, the rest can still create cards for it and post it here.
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