Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited January 26
    Archie will follow Duucxejial by.

    Are there any remaining quests I missed?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    As Duucxejial and Archie jump into the portal, the rest does so too. After what feels like an eternity, but was maybe only some seconds, you step out of the portal and find yourself in another cave. This cave is clearly carved out artificially and the portal here on this side looks a bit different. It is made of big rough blocks of stone, with the same strange glowing runes, but the main difference is, that the portal here is bigger and its sized about 10x10 meters. And you dont see any kind of activation crystal on this side.
    After the last one of you jumps out of the portal it closes, but it doesnt become totally dark. There is glowing dust everywhere in this cave and in about ~200 meters you can see a ring of light. That could be the caves exit.
    A. - Hmm....
  • Archie will follow the light.
  • Setting aside his curiosity about the implications this portal's size might have on travel in the other direction, Duucxejial would like to collect some of the glowing dust to investigate later, then follow Archie at a safe distance in case something goes horribly wrong.
  • While Archie cursiously walks towards the light and Duucxejial collects some of the glowing dust, the rest of the group, who have arrived meanwhile follow them. As you reach the caves exit, which is in case the source of the light, you take a look out of the cave. The cave itself is located in the wall of a small but high canyon at a height of about 10 meters. The canyons height itself is at least 100-200 meters but its only about 5 meters wide. The air is cold and water is dripping down on some parts of the canyons walls. And as you look up the canons walls you can see a small string of blue sky. On the ground of the canyon the water has formed a small stream that flows slowly towards the canyons exit which you can not see yet, because the canyon itself makes some twists and turns.
    A.- Hmm...
  • @cadstar369
    "Well, if we were to get to there, we should climb up and see what's up ahead. After all, the walls-like are enough close to each other to perform wall climb. What do you think, Duucxejial? We do that or just wander through canyon that may be a maze?"
  • Raulus will send a rock to fly over the canyon to see if flight is possible (Using magic.)
    Will submit entry later.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    I dont remember that Raulus knows any spells that summon a Rock. What spell exactly are you casting?
  • "I wouldn't call that sort of gap 'close,' nor is there really much room to get lost, but perhaps I have an alternative…" The dragonspeaker Performs Call the Whelps, calling a few of the younger local dragons to inquire about the area in exchange for a story or two.
  • @LvB
    Isn't this area full of rocks? Oh well. Raulus will send some glowing dust across instead, using magic to keep it afloat in the air.
  • @kaoz42 I'm guessing the issue is not whether there's any rocks to use, but rather justifying/explaining Raulus's sudden telekinetic abilities when he's shown no inclinations toward such magic.
  • Archie is just an illusion mage, he is only strong when there are a few people around. At this point, he is just an emotional support.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    @kaoz: I thought you meant a "Rock" Bird.

    As you try to cast your magic you find out, that it is very stressing and exhausting and that all spells of level 5 and lower dont work here and will just fizzle.

    New "plane trait" detected: You cannot cast spells spells of level 5 or lower.

    But while walking towards the caves exit you noticed something else that is strange. Gravity here - if your character knows what gravity is - is lower than on Arkanion. Therefore your character can move easier, faster and can jump higher than usual. Also if you are falling for some reason, you fall slower than usual. That might be useful here.

    And while you are still wondering whats going on here, suddenly there is movement in the canyon and you see a Snow Goat walking slowly and relaxed through the canyon, from time to time gnawing on some plants or taking a sip of water.

    But as you watch closer, something isnt right, you just cant say what exactly.

    A. Climb down into the canyon.
    B. Try to climb up the high canyon walls.
    C. Watch the Snow Goat.
    D. - Hmm....

  • edited January 27
    Welp, with no apparent creatures or landmarks in sight, Duucxejial will head back a moderate distance inside to spend some time investigating the glowing dust.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    Ah cadstar, we posted/edited at almost the same time.

    "You can feel weak magic from the glowing dust. Thats probably the reason why it glows. But you cant really say what material it was before it became dust."
  • edited January 27
    The dust has no properties other than "luminescent" and "weakly magical of indeterminate nature"? Disappointed, Duucxejial intends to watch the snow goat's surroundings for a while in case a predator comes along to snatch it. If nothing happens, he will consider scouting the area.

    Edit: What exactly do you mean by 'fizzle' in the Bounce ability? It's not a defined game mechanic, and the closest thing I can find to a working definition wouldn't make sense here.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    fizzle: Doesnt do anything. Has no effect.
    Its usually used if you cast a spell, but the spells target is gone when the spell resolves, then it "fizzles". The "bounce" ability tries to recreate that. Someone casts a spell, but the Goat bounces away and the spell misses its target and "fizzles".

    Without a laboratory you cant really do much with the dust. A proper examination would need some alchemistical equipment or a magical laboratory.
  • edited January 27
    That's still not well-defined. Do you mean "is countered" like Kira, Great Glass-Spinner, or something else entirely? If the latter, what in particular is happening to the Snow Goat? (E.g. Snow Goat becomes an illegal target for some reason, Snow Goat becomes a missing target for some reason, etc. This matters because it may affect what happens with the rest of a spell's effects.)

    Edit: nvm, wrote this before the previous comment's edit. It appears what you intend is something like "The first time Snow Goat becomes the target of a spell or ability each turn, it gains shroud from that spell or ability," which is vastly different from what the card seems to imply at first glance.
  • @cadstar369
    I think it's informal term that means a spell or ability fails to resolve.

    But the wording here looks wrong on last ability, it should go this way;

    For each turn, whenever Snow Goat becomes target of first spell or ability, that fizzles. (Remove all fizzled spells and abilities from the stack.)

    but, I prefer;

    For each turn, whenever Snow Goat becomes target of a spell or ability for first time, counter it.
  • Archie, feeling light in his body, will attempt to climb up more.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 27
    As Archie climbs up, you begin to think if this is really a good idea. Now, at only 20 meters above ground it already seems far away and theres still 100-200 meters to climb and though youre lighter than normal, falling down at such a height would still be deadly.
    As Duucxejial watches the Snow Goat it behaves like you would expect such an animal would behave. Its careful about its surrounding while feeding on the plants and drinking some water from time to time. And as it wanders around and comes closer, you begin to realize how large it is.
    A. - ...
  • edited January 27
    Raulus will investigate the Snow Goat by observing it intently while keeping a safe distance so as to not be charged by it.
    Quest entry:

  • LvBLvB
    edited January 28
    As the Snow Goat comes closer to the cave it suddenly stops and looks at you. It must have noticed you! But then it continues on its way through the canyon, maybe because it doesnt think that you are a threat.
    And thats probably because the Snow Goat is about 7-8 meters long and 5-6 meters tall.

    Another "plane trait" detected: Everything in the megantic mountains is larger than normal.
  • Welp, with neither danger apparent nor points of interest in sight nor plot devices forthcoming…what happens with the aforementioned scouting effort?
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 28
    Hu? What scouting efforts? Archie tries to climb up the walls of the canyon, Duucxejial went back into the cave to investigate the Dust and Raulus is observing the Snow Goat.
    A. - Climb down into the canyon and follow the water
    B. - Watch Archie climbing up the wall and wait for his inevitable fall into certain death.
    C. - Do something else...
  • edited January 28
    In a previous post Duucxejial mentioned intent to scout should nothing happen while observing the Snow Goat. (This was immediately after the dust was declared impossible to investigate.) Nothing has happened (and the Snow Goat is now out of the picture), thus Duucxejial would like to scout the area.
  • edited January 28
    Raulus yanks Archie back up, then also scouts the area, looking for anything of the least interest. That said, what are we even supposed to do here?
  • Your main task is still to find more people for Lastwood Village, rebuild it and find light producing things for Luxeria.
  • Allow me to ask a slightly different question then: what actions must the PCs take in order to not be immediately stonewalled at every turn?
  • @LvB
    +1 to cadstar.
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